Download com.cisco.oss.foundation JAR files with all dependencies
http-client-apache from group com.cisco.oss.foundation (version 1.2.2-4)
This project is the apache http client implementation library in the cisco vss foundation runtime
logging-log4j from group com.cisco.oss.foundation (version 1.1.0-1)
This project is the logging log4j implementation library in the cisco vss foundation runtime
monitoring-api from group com.cisco.oss.foundation (version 1.0.3-1)
This project is the foundation runtime monitoring api project.
http-common from group com.cisco.oss.foundation (version 1.0.0-1)
This project is the common library for http client and server in the cisco oss foundation runtime
logging-api from group com.cisco.oss.foundation (version 1.2.1-1)
This project is the logging api library in the cisco vss foundation runtime
commons from group com.cisco.oss.foundation (version 1.0.4-2)
This project is the foundation runtime commons project.
http-server-api from group com.cisco.oss.foundation (version 1.1.5-7)
This project is the http server api library in the cisco vss foundation runtime
client-common from group com.cisco.oss.foundation (version 1.1.2-1)
This project is the common library for http client in the cisco oss foundation runtime
http-client-netflix from group com.cisco.oss.foundation (version 1.0.1-4)
This project is the apache http client implementation library in the cisco vss foundation runtime
commons from group com.cisco.oss.foundation (version 1.0.4-1)
This project is the foundation runtime commons project.
http-server-jetty-8 from group com.cisco.oss.foundation (version 1.0.6-2)
This project is the http jetty server (version 8.x) implementation library in the cisco vss foundation runtime
http-client-api from group com.cisco.oss.foundation (version 1.2.0-2)
This project is the api library for http client in the cisco vss foundation runtime
http-server-jetty from group com.cisco.oss.foundation (version 1.3.2-2)
This project is the http jetty server implementation library in the cisco vss foundation runtime
logging-log4j from group com.cisco.oss.foundation (version 1.1.1-1)
This project is the logging log4j implementation library in the cisco vss foundation runtime
http-client-jetty from group com.cisco.oss.foundation (version 0.0.0-8)
This project is the jetty http client implementation library in the cisco vss foundation runtime
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