// @@protoc_insertion_point(builder_implements:clarifai.api.And)
com.clarifai.grpc.api.AndOrBuilder {
public static final
getDescriptor() {
return com.clarifai.grpc.api.Resources.internal_static_clarifai_api_And_descriptor;
internalGetFieldAccessorTable() {
return com.clarifai.grpc.api.Resources.internal_static_clarifai_api_And_fieldAccessorTable
com.clarifai.grpc.api.And.class, com.clarifai.grpc.api.And.Builder.class);
// Construct using com.clarifai.grpc.api.And.newBuilder()
private Builder() {
private Builder( parent) {
private void maybeForceBuilderInitialization() {
if (
.alwaysUseFieldBuilders) {
public Builder clear() {
if (inputBuilder_ == null) {
input_ = null;
} else {
input_ = null;
inputBuilder_ = null;
if (outputBuilder_ == null) {
output_ = null;
} else {
output_ = null;
outputBuilder_ = null;
negate_ = false;
if (annotationBuilder_ == null) {
annotation_ = null;
} else {
annotation_ = null;
annotationBuilder_ = null;
return this;
getDescriptorForType() {
return com.clarifai.grpc.api.Resources.internal_static_clarifai_api_And_descriptor;
public com.clarifai.grpc.api.And getDefaultInstanceForType() {
return com.clarifai.grpc.api.And.getDefaultInstance();
public com.clarifai.grpc.api.And build() {
com.clarifai.grpc.api.And result = buildPartial();
if (!result.isInitialized()) {
throw newUninitializedMessageException(result);
return result;
public com.clarifai.grpc.api.And buildPartial() {
com.clarifai.grpc.api.And result = new com.clarifai.grpc.api.And(this);
if (inputBuilder_ == null) {
result.input_ = input_;
} else {
result.input_ =;
if (outputBuilder_ == null) {
result.output_ = output_;
} else {
result.output_ =;
result.negate_ = negate_;
if (annotationBuilder_ == null) {
result.annotation_ = annotation_;
} else {
result.annotation_ =;
return result;
public Builder clone() {
return super.clone();
public Builder setField( field,
java.lang.Object value) {
return super.setField(field, value);
public Builder clearField( field) {
return super.clearField(field);
public Builder clearOneof( oneof) {
return super.clearOneof(oneof);
public Builder setRepeatedField( field,
int index, java.lang.Object value) {
return super.setRepeatedField(field, index, value);
public Builder addRepeatedField( field,
java.lang.Object value) {
return super.addRepeatedField(field, value);
public Builder mergeFrom( other) {
if (other instanceof com.clarifai.grpc.api.And) {
return mergeFrom((com.clarifai.grpc.api.And)other);
} else {
return this;
public Builder mergeFrom(com.clarifai.grpc.api.And other) {
if (other == com.clarifai.grpc.api.And.getDefaultInstance()) return this;
if (other.hasInput()) {
if (other.hasOutput()) {
if (other.getNegate() != false) {
if (other.hasAnnotation()) {
return this;
public final boolean isInitialized() {
return true;
public Builder mergeFrom( input, extensionRegistry)
throws {
com.clarifai.grpc.api.And parsedMessage = null;
try {
parsedMessage = PARSER.parsePartialFrom(input, extensionRegistry);
} catch ( e) {
parsedMessage = (com.clarifai.grpc.api.And) e.getUnfinishedMessage();
throw e.unwrapIOException();
} finally {
if (parsedMessage != null) {
return this;
private com.clarifai.grpc.api.Input input_;
com.clarifai.grpc.api.Input, com.clarifai.grpc.api.Input.Builder, com.clarifai.grpc.api.InputOrBuilder> inputBuilder_;
* FILTER by information.
* This can include human provided concepts, geo location info, metadata, etc.
* This is effectively searching over only the trusted annotation attached to an input in your
* app. To search by more specific annotation fields use the Annotation object here.
* ########## Supported fields ##########
* - data.concepts[].id
* - data.concepts[].name
* - data.concepts[].value
* - data.geo.geo_box[].geo_point.latitude
* - data.geo.geo_box[].geo_point.longitude
* - data.geo.geo_limit.type
* - data.geo.geo_limit.value
* - data.geo.geo_point.latitude
* - data.geo.geo_point.longitude
* - data.image.url
* - data.metadata - allow search with empty metadata
* note that searching by empty metadata will actually not influence the search results.
* however, in order to be user-friendly, we are still supporting searching by empty metadata.
* - data.metadata.fields - filter by metadata. metadata key&value fields are OR-ed.
* - dataset_ids[] - filter by dataset IDs
* - id - filter by input ID
* - status.code - filter by input status
* .clarifai.api.Input input = 1;
* @return Whether the input field is set.
public boolean hasInput() {
return inputBuilder_ != null || input_ != null;
* FILTER by information.
* This can include human provided concepts, geo location info, metadata, etc.
* This is effectively searching over only the trusted annotation attached to an input in your
* app. To search by more specific annotation fields use the Annotation object here.
* ########## Supported fields ##########
* - data.concepts[].id
* - data.concepts[].name
* - data.concepts[].value
* - data.geo.geo_box[].geo_point.latitude
* - data.geo.geo_box[].geo_point.longitude
* - data.geo.geo_limit.type
* - data.geo.geo_limit.value
* - data.geo.geo_point.latitude
* - data.geo.geo_point.longitude
* - data.image.url
* - data.metadata - allow search with empty metadata
* note that searching by empty metadata will actually not influence the search results.
