com.codename1.util.TDivision Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
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* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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package com.codename1.util;
* Static library that provides all operations related with division and modular
* arithmetic to {@link TBigInteger}. Some methods are provided in both mutable
* and immutable way. There are several variants provided listed below:
* - Division
* - {@link TBigInteger} division and remainder by {@link TBigInteger}.
* - {@link TBigInteger} division and remainder by {@code int}.
* - gcd between {@link TBigInteger} numbers.
* - Modular arithmetic
* - Modular exponentiation between {@link TBigInteger} numbers.
* - Modular inverse of a {@link TBigInteger} numbers.
class TDivision {
* Divides the array 'a' by the array 'b' and gets the quotient and the
* remainder. Implements the Knuth's division algorithm. See D. Knuth, The
* Art of Computer Programming, vol. 2. Steps D1-D8 correspond the steps in
* the algorithm description.
* @param quot
* the quotient
* @param quotLength
* the quotient's length
* @param a
* the dividend
* @param aLength
* the dividend's length
* @param b
* the divisor
* @param bLength
* the divisor's length
* @return the remainder
static int[] divide(int quot[], int quotLength, int a[], int aLength, int b[], int bLength) {
int normA[] = new int[aLength + 1]; // the normalized dividend
// an extra byte is needed for correct shift
int normB[] = new int[bLength + 1]; // the normalized divisor;
int normBLength = bLength;
* Step D1: normalize a and b and put the results to a1 and b1 the
* normalized divisor's first digit must be >= 2^31
int divisorShift = TBigDecimal.numberOfLeadingZeros(b[bLength - 1]);
if (divisorShift != 0) {
TBitLevel.shiftLeft(normB, b, 0, divisorShift);
TBitLevel.shiftLeft(normA, a, 0, divisorShift);
} else {
System.arraycopy(a, 0, normA, 0, aLength);
System.arraycopy(b, 0, normB, 0, bLength);
int firstDivisorDigit = normB[normBLength - 1];
// Step D2: set the quotient index
int i = quotLength - 1;
int j = aLength;
while (i >= 0) {
// Step D3: calculate a guess digit guessDigit
int guessDigit = 0;
if (normA[j] == firstDivisorDigit) {
// set guessDigit to the largest unsigned int value
guessDigit = -1;
} else {
long product = (((normA[j] & 0xffffffffL) << 32) + (normA[j - 1] & 0xffffffffL));
long res = TDivision.divideLongByInt(product, firstDivisorDigit);
guessDigit = (int) res; // the quotient of divideLongByInt
int rem = (int) (res >> 32); // the remainder of
// divideLongByInt
// decrease guessDigit by 1 while leftHand > rightHand
if (guessDigit != 0) {
long leftHand = 0;
long rightHand = 0;
boolean rOverflowed = false;
guessDigit++; // to have the proper value in the loop
// below
do {
if (rOverflowed) {
// leftHand always fits in an unsigned long
leftHand = (guessDigit & 0xffffffffL) * (normB[normBLength - 2] & 0xffffffffL);
* rightHand can overflow; in this case the loop
* condition will be true in the next step of the loop
rightHand = ((long) rem << 32) + (normA[j - 2] & 0xffffffffL);
long longR = (rem & 0xffffffffL) + (firstDivisorDigit & 0xffffffffL);
* checks that longR does not fit in an unsigned int;
* this ensures that rightHand will overflow unsigned
* long in the next step
if (TBigDecimal.numberOfLeadingZeros((int) (longR >>> 32)) < 32) {
rOverflowed = true;
} else {
rem = (int) longR;
} while (((leftHand ^ 0x8000000000000000L) > (rightHand ^ 0x8000000000000000L)));
// Step D4: multiply normB by guessDigit and subtract the production
// from normA.
