shapeless.ops.nat.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
* Copyright (c) 2011-16 Miles Sabin
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package shapeless
package ops
import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.reflect.macros.whitebox
import scala.language.experimental.macros
object nat {
* Type class witnessing that `B` is the predecessor of `A`.
* @author Miles Sabin
trait Pred[A <: Nat] extends Serializable { type Out <: Nat }
object Pred {
def apply[A <: Nat](implicit pred: Pred[A]): Aux[A, pred.Out] = pred
type Aux[A <: Nat, B <: Nat] = Pred[A] { type Out = B }
implicit def pred[B <: Nat]: Aux[Succ[B], B] = new Pred[Succ[B]] { type Out = B }
* Type class witnessing that `C` is the sum of `A` and `B`.
* @author Miles Sabin
trait Sum[A <: Nat, B <: Nat] extends Serializable { type Out <: Nat }
object Sum {
def apply[A <: Nat, B <: Nat](implicit sum: Sum[A, B]): Aux[A, B, sum.Out] = sum
type Aux[A <: Nat, B <: Nat, C <: Nat] = Sum[A, B] { type Out = C }
implicit def sum1[B <: Nat]: Aux[_0, B, B] = new Sum[_0, B] { type Out = B }
implicit def sum2[A <: Nat, B <: Nat, C <: Nat]
(implicit sum : Sum.Aux[A, Succ[B], C]): Aux[Succ[A], B, C] = new Sum[Succ[A], B] { type Out = C }
* Type class witnessing that `C` is the difference of `A` and `B`.
* @author Miles Sabin
trait Diff[A <: Nat, B <: Nat] extends Serializable { type Out <: Nat }
object Diff {
def apply[A <: Nat, B <: Nat](implicit diff: Diff[A, B]): Aux[A, B, diff.Out] = diff
type Aux[A <: Nat, B <: Nat, C <: Nat] = Diff[A, B] { type Out = C }
implicit def diff1[A <: Nat]: Aux[A, _0, A] = new Diff[A, _0] { type Out = A }
implicit def diff2[A <: Nat, B <: Nat, C <: Nat]
(implicit diff : Diff.Aux[A, B, C]): Aux[Succ[A], Succ[B], C] = new Diff[Succ[A], Succ[B]] { type Out = C }
* Type class witnessing that `C` is the product of `A` and `B`.
* @author Miles Sabin
trait Prod[A <: Nat, B <: Nat] extends Serializable { type Out <: Nat }
object Prod {
def apply[A <: Nat, B <: Nat](implicit prod: Prod[A, B]): Aux[A, B, prod.Out] = prod
type Aux[A <: Nat, B <: Nat, C <: Nat] = Prod[A, B] { type Out = C }
implicit def prod1[B <: Nat]: Aux[_0, B, _0] = new Prod[_0, B] { type Out = _0 }
implicit def prod2[A <: Nat, B <: Nat, C <: Nat, D <: Nat]
(implicit prod: Prod.Aux[A, B, C], sum: Sum.Aux[B, C, D]): Aux[Succ[A], B, D] = new Prod[Succ[A], B] { type Out = D }
* Type class witnessing that `Out` is the quotient of `A` and `B`.
* @author Tom Switzer
trait Div[A <: Nat, B <: Nat] extends Serializable { type Out <: Nat }
object Div {
def apply[A <: Nat, B <: Nat](implicit div: Div[A, B]): Aux[A, B, div.Out] = div
import LT._
type Aux[A <: Nat, B <: Nat, C <: Nat] = Div[A, B] { type Out = C }
implicit def div1[A <: Nat]: Aux[_0, A, _0] = new Div[_0, A] { type Out = _0 }
implicit def div2[A <: Nat, B <: Nat](implicit lt: A < B): Aux[A, B, _0] =
new Div[A, B] { type Out = _0 }
implicit def div3[A <: Nat, B <: Nat, C <: Nat, D <: Nat]
(implicit diff: Diff.Aux[Succ[A], B, C], div: Div.Aux[C, B, D]): Aux[Succ[A], B, Succ[D]] =
new Div[Succ[A], B] { type Out = Succ[D] }
* Typeclass witnessing that `Out` is `A` mod `B`.
* @author Tom Switzer
trait Mod[A <: Nat, B <: Nat] extends Serializable { type Out <: Nat }
object Mod {
def apply[A <: Nat, B <: Nat](implicit mod: Mod[A, B]): Aux[A, B, mod.Out] = mod
type Aux[A <: Nat, B <: Nat, C <: Nat] = Mod[A, B] { type Out = C }
implicit def modAux[A <: Nat, B <: Nat, C <: Nat, D <: Nat, E <: Nat]
(implicit div: Div.Aux[A, B, C], prod: Prod.Aux[C, B, D], diff: Diff.Aux[A, D, E]): Aux[A, B, E] =
new Mod[A, B] { type Out = E }
* Type class witnessing that `A` is less than `B`.