* however, in order to be user-friendly, we are still supporting searching by empty metadata.
* - data.metadata.fields - filter by metadata. metadata key&value fields are OR-ed.
* - dataset_ids[] - filter by dataset IDs
* - id - filter by input ID
* - status.code - filter by input status
* .clarifai.api.Input input = 1;
* @return The input.
public com.clarifai.grpc.api.Input getInput() {
if (inputBuilder_ == null) {
return input_ == null ? com.clarifai.grpc.api.Input.getDefaultInstance() : input_;
} else {
return inputBuilder_.getMessage();
* FILTER by information.
* This can include human provided concepts, geo location info, metadata, etc.
* This is effectively searching over only the trusted annotation attached to an input in your
* app. To search by more specific annotation fields use the Annotation object here.
* ########## Supported fields ##########
* - data.concepts[].id
* - data.concepts[].name
* - data.concepts[].value
* - data.geo.geo_box[].geo_point.latitude
* - data.geo.geo_box[].geo_point.longitude
* - data.geo.geo_limit.type
* - data.geo.geo_limit.value
* - data.geo.geo_point.latitude
* - data.geo.geo_point.longitude
* - data.image.url
* - data.metadata - allow search with empty metadata
* note that searching by empty metadata will actually not influence the search results.
* however, in order to be user-friendly, we are still supporting searching by empty metadata.
* - data.metadata.fields - filter by metadata. metadata key&value fields are OR-ed.
* - dataset_ids[] - filter by dataset IDs
* - id - filter by input ID
* - status.code - filter by input status
* .clarifai.api.Input input = 1;
public Builder setInput(com.clarifai.grpc.api.Input value) {
if (inputBuilder_ == null) {
if (value == null) {
throw new NullPointerException();
input_ = value;
} else {
return this;
* FILTER by information.
* This can include human provided concepts, geo location info, metadata, etc.
* This is effectively searching over only the trusted annotation attached to an input in your
* app. To search by more specific annotation fields use the Annotation object here.
* ########## Supported fields ##########
* - data.concepts[].id
* - data.concepts[].name
* - data.concepts[].value
* - data.geo.geo_box[].geo_point.latitude
* - data.geo.geo_box[].geo_point.longitude
* - data.geo.geo_limit.type
* - data.geo.geo_limit.value
* - data.geo.geo_point.latitude
* - data.geo.geo_point.longitude
* - data.image.url
* - data.metadata - allow search with empty metadata
* note that searching by empty metadata will actually not influence the search results.
* however, in order to be user-friendly, we are still supporting searching by empty metadata.
* - data.metadata.fields - filter by metadata. metadata key&value fields are OR-ed.
* - dataset_ids[] - filter by dataset IDs
* - id - filter by input ID
* - status.code - filter by input status
* .clarifai.api.Input input = 1;
public Builder setInput(
com.clarifai.grpc.api.Input.Builder builderForValue) {
if (inputBuilder_ == null) {
input_ =;
} else {
return this;
* FILTER by information.
* This can include human provided concepts, geo location info, metadata, etc.
* This is effectively searching over only the trusted annotation attached to an input in your
* app. To search by more specific annotation fields use the Annotation object here.
* ########## Supported fields ##########
* - data.concepts[].id
* - data.concepts[].name
* - data.concepts[].value
* - data.geo.geo_box[].geo_point.latitude
* - data.geo.geo_box[].geo_point.longitude
* - data.geo.geo_limit.type
* - data.geo.geo_limit.value
* - data.geo.geo_point.latitude
* - data.geo.geo_point.longitude
* - data.image.url
* - data.metadata - allow search with empty metadata
* note that searching by empty metadata will actually not influence the search results.
* however, in order to be user-friendly, we are still supporting searching by empty metadata.
* - data.metadata.fields - filter by metadata. metadata key&value fields are OR-ed.
* - dataset_ids[] - filter by dataset IDs
* - id - filter by input ID
* - status.code - filter by input status
* .clarifai.api.Input input = 1;
public Builder mergeInput(com.clarifai.grpc.api.Input value) {
if (inputBuilder_ == null) {
if (input_ != null) {
input_ =
} else {
input_ = value;
} else {
return this;
* FILTER by information.
* This can include human provided concepts, geo location info, metadata, etc.
* This is effectively searching over only the trusted annotation attached to an input in your
* app. To search by more specific annotation fields use the Annotation object here.
* ########## Supported fields ##########
* - data.concepts[].id
* - data.concepts[].name
* - data.concepts[].value
* - data.geo.geo_box[].geo_point.latitude
* - data.geo.geo_box[].geo_point.longitude
* - data.geo.geo_limit.type
* - data.geo.geo_limit.value
* - data.geo.geo_point.latitude
* - data.geo.geo_point.longitude
* - data.image.url
* - data.metadata - allow search with empty metadata
* note that searching by empty metadata will actually not influence the search results.
* however, in order to be user-friendly, we are still supporting searching by empty metadata.
* - data.metadata.fields - filter by metadata. metadata key&value fields are OR-ed.
* - dataset_ids[] - filter by dataset IDs
* - id - filter by input ID
* - status.code - filter by input status
* .clarifai.api.Input input = 1;
public Builder clearInput() {
if (inputBuilder_ == null) {
input_ = null;
} else {
input_ = null;
inputBuilder_ = null;
return this;
* FILTER by information.
* This can include human provided concepts, geo location info, metadata, etc.
