coop.ThreadT.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2020 Daniel Spiewak
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package coop
import cats.{~>, Applicative, Functor, Monad, Show}
import cats.implicits._
import scala.collection.immutable.Queue
object ThreadT {
import ThreadF._
def liftF[M[_]: Functor, A](ma: M[A]): ThreadT[M, A] =
FreeT.liftT[ThreadF, M, A](ma)
def fork[M[_]: Applicative, A](left: A, right: A): ThreadT[M, A] =
FreeT.liftF[ThreadF, M, A](Fork(left, right))
def cede[M[_]: Applicative]: ThreadT[M, Unit] =
FreeT.liftF[ThreadF, M, Unit](Cede(()))
def done[M[_]: Applicative, A]: ThreadT[M, A] =
FreeT.liftF[ThreadF, M, A](Done)
def monitor[M[_]: Applicative]: ThreadT[M, MonitorId] =
FreeT.liftF[ThreadF, M, MonitorId](Monitor(m => m))
def await[M[_]: Applicative](id: MonitorId): ThreadT[M, Unit] =
FreeT.liftF[ThreadF, M, Unit](Await(id, ()))
def notify[M[_]: Applicative](id: MonitorId): ThreadT[M, Unit] =
FreeT.liftF[ThreadF, M, Unit](Notify(id, ()))
def start[M[_]: Applicative, A](child: ThreadT[M, A]): ThreadT[M, Unit] =
fork[M, Boolean](false, true).ifM(child >> done[M, Unit], ().pure[ThreadT[M, ?]])
def roundRobin[M[_]: Monad, A](main: ThreadT[M, A]): M[Boolean] = {
// we maintain a separate head just to avoid queue prepending
case class LoopState(
head: Option[ThreadT[M, _]],
work: Queue[ThreadT[M, _]],
locks: Map[MonitorId, Queue[ThreadT[M, _]]])
Monad[M].tailRecM(LoopState(Some(main), Queue.empty, Map.empty)) { ls =>
val LoopState(head, work, locks) = ls
head.tupleRight(work).orElse(work.dequeueOption) match {
case Some((head, tail)) =>
head.resume map {
case Left(Fork(left, right)) =>
Left(LoopState(Some(left), tail.enqueue(right), locks))
case Left(Cede(results)) =>
Left(LoopState(None, tail.enqueue(results), locks))
case Left(Done) | Right(_) =>
Left(LoopState(None, tail, locks))
case Left(Monitor(f)) =>
val id = new MonitorId()
Left(LoopState(Some(f(id)), tail, locks + (id -> Queue.empty)))
case Left(Await(id, results)) =>
Left(LoopState(None, tail, locks.updated(id, locks(id).enqueue(results))))
case Left(Notify(id, results)) =>
// enqueueAll was added in 2.13
val tail2 = locks(id).foldLeft(tail)(_.enqueue(_))
Left(LoopState(None, tail2.enqueue(results), locks.updated(id, Queue.empty)))
// if we have outstanding awaits but no active fibers, then we're deadlocked
case None =>
def prettyPrint[M[_]: Monad, A: Show](
target: ThreadT[M, A],
render: M ~> λ[α => Option[String]] = λ[M ~> λ[α => Option[String]]](_ => None),
limit: Int = 512) // sanity limit on the number of bytes allowed in the output
: M[String] = {
val TurnRight = "╰"
val InverseTurnRight = "╭"
val TurnDown = "╮"
val Junction = "├"
val Line = "│"
val ForkStr = Line + " " + TurnRight + TurnDown
val Spacing = ForkStr.length - 2
def drawSpaces(num: Int): String =
(0 until num).map(_ => ' ').mkString
def drawIndent(level: Int, term: String): String = {
if (level > 0)
Line + drawSpaces(Spacing) + drawIndent(level - 1, term)
def drawId(id: MonitorId): String = "0x" + id.hashCode.toHexString.toUpperCase
case class LoopState(target: ThreadT[M, A], acc: String, indent: Int, init: Boolean = false)
def loop(target: ThreadT[M, A], acc: String, indent: Int, init: Boolean): M[String] = {
Monad[M].tailRecM(LoopState(target, acc, indent, init)) { ls =>
val LoopState(target, acc0, indent, init) = ls
val junc0 = if (init) InverseTurnRight else Junction
val trailing = if (indent > 0) "\n" + drawIndent(indent, "") else ""
val resumed = target.resume
val (junc, front) = render(resumed) match {
case Some(str) => (Junction, drawIndent(indent, junc0 + " " + str) + "\n")
case None => (junc0, "")
val acc = acc0 + front
if (acc.length >= limit) {
(acc + "\n...").asRight[LoopState].pure[M]
} else {
// stack is still proportional to the number of forked fibers, but not the number of binds
resumed flatMap {
case Left(Fork(left, right)) =>
val leading = drawIndent(indent, junc + " Fork") + "\n" + drawIndent(indent, ForkStr)
loop(right, "", indent + 1, false) map { rightStr =>
val acc2 = acc + leading + "\n" + rightStr + "\n"
LoopState(left, acc2, indent, false).asLeft[String]
case Left(Cede(results)) =>
val acc2 = acc + drawIndent(indent, junc + " Cede") + "\n"
LoopState(results, acc2, indent, false).asLeft[String].pure[M]
case Left(Done) =>
(acc + drawIndent(indent, TurnRight + " Done" + trailing)).asRight[LoopState].pure[M]
case Left(Monitor(f)) =>
val id = new MonitorId
LoopState(f(id), acc, indent, init).asLeft[String].pure[M] // don't render the creation
case Left(Await(id, results)) =>
val acc2 = acc + drawIndent(indent, junc + " Await ") + drawId(id) + "\n"
LoopState(results, acc2, indent, false).asLeft[String].pure[M]
case Left(Notify(id, results)) =>
val acc2 = acc + drawIndent(indent, junc + " Notify ") + drawId(id) + "\n"
LoopState(results, acc2, indent, false).asLeft[String].pure[M]
case Right(a) =>
(acc + drawIndent(indent, TurnRight + " Pure " + + trailing)).asRight[LoopState].pure[M]
loop(target, "", 0, true)
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