if (guessDigit != 0) {
int borrow = TDivision.multiplyAndSubtract(normA, j - normBLength, normB, normBLength, guessDigit);
// Step D5: check the borrow
if (borrow != 0) {
// Step D6: compensating addition
long carry = 0;
for (int k = 0; k < normBLength; k++) {
carry += (normA[j - normBLength + k] & 0xffffffffL) + (normB[k] & 0xffffffffL);
normA[j - normBLength + k] = (int) carry;
carry >>>= 32;
if (quot != null) {
quot[i] = guessDigit;
// Step D7
* Step D8: we got the remainder in normA. Denormalize it id needed
if (divisorShift != 0) {
// reuse normB
TBitLevel.shiftRight(normB, normBLength, normA, 0, divisorShift);
return normB;
System.arraycopy(normA, 0, normB, 0, bLength);
return normA;
* Divides an array by an integer value. Implements the Knuth's division
* algorithm. See D. Knuth, The Art of Computer Programming, vol. 2.
* @param dest
* the quotient
* @param src
* the dividend
* @param srcLength
* the length of the dividend
* @param divisor
* the divisor
* @return remainder
static int divideArrayByInt(int dest[], int src[], final int srcLength, final int divisor) {
long rem = 0;
long bLong = divisor & 0xffffffffL;
for (int i = srcLength - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
long temp = (rem << 32) | (src[i] & 0xffffffffL);
long quot;
if (temp >= 0) {
quot = (temp / bLong);
rem = (temp % bLong);
} else {
* make the dividend positive shifting it right by 1 bit then
* get the quotient a remainder and correct them properly
long aPos = temp >>> 1;
long bPos = divisor >>> 1;
quot = aPos / bPos;
rem = aPos % bPos;
// double the remainder and add 1 if a is odd
rem = (rem << 1) + (temp & 1);
if ((divisor & 1) != 0) {
// the divisor is odd
if (quot <= rem) {
rem -= quot;
} else {
if (quot - rem <= bLong) {
rem += bLong - quot;
quot -= 1;
} else {
rem += (bLong << 1) - quot;
quot -= 2;
dest[i] = (int) (quot & 0xffffffffL);
return (int) rem;
* Divides an array by an integer value. Implements the Knuth's division
* algorithm. See D. Knuth, The Art of Computer Programming, vol. 2.
* @param src
* the dividend
* @param srcLength
* the length of the dividend
* @param divisor
* the divisor
* @return remainder
static int remainderArrayByInt(int src[], final int srcLength, final int divisor) {
long result = 0;
for (int i = srcLength - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
long temp = (result << 32) + (src[i] & 0xffffffffL);
long res = divideLongByInt(temp, divisor);
result = (int) (res >> 32);
return (int) result;
* Divides a BigInteger
by a signed int
* returns the remainder.
* @param dividend
* the BigInteger to be divided. Must be non-negative.
* @param divisor
* a signed int
* @return divide % divisor
static int remainder(TBigInteger dividend, int divisor) {
return remainderArrayByInt(dividend.digits, dividend.numberLength, divisor);
* Divides an unsigned long a by an unsigned int b. It is supposed that the
* most significant bit of b is set to 1, i.e. b < 0
* @param a
* the dividend
* @param b
* the divisor
* @return the long value containing the unsigned integer remainder in the
* left half and the unsigned integer quotient in the right half
static long divideLongByInt(long a, int b) {
long quot;
long rem;
long bLong = b & 0xffffffffL;
if (a >= 0) {
quot = (a / bLong);
rem = (a % bLong);
} else {
* Make the dividend positive shifting it right by 1 bit then get
* the quotient a remainder and correct them properly
long aPos = a >>> 1;
long bPos = b >>> 1;
quot = aPos / bPos;
rem = aPos % bPos;
// double the remainder and add 1 if a is odd
rem = (rem << 1) + (a & 1);
if ((b & 1) != 0) { // the divisor is odd
if (quot <= rem) {
rem -= quot;
} else {
if (quot - rem <= bLong) {
rem += bLong - quot;
quot -= 1;
} else {
rem += (bLong << 1) - quot;
quot -= 2;
return (rem << 32) | (quot & 0xffffffffL);
* Computes the quotient and the remainder after a division by an
* {@code int} number.
