test.java.com.cloudant.tests.DesignDocumentsTest Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright (C) 2011 lightcouch.org
* Copyright © 2015, 2018 IBM Corp. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
* except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the
* either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions
* and limitations under the License.
package com.cloudant.tests;
import static org.hamcrest.MatcherAssert.assertThat;
import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.not;
import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertFalse;
import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertNotNull;
import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertThrows;
import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertTrue;
import com.cloudant.client.api.CloudantClient;
import com.cloudant.client.api.Database;
import com.cloudant.client.api.DesignDocumentManager;
import com.cloudant.client.api.model.DesignDocument;
import com.cloudant.client.api.model.Response;
import com.cloudant.client.org.lightcouch.CouchDbException;
import com.cloudant.test.main.RequiresDB;
import com.cloudant.tests.base.TestWithDbPerClass;
import com.cloudant.tests.extensions.MockWebServerExtension;
import com.cloudant.tests.util.Utils;
import com.google.gson.JsonObject;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.BeforeAll;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.BeforeEach;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.extension.RegisterExtension;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.function.Executable;
import okhttp3.mockwebserver.MockResponse;
import okhttp3.mockwebserver.MockWebServer;
import okhttp3.mockwebserver.SocketPolicy;
import java.io.File;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
public class DesignDocumentsTest extends TestWithDbPerClass {
public static MockWebServerExtension mockWebServerExt = new MockWebServerExtension();
private static MockWebServer mockWebServer;
private static File rootDesignDir;
private static DesignDocument designDocExample;
private static DesignDocumentManager designManager;
public void beforeEach() {
mockWebServer = mockWebServerExt.get();
public static void beforeAll() throws Exception {
rootDesignDir = new File(System.getProperty("user.dir")
+ "/src/test/resources/design-files");
designManager = db.getDesignDocumentManager();
designDocExample = fileToDesignDocument("example");
* Test helper that converts a test resource js file (located in the {@link #rootDesignDir}
* to a DesignDocument.
* @param name parts of the file name before _design_doc.js (e.g. "conflicts", "example", or
* "views101")
* @return the DesignDocument object generated from the file.
* @throws Exception
private static DesignDocument fileToDesignDocument(String name) throws Exception {
File testDesignDocFile = new File(String.format("%s/%s_design_doc.js", rootDesignDir,
return designManager.fromFile(testDesignDocFile);
public void designDocSync() throws Exception {
public void designDocCompare() throws Exception {
DesignDocument exampleDoc = fileToDesignDocument("example");
Response response = designManager.put(exampleDoc);
// Assign the revision to our local DesignDocument object (needed for equality)
DesignDocument designDoc11 = db.getDesignDocumentManager().get("_design/example");
assertEquals(exampleDoc, designDoc11, "The design document retrieved should equal ");
public void updateDesignDocIndex() throws Exception {
DesignDocument designDoc1 = DesignDocumentManager.fromFile(
new File(String.format("%s/views101_design_doc.js", rootDesignDir)));
JsonObject indexes = designDoc1.getIndexes();
Response response = designManager.put(designDoc1);
response = designManager.put(designDoc1);
public void designDocs() throws Exception {
List designDocs = DesignDocumentManager.fromDirectory(rootDesignDir);
DesignDocument[] docArray = designDocs.toArray(new DesignDocument[designDocs.size()]);
assertThat(designDocs.size(), not(0));
public void updateDesignDocs() throws Exception {
List designDocs = DesignDocumentManager.fromDirectory(rootDesignDir);
assertThat(designDocs.size(), not(0));
DesignDocument[] docArray = designDocs.toArray(new DesignDocument[designDocs.size()]);
for (String id : new String[]{"_design/conflicts", "_design/example", "_design/views101"}) {
assertNotNull(designManager.get(id), "");
* Validate that a design document can be retrieved without using the "_design" prefix.