* This is effectively searching over only the trusted annotation attached to an input in your
* app. To search by more specific annotation fields use the Annotation object here.
* ########## Supported fields ##########
* - data.concepts[].id
* - data.concepts[].name
* - data.concepts[].value
* - data.geo.geo_box[].geo_point.latitude
* - data.geo.geo_box[].geo_point.longitude
* - data.geo.geo_limit.type
* - data.geo.geo_limit.value
* - data.geo.geo_point.latitude
* - data.geo.geo_point.longitude
* - data.image.url
* - data.metadata - allow search with empty metadata
* note that searching by empty metadata will actually not influence the search results.
* however, in order to be user-friendly, we are still supporting searching by empty metadata.
* - data.metadata.fields - filter by metadata. metadata key&value fields are OR-ed.
* - dataset_ids[] - filter by dataset IDs
* - id - filter by input ID
* - status.code - filter by input status
* .clarifai.api.Input input = 1;
public com.clarifai.grpc.api.Input.Builder getInputBuilder() {
return getInputFieldBuilder().getBuilder();
* FILTER by information.
* This can include human provided concepts, geo location info, metadata, etc.
* This is effectively searching over only the trusted annotation attached to an input in your
* app. To search by more specific annotation fields use the Annotation object here.
* ########## Supported fields ##########
* - data.concepts[].id
* - data.concepts[].name
* - data.concepts[].value
* - data.geo.geo_box[].geo_point.latitude
* - data.geo.geo_box[].geo_point.longitude
* - data.geo.geo_limit.type
* - data.geo.geo_limit.value
* - data.geo.geo_point.latitude
* - data.geo.geo_point.longitude
* - data.image.url
* - data.metadata - allow search with empty metadata
* note that searching by empty metadata will actually not influence the search results.
* however, in order to be user-friendly, we are still supporting searching by empty metadata.
* - data.metadata.fields - filter by metadata. metadata key&value fields are OR-ed.
* - dataset_ids[] - filter by dataset IDs
* - id - filter by input ID
* - status.code - filter by input status
* .clarifai.api.Input input = 1;
public com.clarifai.grpc.api.InputOrBuilder getInputOrBuilder() {
if (inputBuilder_ != null) {
return inputBuilder_.getMessageOrBuilder();
} else {
return input_ == null ?
com.clarifai.grpc.api.Input.getDefaultInstance() : input_;
* FILTER by information.
* This can include human provided concepts, geo location info, metadata, etc.
* This is effectively searching over only the trusted annotation attached to an input in your
* app. To search by more specific annotation fields use the Annotation object here.
* ########## Supported fields ##########
* - data.concepts[].id
* - data.concepts[].name
* - data.concepts[].value
* - data.geo.geo_box[].geo_point.latitude
* - data.geo.geo_box[].geo_point.longitude
* - data.geo.geo_limit.type
* - data.geo.geo_limit.value
* - data.geo.geo_point.latitude
* - data.geo.geo_point.longitude
* - data.image.url
* - data.metadata - allow search with empty metadata
* note that searching by empty metadata will actually not influence the search results.
* however, in order to be user-friendly, we are still supporting searching by empty metadata.
* - data.metadata.fields - filter by metadata. metadata key&value fields are OR-ed.
* - dataset_ids[] - filter by dataset IDs
* - id - filter by input ID
* - status.code - filter by input status
* .clarifai.api.Input input = 1;
com.clarifai.grpc.api.Input, com.clarifai.grpc.api.Input.Builder, com.clarifai.grpc.api.InputOrBuilder>
getInputFieldBuilder() {
if (inputBuilder_ == null) {
inputBuilder_ = new<
com.clarifai.grpc.api.Input, com.clarifai.grpc.api.Input.Builder, com.clarifai.grpc.api.InputOrBuilder>(
input_ = null;
return inputBuilder_;
private com.clarifai.grpc.api.Output output_;
com.clarifai.grpc.api.Output, com.clarifai.grpc.api.Output.Builder, com.clarifai.grpc.api.OutputOrBuilder> outputBuilder_;
* RANK based predicted outputs from models such as custom trained models, pre-trained models,
* etc. This is also where you enter the image url for a visual search because what we're asking
* the system to do is find output embedding most visually similar to the provided input (that
* input being in for example). This will return the Hits
* sorted by visual similarity (1.0 being very similar or exact match and 0.0 being very
* dissimlar). For a search by Output concept, this means we're asking the system to rank
* the Hits by confidence of our model's predicted Outputs. So for example if the model
* predicts an image is 0.95 likely there is a "dog" present, that should related directly
* to the score returned if you search for Output concept "dog" in your query. This provides
* a natural ranking to search results based on confidence of predictions from the models and
* is used when ANDing multiple of these types of RANK by Output queries together as well.
* ########## Supported fields ##########
* - data.clusters[].id
* - data.concepts[].id
* - data.concepts[].name
* - data.concepts[].value
* - - empty image is required when searching by input ID
* -[]
* -
* -
* .clarifai.api.Output output = 2;
* @return Whether the output field is set.
public boolean hasOutput() {
return outputBuilder_ != null || output_ != null;
* RANK based predicted outputs from models such as custom trained models, pre-trained models,
* etc. This is also where you enter the image url for a visual search because what we're asking
* the system to do is find output embedding most visually similar to the provided input (that
* input being in for example). This will return the Hits
* sorted by visual similarity (1.0 being very similar or exact match and 0.0 being very
* dissimlar). For a search by Output concept, this means we're asking the system to rank
* the Hits by confidence of our model's predicted Outputs. So for example if the model
* predicts an image is 0.95 likely there is a "dog" present, that should related directly
* to the score returned if you search for Output concept "dog" in your query. This provides
* a natural ranking to search results based on confidence of predictions from the models and
* is used when ANDing multiple of these types of RANK by Output queries together as well.