* @return an array of the form {@code [quotient, remainder]}.
static TBigInteger[] divideAndRemainderByInteger(TBigInteger val, int divisor, int divisorSign) {
// res[0] is a quotient and res[1] is a remainder:
int[] valDigits = val.digits;
int valLen = val.numberLength;
int valSign = val.sign;
if (valLen == 1) {
long a = (valDigits[0] & 0xffffffffL);
long b = (divisor & 0xffffffffL);
long quo = a / b;
long rem = a % b;
if (valSign != divisorSign) {
quo = -quo;
if (valSign < 0) {
rem = -rem;
return new TBigInteger[] { TBigInteger.valueOf(quo), TBigInteger.valueOf(rem) };
int quotientLength = valLen;
int quotientSign = ((valSign == divisorSign) ? 1 : -1);
int quotientDigits[] = new int[quotientLength];
int remainderDigits[];
remainderDigits = new int[] { TDivision.divideArrayByInt(quotientDigits, valDigits, valLen, divisor) };
TBigInteger result0 = new TBigInteger(quotientSign, quotientLength, quotientDigits);
TBigInteger result1 = new TBigInteger(valSign, 1, remainderDigits);
return new TBigInteger[] { result0, result1 };
* Multiplies an array by int and subtracts it from a subarray of another
* array.
* @param a
* the array to subtract from
* @param start
* the start element of the subarray of a
* @param b
* the array to be multiplied and subtracted
* @param bLen
* the length of b
* @param c
* the multiplier of b
* @return the carry element of subtraction
static int multiplyAndSubtract(int a[], int start, int b[], int bLen, int c) {
long carry0 = 0;
long carry1 = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < bLen; i++) {
carry0 = TMultiplication.unsignedMultAddAdd(b[i], c, (int) carry0, 0);
carry1 = (a[start + i] & 0xffffffffL) - (carry0 & 0xffffffffL) + carry1;
a[start + i] = (int) carry1;
carry1 >>= 32; // -1 or 0
carry0 >>>= 32;
carry1 = (a[start + bLen] & 0xffffffffL) - carry0 + carry1;
a[start + bLen] = (int) carry1;
return (int) (carry1 >> 32); // -1 or 0
* @param m
* a positive modulus Return the greatest common divisor of op1
* and op2,
* @param op1
* must be greater than zero
* @param op2
* must be greater than zero
* @see TBigInteger#gcd(TBigInteger)
* @return {@code GCD(op1, op2)}
static TBigInteger gcdBinary(TBigInteger op1, TBigInteger op2) {
// PRE: (op1 > 0) and (op2 > 0)
* Divide both number the maximal possible times by 2 without rounding
* gcd(2*a, 2*b) = 2 * gcd(a,b)
int lsb1 = op1.getLowestSetBit();
int lsb2 = op2.getLowestSetBit();
int pow2Count = Math.min(lsb1, lsb2);
TBitLevel.inplaceShiftRight(op1, lsb1);
TBitLevel.inplaceShiftRight(op2, lsb2);
TBigInteger swap;
// I want op2 > op1
if (op1.compareTo(op2) == TBigInteger.GREATER) {
swap = op1;
op1 = op2;
op2 = swap;
do { // INV: op2 >= op1 && both are odd unless op1 = 0
// Optimization for small operands
// (op2.bitLength() < 64) implies by INV (op1.bitLength() < 64)
if ((op2.numberLength == 1) || ((op2.numberLength == 2) && (op2.digits[1] > 0))) {
op2 = TBigInteger.valueOf(TDivision.gcdBinary(op1.longValue(), op2.longValue()));
// Implements one step of the Euclidean algorithm
// To reduce one operand if it's much smaller than the other one
if (op2.numberLength > op1.numberLength * 1.2) {
op2 = op2.remainder(op1);
if (op2.signum() != 0) {
TBitLevel.inplaceShiftRight(op2, op2.getLowestSetBit());
} else {
// Use Knuth's algorithm of successive subtract and shifting
do {
TElementary.inplaceSubtract(op2, op1); // both are odd
TBitLevel.inplaceShiftRight(op2, op2.getLowestSetBit());
} while (op2.compareTo(op1) >= TBigInteger.EQUALS);
// now op1 >= op2
swap = op2;
op2 = op1;
op1 = swap;
} while (op1.sign != 0);
return op2.shiftLeft(pow2Count);
* Performs the same as {@link #gcdBinary(TBigInteger, TBigInteger)}, but
* with numbers of 63 bits, represented in positives values of {@code long}
* type.
