* The list of nodes retrieved from latest workflow version.
* Each node can specify an input node that it connects to in order to define the graph.
* repeated .clarifai.api.WorkflowNode nodes = 4;
com.clarifai.grpc.api.WorkflowNode getNodes(int index);
* The list of nodes retrieved from latest workflow version.
* Each node can specify an input node that it connects to in order to define the graph.
* repeated .clarifai.api.WorkflowNode nodes = 4;
int getNodesCount();
* The list of nodes retrieved from latest workflow version.
* Each node can specify an input node that it connects to in order to define the graph.
* repeated .clarifai.api.WorkflowNode nodes = 4;
java.util.List extends com.clarifai.grpc.api.WorkflowNodeOrBuilder>
* The list of nodes retrieved from latest workflow version.
* Each node can specify an input node that it connects to in order to define the graph.
* repeated .clarifai.api.WorkflowNode nodes = 4;
com.clarifai.grpc.api.WorkflowNodeOrBuilder getNodesOrBuilder(
int index);
* To handle arbitrary json metadata you can use a struct field:
* .google.protobuf.Struct metadata = 5;
* @return Whether the metadata field is set.
boolean hasMetadata();
* To handle arbitrary json metadata you can use a struct field:
* .google.protobuf.Struct metadata = 5;
* @return The metadata.
*/ getMetadata();
* To handle arbitrary json metadata you can use a struct field:
* .google.protobuf.Struct metadata = 5;
*/ getMetadataOrBuilder();
* The visibility field represents whether this message is privately/publicly visible.
* To be visible to the public the App that contains it AND the User that contains the App must
* also be publicly visible.
* .clarifai.api.Visibility visibility = 6;
* @return Whether the visibility field is set.
boolean hasVisibility();
* The visibility field represents whether this message is privately/publicly visible.
* To be visible to the public the App that contains it AND the User that contains the App must
* also be publicly visible.
* .clarifai.api.Visibility visibility = 6;
* @return The visibility.
com.clarifai.grpc.api.Visibility getVisibility();
* The visibility field represents whether this message is privately/publicly visible.
* To be visible to the public the App that contains it AND the User that contains the App must
* also be publicly visible.
* .clarifai.api.Visibility visibility = 6;
com.clarifai.grpc.api.VisibilityOrBuilder getVisibilityOrBuilder();
* The user the workflow belongs to
* string user_id = 7;
* @return The userId.
java.lang.String getUserId();
* The user the workflow belongs to
* string user_id = 7;
* @return The bytes for userId.
* When the workflow was last modified
* .google.protobuf.Timestamp modified_at = 8;
* @return Whether the modifiedAt field is set.
boolean hasModifiedAt();
* When the workflow was last modified
* .google.protobuf.Timestamp modified_at = 8;
* @return The modifiedAt.
*/ getModifiedAt();
* When the workflow was last modified
* .google.protobuf.Timestamp modified_at = 8;
*/ getModifiedAtOrBuilder();
* Info about the workflow version used to return the latest version when listing Workflows.
* .clarifai.api.WorkflowVersion version = 9;
* @return Whether the version field is set.
boolean hasVersion();
* Info about the workflow version used to return the latest version when listing Workflows.
* .clarifai.api.WorkflowVersion version = 9;
* @return The version.
com.clarifai.grpc.api.WorkflowVersion getVersion();
* Info about the workflow version used to return the latest version when listing Workflows.
* .clarifai.api.WorkflowVersion version = 9;
com.clarifai.grpc.api.WorkflowVersionOrBuilder getVersionOrBuilder();
* Is starred by the requesting user (only showed on get/list requests)
* Please use PostWorkflowStars/DeleteWorkflowStars endpoints to star/unstar a workflow
* bool is_starred = 10;
* @return The isStarred.
boolean getIsStarred();
* How many users have starred the workflow (only showed on get/list requests)
* Computed value, not editable
* int32 star_count = 11;
* @return The starCount.
int getStarCount();
* Short description about this workflow
* string description = 12;
* @return The description.
java.lang.String getDescription();
* Short description about this workflow
* string description = 12;
* @return The bytes for description.
* Notes for the workflow
* This field should be used for in-depth notes and supports up to 64Kbs.
* string notes = 13;
* @return The notes.
java.lang.String getNotes();
* Notes for the workflow
* This field should be used for in-depth notes and supports up to 64Kbs.
* string notes = 13;
* @return The bytes for notes.
* Tags from use_cases category
* repeated string use_cases = 14 [(.clarifai.api.utils.cl_show_if_empty) = true];
* @return A list containing the useCases.
* Tags from use_cases category
* repeated string use_cases = 14 [(.clarifai.api.utils.cl_show_if_empty) = true];
* @return The count of useCases.
int getUseCasesCount();
* Tags from use_cases category
* repeated string use_cases = 14 [(.clarifai.api.utils.cl_show_if_empty) = true];
* @param index The index of the element to return.
* @return The useCases at the given index.
java.lang.String getUseCases(int index);
* Tags from use_cases category
* repeated string use_cases = 14 [(.clarifai.api.utils.cl_show_if_empty) = true];
* @param index The index of the value to return.
* @return The bytes of the useCases at the given index.
getUseCasesBytes(int index);
* Tags for check consents
* repeated string check_consents = 15 [(.clarifai.api.utils.cl_show_if_empty) = true];
* @return A list containing the checkConsents.
* Tags for check consents
* repeated string check_consents = 15 [(.clarifai.api.utils.cl_show_if_empty) = true];
* @return The count of checkConsents.
int getCheckConsentsCount();
* Tags for check consents
* repeated string check_consents = 15 [(.clarifai.api.utils.cl_show_if_empty) = true];
* @param index The index of the element to return.
* @return The checkConsents at the given index.
java.lang.String getCheckConsents(int index);
* Tags for check consents
* repeated string check_consents = 15 [(.clarifai.api.utils.cl_show_if_empty) = true];
* @param index The index of the value to return.
* @return The bytes of the checkConsents at the given index.
getCheckConsentsBytes(int index);
* bookmark info. When set, this workflow is a bookmarked workflow of this app.
* Info in this field will allow you to find/access original workflow.
* .clarifai.api.BookmarkOrigin bookmark_origin = 16;
* @return Whether the bookmarkOrigin field is set.
boolean hasBookmarkOrigin();
* bookmark info. When set, this workflow is a bookmarked workflow of this app.
* Info in this field will allow you to find/access original workflow.
* .clarifai.api.BookmarkOrigin bookmark_origin = 16;
* @return The bookmarkOrigin.
com.clarifai.grpc.api.BookmarkOrigin getBookmarkOrigin();
* bookmark info. When set, this workflow is a bookmarked workflow of this app.
* Info in this field will allow you to find/access original workflow.
* .clarifai.api.BookmarkOrigin bookmark_origin = 16;
com.clarifai.grpc.api.BookmarkOriginOrBuilder getBookmarkOriginOrBuilder();
* Representative image for this workflow
* .clarifai.api.Image image = 17;
* @return Whether the image field is set.
boolean hasImage();
* Representative image for this workflow
* .clarifai.api.Image image = 17;
* @return The image.
com.clarifai.grpc.api.Image getImage();
* Representative image for this workflow
* .clarifai.api.Image image = 17;
com.clarifai.grpc.api.ImageOrBuilder getImageOrBuilder();