* @author Miles Sabin
trait LT[A <: Nat, B <: Nat] extends Serializable
object LT extends LT0 {
def apply[A <: Nat, B <: Nat](implicit lt: A < B): LT[A, B] = lt
implicit def lt1[B <: Nat] = new <[_0, Succ[B]] {}
implicit def lt2[A <: Nat, B <: Nat](implicit lt : A < B) = new <[Succ[A], Succ[B]] {}
trait LT0 {
type <[A <: Nat, B <: Nat] = LT[A, B]
implicit def lt3[A <: Nat] = new <[A, Succ[A]] {}
* Type class witnessing that `A` is less than or equal to `B`.
* @author Miles Sabin
trait LTEq[A <: Nat, B <: Nat] extends Serializable
object LTEq extends LTEq0 {
def apply[A <: Nat, B <: Nat](implicit lteq: A <= B): LTEq[A, B] = lteq
implicit def ltEq1[A <: Nat] = new <=[A, A] {}
implicit def ltEq2[A <: Nat] = new <=[A, Succ[A]] {}
trait LTEq0 {
type <=[A <: Nat, B <: Nat] = LTEq[A, B]
implicit def ltEq3[B <: Nat] = new <=[_0, B] {}
implicit def ltEq4[A <: Nat, B <: Nat](implicit lteq : A <= B) = new <=[Succ[A], Succ[B]] {}
* Type class witnessing that `A` is greater than `B`.
* @author ryoppy
type GT[A <: Nat, B <: Nat] = LT[B, A]
object GT {
def apply[A <: Nat, B <: Nat](implicit gt: GT[A, B]): GT[A, B] = gt
type >[A <: Nat, B <: Nat] = GT[A, B]
* Type class witnessing that `A` is greater than or equal to `B`.
* @author ryoppy
type GTEq[A <: Nat, B <: Nat] = LTEq[B, A]
object GTEq {
def apply[A <: Nat, B <: Nat](implicit gteq: GTEq[A, B]): GTEq[A, B] = gteq
type >=[A <: Nat, B <: Nat] = GTEq[A, B]
* Type class witnessing that `Out` is `A` min `B`.
* @author George Leontiev
trait Min[A <: Nat, B <: Nat] extends Serializable { type Out <: Nat }
object Min {
def apply[A <: Nat, B <: Nat](implicit min: Min[A, B]): Aux[A, B, min.Out] = min
type Aux[A <: Nat, B <: Nat, C <: Nat] = Min[A, B] { type Out = C }
implicit def minAux0[A <: Nat, B <: Nat, C <: Nat]
(implicit lteq: LTEq[A, B]): Aux[A, B, A] = new Min[A, B] { type Out = A }
implicit def minAux1[A <: Nat, B <: Nat, C <: Nat]
(implicit lteq: LT[B, A]): Aux[A, B, B] = new Min[A, B] { type Out = B }
* Type class witnessing that `Out` is `A` max `B`.
* @author Alexander Konovalov
trait Max[A <: Nat, B <: Nat] extends Serializable { type Out <: Nat }
object Max {
def apply[A <: Nat, B <: Nat](implicit max: Max[A, B]): Aux[A, B, max.Out] = max
type Aux[A <: Nat, B <: Nat, C <: Nat] = Max[A, B] { type Out = C }
implicit def maxAux0[A <: Nat, B <: Nat, C <: Nat]
(implicit lteq: LTEq[A, B]): Aux[A, B, B] = new Max[A, B] { type Out = B }
implicit def maxAux1[A <: Nat, B <: Nat, C <: Nat]
(implicit lteq: LT[B, A]): Aux[A, B, A] = new Max[A, B] { type Out = A }
* Type class witnessing that `Out` is `X` raised to the power `N`.