* ########## Supported fields ##########
* - data.clusters[].id
* - data.concepts[].id
* - data.concepts[].name
* - data.concepts[].value
* - - empty image is required when searching by input ID
* -[]
* -
* -
* .clarifai.api.Output output = 2;
* @return The output.
public com.clarifai.grpc.api.Output getOutput() {
if (outputBuilder_ == null) {
return output_ == null ? com.clarifai.grpc.api.Output.getDefaultInstance() : output_;
} else {
return outputBuilder_.getMessage();
* RANK based predicted outputs from models such as custom trained models, pre-trained models,
* etc. This is also where you enter the image url for a visual search because what we're asking
* the system to do is find output embedding most visually similar to the provided input (that
* input being in for example). This will return the Hits
* sorted by visual similarity (1.0 being very similar or exact match and 0.0 being very
* dissimlar). For a search by Output concept, this means we're asking the system to rank
* the Hits by confidence of our model's predicted Outputs. So for example if the model
* predicts an image is 0.95 likely there is a "dog" present, that should related directly
* to the score returned if you search for Output concept "dog" in your query. This provides
* a natural ranking to search results based on confidence of predictions from the models and
* is used when ANDing multiple of these types of RANK by Output queries together as well.
* ########## Supported fields ##########
* - data.clusters[].id
* - data.concepts[].id
* - data.concepts[].name
* - data.concepts[].value
* - - empty image is required when searching by input ID
* -[]
* -
* -
* .clarifai.api.Output output = 2;
public Builder setOutput(com.clarifai.grpc.api.Output value) {
if (outputBuilder_ == null) {
if (value == null) {
throw new NullPointerException();
output_ = value;
} else {
return this;
* RANK based predicted outputs from models such as custom trained models, pre-trained models,
* etc. This is also where you enter the image url for a visual search because what we're asking
* the system to do is find output embedding most visually similar to the provided input (that
* input being in for example). This will return the Hits
* sorted by visual similarity (1.0 being very similar or exact match and 0.0 being very
* dissimlar). For a search by Output concept, this means we're asking the system to rank
* the Hits by confidence of our model's predicted Outputs. So for example if the model
* predicts an image is 0.95 likely there is a "dog" present, that should related directly
* to the score returned if you search for Output concept "dog" in your query. This provides
* a natural ranking to search results based on confidence of predictions from the models and
* is used when ANDing multiple of these types of RANK by Output queries together as well.
* ########## Supported fields ##########
* - data.clusters[].id
* - data.concepts[].id
* - data.concepts[].name
* - data.concepts[].value
* - - empty image is required when searching by input ID
* -[]
* -
* -
* .clarifai.api.Output output = 2;
public Builder setOutput(
com.clarifai.grpc.api.Output.Builder builderForValue) {
if (outputBuilder_ == null) {
output_ =;
} else {
return this;
* RANK based predicted outputs from models such as custom trained models, pre-trained models,
* etc. This is also where you enter the image url for a visual search because what we're asking
* the system to do is find output embedding most visually similar to the provided input (that
* input being in for example). This will return the Hits
* sorted by visual similarity (1.0 being very similar or exact match and 0.0 being very
* dissimlar). For a search by Output concept, this means we're asking the system to rank
* the Hits by confidence of our model's predicted Outputs. So for example if the model
* predicts an image is 0.95 likely there is a "dog" present, that should related directly
* to the score returned if you search for Output concept "dog" in your query. This provides
* a natural ranking to search results based on confidence of predictions from the models and
* is used when ANDing multiple of these types of RANK by Output queries together as well.
* ########## Supported fields ##########
* - data.clusters[].id
* - data.concepts[].id
* - data.concepts[].name
* - data.concepts[].value
* - - empty image is required when searching by input ID
* -[]
* -
* -
* .clarifai.api.Output output = 2;
public Builder mergeOutput(com.clarifai.grpc.api.Output value) {
if (outputBuilder_ == null) {
if (output_ != null) {
output_ =
} else {
output_ = value;
} else {
return this;
* RANK based predicted outputs from models such as custom trained models, pre-trained models,
* etc. This is also where you enter the image url for a visual search because what we're asking
* the system to do is find output embedding most visually similar to the provided input (that
* input being in for example). This will return the Hits
* sorted by visual similarity (1.0 being very similar or exact match and 0.0 being very
* dissimlar). For a search by Output concept, this means we're asking the system to rank
* the Hits by confidence of our model's predicted Outputs. So for example if the model
* predicts an image is 0.95 likely there is a "dog" present, that should related directly
* to the score returned if you search for Output concept "dog" in your query. This provides
* a natural ranking to search results based on confidence of predictions from the models and
* is used when ANDing multiple of these types of RANK by Output queries together as well.
