All Downloads are FREE. Search and download functionalities are using the official Maven repository. Maven / Gradle / Ivy

The newest version!
 * Copyright (C) 2013 Andrey Chaschev.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.


import bear.console.AbstractConsole;
import bear.console.AbstractConsoleCommand;
import bear.console.ConsoleCallback;
import bear.core.Role;
import bear.core.SessionContext;
import bear.core.except.ValidationException;
import bear.session.*;
import bear.task.SessionRunner;
import bear.task.Task;
import bear.task.TaskResult;
import bear.vcs.CommandLineResult;
import chaschev.lang.Predicates2;
import chaschev.util.Exceptions;
import org.eclipse.aether.version.InvalidVersionSpecificationException;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import java.util.*;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

import static;

 * @author Andrey Chaschev [email protected]
public abstract class SystemSession extends Task> implements AbstractConsole {
    public static final String THROW_ON_ERROR = "THROW_ON_ERROR";
    private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SystemSession.class);
    public static final Splitter LINE_SPLITTER = Splitter.on("\n").trimResults();

    protected Address address;

    protected OSInfo osInfo;

    SystemSession(Task parent, SystemEnvironmentPlugin.SystemSessionDef definition, SessionContext $) {
        super(parent, definition, $);

    protected abstract > T sendCommandImpl(AbstractConsoleCommand command);

    public > T sendCommand(AbstractConsoleCommand command) {
        Task> task = $.getCurrentTask();


        T result = sendCommandImpl(command);

        task.onCommandExecutionEnd(command, result);

        return result;

    public > T run(Script script) {
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(1024);

        for (CommandLine line : script.lines) {
            if (line.isDefaultDir() && !script.isDefaultDir()) {

            final CommandLineResult result = sendCommand(line);


            if(!result.ok()) {
                T r = script.parseResult(sb.toString(), $, script.firstLineAsText());

                return (T) r.copyFrom(result);

        return script.parseResult(sb.toString(), $, script.firstLineAsText());

    public > T sendCommand(CommandLine commandLine) {
        return sendCommand((AbstractConsoleCommand) commandLine);

    public CommandLine line(Script script) {
        return newCommandLine(script);

    public CommandLine line() {
        return newCommandLine();

    public Script script() {
        return new Script(this);

    public Script plainScript(String text) {
        return plainScript(text, false);

    public Script plainScript(String text, boolean sudo) {
        CommandLine line = new Script(this)

        if (sudo) {
        } else {

        return line.addRaw(text).build();

    public CommandLine newCommandLine() {
        return newCommandLine(CommandLineResult.class);

    public CommandLine newCommandLine(Script script) {
        final CommandLine line = newCommandLine(CommandLineResult.class);


        return line;

    public abstract > CommandLine newCommandLine(Class aClass);

    public String capture(String s) {
        return capture(s, false);

    protected String capture(String s, boolean sudo) {
        CommandLineResult result = captureResult(s, sudo).throwIfException();

        if (result.nok()) return null;

        return result.output;

    public String capture(String s, ConsoleCallback callback) {
        return captureBuilder(s).sudo(false).callback(callback).run().throwIfError().output;

    public CaptureBuilder captureBuilder(String s) {
        return new CaptureBuilder($, s);

    public CommandLineResult captureResult(String s, boolean sudo) {
        ConsoleCallback callback = sudo ? sshPassword($) : null;

        return captureBuilder(s).sudo(sudo).callback(callback).run();

    public abstract String getAddress();

    public DownloadResult download(String path) {
        return download(Collections.singletonList(path), new File("."));

    public DownloadResult download(List paths, File destParentDir) {
        return download(paths, SystemEnvironmentPlugin.DownloadMethod.SCP, destParentDir);

    public abstract DownloadResult download(List paths, SystemEnvironmentPlugin.DownloadMethod method, File destParentDir);

    public abstract Result sftp(String dest, String host, String path, String user, String pw);

    public abstract Result upload(String dest, File... files);

    public DirsBuilder mkdirs(String... dirs) {
        return$, dirs);

    public PermissionsCommandBuilder permissions(String... paths) {
        return new PermissionsCommandBuilder>($, paths);

    public abstract WriteStringBuilder writeString(String str);

    public abstract String readString(String path, String _default);

    public abstract boolean exists(String path);

    public abstract String readLink(String path);

    public RmBuilder rm(String... paths) {
        return RmBuilder.newRm($, paths);