* @param op1
* a positive number
* @param op2
* a positive number
* @see #gcdBinary(TBigInteger, TBigInteger)
* @return GCD(op1, op2)
static long gcdBinary(long op1, long op2) {
// PRE: (op1 > 0) and (op2 > 0)
int lsb1 = TBigDecimal.numberOfTrailingZeros(op1);
int lsb2 = TBigDecimal.numberOfTrailingZeros(op2);
int pow2Count = Math.min(lsb1, lsb2);
if (lsb1 != 0) {
op1 >>>= lsb1;
if (lsb2 != 0) {
op2 >>>= lsb2;
do {
if (op1 >= op2) {
op1 -= op2;
op1 >>>= TBigDecimal.numberOfTrailingZeros(op1);
} else {
op2 -= op1;
op2 >>>= TBigDecimal.numberOfTrailingZeros(op2);
} while (op1 != 0);
return (op2 << pow2Count);
* Calculates a.modInverse(p) Based on: Savas, E; Koc, C "The Montgomery
* Modular Inverse - Revised"
static TBigInteger modInverseMontgomery(TBigInteger a, TBigInteger p) {
if (a.sign == 0) {
// ZERO hasn't inverse
throw new ArithmeticException("BigInteger not invertible");
if (!p.testBit(0)) {
// montgomery inverse require even modulo
return modInverseHars(a, p);
int m = p.numberLength * 32;
// PRE: a \in [1, p - 1]
TBigInteger u, v, r, s;
u = p.copy(); // make copy to use inplace method
v = a.copy();
int max = Math.max(v.numberLength, u.numberLength);
r = new TBigInteger(1, 1, new int[max + 1]);
s = new TBigInteger(1, 1, new int[max + 1]);
s.digits[0] = 1;
// s == 1 && v == 0
int k = 0;
int lsbu = u.getLowestSetBit();
int lsbv = v.getLowestSetBit();
int toShift;
if (lsbu > lsbv) {
TBitLevel.inplaceShiftRight(u, lsbu);
TBitLevel.inplaceShiftRight(v, lsbv);
TBitLevel.inplaceShiftLeft(r, lsbv);
k += lsbu - lsbv;
} else {
TBitLevel.inplaceShiftRight(u, lsbu);
TBitLevel.inplaceShiftRight(v, lsbv);
TBitLevel.inplaceShiftLeft(s, lsbu);
k += lsbv - lsbu;
r.sign = 1;
while (v.signum() > 0) {
// INV v >= 0, u >= 0, v odd, u odd (except last iteration when v is
// even (0))
while (u.compareTo(v) > TBigInteger.EQUALS) {
TElementary.inplaceSubtract(u, v);
toShift = u.getLowestSetBit();
TBitLevel.inplaceShiftRight(u, toShift);
TElementary.inplaceAdd(r, s);
TBitLevel.inplaceShiftLeft(s, toShift);
k += toShift;
while (u.compareTo(v) <= TBigInteger.EQUALS) {
TElementary.inplaceSubtract(v, u);
if (v.signum() == 0)
toShift = v.getLowestSetBit();
TBitLevel.inplaceShiftRight(v, toShift);
TElementary.inplaceAdd(s, r);
TBitLevel.inplaceShiftLeft(r, toShift);
k += toShift;
if (!u.isOne()) {
throw new ArithmeticException("BigInteger not invertible.");
if (r.compareTo(p) >= TBigInteger.EQUALS) {
TElementary.inplaceSubtract(r, p);
r = p.subtract(r);
// Have pair: ((BigInteger)r, (Integer)k) where r == a^(-1) * 2^k mod
// (module)
int n1 = calcN(p);
if (k > m) {
r = monPro(r, TBigInteger.ONE, p, n1);
k = k - m;
r = monPro(r, TBigInteger.getPowerOfTwo(m - k), p, n1);
return r;
* Calculate the first digit of the inverse
private static int calcN(TBigInteger a) {
long m0 = a.digits[0] & 0xFFFFFFFFL;
long n2 = 1L; // this is a'[0]
long powerOfTwo = 2L;
do {
