shapeless.ops.products.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
* Copyright (c) 2013 Miles Sabin
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package shapeless
package ops
import hlist.Length
object product {
trait ProductLength[T] extends DepFn1[T]
object ProductLength {
def apply[T](implicit length: ProductLength[T]): Aux[T, length.Out] = length
type Aux[T, Out0] = ProductLength[T] { type Out = Out0 }
implicit def length[T, L <: HList]
(implicit gen: Generic.Aux[T, L], length: Length[L]): Aux[T, length.Out] =
new ProductLength[T] {
type Out = length.Out
def apply(t: T): Out = length()
trait ToTuple[P] extends DepFn1[P]
object ToTuple {
def apply[P](implicit toTuple: ToTuple[P]): Aux[P, toTuple.Out] = toTuple
type Aux[P, Out0] = ToTuple[P] { type Out = Out0 }
implicit def toTuple[P, L <: HList, T, Out0](implicit
gen: Generic.Aux[P, L],
tupler: ops.hlist.Tupler.Aux[L, T],
ev: T <:< Out0
): Aux[P, Out0] =
new ToTuple[P] {
type Out = Out0
def apply(p: P) = ev(tupler(
trait ToHList[P] extends DepFn1[P] { type Out <: HList }
object ToHList {
def apply[P](implicit toHList: ToHList[P]): Aux[P, toHList.Out] = toHList
type Aux[P, Out0 <: HList] = ToHList[P] { type Out = Out0 }
implicit def toHList[P, Out0 <: HList, L <: HList](implicit
gen: Generic.Aux[P, L],
ev: L <:< Out0
): Aux[P, Out0] =
new ToHList[P] {
type Out = Out0
def apply(p: P) = ev(
trait ToRecord[P] extends DepFn1[P] { type Out <: HList }
object ToRecord {
def apply[P](implicit toRecord: ToRecord[P]): Aux[P, toRecord.Out] = toRecord
type Aux[P, Out0 <: HList] = ToRecord[P] { type Out = Out0 }
implicit def toRecord[P, Out0 <: HList, R <: HList](implicit
lgen: LabelledGeneric.Aux[P, R],
ev: R <:< Out0
): Aux[P, Out0] =
new ToRecord[P] {
type Out = Out0
def apply(p: P) = ev(
trait ToMap[P] extends DepFn1[P] {
type K
type V
type Out = Map[K, V]
object ToMap {
def apply[P](implicit toMap: ToMap[P]): Aux[P, toMap.K, toMap.V] = toMap
type Aux[P, K0, V0] = ToMap[P] { type K = K0; type V = V0 }
implicit def productToMap[P, K0, V0, R <: HList](implicit
lgen: LabelledGeneric.Aux[P, R],
toMap: ops.record.ToMap.Aux[R, K0, V0]
): Aux[P, K0, V0] =
new ToMap[P] {
type K = K0
type V = V0
def apply(p: P) = toMap(
implicit def emptyProductToMapNothing[P, K0](implicit
lgen: LabelledGeneric.Aux[P, HNil],
toMap: ops.record.ToMap.Aux[HNil, K0, Nothing]
): Aux[P, K0, Nothing] = productToMap[P, K0, Nothing, HNil]
trait ToTraversable[P, M[_]] extends DepFn1[P] {
type Lub
type Out = M[Lub]
object ToTraversable {
def apply[P, M[_]](implicit toTraversable: ToTraversable[P, M]): Aux[P, M, toTraversable.Lub] = toTraversable
type Aux[P, M[_], Lub0] = ToTraversable[P, M] { type Lub = Lub0 }
implicit def productToTraversable[P, M[_], Lub0, L <: HList](implicit
gen: Generic.Aux[P, L],
toTraversable: ops.hlist.ToTraversable.Aux[L, M, Lub0]
): Aux[P, M, Lub0] =
new ToTraversable[P, M] {
type Lub = Lub0
def apply(p: P) = toTraversable(
implicit def emptyProductToTraversableNothing[P, M[_]](implicit
gen: Generic.Aux[P, HNil],
toTraversable: ops.hlist.ToTraversable.Aux[HNil, M, Nothing]
): Aux[P, M, Nothing] = productToTraversable[P, M, Nothing, HNil]
trait ToSized[P, M[_]] extends DepFn1[P] {
type Lub
type N <: Nat
type Out = Sized[M[Lub], N]
object ToSized {
def apply[P, M[_]](implicit toSized: ToSized[P, M]): Aux[P, M, toSized.Lub, toSized.N] = toSized
type Aux[P, M[_], Lub0, N0 <: Nat] = ToSized[P, M] { type Lub = Lub0; type N = N0 }
implicit def productToSized[P, M[_], Lub0, N0 <: Nat, L <: HList](implicit
gen: Generic.Aux[P, L],
toSized: ops.hlist.ToSized.Aux[L, M, Lub0, N0]
): Aux[P, M, Lub0, N0] =
new ToSized[P, M] {
type Lub = Lub0
type N = N0
def apply(p: P) = toSized(
implicit def emptyProductToSizedNothing[P, M[_]](implicit
gen: Generic.Aux[P, HNil],
toSized: ops.hlist.ToSized.Aux[HNil, M, Nothing, _0]
): Aux[P, M, Nothing, _0] = productToSized[P, M, Nothing, _0, HNil]
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