    //make it link(dest).toSource(path)
    public LinkOperationBuilder link(String destLinkPath) {
        return CopyOperationBuilder.ln(destLinkPath, $);

    public CopyOperationBuilder copy(String from) {
        return CopyOperationBuilder.cp(from, $);

    public CopyOperationBuilder move(String src) {
        return, $);

    public Set getRoles() {
        return getDefinition().getRoles();

    public String getName() {
        return address.getName();

    public String getDesc() {
        return getDefinition().description;

    public String diskRoot() {
        return isUnix() ? "" : "c:";

    public String joinPath(Object... varsAndObjects) {
        return Joiner.on(dirSeparator())
            .join(Variables.resolveVars($, varsAndObjects))
            .replace("//", "/")
            .replace("/./", "/")
            .replace("//", "/");

    public String joinPath(Iterable varsAndObjects) {
        return joinPath(Iterables.toArray(varsAndObjects, Object.class));

    public char dirSeparator() {
        return isUnix() ? '/' : '\\';

    public List lsQuick(String path) {
        return ls(path).run().throwIfException().lines;

    public LsBuilder ls(String path) {
        return new LsBuilder($, path);

    public void zip(String dest, String... paths) {
        zip(dest, Arrays.asList(paths));

    public abstract void zip(String dest, Collection paths);

    public UnzipCommand unzip(String zipPath) {
        return new UnzipCommand($, zipPath);

    public abstract String newTempDir();

    public abstract boolean isUnix();

    public abstract boolean isNativeUnix();

    public Result scp(String dest, String... paths) {
        return scp(dest, null, paths);

    public abstract Result scp(String dest, String[] args, String... paths);

    public Result scpFrom(SessionContext srcSession, String dest, String[] args, String... paths) {
        String prefix = ((SshAddress) srcSession.address).toScpString();

        String[] fullPaths = new String[paths.length];

        for (int i = 0; i < paths.length; i++) {
            String path = paths[i];
            fullPaths[i] = prefix + path;

        return scp(dest, args, fullPaths);

    public CommandLineResult resetFile(String logPath, boolean sudo) {
        return script().line().sudo(sudo).sshCallback($).addRaw("cat /dev/null >| ").a(logPath).build().run();

    private FileSizeBuilder fileSize(String path) {
        return new FileSizeBuilder($, path);

    public long fileSizeAsLong(String path) {
        return fileSize(path).asLong().run().throwIfException().longValue;

    public String fileSizeAsString(String path) {
        return fileSize(path).asString().run().stringValue;

    //TODO this should be temporary and redesigned
    public static interface OSHelper {
        String upstartCommand(String service, String command);

    public static class OSInfo {
        public final UnixFlavour unixFlavour;
        public final UnixSubFlavour unixSubFlavour;
        public final org.eclipse.aether.version.Version version;
        public final OSHelper osHelper;

        public OSInfo(UnixFlavour unixFlavour, UnixSubFlavour unixSubFlavour, org.eclipse.aether.version.Version version) {
            this.unixFlavour = unixFlavour;
            this.unixSubFlavour = unixSubFlavour;
            this.version = version;

            switch (unixFlavour) {
                case CENTOS:
                    osHelper = new OSHelper() {
                        public String upstartCommand(String service, String command) {
                            return "initctl " + command + " " + service;
                case UBUNTU:
                    osHelper = new OSHelper() {
                        public String upstartCommand(String service, String command) {
                            return "service " + service + " " + command;
                    throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

        public OSHelper getHelper() {
            return osHelper;

    protected OSInfo computeUnixFlavour() {

//        versionScheme.parseVersion();

        try {
            final String text = capture("cat /etc/issue");

            if (text == null) return null;

