com.codename1.impl.ios.IOSNative Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
* Copyright (c) 2012, Codename One and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
* published by the Free Software Foundation. Codename One designates this
* particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
* by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
* This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
* accompanied this code).
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
* 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
* Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
* Please contact Codename One through if you
* need additional information or have any questions.
package com.codename1.impl.ios;
import com.codename1.contacts.Contact;
import com.codename1.payment.Product;
import com.codename1.ui.geom.Rectangle;
import com.codename1.util.SuccessCallback;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Vector;
* Abstraction of the underlying native API's
* @author Shai Almog
public final class IOSNative {
native long beginBackgroundTask();
native void endBackgroundTask(long taskId);
//native void startMainThread(Runnable r);
native void initVM();
static native void deinitializeVM();
native boolean isPainted();
native int getDisplayWidth();
native int getDisplayHeight();
native void editStringAt(int x, int y, int w, int h, long peer, boolean singleLine,
int rows, int maxSize, int constraint, String text, boolean forceSlideUp,
int color, long imagePeer, int padTop, int padBottom, int padLeft, int padRight,
String hint, int hintColor, boolean showToolbar, boolean blockCopyPaste, int alignment, int verticalAlignment);
native void resizeNativeTextView(int x, int y, int w, int h, int padTop, int padRight, int padBottom, int padLeft);
native void flushBuffer(long peer, int x, int y, int width, int height);
native void imageRgbToIntArray(long imagePeer, int[] arr, int x, int y, int width, int height, int imgWidth, int imgHeight);
native long createImageFromARGB(int[] argb, int width, int height);
native long createImage(byte[] data, int[] widthHeight);
native long createImageNSData(long nsData, int[] widthHeight);
native long scale(long peer, int width, int height);
native void setNativeClippingMutable(int x, int y, int width, int height, boolean firstClip);
native void setNativeClippingGlobal(int x, int y, int width, int height, boolean firstClip);
native void setAntiAliasedMutable(boolean antialiased) ;
native void nativeDrawLineMutable(int color, int alpha, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2);
native void nativeDrawLineGlobal(int color, int alpha, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2);
native void nativeFillRectMutable(int color, int alpha, int x, int y, int width, int height);
native void nativeFillRectGlobal(int color, int alpha, int x, int y, int width, int height);
native void nativeDrawRectMutable(int color, int alpha, int x, int y, int width, int height);
native void nativeDrawRectGlobal(int color, int alpha, int x, int y, int width, int height);
native void nativeDrawRoundRectMutable(int color, int alpha, int x, int y, int width, int height, int arcWidth, int arcHeight);
native void nativeDrawRoundRectGlobal(int color, int alpha, int x, int y, int width, int height, int arcWidth, int arcHeight);
native void nativeFillRoundRectMutable(int color, int alpha, int x, int y, int width, int height, int arcWidth, int arcHeight);
native void nativeFillRoundRectGlobal(int color, int alpha, int x, int y, int width, int height, int arcWidth, int arcHeight);
native void nativeFillArcMutable(int color, int alpha, int x, int y, int width, int height, int startAngle, int arcAngle);
native void nativeDrawArcMutable(int color, int alpha, int x, int y, int width, int height, int startAngle, int arcAngle);
native void nativeDrawStringMutable(int color, int alpha, long fontPeer, String str, int x, int y);
native void nativeDrawStringGlobal(int color, int alpha, long fontPeer, String str, int x, int y);
native void nativeDrawImageMutable(long peer, int alpha, int x, int y, int width, int height, int renderingHints);
native void nativeDrawImageGlobal(long peer, int alpha, int x, int y, int width, int height, int renderingHints);
native void nativeTileImageGlobal(long peer, int alpha, int x, int y, int width, int height);
native int stringWidthNative(long peer, String str);
native int charWidthNative(long peer, char ch);
native int getFontHeightNative(long peer);
native int fontAscentNative(long peer);
native int fontDescentNative(long peer);
native long createSystemFont(int face, int style, int size);
byte[] loadResource(String name, String type) {
int val = getResourceSize(name, type);
if(val < 0) {
return null;
byte[] data = new byte[val];
loadResource(name, type, data);
return data;
native int getResourceSize(String name, String type);
native void loadResource(String name, String type, byte[] data);
native long createNativeMutableImage(int w, int h, int color);
native void startDrawingOnImage(int w, int h, long peer);
native long finishDrawingOnImage();
native void deleteNativePeer(long peer);
native void deleteNativeFontPeer(long peer);
native void resetAffineGlobal();
native void scaleGlobal(float x, float y);
native void rotateGlobal(float angle);
native void rotateGlobal(float angle, int x, int y);
native void translateGlobal(int x, int y);
native int getTranslateXGlobal();
native int getTranslateYGlobal();
native void shearGlobal(float x, float y);
native void fillRectRadialGradientGlobal(int startColor, int endColor, int x, int y, int width, int height, float relativeX, float relativeY, float relativeSize);
native void fillLinearGradientGlobal(int startColor, int endColor, int x, int y, int width, int height, boolean horizontal);
native void fillRectRadialGradientMutable(int startColor, int endColor, int x, int y, int width, int height, float relativeX, float relativeY, float relativeSize);
native void fillLinearGradientMutable(int startColor, int endColor, int x, int y, int width, int height, boolean horizontal);
native boolean isTablet();
native boolean isIOS7();
native void setImageName(long nativeImage, String name);
native boolean canExecute(String url);
native void execute(String url);
native void flashBacklight(int duration);
// SJH Nov. 17, 2015 : Removing native isMinimized() method because it conflicted with
// tracking on the java side. It caused the app to still be minimized inside start()
// method.