if (((m0 * n2) & powerOfTwo) != 0) {
n2 |= powerOfTwo;
powerOfTwo <<= 1;
} while (powerOfTwo < 0x100000000L);
n2 = -n2;
return (int) (n2 & 0xFFFFFFFFL);
static TBigInteger squareAndMultiply(TBigInteger x2, TBigInteger a2, TBigInteger exponent, TBigInteger modulus,
int n2) {
TBigInteger res = x2;
for (int i = exponent.bitLength() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
res = monPro(res, res, modulus, n2);
if (TBitLevel.testBit(exponent, i)) {
res = monPro(res, a2, modulus, n2);
return res;
* Implements the "Shifting Euclidean modular inverse algorithm". "Laszlo
* Hars - Modular Inverse Algorithms Without Multiplications for
* Cryptographic Applications"
* @see TBigInteger#modInverse(TBigInteger)
* @param a
* a positive number
* @param m
* a positive modulus
static TBigInteger modInverseHars(TBigInteger a, TBigInteger m) {
// PRE: (a > 0) and (m > 0)
TBigInteger u, v, r, s, temp;
// u = MAX(a,m), v = MIN(a,m)
if (a.compareTo(m) == TBigInteger.LESS) {
u = m;
v = a;
r = TBigInteger.ZERO;
s = TBigInteger.ONE;
} else {
v = m;
u = a;
s = TBigInteger.ZERO;
r = TBigInteger.ONE;
int uLen = u.bitLength();
int vLen = v.bitLength();
int f = uLen - vLen;
while (vLen > 1) {
if (u.sign == v.sign) {
u = u.subtract(v.shiftLeft(f));
r = r.subtract(s.shiftLeft(f));
} else {
u = u.add(v.shiftLeft(f));
r = r.add(s.shiftLeft(f));
uLen = u.abs().bitLength();
vLen = v.abs().bitLength();
f = uLen - vLen;
if (f < 0) {
// SWAP(u,v)
temp = u;
u = v;
v = temp;
// SWAP(r,s)
temp = r;
r = s;
s = temp;
f = -f;
vLen = uLen;
if (v.sign == 0) {
return TBigInteger.ZERO;
if (v.sign < 0) {
s = s.negate();
if (s.compareTo(m) == TBigInteger.GREATER) {
return s.subtract(m);
if (s.sign < 0) {
return s.add(m);
return s; // a^(-1) mod m
* Implements the Montgomery modular exponentiation based in The sliding
* windows algorithm and the MongomeryReduction.
* "A. Menezes,P. van Oorschot, S. Vanstone - Handbook of Applied Cryptography"
* ;
* @see #oddModPow(BigInteger, BigInteger, BigInteger)
static TBigInteger slidingWindow(TBigInteger x2, TBigInteger a2, TBigInteger exponent, TBigInteger modulus, int n2) {
// fill odd low pows of a2
TBigInteger pows[] = new TBigInteger[8];
TBigInteger res = x2;
int lowexp;
TBigInteger x3;
int acc3;
pows[0] = a2;
x3 = monPro(a2, a2, modulus, n2);
for (int i = 1; i <= 7; i++) {
pows[i] = monPro(pows[i - 1], x3, modulus, n2);
for (int i = exponent.bitLength() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (TBitLevel.testBit(exponent, i)) {
lowexp = 1;
acc3 = i;
for (int j = Math.max(i - 3, 0); j <= i - 1; j++) {
if (TBitLevel.testBit(exponent, j)) {
if (j < acc3) {
acc3 = j;
lowexp = (lowexp << (i - j)) ^ 1;
} else {
lowexp = lowexp ^ (1 << (j - acc3));
for (int j = acc3; j <= i; j++) {
res = monPro(res, res, modulus, n2);
res = monPro(pows[(lowexp - 1) >> 1], res, modulus, n2);
i = acc3;
} else {
res = monPro(res, res, modulus, n2);
