shapeless.ops.unions.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
* Copyright (c) 2014-15 Miles Sabin
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package shapeless
package ops
import labelled.field
import poly._
object union {
import shapeless.labelled.FieldType
* Type class supporting union member selection.
* @author Miles Sabin
@annotation.implicitNotFound(msg = "No field ${K} in union ${C}")
trait Selector[C <: Coproduct, K] extends Serializable {
type V
type Out = Option[V]
def apply(l : C): Out
trait LowPrioritySelector {
type Aux[C <: Coproduct, K, V0] = Selector[C, K] { type V = V0 }
implicit def tlSelector[H, T <: Coproduct, K]
(implicit st : Selector[T, K]): Aux[H :+: T, K, st.V] =
new Selector[H :+: T, K] {
type V = st.V
def apply(u : H :+: T): Out = u match {
case Inl(l) => None
case Inr(r) => if(st == null) None else st(r)
object Selector extends LowPrioritySelector {
def apply[C <: Coproduct, K](implicit selector: Selector[C, K]): Aux[C, K, selector.V] = selector
implicit def hdSelector[K, V0, T <: Coproduct]: Aux[FieldType[K, V0] :+: T, K, V0] =
new Selector[FieldType[K, V0] :+: T, K] {
type V = V0
def apply(u : FieldType[K, V] :+: T): Out = u match {
case Inl(l) => Some(l)
case Inr(r) => None
* Type class supporting collecting the keys of a union as an `HList`.
* @author Miles Sabin
trait Keys[U <: Coproduct] extends DepFn0 with Serializable { type Out <: HList }
object Keys {
def apply[U <: Coproduct](implicit keys: Keys[U]): Aux[U, keys.Out] = keys
type Aux[U <: Coproduct, Out0 <: HList] = Keys[U] { type Out = Out0 }
implicit def cnilKeys[U <: CNil]: Aux[U, HNil] =
new Keys[U] {
type Out = HNil
def apply(): Out = HNil
implicit def coproductKeys[K, V, T <: Coproduct](implicit wk: Witness.Aux[K], kt: Keys[T]): Aux[FieldType[K, V] :+: T, K :: kt.Out] =
new Keys[FieldType[K, V] :+: T] {
type Out = K :: kt.Out
def apply(): Out = wk.value :: kt()
* Type class supporting collecting the value of a union as a `Coproduct`.
* @author Miles Sabin
trait Values[U <: Coproduct] extends DepFn1[U] with Serializable { type Out <: Coproduct }
object Values {
def apply[U <: Coproduct](implicit values: Values[U]): Aux[U, values.Out] = values
type Aux[U <: Coproduct, Out0 <: Coproduct] = Values[U] { type Out = Out0 }
implicit def cnilValues[U <: CNil]: Aux[U, CNil] =
new Values[U] {
type Out = CNil
def apply(u: U): Out = u
implicit def coproductValues[K, V, T <: Coproduct](implicit vt: Values[T]): Aux[FieldType[K, V] :+: T, V :+: vt.Out] =
new Values[FieldType[K, V] :+: T] {
type Out = V :+: vt.Out
def apply(l: FieldType[K, V] :+: T): Out = l match {
case Inl(l) => Inl(l)
case Inr(r) => Inr(vt(r))
* Type class supporting converting this union to a `Coproduct` of key-value pairs.
* @author Alexandre Archambault
trait Fields[U <: Coproduct] extends DepFn1[U] with Serializable {
type Out <: Coproduct
object Fields {
def apply[U <: Coproduct](implicit fields: Fields[U]): Aux[U, fields.Out] = fields
type Aux[L <: Coproduct, Out0 <: Coproduct] = Fields[L] { type Out = Out0 }
implicit val cnilFields: Aux[CNil, CNil] =
new Fields[CNil] {
type Out = CNil
def apply(u: CNil) = u
implicit def cconsFields[K, V, T <: Coproduct](implicit
key: Witness.Aux[K],
tailFields: Fields[T]
): Aux[FieldType[K, V] :+: T, (K, V) :+: tailFields.Out] =
new Fields[FieldType[K, V] :+: T] {
type Out = (K, V) :+: tailFields.Out
def apply(u: FieldType[K, V] :+: T) =
u match {
case Inl(v) => Inl(key.value -> v)
case Inr(t) => Inr(tailFields(t))
* Type class combining `Keys` and `Values` for convenience and compilation speed.
* It's similar to `Fields`, but produces distinct `HList` and `Coproduct`
* instead of a zipped `Coproduct`.