* @author George Leontiev
trait Pow[N <: Nat, X <: Nat] extends Serializable { type Out <: Nat }
object Pow {
def apply[A <: Nat, B <: Nat](implicit pow: Pow[A, B]): Aux[A, B, pow.Out] = pow
import shapeless.nat._1
type Aux[N <: Nat, X <: Nat, Z <: Nat] = Pow[N, X] { type Out = Z }
implicit def pow1[A <: Nat]: Aux[Succ[A], _0, _0] = new Pow[Succ[A], _0] { type Out = _0 }
implicit def pow2[A <: Nat]: Aux[_0, Succ[A], _1] = new Pow[_0, Succ[A]] { type Out = _1 }
implicit def pow3[N <: Nat, X <: Nat, Z <: Nat, Y <: Nat]
(implicit ev : Pow.Aux[N, X, Z], ev2 : Prod.Aux[Z, X, Y]): Aux[Succ[N], X, Y] = new Pow[Succ[N], X] { type Out = Y }
* Type class witnessing that `Out` is range `A` to `B`, inclusive of `A` and exclusive of `B`.
* @author Andreas Koestler
trait Range[A <: Nat, B <: Nat] extends DepFn0 with Serializable {
type Out <: HList
object Range {
def apply[A <: Nat, B <: Nat](implicit range: Range[A, B]): Aux[A, B, range.Out] = range
type Aux[A <: Nat, B <: Nat, Out0 <: HList] = Range[A, B] {type Out = Out0}
import shapeless.ops.hlist._
implicit def range1[A <: Nat]: Aux[A, A, HNil] = new Range[A, A] {
type Out = HNil
def apply(): Out = HNil
implicit def range2[A <: Nat, B <: Nat, L <: HList, LO <: HList](implicit
w: Witness.Aux[B],
r: Range.Aux[A, B, L],
prep: Prepend.Aux[L, B :: HNil, LO]
): Aux[A, Succ[B], LO] =
new Range[A, Succ[B]] {
type Out = LO
def apply(): Out = r() :+ w.value
* Type class implementing Euclidean algorithm for calculating the GCD
* @author Andreas Koestler
trait LowPriorityGCD {
implicit def defaultCase[A <: Nat, B <: Nat, T <: Nat](implicit
mod: Mod.Aux[A, B, T],
gcd: GCD[B, T]): GCD.Aux[A, B, gcd.Out] = new GCD[A, B] {
type Out = gcd.Out
trait GCD[A <: Nat, B <: Nat] extends Serializable {
type Out <: Nat
object GCD extends LowPriorityGCD {
def apply[A <: Nat, B <: Nat](implicit gcd: GCD[A, B]): Aux[A, B, gcd.Out] = gcd
type Aux[A <: Nat, B <: Nat, Out0 <: Nat] = GCD[A, B] {type Out = Out0}
implicit def terminationCase[A <: Nat]: Aux[A, _0, A] = new GCD[A, _0] {
type Out = A
* Type class for calculating the Least Common Multiple
* @author Andreas Koestler
trait LCM[A <: Nat, B <: Nat] extends Serializable {
type Out <: Nat
object LCM {
def apply[A <: Nat, B <: Nat](implicit lcm: LCM[A, B]): Aux[A, B, lcm.Out] = lcm
type Aux[A <: Nat, B <: Nat, Out0 <: Nat] = LCM[A, B] {type Out = Out0}
implicit def lcm[A <: Nat, B <: Nat, M <: Nat, N <: Nat, Res <: Nat]
prod: Prod.Aux[A, B, M],
gcd: GCD.Aux[A, B, N],
div: Div[M, N]
): Aux[A, B, div.Out] = new LCM[A, B] {
type Out = div.Out
* Type class witnessing that `Out` is an HList of `Nat` numbers ranging from
* `A` to `B`.
* This differs from the `Range` type class in that it accepts another
* type class, `Bound`, at both the start and end of the range (instead of
* bare `Nat` types). This allows the flexibility to specify inclusive or
* exclusive range boundaries for either end of the range.
* Reversed ranges are also possible (i.e. starting the range with a larger
* number than it ends with), and results in an HList that counts from the
* beginning of the range _down to_ the end of the range.
* @author Jeff Wilde
trait BoundedRange[A <: BoundedRange.Bound, B <: BoundedRange.Bound] extends DepFn0 with Serializable {
type Out <: HList
object BoundedRange {
def apply[A <: BoundedRange.Bound, B <: BoundedRange.Bound](implicit range: BoundedRange[A,B])
: AuxF[A, B, range.Out] = range
trait Bound extends DepFn0 with Serializable {
type Out <: Nat
* Type class witnessing that the `Nat` `A` is the inclusive bound of
* a range, i.e. the beginning or end of a range that includes `A`.
* @author Jeff Wilde
trait Inclusive[A] extends Bound
trait SoftInclusive[A] extends Bound
* Type class witnessing that the `Nat` `A` is the exclusive bound of
* a range, i.e. the beginning or end of a range that does not include `A`.