return res;
* Performs modular exponentiation using the Montgomery Reduction. It
* requires that all parameters be positive and the modulus be odd. >
* @see TBigInteger#modPow(TBigInteger, TBigInteger)
* @see #monPro(TBigInteger, TBigInteger, TBigInteger, int)
* @see #slidingWindow(TBigInteger, TBigInteger, TBigInteger, TBigInteger,
* int)
* @see #squareAndMultiply(TBigInteger, TBigInteger, TBigInteger,
* TBigInteger, int)
static TBigInteger oddModPow(TBigInteger base, TBigInteger exponent, TBigInteger modulus) {
// PRE: (base > 0), (exponent > 0), (modulus > 0) and (odd modulus)
int k = (modulus.numberLength << 5); // r = 2^k
// n-residue of base [base * r (mod modulus)]
TBigInteger a2 = base.shiftLeft(k).mod(modulus);
// n-residue of base [1 * r (mod modulus)]
TBigInteger x2 = TBigInteger.getPowerOfTwo(k).mod(modulus);
TBigInteger res;
// Compute (modulus[0]^(-1)) (mod 2^32) for odd modulus
int n2 = calcN(modulus);
if (modulus.numberLength == 1) {
res = squareAndMultiply(x2, a2, exponent, modulus, n2);
} else {
res = slidingWindow(x2, a2, exponent, modulus, n2);
return monPro(res, TBigInteger.ONE, modulus, n2);
* Performs modular exponentiation using the Montgomery Reduction. It
* requires that all parameters be positive and the modulus be even. Based
* The square and multiply algorithm and the Montgomery Reduction C. K.
* Koc - Montgomery Reduction with Even Modulus. The square and multiply
* algorithm and the Montgomery Reduction.
* "C. K. Koc - Montgomery Reduction with Even Modulus"
* @see TBigInteger#modPow(TBigInteger, TBigInteger)
static TBigInteger evenModPow(TBigInteger base, TBigInteger exponent, TBigInteger modulus) {
// PRE: (base > 0), (exponent > 0), (modulus > 0) and (modulus even)
// STEP 1: Obtain the factorization 'modulus'= q * 2^j.
int j = modulus.getLowestSetBit();
TBigInteger q = modulus.shiftRight(j);
// STEP 2: Compute x1 := base^exponent (mod q).
TBigInteger x1 = oddModPow(base, exponent, q);
// STEP 3: Compute x2 := base^exponent (mod 2^j).
TBigInteger x2 = pow2ModPow(base, exponent, j);
// STEP 4: Compute q^(-1) (mod 2^j) and y := (x2-x1) * q^(-1) (mod 2^j)
TBigInteger qInv = modPow2Inverse(q, j);
TBigInteger y = (x2.subtract(x1)).multiply(qInv);
inplaceModPow2(y, j);
if (y.sign < 0) {
y = y.add(TBigInteger.getPowerOfTwo(j));
// STEP 5: Compute and return: x1 + q * y
return x1.add(q.multiply(y));
* It requires that all parameters be positive.
* @return {@code baseexponent mod (2j)}.
* @see TBigInteger#modPow(TBigInteger, TBigInteger)
static TBigInteger pow2ModPow(TBigInteger base, TBigInteger exponent, int j) {
// PRE: (base > 0), (exponent > 0) and (j > 0)
TBigInteger res = TBigInteger.ONE;
TBigInteger e = exponent.copy();
TBigInteger baseMod2toN = base.copy();
TBigInteger res2;
* If 'base' is odd then it's coprime with 2^j and phi(2^j) = 2^(j-1);
* so we can reduce reduce the exponent (mod 2^(j-1)).