* ########## Supported fields ##########
* - data.clusters[].id
* - data.concepts[].id
* - data.concepts[].name
* - data.concepts[].value
* - - empty image is required when searching by input ID
* -[]
* -
* -
* .clarifai.api.Output output = 2;
public Builder clearOutput() {
if (outputBuilder_ == null) {
output_ = null;
} else {
output_ = null;
outputBuilder_ = null;
return this;
* RANK based predicted outputs from models such as custom trained models, pre-trained models,
* etc. This is also where you enter the image url for a visual search because what we're asking
* the system to do is find output embedding most visually similar to the provided input (that
* input being in for example). This will return the Hits
* sorted by visual similarity (1.0 being very similar or exact match and 0.0 being very
* dissimlar). For a search by Output concept, this means we're asking the system to rank
* the Hits by confidence of our model's predicted Outputs. So for example if the model
* predicts an image is 0.95 likely there is a "dog" present, that should related directly
* to the score returned if you search for Output concept "dog" in your query. This provides
* a natural ranking to search results based on confidence of predictions from the models and
* is used when ANDing multiple of these types of RANK by Output queries together as well.
* ########## Supported fields ##########
* - data.clusters[].id
* - data.concepts[].id
* - data.concepts[].name
* - data.concepts[].value
* - - empty image is required when searching by input ID
* -[]
* -
* -
* .clarifai.api.Output output = 2;
public com.clarifai.grpc.api.Output.Builder getOutputBuilder() {
return getOutputFieldBuilder().getBuilder();
* RANK based predicted outputs from models such as custom trained models, pre-trained models,
* etc. This is also where you enter the image url for a visual search because what we're asking
* the system to do is find output embedding most visually similar to the provided input (that
* input being in for example). This will return the Hits
* sorted by visual similarity (1.0 being very similar or exact match and 0.0 being very
* dissimlar). For a search by Output concept, this means we're asking the system to rank
* the Hits by confidence of our model's predicted Outputs. So for example if the model
* predicts an image is 0.95 likely there is a "dog" present, that should related directly
* to the score returned if you search for Output concept "dog" in your query. This provides
* a natural ranking to search results based on confidence of predictions from the models and
* is used when ANDing multiple of these types of RANK by Output queries together as well.
* ########## Supported fields ##########
* - data.clusters[].id
* - data.concepts[].id
* - data.concepts[].name
* - data.concepts[].value
* - - empty image is required when searching by input ID
* -[]
* -
* -
* .clarifai.api.Output output = 2;
public com.clarifai.grpc.api.OutputOrBuilder getOutputOrBuilder() {
if (outputBuilder_ != null) {
return outputBuilder_.getMessageOrBuilder();
} else {
return output_ == null ?
com.clarifai.grpc.api.Output.getDefaultInstance() : output_;
* RANK based predicted outputs from models such as custom trained models, pre-trained models,
* etc. This is also where you enter the image url for a visual search because what we're asking
* the system to do is find output embedding most visually similar to the provided input (that
* input being in for example). This will return the Hits
* sorted by visual similarity (1.0 being very similar or exact match and 0.0 being very
* dissimlar). For a search by Output concept, this means we're asking the system to rank
* the Hits by confidence of our model's predicted Outputs. So for example if the model
* predicts an image is 0.95 likely there is a "dog" present, that should related directly
* to the score returned if you search for Output concept "dog" in your query. This provides
* a natural ranking to search results based on confidence of predictions from the models and
* is used when ANDing multiple of these types of RANK by Output queries together as well.
* ########## Supported fields ##########
* - data.clusters[].id
* - data.concepts[].id
* - data.concepts[].name
* - data.concepts[].value
* - - empty image is required when searching by input ID
* -[]
* -
* -
* .clarifai.api.Output output = 2;
com.clarifai.grpc.api.Output, com.clarifai.grpc.api.Output.Builder, com.clarifai.grpc.api.OutputOrBuilder>
getOutputFieldBuilder() {
if (outputBuilder_ == null) {
outputBuilder_ = new<
com.clarifai.grpc.api.Output, com.clarifai.grpc.api.Output.Builder, com.clarifai.grpc.api.OutputOrBuilder>(
output_ = null;
return outputBuilder_;
private boolean negate_ ;
* If True then this will flip the meaning of this part of the
* query. This allow for queries such as dog AND ! metadata=={"blah":"value"}
* bool negate = 3;
* @return The negate.
public boolean getNegate() {
return negate_;
* If True then this will flip the meaning of this part of the
* query. This allow for queries such as dog AND ! metadata=={"blah":"value"}
* bool negate = 3;
* @param value The negate to set.
* @return This builder for chaining.
public Builder setNegate(boolean value) {
negate_ = value;
return this;
* If True then this will flip the meaning of this part of the
* query. This allow for queries such as dog AND ! metadata=={"blah":"value"}
* bool negate = 3;
* @return This builder for chaining.
public Builder clearNegate() {
negate_ = false;
return this;
private com.clarifai.grpc.api.Annotation annotation_;
com.clarifai.grpc.api.Annotation, com.clarifai.grpc.api.Annotation.Builder, com.clarifai.grpc.api.AnnotationOrBuilder> annotationBuilder_;
* FILTER by annotation information. This is more flexible than just filtering by
* Input information because in the general case each input can have several annotations.
* Some example use cases for filtering by annotations:
* 1) find all the inputs annotated "dog" by worker_id = "XYZ"
* 2) find all the annotations associated with embed_model_version_id = "123"
* 3) find all the annotations that are trusted, etc.
* Since all the annotations under the hood are joined to the embedding model's annotation
* using worker_id's of other models like cluster models or concept models should be
* combinable with queries like visual search (a query with Output filled in).
* ########## Supported fields ##########
* - annotation_info - allows searching by empty annotation info
* note that searching by empty annotation info will actually not influence the search results.
* however, in order to be user-friendly, we are still supporting searching by empty annotation info.
