es.rickyepoderi.wbxml.document.WbXmlEncoder Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
* Linking this library statically or dynamically with other modules
* is making a combined work based on this library. Thus, the terms and
* conditions of the GNU General Public License cover the whole
* combination.
* As a special exception, the copyright holders of this library give
* you permission to link this library with independent modules to
* produce an executable, regardless of the license terms of these
* independent modules, and to copy and distribute the resulting
* executable under terms of your choice, provided that you also meet,
* for each linked independent module, the terms and conditions of the
* license of that module. An independent module is a module which
* is not derived from or based on this library. If you modify this
* library, you may extend this exception to your version of the
* library, but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish
* to do so, delete this exception statement from your version.
* Project: github.com/rickyepoderi/wbxml-stream
package es.rickyepoderi.wbxml.document;
import es.rickyepoderi.wbxml.definition.IanaCharset;
import es.rickyepoderi.wbxml.definition.WbXmlAttributeDef;
import es.rickyepoderi.wbxml.definition.WbXmlAttributeValueDef;
import es.rickyepoderi.wbxml.definition.WbXmlDefinition;
import es.rickyepoderi.wbxml.definition.WbXmlExtensionDef;
import es.rickyepoderi.wbxml.definition.WbXmlTagDef;
import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.OutputStream;
import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
* The encoder class is the object to encode a Java WbXmlDocument object
* into a real WBXML stream. The encoder is the symmetric class to the parser,
* the methods are more or less the same but for encoding and writing instead of
* parsing and reading.
* The encoder follows the WXML format specification explained in the
* open alliance document.
* This class has different methods to encode all the objects in this
* package although it is intended to only call main method encode().
* The WBXML specification defines a string table (strtbl) that is
* written at the beginning of the document but, if used, it is filled
* during the later processing of elements. So if the strtbl is used two
* passes are needed (one to encode everything and determine the strtbl
* contents, and the second to really write the stream). For that reason
* the encoder has three types of processing:
* - StrtblType=NO. This way not strtbl is used, the document is directly
* written to the final stream and if (for some reasons) the strtbl is needed,
* it throws an exception. So here only one pass is needed.
* - StrtblType=IF_NEEDED. Second and more conservative way of processing
* the document, the strtbl is not used (no STR_T strings are used) but if for
* some reason it is needed (missing tag or whatever) it is done. The idea
* is the encoder uses another ByteArrayOutputStream in the first pass, and
* if strtbl is not used the whole bytes are dumped into the real stream,
* is it was used a second real encoding process is performed.
* - StrtblType=ALWAYS. The strtbl is always used (instead of normal STR_I
* the STR_T strings are used). The processing is exactly the same of the
* previous type but here almost always the second pass will be needed.
* @author ricky
public class WbXmlEncoder {
* Logger for the class.
protected static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(WbXmlEncoder.class.getName());
* Initial length of the auxiliary ByteArrayOuputStream.
static private final int BYTE_ARRAY_INITIAL_LENGTH = 1024;
* Maximum value of a mb_u_int32.
static private final long MAX_UNSIGNED_INT = (((long)Integer.MAX_VALUE) * 2) + 1;
* The StrtvlType is the type of encoding the encoder is going to perform
* in relation with the String Table use.
public enum StrtblType {
* The Strtbl is never used (STR_I strings used). If, for some reason,
* the strtbl is needed a exception is thrown. Only one pass is done.
* The Strtbl is only used if needed (STR_I strings still used). An
* initial auxiliary ByteOutputStreamWriter is used in a first pass.
* The strtbl is used for all strings (STR_T). As in the previous
* type the auxiliary ByteOutputStreamWriter is used at first pass.
