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cerreal-maven-plugin from group com.cerner.ccl.testing (version 2.1)
A plugin used to generate reports of test outcomes and code coverage by tests executed by the CCL Testing Framework and through the maven-ccl-plugin
Artifact cerreal-maven-plugin
Group com.cerner.ccl.testing
Version 2.1
Last update 02. February 2019
Tags: reports maven generate test code through used framework plugin executed outcomes tests coverage testing
Organization not specified
License not specified
Dependencies amount 9
Dependencies maven-reporting-api, doxia-sink-api, maven-reporting-impl, plexus-utils, plexus-component-annotations, maven-plugin-annotations, slf4j-api, jakarta.xml.bind-api, jaxb-impl,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Group com.cerner.ccl.testing
Version 2.1
Last update 02. February 2019
Tags: reports maven generate test code through used framework plugin executed outcomes tests coverage testing
Organization not specified
License not specified
Dependencies amount 9
Dependencies maven-reporting-api, doxia-sink-api, maven-reporting-impl, plexus-utils, plexus-component-annotations, maven-plugin-annotations, slf4j-api, jakarta.xml.bind-api, jaxb-impl,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
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