* - annotation_info.fields - filter by annotation info
* - data.concepts[].id
* - data.concepts[].name
* - data.concepts[].value
* - data.geo.geo_box[].geo_point.latitude
* - data.geo.geo_box[].geo_point.longitude
* - data.geo.geo_limit.type
* - data.geo.geo_limit.value
* - data.geo.geo_point.latitude
* - data.geo.geo_point.longitude
* - data.image.url
* - data.metadata - allow search with empty metadata
* note that searching by empty metadata will actually not influence the search results.
* however, in order to be user-friendly, we are still supporting searching by empty metadata.
* - data.metadata.fields - filter by metadata. metadata key&value fields are OR-ed.
* - input_id
* - input_level
* - model_version_id
* - status.code
* - task_id
* - trusted
* - user_id
* .clarifai.api.Annotation annotation = 4;
* @return Whether the annotation field is set.
public boolean hasAnnotation() {
return annotationBuilder_ != null || annotation_ != null;
* FILTER by annotation information. This is more flexible than just filtering by
* Input information because in the general case each input can have several annotations.
* Some example use cases for filtering by annotations:
* 1) find all the inputs annotated "dog" by worker_id = "XYZ"
* 2) find all the annotations associated with embed_model_version_id = "123"
* 3) find all the annotations that are trusted, etc.
* Since all the annotations under the hood are joined to the embedding model's annotation
* using worker_id's of other models like cluster models or concept models should be
* combinable with queries like visual search (a query with Output filled in).
* ########## Supported fields ##########
* - annotation_info - allows searching by empty annotation info
* note that searching by empty annotation info will actually not influence the search results.
* however, in order to be user-friendly, we are still supporting searching by empty annotation info.
* - annotation_info.fields - filter by annotation info
* - data.concepts[].id
* - data.concepts[].name
* - data.concepts[].value
* - data.geo.geo_box[].geo_point.latitude
* - data.geo.geo_box[].geo_point.longitude
* - data.geo.geo_limit.type
* - data.geo.geo_limit.value
* - data.geo.geo_point.latitude
* - data.geo.geo_point.longitude
* - data.image.url
* - data.metadata - allow search with empty metadata
* note that searching by empty metadata will actually not influence the search results.
* however, in order to be user-friendly, we are still supporting searching by empty metadata.
* - data.metadata.fields - filter by metadata. metadata key&value fields are OR-ed.
* - input_id
* - input_level
* - model_version_id
* - status.code
* - task_id
* - trusted
* - user_id
* .clarifai.api.Annotation annotation = 4;
* @return The annotation.
public com.clarifai.grpc.api.Annotation getAnnotation() {
if (annotationBuilder_ == null) {
return annotation_ == null ? com.clarifai.grpc.api.Annotation.getDefaultInstance() : annotation_;
} else {
return annotationBuilder_.getMessage();
* FILTER by annotation information. This is more flexible than just filtering by
* Input information because in the general case each input can have several annotations.
* Some example use cases for filtering by annotations:
* 1) find all the inputs annotated "dog" by worker_id = "XYZ"
* 2) find all the annotations associated with embed_model_version_id = "123"
* 3) find all the annotations that are trusted, etc.
* Since all the annotations under the hood are joined to the embedding model's annotation
* using worker_id's of other models like cluster models or concept models should be
* combinable with queries like visual search (a query with Output filled in).
* ########## Supported fields ##########
* - annotation_info - allows searching by empty annotation info
* note that searching by empty annotation info will actually not influence the search results.
* however, in order to be user-friendly, we are still supporting searching by empty annotation info.
* - annotation_info.fields - filter by annotation info
* - data.concepts[].id
* - data.concepts[].name
* - data.concepts[].value
* - data.geo.geo_box[].geo_point.latitude
* - data.geo.geo_box[].geo_point.longitude
* - data.geo.geo_limit.type
* - data.geo.geo_limit.value
* - data.geo.geo_point.latitude
* - data.geo.geo_point.longitude
* - data.image.url
* - data.metadata - allow search with empty metadata
* note that searching by empty metadata will actually not influence the search results.
* however, in order to be user-friendly, we are still supporting searching by empty metadata.
* - data.metadata.fields - filter by metadata. metadata key&value fields are OR-ed.
* - input_id
* - input_level
* - model_version_id
* - status.code
* - task_id
* - trusted
* - user_id
* .clarifai.api.Annotation annotation = 4;
public Builder setAnnotation(com.clarifai.grpc.api.Annotation value) {
if (annotationBuilder_ == null) {
if (value == null) {
throw new NullPointerException();
annotation_ = value;
} else {
return this;
* FILTER by annotation information. This is more flexible than just filtering by
* Input information because in the general case each input can have several annotations.
* Some example use cases for filtering by annotations:
* 1) find all the inputs annotated "dog" by worker_id = "XYZ"
* 2) find all the annotations associated with embed_model_version_id = "123"
* 3) find all the annotations that are trusted, etc.
* Since all the annotations under the hood are joined to the embedding model's annotation
* using worker_id's of other models like cluster models or concept models should be
* combinable with queries like visual search (a query with Output filled in).
* ########## Supported fields ##########
* - annotation_info - allows searching by empty annotation info
* note that searching by empty annotation info will actually not influence the search results.
* however, in order to be user-friendly, we are still supporting searching by empty annotation info.