* The output stream used to perform the encoding process.
private OutputStream os;
* Property to save the real in case of a first pass needed (IF_NEEDED and ALWAYS).
private OutputStream realOs;
* The page attr state parser property.
private byte pageAttrState;
* The page tag state parser property.
private byte pageTagState;
* The document enconded to a WBXML stream.
private WbXmlDocument doc;
* The type of the encoding process.
private StrtblType type;
* Boolean property that marks if the strtbl is used. This is used to
* check if a second pass is needed or the byte array can be directly dumpled.
private boolean strtblUsed;
* Constructor of the encoder based in the output stream and the document
* to encode. The default type is IF_NEEDED.
* @param os The output stream to write the WBXML document
* @param doc The document to encode
public WbXmlEncoder(OutputStream os, WbXmlDocument doc) {
this(os, doc, StrtblType.IF_NEEDED);
* Constructor based in the three elements: output stream, document
* and the type of used of the strtbl.
* @param os The output stream to write the WBXML document
* @param doc The document to encode
* @param type The type of encoding to use (strtbl).
public WbXmlEncoder(OutputStream os, WbXmlDocument doc, StrtblType type) {
this.pageAttrState = 0x00;
this.pageTagState = 0x00;
this.type = type;
this.strtblUsed = false;
this.realOs = os;
this.os = os;
this.doc = doc;
* Getter for the charset of the document.
* @return The charset of the document
protected Charset getCharset() {
return this.doc.getCharset().getCharset();
* Getter for the type of the encoder.
* @return The type or way of encoding.
public StrtblType getType() {
return this.type;
* Getter for the charset of the document.
* @return The IANA charset the document is using.
public IanaCharset getIanaCharset() {
return this.doc.getCharset();
* Getter for the strtbl of the document.
* @return The strtbl of the document
public WbXmlStrtbl getStrtbl() {
return doc.getStrtbl();
* Getter for the definition of the document.
* @return The definition of the document.
public WbXmlDefinition getDefinition() {
return doc.getDefinition();
* Method that checks if the strtbl has been marched as used. It is called
* when exported in the first pass.
* @return true if the strtbl has been marked as used
protected boolean isStrtblUsed() {
return strtblUsed;
* Setter for the strtbl as used. It is called form the WbXmlStrtbl object
* when a string is added.
protected void setStrtblUsed() {
this.strtblUsed = true;
* Method to reset the encoder to perform a second pass or a second
* encoding process. A encoder is used only for one document, if you need
* to encode a second document, create a second encoder.
public void reset() {
this.pageAttrState = 0x0;
this.pageTagState = 0x0;
this.strtblUsed = false;
* Method that writes a bite in the stream.
* @param b The byte to write
* @throws IOException Some error writing to the stream
public void write(byte b) throws IOException {
write(new byte[] {b});
* Method that writes a byte array in the stream.
* @param b The byte array to write
* @throws IOException Some error writing the stream
public void write(byte[] b) throws IOException {
write(b, 0, b.length);
* Method that write a byte array but starting from a specified index
* and with a specified length.
* @param b The byte array to write
* @param start The start index to write
* @param length The length to write
* @throws IOException Some error writing the stream
public void write(byte[] b, int start, int length) throws IOException {
this.os.write(b, start, length);
* WBXML specification presents mb_u_int32 integers in a very strange
* way in order to safe space. The way they are encoded is explained in
* the chapter 5.1. Multi-byte Integers of the specification.
* A multi-byte integer consists of a series of octets, where the most
* significant bit is the continuation flag and the remaining seven bits
* are a scalar value. The continuation flag indicates that an octet is not
* the end of the multi-byte sequence. A single integer value is encoded
* into a sequence of N octets. The first N-1 octets have the continuation
* flag set to a value of one (1). The final octet in the series has a
* continuation flag value of zero (0). The remaining seven bits in each
* octet are encoded in a big-endian order, e.g., most significant bit
* first. The octets are arranged in a big-endian order, e.g., the most
* significant seven bits are transmitted first. In the situation where the
* initial octet has less than seven bits of value, all unused bits must be
* set to zero (0). For example, the integer value 0xA0 would be encoded
* with the two-byte sequence 0x81 0x20. The integer value 0x60 would be
* encoded with the one-byte sequence 0x60.