* @author Jisoo Park
trait UnzipFields[L <: Coproduct] extends Serializable {
type Keys <: HList
type Values <: Coproduct
def keys(): Keys
def values(u: L): Values
object UnzipFields {
def apply[L <: Coproduct](implicit uf: UnzipFields[L]): Aux[L, uf.Keys, uf.Values] = uf
type Aux[L <: Coproduct, K <: HList, V <: Coproduct] = UnzipFields[L] { type Keys = K; type Values = V }
implicit def cnilUnzipFields[L <: CNil]: Aux[L, HNil, L] =
new UnzipFields[L] {
type Keys = HNil
type Values = L
def keys() = HNil
def values(u: L): L = u
implicit def cconsUnzipFields[K, V, T <: Coproduct](implicit
key: Witness.Aux[K],
tailUF: UnzipFields[T]
): Aux[FieldType[K, V] :+: T, K :: tailUF.Keys, V :+: tailUF.Values] =
new UnzipFields[FieldType[K, V] :+: T] {
type Keys = K :: tailUF.Keys
type Values = V :+: tailUF.Values
def keys() = key.value :: tailUF.keys()
def values(u: FieldType[K, V] :+: T) =
u match {
case Inl(v) => Inl(v)
case Inr(t) => Inr(tailUF.values(t))
* Type class supporting converting this union to a `Map` whose keys and values
* are typed as the Lub of the keys and values of this union.
* @author Alexandre Archambault
trait ToMap[U <: Coproduct] extends DepFn1[U] with Serializable {
type Key
type Value
type Out = Map[Key, Value]
object ToMap {
def apply[U <: Coproduct](implicit toMap: ToMap[U]): Aux[U, toMap.Key, toMap.Value] = toMap
type Aux[U <: Coproduct, Key0, Value0] = ToMap[U] { type Key = Key0; type Value = Value0 }
implicit def cnilToMap[K, V]: Aux[CNil, K, V] =
new ToMap[CNil] {
type Key = K
type Value = V
def apply(l: CNil) = Map.empty
implicit val cnilToMapAnyNothing: Aux[CNil, Any, Nothing] = cnilToMap[Any, Nothing]
implicit def csingleToMap[K, V](implicit
wk: Witness.Aux[K]
): Aux[FieldType[K, V] :+: CNil, K, V] =
new ToMap[FieldType[K, V] :+: CNil] {
type Key = K
type Value = V
def apply(c: FieldType[K, V] :+: CNil) = (c: @unchecked) match {
case Inl(h) => Map(wk.value -> (h: V))
implicit def coproductToMap[HK, HV, TH, TT <: Coproduct, TK, TV, K, V](implicit
tailToMap: ToMap.Aux[TH :+: TT, TK, TV],
keyLub: Lub[HK, TK, K],
valueLub: Lub[HV, TV, V],
wk: Witness.Aux[HK]
): Aux[FieldType[HK, HV] :+: TH :+: TT, K, V] =
new ToMap[FieldType[HK, HV] :+: TH :+: TT] {
type Key = K
type Value = V
def apply(c: FieldType[HK, HV] :+: TH :+: TT) = c match {
case Inl(h) => Map(keyLub.left(wk.value) -> valueLub.left(h: HV))
case Inr(t) => tailToMap(t).map{case (k, v) => keyLub.right(k) -> valueLub.right(v)}
* Type class supporting mapping a higher rank function over the values of a union.
* @author Alexandre Archambault
trait MapValues[HF, U <: Coproduct] extends DepFn1[U] with Serializable { type Out <: Coproduct }
object MapValues {
def apply[HF, U <: Coproduct](implicit mapValues: MapValues[HF, U]): Aux[HF, U, mapValues.Out] = mapValues
type Aux[HF, U <: Coproduct, Out0 <: Coproduct] = MapValues[HF, U] { type Out = Out0 }
implicit def cnilMapValues[HF]: Aux[HF, CNil, CNil] =
new MapValues[HF, CNil] {
type Out = CNil
def apply(c: CNil) = c
implicit def cconsMapValues[HF, K, V, T <: Coproduct](implicit
hc: Case1[HF, V],
tailMapValues: MapValues[HF, T]
): Aux[HF, FieldType[K, V] :+: T, FieldType[K, hc.Result] :+: tailMapValues.Out] =
new MapValues[HF, FieldType[K, V] :+: T] {
type Out = FieldType[K, hc.Result] :+: tailMapValues.Out
def apply(c: FieldType[K, V] :+: T) = c match {
case Inl(h) => Inl(field[K](hc(h: V)))
case Inr(t) => Inr(tailMapValues(t))
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