// Generated by the protocol buffer compiler. DO NOT EDIT!
// source: proto/clarifai/api/service.proto
package com.clarifai.grpc.api;
public interface ListConceptRelationsRequestOrBuilder extends
// @@protoc_insertion_point(interface_extends:clarifai.api.ListConceptRelationsRequest)
com.google.protobuf.MessageOrBuilder {
* The user_id and app_id information.
* .clarifai.api.UserAppIDSet user_app_id = 1;
* @return Whether the userAppId field is set.
boolean hasUserAppId();
* The user_id and app_id information.
* .clarifai.api.UserAppIDSet user_app_id = 1;
* @return The userAppId.
com.clarifai.grpc.api.UserAppIDSet getUserAppId();
* The user_id and app_id information.
* .clarifai.api.UserAppIDSet user_app_id = 1;
com.clarifai.grpc.api.UserAppIDSetOrBuilder getUserAppIdOrBuilder();
* The subject concept id in your app to get all the relationships for.
* Leave as an empty string (GET /concepts/relations) to list ALL the relations in the app.
* When listing all the relations it will only return one direction of the relationship
* with the predicate acting on the subject and not the inverse like is done when providing a
* concept_id so that we can return a reliable page size always.
* When providing a concept_id, if a hyponym is present in the DB such as:
* 'honey' (subject), 'hyponym' (predicate for "is a kind of"), 'food' (object)
* then you can list the concept relations for 'honey' and get hyponym predicate with 'food'
* object.
* But you can also list the concept relations for 'food' and it will return the same hyponym
* relationship with 'honey' as object and 'hypernym' as predicate.
* Synonyms by nature are symmetrical relationships so either side can be the concept_id (subject)
* when listing the relations.
* string concept_id = 2;
* @return The conceptId.
java.lang.String getConceptId();
* The subject concept id in your app to get all the relationships for.
* Leave as an empty string (GET /concepts/relations) to list ALL the relations in the app.
* When listing all the relations it will only return one direction of the relationship
* with the predicate acting on the subject and not the inverse like is done when providing a
* concept_id so that we can return a reliable page size always.
* When providing a concept_id, if a hyponym is present in the DB such as:
* 'honey' (subject), 'hyponym' (predicate for "is a kind of"), 'food' (object)
* then you can list the concept relations for 'honey' and get hyponym predicate with 'food'
* object.
* But you can also list the concept relations for 'food' and it will return the same hyponym
* relationship with 'honey' as object and 'hypernym' as predicate.
* Synonyms by nature are symmetrical relationships so either side can be the concept_id (subject)
* when listing the relations.
* string concept_id = 2;
* @return The bytes for conceptId.
* If predicate is provided then only list relations with that predicate.
* Note that if no subject is set in concept_id and predicate is set to
* 'hypernym', then it will return any stored hyponyms as hypernyms with
* just the subject and object swapped since they are reversed relations.
* Valid predicates are:
* - 'hypernym'
* - 'hyponym'
* - 'synonym'
* string predicate = 3;
* @return The predicate.
java.lang.String getPredicate();
* If predicate is provided then only list relations with that predicate.
* Note that if no subject is set in concept_id and predicate is set to
* 'hypernym', then it will return any stored hyponyms as hypernyms with
* just the subject and object swapped since they are reversed relations.
* Valid predicates are:
* - 'hypernym'
* - 'hyponym'
* - 'synonym'
* string predicate = 3;
* @return The bytes for predicate.
* If knowledge_graph_id is provided then just list relations from that knowledge graph.
* If not provided then list relations from all knowledge graphs including the global one for this
* app one (ie. knowledge_graph "") and any specific ones in the app.
* string knowledge_graph_id = 4;
* @return The knowledgeGraphId.
java.lang.String getKnowledgeGraphId();
* If knowledge_graph_id is provided then just list relations from that knowledge graph.
* If not provided then list relations from all knowledge graphs including the global one for this
* app one (ie. knowledge_graph "") and any specific ones in the app.
* string knowledge_graph_id = 4;
* @return The bytes for knowledgeGraphId.
* (optional URL parameter) The page number. Pagination is used to split the results into chunks.
* Defaults to 1.
* uint32 page = 5;
* @return The page.
int getPage();
* (optional URL parameter) The number of results that will be contained in each page. Defaults
* to 128.
* uint32 per_page = 6;
* @return The perPage.
int getPerPage();