* @param value The value to write as a multi-byte integer
* @throws IOException Some error writing the mb_u_int32
public void writeUnsignedInteger(long value) throws IOException {
if (value > MAX_UNSIGNED_INT) {
throw new IOException("Maximun unsigned integer value reached");
byte[] octets = new byte[5];
octets[4] = (byte) (value & 0x7f);
value >>= 7;
int i;
for (i = 3; value > 0 && i >= 0; i--) {
octets[i] = (byte) (0x80 | (value & 0x7f));
value >>= 7;
int start = i + 1;
//System.err.println("start: " + start + " length: " + (5 - start));
write(octets, start, 5 - start);
* The WBXML format specification defines two states for a parser/encoder
* machine. The states deals with the page code, one state is used for tags
* and the other for attributes. When a tag or attribute comes if it
* is from the same page code that the state is no switch page is written.
* Nevertheless if the tag is from other page a switch page token should
* be written in order to change the state (there are two states and they
* are independent, that is why the parser have to page codes, for tags
* and for attributes). This states are explained in the chapter
* 5.8.1. Parser State Machine of the specification.
* This method is always a new attribute or attribute value is written,
* the method writes the switch page if the page changes. The state parser
* for attributes is updated with the new page.
* @param page The page of the attribute token
* @throws IOException Some error writing to the stream
public void writeSwitchPageAttribute(byte page) throws IOException {
if (pageAttrState != page) {
pageAttrState = page;
* The WBXML format specification defines two states for a parser/encoder
* machine. The states deals with the page code, one state is used for tags
* and the other for attributes. When a tag or attribute comes if it
* is from the same page code that the state is no switch page is written.
* Nevertheless if the tag is from other page a switch page token should
* be written in order to change the state (there are two states and they
* are independent, that is why the parser have to page codes, for tags
* and for attributes). This states are explained in the chapter
* 5.8.1. Parser State Machine of the specification.
* This method is always a new tag token is written,
* the method writes the switch page if the page changes. The state parser
* for tags is updated with the new page.
* @param page
* @throws IOException
public void writeSwitchPageTag(byte page) throws IOException {
if (pageTagState != page) {
pageTagState = page;
* Generic method to write strings to the stream. Depending the type of
* enconding STR_I (inline) or STR_T (reference) strings are used. If type
* is NO or IF_NEEDED inline strings are used, if ALWAYS reference one are
* written.
* @param s The string to write to the stream
* @throws IOException Some error writting the string
public void writeString(String s) throws IOException {
if (StrtblType.ALWAYS.equals(type)) {
} else {
* A inline string (STR_I) is a string that is appended to the document
* (as part of an attribute value or part of a content string). It is just
* defined as follows:
* inline = STR_I termstr
* termstr = charset-dependent string with termination
* The inline string is just a STR_I token follow by the string
* (charset dependent) terminated in 0x00 token. The strings format are
* specified in the chapter Strings of the specification.
* So this method writes the STR_I token and the charset dependent
* string array and the final 0x00.
* @param s The string to write in the stream as STR_I
* @throws IOException Some error writing to the stream
public void writeInlineString(String s) throws IOException {
* A refrence string is a string which is in the string table and it is
* referenced in some part of the document. The refernce string is defined
* as follows by the specification:
* tableref = STR_T index
* index = mb_u_int32 // integer index into string table.
* A refrence string is just the STR_T token followed by the index
* to the string table. That index is a multi-byte integer. This method
* adds the string to the table (getting the index) and then writes
* the token and the index obtained. The method addString() throws an
* exception if the table cannot be used.