if (base.testBit(0)) {
inplaceModPow2(e, j - 1);
inplaceModPow2(baseMod2toN, j);
for (int i = e.bitLength() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
res2 = res.copy();
inplaceModPow2(res2, j);
res = res.multiply(res2);
if (TBitLevel.testBit(e, i)) {
res = res.multiply(baseMod2toN);
inplaceModPow2(res, j);
inplaceModPow2(res, j);
return res;
private static void monReduction(int[] res, TBigInteger modulus, int n2) {
/* res + m*modulus_digits */
int[] modulus_digits = modulus.digits;
int modulusLen = modulus.numberLength;
long outerCarry = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < modulusLen; i++) {
long innnerCarry = 0;
int m = (int) TMultiplication.unsignedMultAddAdd(res[i], n2, 0, 0);
for (int j = 0; j < modulusLen; j++) {
innnerCarry = TMultiplication.unsignedMultAddAdd(m, modulus_digits[j], res[i + j], (int) innnerCarry);
res[i + j] = (int) innnerCarry;
innnerCarry >>>= 32;
outerCarry += (res[i + modulusLen] & 0xFFFFFFFFL) + innnerCarry;
res[i + modulusLen] = (int) outerCarry;
outerCarry >>>= 32;
res[modulusLen << 1] = (int) outerCarry;
/* res / r */
for (int j = 0; j < modulusLen + 1; j++) {
res[j] = res[j + modulusLen];
* Implements the Montgomery Product of two integers represented by
* {@code int} arrays. The arrays are supposed in little endian
* notation.
* @param a
* The first factor of the product.
* @param b
* The second factor of the product.
* @param modulus
* The modulus of the operations. Zmodulus.
* @param n2
* The digit modulus'[0].
* "C. K. Koc - Analyzing and Comparing Montgomery
* Multiplication Algorithms"
* @see #modPowOdd(TBigInteger, TBigInteger, TBigInteger)
static TBigInteger monPro(TBigInteger a, TBigInteger b, TBigInteger modulus, int n2) {
int modulusLen = modulus.numberLength;
int res[] = new int[(modulusLen << 1) + 1];
TMultiplication.multArraysPAP(a.digits, Math.min(modulusLen, a.numberLength), b.digits,
Math.min(modulusLen, b.numberLength), res);
monReduction(res, modulus, n2);
return finalSubtraction(res, modulus);
* Performs the final reduction of the Montgomery algorithm.
* @see #monPro(TBigInteger, TBigInteger, TBigInteger, long)
* @see #monSquare(TBigInteger, TBigInteger, long)
static TBigInteger finalSubtraction(int res[], TBigInteger modulus) {
// skipping leading zeros
int modulusLen = modulus.numberLength;
boolean doSub = res[modulusLen] != 0;
if (!doSub) {
int modulusDigits[] = modulus.digits;
doSub = true;
for (int i = modulusLen - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (res[i] != modulusDigits[i]) {
doSub = (res[i] != 0) && ((res[i] & 0xFFFFFFFFL) > (modulusDigits[i] & 0xFFFFFFFFL));
TBigInteger result = new TBigInteger(1, modulusLen + 1, res);
// if (res >= modulusDigits) compute (res - modulusDigits)
if (doSub) {
TElementary.inplaceSubtract(result, modulus);
return result;
* @param x
* an odd positive number.
* @param n
* the exponent by which 2 is raised.
* @return {@code x-1 (mod 2n)}.
static TBigInteger modPow2Inverse(TBigInteger x, int n) {
// PRE: (x > 0), (x is odd), and (n > 0)
TBigInteger y = new TBigInteger(1, new int[1 << n]);
y.numberLength = 1;
y.digits[0] = 1;
y.sign = 1;
for (int i = 1; i < n; i++) {
if (TBitLevel.testBit(x.multiply(y), i)) {
// Adding 2^i to y (setting the i-th bit)
y.digits[i >> 5] |= (1 << (i & 31));
return y;
* Performs {@code x = x mod (2n)}.
* @param x
* a positive number, it will store the result.
* @param n
* a positive exponent of {@code 2}.
static void inplaceModPow2(TBigInteger x, int n) {
// PRE: (x > 0) and (n >= 0)
int fd = n >> 5;
int leadingZeros;
if ((x.numberLength < fd) || (x.bitLength() <= n)) {
leadingZeros = 32 - (n & 31);
x.numberLength = fd + 1;
x.digits[fd] &= (leadingZeros < 32) ? (-1 >>> leadingZeros) : 0;
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