Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright © 2017, 2018 IBM Corp. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
* except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the
* either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions
* and limitations under the License.
package com.cloudant.client.api.query;
import com.cloudant.client.internal.query.Helpers;
import com.cloudant.http.HttpConnection;
import java.util.LinkedList;
* Helper class for building query selector strings.
* Example usage to return the name and year of movies starring Alec Guinness since 1960
* with the results sorted by year descending:
* {@code
* String query = db.query(new QueryBuilder(and(
* gt("Movie_year", 1960),
* eq("Person_name", "Alec Guinness"))).
* sort(Sort.desc("Movie_year")).
* fields("Movie_name", "Movie_year").
* build();
* }
* The resulting string can then be used to query the database using either
* {@link com.cloudant.client.api.Database#query(String, Class)} (which deserialises the results)
* or {@link com.cloudant.client.api.CloudantClient#executeRequest(HttpConnection)} (which can
* be used to make a "raw" request by POSTing the string to the {@code /_find} endpoint).
* @see Selector
public class QueryBuilder {
private final Selector selector;
private String[] fields;
private Sort[] sort;
private Long limit;
private Long skip;
private String bookmark;
private boolean update = true;
private boolean stable;
private boolean executionStats;
private String[] useIndex;
* Construct a {@code QueryBuilder} object for use with
* {@link com.cloudant.client.api.Database#query(String, Class)}
* Obtain a selector from an {@link Operation} or {@link Expression}.
* @param selector {@code Selector} object describing criteria used to select
* documents.
* @see selector syntax
* @see com.cloudant.client.api.Database#query(String, Class)
* @see Selector
public QueryBuilder(Selector selector) {
this.selector = selector;
* Set the fields option for the query builder.
* @param fields List specifying which fields of each document should be returned. If it is
* omitted, the entire document is returned.
* @return {@code QueryBuilder} object for method chaining.
public QueryBuilder fields(String... fields) {
this.fields = fields;
return this;
* Set the sort option for the query builder.
* @param sort List specifying sort order of returned documents.
* @return {@code QueryBuilder} object for method chaining.
public QueryBuilder sort(Sort... sort) {
this.sort = sort;
return this;
* Set the limit option for the query builder.
* @param limit Maximum number of results returned. Default is 25.
* @return {@code QueryBuilder} object for method chaining.
public QueryBuilder limit(long limit) {
this.limit = limit;
return this;
* Set the skip option for the query builder.
* @param skip Skip the first {@code n} results, where {@code n} is the value specified.
* @return {@code QueryBuilder} object for method chaining.
public QueryBuilder skip(long skip) {
this.skip = skip;
return this;
* Set the bookmark option for the query builder.
* @param bookmark A string that enables you to specify which page of results you require.
* Used for paging through result sets. Every query returns an opaque string
* under the bookmark key that can then be passed back in a query to get the
* next page of results. If any part of the selector query changes between
* requests, the results are undefined.
* @return {@code QueryBuilder} object for method chaining.
public QueryBuilder bookmark(String bookmark) {
this.bookmark = bookmark;
return this;
* Set the update option for the query builder.
* @param update Whether to update the index prior to returning the result. Default is {@code
* true}.
* @return {@code QueryBuilder} object for method chaining.
public QueryBuilder update(boolean update) {
this.update = update;
return this;
* Set the stable option for the query builder.
* @param stable Whether or not the view results should be returned from a "stable" set of shards.
* @return {@code QueryBuilder} object for method chaining.
public QueryBuilder stable(boolean stable) {
this.stable = stable;
return this;
* Set the executionStats option for the query builder.
* @param executionStats Include execution statistics in the query response. Defailt is
* {@code false}
* @return {@code QueryBuilder} object for method chaining.
public QueryBuilder executionStats(boolean executionStats) {
this.executionStats = executionStats;
return this;
* Instruct a query to use a specific index.
* @param designDocument Design document to use.
* @return {@code QueryBuilder} object for method chaining.
public QueryBuilder useIndex(String designDocument) {
useIndex = new String[]{designDocument};
return this;
* Instruct a query to use a specific index.
* @param designDocument Design document to use.
* @param indexName Index name to use.
* @return {@code QueryBuilder} object for method chaining.
public QueryBuilder useIndex(String designDocument, String indexName) {
useIndex = new String[]{designDocument, indexName};
return this;
* Build string representation of query for use with
* {@link com.cloudant.client.api.Database#query(String, Class)}.
* @return String representation of query.
public String build() {
String fieldsString = this.fields == null ? null : Helpers.quote(this.fields, true);
String sortString = this.sort == null ? null : quoteSort(this.sort);
String limitString = this.limit == null ? null : Helpers.quote(this.limit);
String skipString = this.skip == null ? null : Helpers.quote(this.skip);
String bookmarkString = this.bookmark == null ? null : Helpers.quote(this.bookmark);
String useIndexString = this.useIndex == null ? null : Helpers.quote(this.useIndex);
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
// build up components...
// selector
builder.append(Helpers.withKey(Helpers.SELECTOR, this.selector));
// fields
if (fieldsString != null) {
builder.append(String.format(", \"fields\": %s", fieldsString));
// sort
if (sortString != null) {
builder.append(String.format(", \"sort\": %s", sortString));
// limit
if (limitString != null) {
builder.append(String.format(", \"limit\": %s", limitString));
// skip
if (skipString != null) {
builder.append(String.format(", \"skip\": %s", skipString));
if (bookmarkString != null) {
builder.append(String.format(", \"bookmark\": %s", bookmarkString));
if (!this.update) {
builder.append(", \"update\": false");
if (this.stable) {
builder.append(", \"stable\": true");
// execution_stats
if (this.executionStats) {
builder.append(", \"execution_stats\": true");
if (useIndexString != null) {
builder.append(String.format(", \"use_index\": %s", useIndexString));
return String.format("{%s}", builder.toString());
// sorts are a bit more awkward and need a helper...
private static String quoteSort(Sort[] sort) {
LinkedList sorts = new LinkedList();
for (Sort pair : sort) {
sorts.add(String.format("{%s: %s}", Helpers.quote(pair.getName()), Helpers.quote(pair.getOrder().toString())));
return sorts.toString();