* @param s The string to write as reference (STR_T) string
* @throws IOException Some error writing to the stream or strtbl cannot be used
public void writeReferenceString(String s) throws IOException {
long idx = doc.getStrtbl().addString(this, s);
* This method writes the string in the stream. The string is transformed in
* a byte array using the document charset (IANA) and after that a 0x00 mark
* is written. This method is used to write string in the strtbl and as
* inline (STR_I) strings. The string is defined in the specification as follows:
* termstr = charset-dependent string with termination (0x00)
* @param s The string to write to the stream
* @throws IOException Some error writing to the stream
public void writeTableString(String s) throws IOException {
write((byte) 0x00);
* Method that writes a opaque data byte array. An opaque data is just
* defined by the specification as follows:
* opaque = OPAQUE length *byte
* The opaque is just the OPAQUE token follow by the length of the array
* and the array itself. This method should be called from opaque plugins
* when the data is calculated.
* @param data The opaque data byte array to write
* @throws IOException Some error writing to the stream
public void writeOpaque(byte[] data) throws IOException {
* The tag when encoding a WBXML document should be processed to mark if
* it has attributes and/or content. It is explained in the chapter
* 5.8.2. Tag Code Space.
* A TAG when writing should be marked in its 6 and 7 most significant bits
* as the specification determines:
* - 7 (most significant). Indicates whether attributes follow the tag
* code. If this bit is zero, the tag contains no attributes. If this bit
* is one, the tag is followed immediately by one or more attributes.
* The attribute list is terminated by an END token.
* - 6. Indicates whether this tag begins an element containing content.
* If this bit is zero, the tag contains no content and no end tag. If this
* bit is one, the tag is followed by any content it contains and is
* terminated by an END token.
* - 5 - 0. Indicates the tag identity.
* this method converts the tag read from the specification marking 7
* and 6 bit depending if the attribute has or not attributes and contents.
* @param tag The tag read from the language definition (5-0 bits)
* @param hasAttributes true if the element has attributes, false if not
* @param hasContent true if the element has contents, false if not
* @return The tag with 6 and 7 bit correctly set
static public byte processTag(byte tag, boolean hasAttributes, boolean hasContent) {
if (hasAttributes) {
tag |= WbXmlLiterals.TAG_ATTRIBUTES_MASK;
if (hasContent) {
tag |= WbXmlLiterals.TAG_CONTENT_MASK;
return tag;
* If a tag has no correspondence to any known token in the language
* definition it should be expressed using a literal tag. The tag to use
* differ if the element has attribute and/or contents.
* In chapter 5.8.2. Tag Code Space the specification talks
* about those literals: The globally unique codes LITERAL, LITERAL_A,
* LITERAL_C, and LITERAL_AC represent unknown tag names. (Note that the
* tags LITERAL_A, LITERAL_C, and LITERAL_AC are the LITERAL tag with the
* appropriate combinations of bits 6 and 7 set.) An XML tokeniser should
* avoid the use of the literal or string representations of a tag when a
* more compact form is available.
* This method return the appropriate literal to use depending
* if the element has attributes and/or contents.
* @param hasAttributes true if the element has attributes, false if not
* @param hasContent true if the element has contents, false if not
* @return The appropriate literal to use
static public byte processLiteralTag(boolean hasAttributes, boolean hasContent) {
if (hasAttributes && hasContent) {
return WbXmlLiterals.LITERAL_AC;
} else if (hasContent) {
return WbXmlLiterals.LITERAL_C;
} else if (hasAttributes) {
return WbXmlLiterals.LITERAL_A;
} else {
return WbXmlLiterals.LITERAL;
* Main method of the encoder object. This is the method that should be
* called when encoding a document. The whole document is encoded in the
* Output Stream passed in the constructor. This is the method that,
* depending the strtbl type of processing, performs one or two passes.