// Related to this issue!msg/codenameone-discussions/Ajo2fArN8mc/KrF_e9cTDwAJ
//native boolean isMinimized();
native boolean minimizeApplication();
native void restoreMinimizedApplication();
native void lockOrientation(boolean portrait);
native void unlockOrientation();
native void lockScreen();
native void unlockScreen();
native void vibrate(int duration);
native int getAudioDuration(long peer);
native void playAudio(long peer);
native int getAudioTime(long peer);
native void pauseAudio(long peer);
native void setAudioTime(long peer, int time);
native boolean isAudioPlaying(long peer);
native void cleanupAudio(long peer);
native long createAudio(String uri, Runnable onCompletion);
native long createAudio(byte[] data, Runnable onCompletion);
native float getVolume();
native void setVolume(float vol);
// Peer Component methods
native void calcPreferredSize(long peer, int w, int h, int[] response);
native void updatePeerPositionSize(long peer, int x, int y, int w, int h);
native void peerInitialized(long peer, int x, int y, int w, int h);
native void peerDeinitialized(long peer);
native void peerSetVisible(long peer, boolean v);
native long createPeerImage(long peer, int[] wh);
native void releasePeer(long peer);
native void retainPeer(long peer);
native void setClipboardString(String s);
native String getClipboardString();
native void setPinchToZoomEnabled(long peer, boolean e);
native void setNativeBrowserScrollingEnabled(long peer, boolean e);
// Creates a UIWebView
native long createBrowserComponent(Object bc);
// Creates a WKWebView
native long createWKBrowserComponent(Object browserComponent);
native void setBrowserPage(long browserPeer, String html, String baseUrl);
native void setBrowserURL(long browserPeer, String url);
native void setBrowserURL(long browserPeer, String url, String[] keys, String[] values);
native void setBrowserUserAgent(long browserPeer, String ua);
native void browserBack(long browserPeer);
native void browserStop(long browserPeer);
native void browserClearHistory(long browserPeer);
native void browserExecute(long browserPeer, String javaScript);
native void browserExecuteAndReturnStringCallback(long browserPeer, String javaScript, SuccessCallback callback);
native String browserExecuteAndReturnString(long browserPeer, String javaScript);
native void browserForward(long browserPeer);
native boolean browserHasBack(long browserPeer);
native boolean browserHasForward(long browserPeer);
native void browserReload(long browserPeer);
native String getBrowserTitle(long browserPeer);
native String getBrowserURL(long browserPeer);
native long createVideoComponent(String url, int onCompletionCallbackId);
native long createVideoComponent(byte[] video, int onCompletionCallbackId);
native long createVideoComponentNSData(long video, int onCompletionCallbackId);
native long createNativeVideoComponent(String url, int onCompletionCallbackId);
native long createNativeVideoComponent(byte[] video, int onCompletionCallbackId);
native long createNativeVideoComponentNSData(long video, int onCompletionCallbackId);
native void startVideoComponent(long peer);
native void stopVideoComponent(long peer);
native void pauseVideoComponent(long peer);
native void prepareVideoComponent(long moviePlayerPeer);
native int getMediaTimeMS(long peer);
native int setMediaTimeMS(long peer, int now);
native int getMediaDuration(long peer);
native void setMediaBgArtist(String artist);
native void setMediaBgTitle(String title);
native void setMediaBgDuration(long duration);
native void setMediaBgPosition(long position);
native void setMediaBgAlbumCover(long cover);
native void setNativeVideoControlsEmbedded(long peer, boolean value);
native boolean isVideoPlaying(long peer);
native void setVideoFullScreen(long peer, boolean fullscreen);
native boolean isVideoFullScreen(long peer);
native long getVideoViewPeer(long peer);
native void showNativePlayerController(long peer);
// IO methods
native int writeToFile(byte[] data, String path);
native int appendToFile(byte[] data, String path);
native int getFileSize(String path);
native long getFileLastModified(String path);
native void readFile(String path, byte[] bytes);
native String getDocumentsDir();
native String getCachesDir();
native String getResourcesDir();