* @throws Exception
public void designDocGetNoPrefix() throws Exception {
// Write a doc with a _design prefix
// Retrieve it without a prefix
assertNotNull(designManager.get("example"), "The design doc should be retrieved without a" +
" _design prefix");
* Validate that a design document can be retrieved without using the "_design" prefix when a
* revision is supplied
* @throws Exception
public void designDocGetNoPrefixWithRevision() throws Exception {
// Write a doc with a _design prefix
Response r = designManager.put(designDocExample);
// Retrieve it without a prefix
assertNotNull(designManager.get("example", r.getRev()), "The design doc should be " +
"retrieved without a _design prefix");
* Validate that a design document can be retrieved without using the "_design" prefix.
* @throws Exception
public void designDocRemoveNoPrefix() throws Exception {
// Write a doc with a _design prefix
// Remove it without a prefix
* Validate that a design document can be retrieved without using the "_design" prefix when a
* revision is supplied
* @throws Exception
public void designDocRemoveNoPrefixWithRevision() throws Exception {
// Write a doc with a _design prefix
Response r = designManager.put(designDocExample);
// Retrieve it without a prefix
Utils.assertOKResponse(designManager.remove("example", r.getRev()));
* Validate that a design document can be removed without using the "_design" prefix when a
* DesignDocument object is supplied
* @throws Exception
public void designDocRemoveNoPrefixWithObject() throws Exception {
// Write a doc with a _design prefix
Response r = designManager.put(designDocExample);
DesignDocument ddoc = new DesignDocument();
// Retrieve it without a prefix
* Validate that a design document can be retrieved without using the "_design" prefix.
* @throws Exception
public void designDocPutNoPrefix() throws Exception {
// Write a doc without a _design prefix
// Create an example without the _design prefix
DesignDocument designDocExampleNoPrefix = fileToDesignDocument("example");
// Retrieve it with a prefix
assertNotNull(designManager.get("_design/example"), "The design doc should be retrievable" +
" with a _design prefix");
* Test that a design document with an index can be deleted.
* @throws Exception
public void deleteDesignDocWithIndex() throws Exception {
// Put a design document with indices
DesignDocument ddocWithIndices = fileToDesignDocument("views101");
// Now delete the design doc with indices
* Test that a CouchDbException is thrown if an IOException is encountered when trying to get
* revision information for a design document removal.
* @throws Exception
public void couchDbExceptionIfIOExceptionDuringDDocRemove() throws Exception {
assertThrows(CouchDbException.class, new Executable() {
public void execute() throws Throwable {
CloudantClient mockClient = CloudantClientHelper.newMockWebServerClientBuilder
(mockWebServer).readTimeout(50, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS).build();
// Cause a read timeout to generate an IOException
mockWebServer.enqueue(new MockResponse().setSocketPolicy(SocketPolicy.NO_RESPONSE));
Database database = mockClient.database(dbResource.getDatabaseName(), false);
// Try to remove a design document by id only, generates a HEAD request for
// revision info
* Test that a CouchDbException is thrown
* @throws Exception
public void couchDbExceptionIfNoETagOnDDocRemove() throws Exception {
assertThrows(CouchDbException.class, new Executable() {
public void execute() throws Throwable {
CloudantClient mockClient = CloudantClientHelper.newMockWebServerClientBuilder
Database database = mockClient.database(dbResource.getDatabaseName(), false);
// Queue a mock response with no "ETag" header
mockWebServer.enqueue(new MockResponse());
* Test the {@link DesignDocumentManager#list()} function. Assert that the returned list of
* design documents matches that expected.
* @throws Exception
public void listDesignDocuments() throws Exception {
// Put all the design docs from the directory
List designDocs = DesignDocumentManager.fromDirectory(rootDesignDir);
// Sort the list lexicographically so that the order matches that returned by the list
// function, as elements need to be in the same order for list.equals().
Collections.sort(designDocs, new Comparator() {
public int compare(DesignDocument doc1, DesignDocument doc2) {
return doc1.getId().compareTo(doc2.getId());
for (DesignDocument doc : designDocs) {
// Put each design document and set the revision for equality comparison later
assertEquals(designDocs, designManager.list(), "The retrieved list of design documents " +
"should match the expected list");
* Test that for javascript language MR view (i.e. the map function is a JSON string) that the
* map function is correctly deserialized as a Java String.