* - annotation_info.fields - filter by annotation info
* - data.concepts[].id
* - data.concepts[].name
* - data.concepts[].value
* - data.geo.geo_box[].geo_point.latitude
* - data.geo.geo_box[].geo_point.longitude
* - data.geo.geo_limit.type
* - data.geo.geo_limit.value
* - data.geo.geo_point.latitude
* - data.geo.geo_point.longitude
* - data.image.url
* - data.metadata - allow search with empty metadata
* note that searching by empty metadata will actually not influence the search results.
* however, in order to be user-friendly, we are still supporting searching by empty metadata.
* - data.metadata.fields - filter by metadata. metadata key&value fields are OR-ed.
* - input_id
* - input_level
* - model_version_id
* - status.code
* - task_id
* - trusted
* - user_id
* .clarifai.api.Annotation annotation = 4;
public Builder setAnnotation(
com.clarifai.grpc.api.Annotation.Builder builderForValue) {
if (annotationBuilder_ == null) {
annotation_ =;
} else {
return this;
* FILTER by annotation information. This is more flexible than just filtering by
* Input information because in the general case each input can have several annotations.
* Some example use cases for filtering by annotations:
* 1) find all the inputs annotated "dog" by worker_id = "XYZ"
* 2) find all the annotations associated with embed_model_version_id = "123"
* 3) find all the annotations that are trusted, etc.
* Since all the annotations under the hood are joined to the embedding model's annotation
* using worker_id's of other models like cluster models or concept models should be
* combinable with queries like visual search (a query with Output filled in).
* ########## Supported fields ##########
* - annotation_info - allows searching by empty annotation info
* note that searching by empty annotation info will actually not influence the search results.
* however, in order to be user-friendly, we are still supporting searching by empty annotation info.
* - annotation_info.fields - filter by annotation info
* - data.concepts[].id
* - data.concepts[].name
* - data.concepts[].value
* - data.geo.geo_box[].geo_point.latitude
* - data.geo.geo_box[].geo_point.longitude
* - data.geo.geo_limit.type
* - data.geo.geo_limit.value
* - data.geo.geo_point.latitude
* - data.geo.geo_point.longitude
* - data.image.url
* - data.metadata - allow search with empty metadata
* note that searching by empty metadata will actually not influence the search results.
* however, in order to be user-friendly, we are still supporting searching by empty metadata.
* - data.metadata.fields - filter by metadata. metadata key&value fields are OR-ed.
* - input_id
* - input_level
* - model_version_id
* - status.code
* - task_id
* - trusted
* - user_id
* .clarifai.api.Annotation annotation = 4;
public Builder mergeAnnotation(com.clarifai.grpc.api.Annotation value) {
if (annotationBuilder_ == null) {
if (annotation_ != null) {
annotation_ =
} else {
annotation_ = value;
} else {
return this;
* FILTER by annotation information. This is more flexible than just filtering by
* Input information because in the general case each input can have several annotations.
* Some example use cases for filtering by annotations:
* 1) find all the inputs annotated "dog" by worker_id = "XYZ"
* 2) find all the annotations associated with embed_model_version_id = "123"
* 3) find all the annotations that are trusted, etc.
* Since all the annotations under the hood are joined to the embedding model's annotation
* using worker_id's of other models like cluster models or concept models should be
* combinable with queries like visual search (a query with Output filled in).
* ########## Supported fields ##########
* - annotation_info - allows searching by empty annotation info
* note that searching by empty annotation info will actually not influence the search results.
* however, in order to be user-friendly, we are still supporting searching by empty annotation info.
* - annotation_info.fields - filter by annotation info
* - data.concepts[].id
* - data.concepts[].name
* - data.concepts[].value
* - data.geo.geo_box[].geo_point.latitude
* - data.geo.geo_box[].geo_point.longitude
* - data.geo.geo_limit.type
* - data.geo.geo_limit.value
* - data.geo.geo_point.latitude
* - data.geo.geo_point.longitude
* - data.image.url
* - data.metadata - allow search with empty metadata
* note that searching by empty metadata will actually not influence the search results.
* however, in order to be user-friendly, we are still supporting searching by empty metadata.
* - data.metadata.fields - filter by metadata. metadata key&value fields are OR-ed.
* - input_id
* - input_level
* - model_version_id
* - status.code
* - task_id
* - trusted
* - user_id
* .clarifai.api.Annotation annotation = 4;
public Builder clearAnnotation() {
if (annotationBuilder_ == null) {
annotation_ = null;
} else {
annotation_ = null;
annotationBuilder_ = null;
return this;
* FILTER by annotation information. This is more flexible than just filtering by
* Input information because in the general case each input can have several annotations.
* Some example use cases for filtering by annotations:
* 1) find all the inputs annotated "dog" by worker_id = "XYZ"
* 2) find all the annotations associated with embed_model_version_id = "123"
* 3) find all the annotations that are trusted, etc.
* Since all the annotations under the hood are joined to the embedding model's annotation
* using worker_id's of other models like cluster models or concept models should be
* combinable with queries like visual search (a query with Output filled in).
* ########## Supported fields ##########
* - annotation_info - allows searching by empty annotation info
* note that searching by empty annotation info will actually not influence the search results.
* however, in order to be user-friendly, we are still supporting searching by empty annotation info.
* - annotation_info.fields - filter by annotation info
* - data.concepts[].id
* - data.concepts[].name
* - data.concepts[].value
* - data.geo.geo_box[].geo_point.latitude
* - data.geo.geo_box[].geo_point.longitude
* - data.geo.geo_limit.type
* - data.geo.geo_limit.value
* - data.geo.geo_point.latitude
* - data.geo.geo_point.longitude
* - data.image.url
* - data.metadata - allow search with empty metadata
* note that searching by empty metadata will actually not influence the search results.
