shapeless.package.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
* Copyright (c) 2013-16 Miles Sabin
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import scala.language.experimental.macros
import scala.reflect.macros.whitebox
package object shapeless {
def unexpected : Nothing = sys.error("Unexpected invocation")
// Basic definitions
type Id[+T] = T
type Const[C] = {
type λ[T] = C
type ¬[T] = T => Nothing
type ¬¬[T] = ¬[¬[T]]
type ∧[T, U] = T with U
type ∨[T, U] = ¬[¬[T] ∧ ¬[U]]
// Type-lambda for context bound
type |∨|[T, U] = {
type λ[X] = ¬¬[X] <:< (T ∨ U)
// Type inequalities
trait =:!=[A, B] extends Serializable
implicit def neq[A, B] : A =:!= B = new =:!=[A, B] {}
implicit def neqAmbig1[A] : A =:!= A = unexpected
implicit def neqAmbig2[A] : A =:!= A = unexpected
@scala.annotation.implicitNotFound("${A} must not be a subtype of ${B}")
trait <:!<[A, B] extends Serializable
implicit def nsub[A, B] : A <:!< B = new <:!<[A, B] {}
implicit def nsubAmbig1[A, B >: A] : A <:!< B = unexpected
implicit def nsubAmbig2[A, B >: A] : A <:!< B = unexpected
// Type-lambda for context bound
type |¬|[T] = {
type λ[U] = U <:!< T
// Quantifiers
type ∃[P[_]] = P[T] forSome { type T }
type ∀[P[_]] = ¬[∃[({ type λ[X] = ¬[P[X]]})#λ]]
/** `Optic` definitions */
val optic = OpticDefns
val lens = OpticDefns
val prism = OpticDefns
val ^ = Path
/** `Nat` literals */
val nat = Nat
/** 'Fin' */
val fin = Fin
/** `Poly` definitions */
val poly = PolyDefns
import poly._
/** Dependent nullary function type. */
trait DepFn0 {
type Out
def apply(): Out
/** Dependent unary function type. */
trait DepFn1[T] {
type Out
def apply(t: T): Out
/** Dependent binary function type. */
trait DepFn2[T, U] {
type Out
def apply(t: T, u: U): Out
/** The SYB everything combinator */
type Everything[F <: Poly, K <: Poly, T] = Case1[EverythingAux[F, K], T]
class ApplyEverything[F <: Poly] {
def apply(k : Poly): EverythingAux[F, k.type] {} = new EverythingAux[F, k.type]
def everything(f: Poly): ApplyEverything[f.type] {} = new ApplyEverything[f.type]
/** The SYB everywhere combinator */
type Everywhere[F <: Poly, T] = Case1[EverywhereAux[F], T]
def everywhere(f: Poly): EverywhereAux[f.type] {} = new EverywhereAux[f.type]
def cachedImplicit[T]: T = macro CachedImplicitMacros.cachedImplicitImpl[T]
package shapeless {
class CachedImplicitMacros(val c: whitebox.Context) {
import c.universe._
def cachedImplicitImpl[T](implicit tTag: WeakTypeTag[T]): Tree = {
val casted = c.asInstanceOf[reflect.macros.runtime.Context]
val typer = casted.callsiteTyper
val global: casted.universe.type = casted.universe
val analyzer: global.analyzer.type = global.analyzer
val tCtx = typer.context
val owner = tCtx.owner
if(!owner.isVal && !owner.isLazy)
c.abort(c.enclosingPosition, "cachedImplicit should only be used to initialize vals and lazy vals")
val tTpe = weakTypeOf[T]
val application = casted.macroApplication
val tpe = {
val tpe0 =
if (tTpe.typeSymbol.isParameter) owner.tpe.asInstanceOf[Type]
else tTpe
// Run our own custom implicit search that isn't allowed to find
// the thing we are enclosed in
val sCtx = tCtx.makeImplicit(false)
val is = new analyzer.ImplicitSearch(
tree = application,
pt = tpe,
isView = false,
context0 = sCtx,
pos0 = c.enclosingPosition.asInstanceOf[global.Position]
) {
override def searchImplicit(
implicitInfoss: List[List[analyzer.ImplicitInfo]],
isLocalToCallsite: Boolean
): analyzer.SearchResult = {
val filteredInput = { infos =>
infos.filter { info =>
val sym = if(info.sym.isLazy) info.sym else info.sym.accessedOrSelf
sym.owner != owner.owner || (!sym.isVal && !sym.isLazy)
super.searchImplicit(filteredInput, isLocalToCallsite)
val best = is.bestImplicit
if (best.isFailure) {
val errorMsg = tpe.typeSymbolDirect match {
case analyzer.ImplicitNotFoundMsg(msg) =>
msg.format(TermName("evidence").asInstanceOf[global.TermName], tpe)
case _ =>
s"Could not find an implicit value of type $tpe to cache"
c.abort(c.enclosingPosition, errorMsg)
} else {
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