* @author Jeff Wilde
trait Exclusive[A] extends Bound
import shapeless.ops.hlist._
type AuxF[A <: BoundedRange.Bound, B <: BoundedRange.Bound, Out0 <: HList] =
BoundedRange[A, B] {type Out = Out0}
// nil ranges (both nil starting and recursive terminators)
implicit def nilClosed[A <: Nat]
(implicit w: Witness.Aux[A])
: AuxF[Inclusive[A], Inclusive[A], A :: HNil] =
new BoundedRange[Inclusive[A], Inclusive[A]] {
type Out = A :: HNil
def apply(): Out = w.value :: HNil
implicit def nilOpen[A <: Nat]
(implicit w: Witness.Aux[A])
: AuxF[Exclusive[A], Exclusive[A], HNil] =
new BoundedRange[Exclusive[A], Exclusive[A]] {
type Out = HNil
def apply(): Out = HNil
implicit def nilLeftOpenRightClosed[A <: Nat]
(implicit w: Witness.Aux[A])
: AuxF[Exclusive[A], Inclusive[A], A :: HNil] =
new BoundedRange[Exclusive[A], Inclusive[A]] {
type Out = A :: HNil
def apply(): Out = w.value :: HNil
implicit def nilLeftClosedRightOpen[A <: Nat]
(implicit w: Witness.Aux[A])
: AuxF[Inclusive[A], Exclusive[A], A :: HNil] =
new BoundedRange[Inclusive[A], Exclusive[A]] {
type Out = A :: HNil
def apply(): Out = w.value :: HNil
// nil ranges (recursive terminators only)
implicit def nilLeftOpenRightSoft[A <: Nat]
: AuxF[Exclusive[A], SoftInclusive[A], HNil] =
new BoundedRange[Exclusive[A], SoftInclusive[A]] {
type Out = HNil
def apply(): Out = HNil
implicit def nilLeftClosedRightSoft[A <: Nat]
(implicit w: Witness.Aux[A])
: AuxF[Inclusive[A], SoftInclusive[A], A :: HNil] =
new BoundedRange[Inclusive[A], SoftInclusive[A]] {
type Out = A :: HNil
def apply(): Out = w.value :: HNil
// intermediate recursive ranges
implicit def leftOpenRightSoft[A <: Nat, B <: Nat, Sub <: HList]
w: Witness.Aux[Succ[B]],
subRange: AuxF[Exclusive[A], SoftInclusive[B], Sub])
: AuxF[Exclusive[A], SoftInclusive[Succ[B]], Succ[B] :: Sub] =
new BoundedRange[Exclusive[A], SoftInclusive[Succ[B]]] {
type Out = Succ[B] :: Sub
def apply(): Out = w.value :: subRange()
implicit def leftClosedRightSoft[A <: Nat, B <: Nat, Sub <: HList]
w: Witness.Aux[Succ[B]],
subRange: AuxF[Inclusive[A], SoftInclusive[B], Sub])
: AuxF[Inclusive[A], SoftInclusive[Succ[B]], Succ[B] :: Sub] =
new BoundedRange[Inclusive[A], SoftInclusive[Succ[B]]] {
type Out = Succ[B] :: Sub
def apply(): Out = w.value :: subRange()
// public starting ranges
implicit def closed[A <: Nat, B <: Nat, Sub <: HList, Rev <: HList]
w: Witness.Aux[Succ[B]],
subRange: AuxF[Inclusive[A], SoftInclusive[B], Sub],
reverse: ReversePrepend.Aux[Sub, Succ[B] :: HNil, Rev])
: AuxF[Inclusive[A], Inclusive[Succ[B]], Rev] =
new BoundedRange[Inclusive[A], Inclusive[Succ[B]]] {
type Out = Rev
def apply(): Out = reverse(subRange(), w.value :: HNil)
implicit def open[A <: Nat, B <: Nat, Sub <: HList, Rev <: HList]
subRange: AuxF[Exclusive[A], SoftInclusive[B], Sub],
reverse: Reverse.Aux[Sub, Rev])
: AuxF[Exclusive[A], Exclusive[Succ[B]], Rev] =
new BoundedRange[Exclusive[A], Exclusive[Succ[B]]] {
type Out = Rev
def apply(): Out = reverse(subRange())
implicit def leftOpenRightClosed[A <: Nat, B <: Nat, Sub <: HList, Rev <: HList]
w: Witness.Aux[Succ[B]],
subRange: AuxF[Exclusive[A], SoftInclusive[B], Sub],
reverse: ReversePrepend.Aux[Sub, Succ[B] :: HNil, Rev])
: AuxF[Exclusive[A], Inclusive[Succ[B]], Rev] =