* however, in order to be user-friendly, we are still supporting searching by empty metadata.
* - data.metadata.fields - filter by metadata. metadata key&value fields are OR-ed.
* - input_id
* - input_level
* - model_version_id
* - status.code
* - task_id
* - trusted
* - user_id
* .clarifai.api.Annotation annotation = 4;
public com.clarifai.grpc.api.Annotation.Builder getAnnotationBuilder() {
return getAnnotationFieldBuilder().getBuilder();
* FILTER by annotation information. This is more flexible than just filtering by
* Input information because in the general case each input can have several annotations.
* Some example use cases for filtering by annotations:
* 1) find all the inputs annotated "dog" by worker_id = "XYZ"
* 2) find all the annotations associated with embed_model_version_id = "123"
* 3) find all the annotations that are trusted, etc.
* Since all the annotations under the hood are joined to the embedding model's annotation
* using worker_id's of other models like cluster models or concept models should be
* combinable with queries like visual search (a query with Output filled in).
* ########## Supported fields ##########
* - annotation_info - allows searching by empty annotation info
* note that searching by empty annotation info will actually not influence the search results.
* however, in order to be user-friendly, we are still supporting searching by empty annotation info.
* - annotation_info.fields - filter by annotation info
* - data.concepts[].id
* - data.concepts[].name
* - data.concepts[].value
* - data.geo.geo_box[].geo_point.latitude
* - data.geo.geo_box[].geo_point.longitude
* - data.geo.geo_limit.type
* - data.geo.geo_limit.value
* - data.geo.geo_point.latitude
* - data.geo.geo_point.longitude
* - data.image.url
* - data.metadata - allow search with empty metadata
* note that searching by empty metadata will actually not influence the search results.
* however, in order to be user-friendly, we are still supporting searching by empty metadata.
* - data.metadata.fields - filter by metadata. metadata key&value fields are OR-ed.
* - input_id
* - input_level
* - model_version_id
* - status.code
* - task_id
* - trusted
* - user_id
* .clarifai.api.Annotation annotation = 4;
public com.clarifai.grpc.api.AnnotationOrBuilder getAnnotationOrBuilder() {
if (annotationBuilder_ != null) {
return annotationBuilder_.getMessageOrBuilder();
} else {
return annotation_ == null ?
com.clarifai.grpc.api.Annotation.getDefaultInstance() : annotation_;
* FILTER by annotation information. This is more flexible than just filtering by
* Input information because in the general case each input can have several annotations.
* Some example use cases for filtering by annotations:
* 1) find all the inputs annotated "dog" by worker_id = "XYZ"
* 2) find all the annotations associated with embed_model_version_id = "123"
* 3) find all the annotations that are trusted, etc.
* Since all the annotations under the hood are joined to the embedding model's annotation
* using worker_id's of other models like cluster models or concept models should be
* combinable with queries like visual search (a query with Output filled in).
* ########## Supported fields ##########
* - annotation_info - allows searching by empty annotation info
* note that searching by empty annotation info will actually not influence the search results.
* however, in order to be user-friendly, we are still supporting searching by empty annotation info.
* - annotation_info.fields - filter by annotation info
* - data.concepts[].id
* - data.concepts[].name
* - data.concepts[].value
* - data.geo.geo_box[].geo_point.latitude
* - data.geo.geo_box[].geo_point.longitude
* - data.geo.geo_limit.type
* - data.geo.geo_limit.value
* - data.geo.geo_point.latitude
* - data.geo.geo_point.longitude
* - data.image.url
* - data.metadata - allow search with empty metadata
* note that searching by empty metadata will actually not influence the search results.
* however, in order to be user-friendly, we are still supporting searching by empty metadata.
* - data.metadata.fields - filter by metadata. metadata key&value fields are OR-ed.
* - input_id
* - input_level
* - model_version_id
* - status.code
* - task_id
* - trusted
* - user_id
* .clarifai.api.Annotation annotation = 4;
com.clarifai.grpc.api.Annotation, com.clarifai.grpc.api.Annotation.Builder, com.clarifai.grpc.api.AnnotationOrBuilder>
getAnnotationFieldBuilder() {
if (annotationBuilder_ == null) {
annotationBuilder_ = new<
com.clarifai.grpc.api.Annotation, com.clarifai.grpc.api.Annotation.Builder, com.clarifai.grpc.api.AnnotationOrBuilder>(
annotation_ = null;
return annotationBuilder_;
public final Builder setUnknownFields(
final unknownFields) {
return super.setUnknownFields(unknownFields);
public final Builder mergeUnknownFields(
final unknownFields) {
return super.mergeUnknownFields(unknownFields);
// @@protoc_insertion_point(builder_scope:clarifai.api.And)
// @@protoc_insertion_point(class_scope:clarifai.api.And)
private static final com.clarifai.grpc.api.And DEFAULT_INSTANCE;
static {
DEFAULT_INSTANCE = new com.clarifai.grpc.api.And();
public static com.clarifai.grpc.api.And getDefaultInstance() {
private static final
PARSER = new {
public And parsePartialFrom( input, extensionRegistry)
throws {
return new And(input, extensionRegistry);
public static parser() {
return PARSER;
public getParserForType() {
return PARSER;
public com.clarifai.grpc.api.And getDefaultInstanceForType() {