* The javascript string must be enclosed in \", for compatibility with JSON objects that might
* be stored in maps we have to internally switch between the two, but the library did not
* originally deal with both cases so for backwards compatibility must return the JSON strings
* without the leading and trailing " when they are java strings.
* @throws Exception
* @see #serializeJavascriptView()
* @see #serializeQueryDesignDoc()
* @see #deserializeQueryDesignDoc()
public void deserializeJavascriptView() throws Exception {
DesignDocument queryDDoc = fileToDesignDocument("example");
Map views = queryDDoc.getViews();
for (DesignDocument.MapReduce mrView : views.values()) {
assertFalse(mrView.getMap().startsWith("\""), "The map function should not start with" +
" \"");
assertFalse(mrView.getMap().endsWith("\""), "The map function should not end with \"");
* Test that when setting a javascript map function it is correctly serialized and deserialized.
* @throws Exception
* @see #deserializeJavascriptView()
* @see #serializeQueryDesignDoc()
* @see #deserializeQueryDesignDoc()
public void serializeJavascriptView() throws Exception {
// Create and write a design document with a javascript lang map function
String testDDocName = "testJSMapFn";
String mapFunction = "function(doc){emit([doc.contentArray[0].boolean,doc.contentArray[0]" +
DesignDocument ddoc = new DesignDocument();
Map views = new HashMap();
DesignDocument.MapReduce mr = new DesignDocument.MapReduce();
views.put("testView", mr);
Response r = designManager.put(ddoc);
// Retrieve the doc and check that the javascript function is correct
DesignDocument retrievedDDoc = designManager.get(testDDocName, r.getRev());
assertNotNull(retrievedDDoc, "There should be a retrieved design doc");
Map retrievedViews = retrievedDDoc.getViews();
assertNotNull(retrievedViews, "There should be views defined on the design doc");
DesignDocument.MapReduce mrView = retrievedViews.get("testView");
assertNotNull(mrView, "There should be a testView in the retrieved design doc");
assertEquals(mapFunction, mrView.getMap(), "The map function string should be the " +
"expected string");
* Test that if a query language design document is serialized the map function is a string
* form of the JSON object.
* @throws Exception
* @see #serializeJavascriptView()
* @see #deserializeJavascriptView()
* @see #deserializeQueryDesignDoc()
public void serializeQueryDesignDoc() throws Exception {
DesignDocument queryDDoc = fileToDesignDocument("query");
Map views = queryDDoc.getViews();
assertEquals(1, views.size(), "There should be one view");
for (DesignDocument.MapReduce mrView : views.values()) {
assertTrue(mrView.getMap().startsWith("{"), "The map function should be a javascript " +
"function in a JSON form, " + "so start with {");
assertTrue(mrView.getMap().endsWith("}"), "The map function should be a javascript " +
"function in a JSON form, " + "so end with }");
assertEquals("{\"fields\":{\"Person_dob\":\"asc\"}}", mrView.getMap(), "The map " +
"function string should be an object form");
* Test that deserializing a query language design document results in the correct form of the
* map function.
* @throws Exception
* @see #serializeJavascriptView()
* @see #deserializeJavascriptView()
* @see #serializeQueryDesignDoc()
public void deserializeQueryDesignDoc() throws Exception {
// Put the query design document
// Get the query design document
DesignDocument queryDDoc = designManager.get("testQuery");
Map views = queryDDoc.getViews();
assertEquals(1, views.size(), "There should be one view");
for (DesignDocument.MapReduce mrView : views.values()) {
assertTrue(mrView.getMap().startsWith("{"), "The map function should be a javascript " +
"function in a JSON form, " + "so start with {");
assertTrue(mrView.getMap().endsWith("}"), "The map function should be a javascript " +
"function in a JSON form, " + "so end with }");
assertEquals("{\"fields\":{\"Person_dob\":\"asc\"}}", mrView.getMap(), "The map " +
"function string should be an object form");
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