com.codacy.client.bitbucket.v2.service.PullRequestServices.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package com.codacy.client.bitbucket.v2.service
import com.codacy.client.bitbucket.client.{BitbucketClient, PageRequest, RequestResponse}
import com.codacy.client.bitbucket.util.UrlHelper
import com.codacy.client.bitbucket.v2.{PullRequest, PullRequestComment, PullRequestReviewers, SimpleCommit}
import play.api.libs.json._
class PullRequestServices(client: BitbucketClient) {
private val DEFAULT_PAGE_LENGTH = 50
* Returns all pull requests on the specified repository.
* By default only open pull requests are returned. This can be controlled using the states parameter.
* @param workspace This can either be the workspace ID (slug) or the workspace UUID surrounded by curly-braces, for example: {workspace UUID}
* @param repositorySlug This can either be the repository slug or the UUID of the repository, surrounded by curly-braces, for example: {repository UUID}
* @param pageLength The number of items of the page to be returned, it defaults to [[DEFAULT_PAGE_LENGTH]]
* @param pageRequest The cursor to get a page of repositories
* @param states Only return pull requests that are in these states. Valid values: MERGED, SUPERSEDED, OPEN, DECLINED
def getPullRequests(
workspace: String,
repositorySlug: String,
pageLength: Int = DEFAULT_PAGE_LENGTH,
pageRequest: Option[PageRequest] = None,
states: Seq[String] = Seq("OPEN")
): RequestResponse[Seq[PullRequest]] = {
val pullRequestsUrl = generatePullRequestsUrl(workspace, repositorySlug)
val statesParams = => s"state=$state")
val url = UrlHelper.joinQueryParameters(pullRequestsUrl, statesParams: _*)
pageRequest match {
case Some(request) => client.executeWithCursor[PullRequest](url, request, Some(pageLength))
case None => client.executePaginated[PullRequest](UrlHelper.joinQueryParameters(url, s"pagelen=$pageLength"))
* Returns a specific pullRequest for a specified repository.
* @param workspace This can either be the workspace ID (slug) or the workspace UUID surrounded by curly-braces, for example: {workspace UUID}
* @param repositorySlug This can either be the repository slug or the UUID of the repository, surrounded by curly-braces, for example: {repository UUID}
* @param prId The id of the specific pr to retrieve.
* @return The PullRequest that contains the data for the required id, the result is wrapped in a RequestResponse type.
def getPullRequest(workspace: String, repositorySlug: String, prId: Int): RequestResponse[PullRequest] =
client.execute[PullRequest](generateSpecificPullRequestUrl(workspace, repositorySlug, prId))
* Gets the list of commits of a pull request
def getPullRequestCommits(
owner: String,
repository: String,
prId: Long,
size: Int = 100
): RequestResponse[Seq[SimpleCommit]] = {
val pullRequestsUrl = generatePullRequestsUrl(owner, repository)
val url = s"$pullRequestsUrl/$prId/commits?pagelen=$size"
private[this] def postNewComment(
owner: String,
repository: String,
prId: Int,
values: JsObject
): RequestResponse[PullRequestComment] = {
val pullRequestsUrl = generatePullRequestsUrl(owner, repository)
val url = s"$pullRequestsUrl/$prId/comments"
client.postJson[PullRequestComment](url, values)
def create(
owner: String,
repository: String,
title: String,
sourceBranch: String,
destinationBranch: String
): RequestResponse[JsObject] = {
val pullRequestsUrl = generatePullRequestsUrl(owner, repository)
val payload = Json.obj(
"title" -> title,
"source" -> Json.obj("branch" -> Json.obj("name" -> sourceBranch)),
"destination" -> Json.obj("branch" -> Json.obj("name" -> destinationBranch))
client.postJson[JsObject](pullRequestsUrl, payload)
def postApprove(owner: String, repository: String, prId: Long): RequestResponse[JsObject] = {
val pullRequestsUrl = generatePullRequestsUrl(owner, repository)
val url = s"$pullRequestsUrl/$prId/approve"
client.postJson[JsObject](url, JsNull)
def deleteApprove(owner: String, repository: String, prId: Long): RequestResponse[Boolean] = {
val pullRequestsUrl = generatePullRequestsUrl(owner, repository)
val url = s"$pullRequestsUrl/$prId/approve"
def merge(owner: String, repository: String, prId: Long): RequestResponse[JsObject] = {
val pullRequestsUrl = generatePullRequestsUrl(owner, repository)
val url = s"$pullRequestsUrl/$prId/merge"
client.postJson[JsObject](url, JsNull)
def decline(owner: String, repository: String, prId: Long): RequestResponse[JsObject] = {
val pullRequestsUrl = generatePullRequestsUrl(owner, repository)
val url = s"$pullRequestsUrl/$prId/decline"
client.postJson[JsObject](url, JsNull)
def createLineComment(
author: String,
repo: String,
prId: Int,
body: String,
file: Option[String],
line: Option[Int]
): RequestResponse[PullRequestComment] = {
val params = for {
filename <- file
lineTo <- line
} yield {
"inline" -> Json.obj("path" -> JsString(filename), "to" -> JsNumber(lineTo))
val values = JsObject(params.toSeq :+ "content" -> Json.obj("raw" -> JsString(body)))
postNewComment(author, repo, prId, values)
def createPullRequestComment(
author: String,
repo: String,
prId: Int,
content: String
): RequestResponse[PullRequestComment] = {
val values = Json.obj("content" -> Json.obj("raw" -> JsString(content)))
postNewComment(author, repo, prId, values)
def deleteComment(
author: String,
repository: String,
pullRequestId: Int,
commentId: Long
): RequestResponse[Boolean] = {
val pullRequestsUrl = generatePullRequestsUrl(author, repository)
val url = s"$pullRequestsUrl/$pullRequestId/comments/$commentId"
def listComments(author: String, repository: String, pullRequestId: Int): RequestResponse[Seq[PullRequestComment]] = {
val pullRequestsUrl = generatePullRequestsUrl(author, repository)
val url = s"$pullRequestsUrl/$pullRequestId/comments"
def getPullRequestsReviewers(owner: String, repository: String, prId: Long): RequestResponse[PullRequestReviewers] = {
val pullRequestsUrl = generatePullRequestsUrl(owner, repository)
val url = s"$pullRequestsUrl/$prId"
private def generatePullRequestsUrl(workspace: String, repoSlug: String): String = {
val encodedWorkspace = URLEncoder.encode(workspace, "UTF-8")
val encodedSlug = URLEncoder.encode(repoSlug, "UTF-8")
private def generateSpecificPullRequestUrl(workspace: String, repoSlug: String, pullRequestId: Int): String = {
val encodedWorkspace = URLEncoder.encode(workspace, "UTF-8")
val encodedSlug = URLEncoder.encode(repoSlug, "UTF-8")