* @throws IOException Some error writing the document to the stream
public void encode() throws IOException {
if (StrtblType.NO.equals(this.type)) {
// not use tblstr, strtbl generates an exception if used
this.os = this.realOs;
} else {
// maybe it needs two passes, uses a byte array output stream
ByteArrayOutputStream bos = null;
try {
log.log(Level.FINE, "Performing first pass using a byte array");
bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(BYTE_ARRAY_INITIAL_LENGTH);
this.os = bos;
if (this.strtblUsed) {
// second pass needed cos strtbl was used, now using real os
// reset the decoder to restart with correct pages
log.log(Level.FINE, "Performing second pass into real stream cos strtbl used");
os = realOs;
} else {
// second pass not needed => just bulk write the full bytes
// into the real output stream
log.log(Level.FINE, "Dumping byte arrays cos strtbl not used");
realOs.write(((ByteArrayOutputStream) os).toByteArray());
} finally {
if (bos != null) {
this.os = null;
* Method that encodes the version. The version is defined in the
* specification as follows:
* version = u_int8 // WBXML version number
* The version encoding/parsing chapter is the 5.4. Version Number:
* All WBXML documents contain a version number in their initial byte. This
* version specifies the WBXML specification version. The version byte
* contains the major version minus one in the upper four bits and the minor
* version in the lower four bits. For example, the version number 1.3 would
* be encoded as 0x03, and version number 2.7 as 0x17.
* @param version The version to write
* @throws IOException Some error writing to the stream
public void encode(WbXmlVersion version) throws IOException {
byte v = (byte) (((version.getMajor() - 1) << 4) | (version.getMinor()));
* method that encodes the string table to the stream. The string
* table is defined as follows:
* strtbl = length *byte
* And the chapter 5.7. String Table explains how the string
* table is used and encoded. The table is just the length of itself and
* a byte array with all the strings defined in the strtbl. The strings
* are just charset dependent byte arrays 0x00 terminated. Later references
* in the document to the strings in the table are done using the
* relative starting idex of the string in the table.
* @param strtbl The string table to write
* @throws IOException Some error writing to the stream
public void encode(WbXmlStrtbl strtbl) throws IOException {
// write the size of the strtbl
if (strtbl.getSize() > 0) {
// iterate over all the strings in the table
// they are ordered cos it is stored in a TreeMap
for (long idx: strtbl.getIndexes()) {
* Method that encodes the whole document to the stream. The method writes
* the different elements that compounds a WBXML document, following
* the specifications are the following:
* start = version publicid charset strtbl body
* publicid = mb_u_int32 | ( zero index )
* zero = u_int8 // with a 0x0 value
* index = mb_u_int32 // integer index into string table.
* charset = mb_u_int32
* So the method starts writing the five element one after the other.
* @param doc
* @throws IOException
public void encode(WbXmlDocument doc) throws IOException {
// write the fixed data
if (doc.getDefinition().getPublicId() == WbXmlDefinition.PUBLIC_ID_UNKNOWN
&& !StrtblType.NO.equals(type)
&& doc.getDefinition().getXmlPublicId() != null) {
// unknown wbxml public id => write the xml public id using strtbl
long idx = doc.getStrtbl().addString(this, doc.getDefinition().getXmlPublicId());
} else {
// write normal number or unknown if NO strtbl is used
if (doc.getCharset() != null) {
} else {
* Method that encodes a element into the output stream. The element is
* defined in the specification as follows:
* element = ([switchPage] stag) [ 1*attribute END ] [ *content END ]
* stag = TAG | (literalTag index)
* So the method writes the tag or literal (depending it is defined
* in the language definition or not) and the the attributes and contents
* are encoded.
* @param element The element to encode to the stream
* @throws IOException Some error writing to the stream
public void encode(WbXmlElement element) throws IOException {
// get the tag for this element
WbXmlTagDef def = getDefinition().locateTag(element.getTag());
if (def != null) {
// found stag => normal encoding
// switchPage
// stag
!element.isAttributesEmpty(), !element.isContentsEmpty()));
} else {
// unknown tag => literal used
log.log(Level.WARNING, "Using literal TAG in element: {0}", element.getTag());
write(WbXmlEncoder.processLiteralTag(!element.isAttributesEmpty(), !element.isContentsEmpty()));
long idx = getStrtbl().addString(this, element.getTag());
if (!element.isAttributesEmpty()) {
// 1*attributes
for (WbXmlAttribute attr : element.getAttributes()) {
encode(element, attr);
// END
if (!element.isCompacted()) {
if (!element.isContentsEmpty()) {
// *content
for (WbXmlContent content : element.getContents()) {
OpaqueContentPlugin plugin = getDefinition().locateTagPlugin(element.getTag());
if (plugin != null) {
plugin.encode(this, element, content);
} else {
// END
* Method that encodes a content into the output stream.
