com.codbex.kronos.parser.hdbcalculationview.ndb.bimodelcube.ObjectFactory Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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* Copyright (c) 2022 codbex or an codbex affiliate company and contributors
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v2.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022 codbex or an codbex affiliate company and contributors
* SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
// This file was generated by the JavaTM Architecture for XML Binding(JAXB) Reference Implementation, v2.3.0
// See
// Any modifications to this file will be lost upon recompilation of the source schema.
// Generated on: 2020.11.26 at 10:54:28 AM EET
package com.codbex.kronos.parser.hdbcalculationview.ndb.bimodelcube;
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlRegistry;
* This object contains factory methods for each
* Java content interface and Java element interface
* generated in the package.
* An ObjectFactory allows you to programatically
* construct new instances of the Java representation
* for XML content. The Java representation of XML
* content can consist of schema derived interfaces
* and classes representing the binding of schema
* type definitions, element declarations and model
* groups. Factory methods for each of these are
* provided in this class.
public class ObjectFactory {
* Create a new ObjectFactory that can be used to create new instances of schema derived classes for package:
public ObjectFactory() {
* Create an instance of {@link Cube }.
* @return the cube
public Cube createCube() {
return new Cube();
* Create an instance of {@link MeasureGroup }.
* @return the measure group
public MeasureGroup createMeasureGroup() {
return new MeasureGroup();
* Create an instance of {@link BaseMeasures }.
* @return the base measures
public BaseMeasures createBaseMeasures() {
return new BaseMeasures();
* Create an instance of {@link CalculatedMeasures }.
* @return the calculated measures
public CalculatedMeasures createCalculatedMeasures() {
return new CalculatedMeasures();
* Create an instance of {@link RestrictedMeasures }.
* @return the restricted measures
public RestrictedMeasures createRestrictedMeasures() {
return new RestrictedMeasures();
* Create an instance of {@link Measure }.
* @return the measure
public Measure createMeasure() {
return new Measure();
* Create an instance of {@link MeasureDimensionality }.
* @return the measure dimensionality
public MeasureDimensionality createMeasureDimensionality() {
return new MeasureDimensionality();
* Create an instance of {@link BaseMeasure }.
* @return the base measure
public BaseMeasure createBaseMeasure() {
return new BaseMeasure();
* Create an instance of {@link CalculatedMeasure }.
* @return the calculated measure
public CalculatedMeasure createCalculatedMeasure() {
return new CalculatedMeasure();
* Create an instance of {@link RestrictedMeasure }.
* @return the restricted measure
public RestrictedMeasure createRestrictedMeasure() {
return new RestrictedMeasure();
* Create an instance of {@link LocalDimensions }.
* @return the local dimensions
public LocalDimensions createLocalDimensions() {
return new LocalDimensions();
* Create an instance of {@link SortAttribute }.
* @return the sort attribute
public SortAttribute createSortAttribute() {
return new SortAttribute();
* Create an instance of {@link SortAttributes }.
* @return the sort attributes
public SortAttributes createSortAttributes() {
return new SortAttributes();
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