// Generated by the protocol buffer compiler. DO NOT EDIT!
// source: proto/clarifai/api/resources.proto
package com.clarifai.grpc.api;
public interface PasswordViolationsOrBuilder extends
// @@protoc_insertion_point(interface_extends:clarifai.api.PasswordViolations)
com.google.protobuf.MessageOrBuilder {
* when new password length is shorter than minimum length set
* bool minimum_length = 1;
* @return The minimumLength.
boolean getMinimumLength();
* when new password length is longer than maximum length set
* bool maximum_length = 2;
* @return The maximumLength.
boolean getMaximumLength();
* there is no upper case letter in the new password when there should be at least one
* bool upper_case_needed = 3;
* @return The upperCaseNeeded.
boolean getUpperCaseNeeded();
* there is no lower case letter in the new password when there should be at least one
* bool lower_case_needed = 4;
* @return The lowerCaseNeeded.
boolean getLowerCaseNeeded();
* there is no numerics in the new password when there should be at least one
* bool numeric_needed = 5;
* @return The numericNeeded.
boolean getNumericNeeded();
* there is no special character in the new password when there should be at least one
* bool non_alphanumeric_needed = 6;
* @return The nonAlphanumericNeeded.
boolean getNonAlphanumericNeeded();
* when one of the N most recent old password is reused, N is specified by password_reuse_epoch in db.password_policies
* bool password_reuse = 7;
* @return The passwordReuse.
boolean getPasswordReuse();
* when either user's first, middle or last name is used in the new password
* bool exclude_names = 8;
* @return The excludeNames.
boolean getExcludeNames();
* when first part of user's email (exact string or after removing special characters) is used in the new password
* bool exclude_email = 9;
* @return The excludeEmail.
boolean getExcludeEmail();
* when there are confusing letters in the new password, such as o (first character of 'omega') vs 0 (zero)
* bool no_confusing_letters = 10;
* @return The noConfusingLetters.
boolean getNoConfusingLetters();
* when there are simple password patterns used, such as 12345678 or aaaaaaa1
* bool no_simple_passwords = 11;
* @return The noSimplePasswords.
boolean getNoSimplePasswords();
* when there are common vocabs from the common vocab list used
* bool no_common_vocabs = 12;
* @return The noCommonVocabs.
boolean getNoCommonVocabs();
* when the current password is contained in the new password or vice versa
* bool no_overlap_with_old = 13;
* @return The noOverlapWithOld.
boolean getNoOverlapWithOld();
* when password has to be changed becauase it's too old
* bool password_lifespan = 14;
* @return The passwordLifespan.
boolean getPasswordLifespan();