* The content is defined in the specificatiosn as follows:
* content = element | string | extension | entity | pi | opaque
* string = inline | tableref
* inline = STR_I termstr
* tableref = STR_T index
* extension = [switchPage] (( EXT_I termstr ) | ( EXT_T index ) | EXT)
* entity = ENTITY entcode
* entcode = mb_u_int32
* opaque = OPAQUE length *byte
* pi = PI attrStart *attrValue END
* The opaque one is not treated here (see encode(WbXmlElement) but all
* the rest of possibilities are treated here.
* @param content The content to write to the output stream
* @throws IOException Some error writing to the stream
public void encode(WbXmlContent content) throws IOException {
if (content.getElement() != null) {
} else if (content.getString() != null) {
WbXmlExtensionDef extDef = getDefinition().locateExtension(content.getString());
if (extDef != null) {
} else if (content.isEntity()) {
} else {
} else if (content.getPi() != null) {
encode(null, content.getPi());
* Encode an attribute value using the attr values defined in the
* definition.
* @param value The value to write
* @throws IOException Some error writing to the stream
public void encodeAttributeValue(String value) throws IOException {
WbXmlAttributeValueDef valueAttrDef = getDefinition().locateAttributeValue(value);
if (valueAttrDef != null) {
// it is an attribute value
} else {
WbXmlExtensionDef extDef = getDefinition().locateExtension(value);
if (extDef != null) {
} else {
* Method that encodes a complete attribute into the output stream. An
* attribute is defined in the specifications as follows:
* attribute = attrStart *attrValue
* attrStart = ([switchPage] ATTRSTART) | (LITERAL index )
* attrValue = ([switchPage] ATTRVALUE) | string | extension | entity | opaque
* string = inline | tableref
* inline = STR_I termstr
* tableref = STR_T index
* index= mb_u_int32 // index in the attr table
* extension = [switchPage] (( EXT_I termstr ) | ( EXT_T index ) | EXT)
* entity = ENTITY entcode
* entcode = mb_u_int32 // UCS-4 character code
* opaque = OPAQUE length *byte
* So the method tries to follow the specification.
* @param element The element the attr belongs to (null in case of PI)
* @param attr The attribute to write into the stream
* @throws IOException Some error writing to the stream
public void encode(WbXmlElement element, WbXmlAttribute attr) throws IOException {
// search the best attribute definition
String firstValue = null;
if (!attr.isValuesEmpty()) {
firstValue = attr.getValue(0);
// write attrStart
WbXmlAttributeDef def = getDefinition().locateAttribute(attr.getName(), firstValue);
if (def != null) {
// tag exists
} else {
// literal
log.log(Level.WARNING, "Using literal TAG in attribute: {0}", attr.getName());
long idx = getStrtbl().addString(this, attr.getName());
// compact the value string using attribute values or extensions
if (!attr.isCompacted()) {
attr.compact(this, def);
// write attrValues
boolean first = true;
for (String v: attr.getValues()) {
if (first && def != null && def.getValue() != null) {
v = v.substring(def.getValue().length());
if (v.isEmpty()) {
first = false;
OpaqueAttributePlugin plugin = null;
if (def != null ) {
plugin = getDefinition().locateAttrPlugin(def.getNameWithPrefix());
if (plugin != null) {
plugin.encode(this, element, attr, v);
} else {
first = false;
* Method that encodes the body of a document. The body is as follows:
* body = *pi element *pi
* @param body The body to write into the stream
* @throws IOException Some error writing to the stream
public void encode(WbXmlBody body) throws IOException {
for (WbXmlAttribute pi: body.getPrePis()) {
encode(null, pi);
for (WbXmlAttribute pi: body.getPostPis()) {
encode(null, pi);