            UnixFlavour flavour = null;
            UnixSubFlavour subFlavour = null;
            org.eclipse.aether.version.Version version = null;

            if (text.contains("CentOS")) {
                flavour = UnixFlavour.CENTOS;
                subFlavour = UnixSubFlavour.CENTOS;

                String versionLine = Iterables.find(LINE_SPLITTER.split(text), Predicates2.contains("CentOS"));
                Matcher matcher = Pattern.compile("release\\s+([^\\s]+)").matcher(versionLine);

                if (!matcher.find()) {
                    throw new ValidationException("could not parse OS version: " + versionLine);

                version = Versions.VERSION_SCHEME.parseVersion(;
            } else if (text.contains("Ubuntu")) {
                flavour = UnixFlavour.UBUNTU;
                subFlavour = UnixSubFlavour.UBUNTU;

                Matcher matcher = Pattern.compile("Ubuntu\\s+(\\d+\\.\\d+)").matcher(text);

                if (!matcher.find()) {
                    throw new ValidationException("could not parse OS version: " + text);

                version = Versions.VERSION_SCHEME.parseVersion(;
            } else {
                throw new UnsupportedOperationException("todo support: " + text);

            return new OSInfo(flavour, subFlavour, version);
        } catch (InvalidVersionSpecificationException e) {
            throw Exceptions.runtime(e);

    public OSInfo getOsInfo() {
        if (osInfo == null) {
            osInfo = computeUnixFlavour();

        return osInfo;

    public SystemEnvironmentPlugin.PackageManager getPackageManager() {

        //todo move into os info
        switch (getOsInfo().unixFlavour) {
            case CENTOS:
                return new YumPackageManager(this);
            case UBUNTU:
                return new AptPackageManager(this);
                throw new UnsupportedOperationException("todo support" + getOsInfo() + " !");

    protected TaskResult exec(SessionRunner runner) {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException("todo .exec");

    public abstract boolean isRemote();

    private static class YumPackageManager extends SystemEnvironmentPlugin.PackageManager {

        private YumPackageManager(SystemSession sys) {

        public CommandLineResult installPackage(PackageInfo pi) {
            String desc = pi.toString();

            String packageName = pi.getCompleteName();

            return installPackage(packageName, desc);

        public CommandLineResult installPackage(String packageName) {
            return installPackage(packageName, packageName);

        public CommandLineResult installPackage(String packageName, String desc) {
            final CommandLineResult result = sys.sendCommand(
                sys.line().timeoutForInstallation().sudo().a(command(), "install", packageName, "-y"));

            final String text = result.output;

            if (text.contains("Complete!") ||
                text.contains("nothing to do")) {

            if (result.getResult().nok()) {
                logger.error("could not install {}", desc);

            return result;

        public String command() {
            return "yum";

    private static class AptPackageManager extends SystemEnvironmentPlugin.PackageManager {
        private AptPackageManager(SystemSession sys) {

        public CommandLineResult installPackage(PackageInfo pi) {
            String desc = pi.toString();

            String packageName = pi.getCompleteName();

            return installPackage(packageName, desc);

        public CommandLineResult installPackage(String packageName) {
            return installPackage(packageName, packageName);

        public CommandLineResult installPackage(String packageName, String desc) {
            final CommandLineResult result = sys.sendCommand(
                sys.line().timeoutForInstallation().sudo().a(command(), "install", packageName, "-y"));

            final String text = result.output;

            if (text.contains("is already the newest version")) {

            if (result.getResult().nok()) {
                logger.error("could not install {}", desc);

            return result;

        public String command() {
            return "apt-get";

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