new BoundedRange[Exclusive[A], Inclusive[Succ[B]]] {
type Out = Rev
def apply(): Out = reverse(subRange(), w.value :: HNil)
implicit def leftClosedRightOpen[A <: Nat, B <: Nat, Sub <: HList, Rev <: HList]
subRange: AuxF[Inclusive[A], SoftInclusive[B], Sub],
reverse: Reverse.Aux[Sub, Rev])
: AuxF[Inclusive[A], Exclusive[Succ[B]], Rev] =
new BoundedRange[Inclusive[A], Exclusive[Succ[B]]] {
type Out = Rev
def apply(): Out = reverse(subRange())
// reversed starting ranges
implicit def openReverse[A <: Nat, B <: Nat, Sub <: HList]
(implicit subRange: AuxF[Exclusive[B], SoftInclusive[A], Sub])
: AuxF[Exclusive[Succ[A]], Exclusive[B], Sub] =
new BoundedRange[Exclusive[Succ[A]], Exclusive[B]] {
type Out = Sub
def apply(): Out = subRange()
implicit def leftClosedRightOpenReverse[A <: Nat, B <: Nat, Sub <: HList]
wA: Witness.Aux[Succ[A]],
subRange: AuxF[Exclusive[B], SoftInclusive[A], Sub])
: AuxF[Inclusive[Succ[A]], Exclusive[B], Succ[A] :: Sub] =
new BoundedRange[Inclusive[Succ[A]], Exclusive[B]] {
type Out = Succ[A] :: Sub
def apply(): Out = wA.value :: subRange()
implicit def leftOpenRightClosedReverse[A <: Nat, B <: Nat, Sub <: HList]
(implicit subRange: AuxF[Inclusive[B], SoftInclusive[A], Sub])
: AuxF[Exclusive[Succ[A]], Inclusive[B], Sub] =
new BoundedRange[Exclusive[Succ[A]], Inclusive[B]] {
type Out = Sub
def apply(): Out = subRange()
implicit def closedReverse[A <: Nat, B <: Nat, Sub <: HList]
wA: Witness.Aux[Succ[A]],
subRange: AuxF[Inclusive[B], SoftInclusive[A], Sub])
: AuxF[Inclusive[Succ[A]], Inclusive[B], Succ[A] :: Sub] =
new BoundedRange[Inclusive[Succ[A]], Inclusive[B]] {
type Out = Succ[A] :: Sub
def apply(): Out = wA.value :: subRange()
object Bound {
implicit def inclusive[A <: Nat]
(implicit w: Witness.Aux[A])
: Inclusive[A] =
new Inclusive[A] {
type Out = A
def apply(): Out = w.value
implicit def exclusive[A <: Nat]
(implicit w: Witness.Aux[A])
: Exclusive[A] =
new Exclusive[A] {
type Out = A
def apply(): Out = w.value
* Type class supporting conversion of type-level Nats to value level Ints.
* @author Miles Sabin
trait ToInt[N <: Nat] extends Serializable {
def apply() : Int
object ToInt {
def apply[N <: Nat](implicit toInt: ToInt[N]): ToInt[N] = toInt
class Inst[N <: Nat] (i: Int) extends ToInt[N]{
def apply(): Int = i
implicit val toInt0: ToInt[_0] = new Inst[_0](0)
//this method is used for backwards compatibility
def toIntSucc[N <: Nat](toIntN : ToInt[N]) = new ToInt[Succ[N]] {
def apply() = toIntN() + 1
implicit def toIntSuccM[N <: Nat]: ToInt[N] = macro ToIntMacros.applyImpl[N]
class ToIntMacros(val c: whitebox.Context) extends CaseClassMacros {
import c.universe._
val _0Tpe = typeOf[_0]
val succTpe = typeOf[Succ[_]].typeConstructor
val succSym = succTpe.typeSymbol
val succPre = prefix(succTpe)
def applyImpl[N <: Nat](implicit nTag: WeakTypeTag[N]): Tree = {
val tpe = nTag.tpe.dealias
def count(u: Type, acc: Int): Int = {
if(u <:< _0Tpe) acc
else (u baseType succSym) match {
case TypeRef(pre, _, List(n)) if pre =:= succPre => count(n, acc + 1)
case _ => abort(s"$tpe is not a Nat type")
new _root_.shapeless.ops.nat.ToInt.Inst(${count(tpe, 0)}).
asInstanceOf[ _root_.shapeless.ops.nat.ToInt[$tpe]]
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