native void deleteFile(String file);
native boolean fileExists(String file);
native boolean isDirectory(String file);
native boolean isDarkMode();
native boolean isDarkModeDetectionSupported();
native int fileCountInDir(String dir);
native void listFilesInDir(String dir, String[] files);
native void createDirectory(String dir);
native void moveFile(String src, String dest);
native long openConnection(String url, int timeout);
native void connect(long peer);
native String getSSLCertificates(long peer);
native void setMethod(long peer, String mtd);
native void setChunkedStreamingMode(long peer, int len);
native int getResponseCode(long peer);
native String getResponseMessage(long peer);
native int getContentLength(long peer);
native String getResponseHeader(long peer, String name);
native int getResponseHeaderCount(long peer);
native String getResponseHeaderName(long peer, int offset);
native void addHeader(long peer, String key, String value);
native void setBody(long peer, byte[] arr);
native void setBody(long peer, String file);
native void closeConnection(long peer);
native String getUDID();
native String getOSVersion();
native String getDeviceName();
// location manager
native boolean isGPSEnabled();
native long createCLLocation();
native boolean isGoodLocation(long clLocation);
native long getCurrentLocationObject(long clLocation);
native double getLocationLatitude(long location);
native double getLocationAltitude(long location);
native double getLocationLongtitude(long location);
native double getLocationAccuracy(long location);
native double getLocationDirection(long location);
native double getLocationVelocity(long location);
native long getLocationTimeStamp(long location);
native void startUpdatingLocation(long clLocation, int priority);
native void stopUpdatingLocation(long clLocation);
native void startUpdatingBackgroundLocation(long clLocation);
native void stopUpdatingBackgroundLocation(long clLocation);
native void addGeofencing(long clLocation, double lat, double lng, double radius, long expiration, String id);
native void removeGeofencing(long clLocation, String id);
// capture
native void captureCamera(boolean movie, int quality, int duration);
native void openGallery(int type);
native void destroyAudioUnit(long peer);
native long createAudioUnit(String path, int audioChannels, float sampleRate, float[] f);
native void startAudioUnit(long audioUnit);
native void stopAudioUnit(long audioUnit);
native long createAudioRecorder(final String path, final String mimeType, final int sampleRate, final int bitRate, final int audioChannels, final int maxDuration);
native void startAudioRecord(long peer);
native void pauseAudioRecord(long peer);
native void cleanupAudioRecord(long peer);
native void sendEmailMessage(String[] recipients, String subject, String content, String[] attachment, String[] attachmentMimeType, boolean htmlMail);
native boolean isContactsPermissionGranted();
native int getContactCount(boolean withNumbers);
native void getContactRefIds(int[] refs, boolean withNumbers);
native void updatePersonWithRecordID(int id, Contact cnt, boolean includesFullName, boolean includesPicture, boolean includesNumbers, boolean includesEmail, boolean includeAddress);
native long getPersonWithRecordID(int id);
native String getPersonFirstName(long id);
native String getPersonSurnameName(long id);
native int getPersonPhoneCount(long id);
native String getPersonPhone(long id, int offset);
native String getPersonPhoneType(long id, int offset);
native String getPersonPrimaryPhone(long id);
native String getPersonEmail(long id);
native String getPersonAddress(long id);
native long createPersonPhotoImage(long id);
native String createContact(String firstName, String surname, String officePhone, String homePhone, String cellPhone, String email);
native boolean deleteContact(int id);
native void dial(String phone);
native void sendSMS(String phone, String text);
native void registerPush();
native void deregisterPush();
native void setBadgeNumber(int number);
native long createImageFile(long imagePeer, boolean jpeg, int width, int height, float quality);
native int getNSDataSize(long nsData);
native void nsDataToByteArray(long nsData, byte[] data);
native long createNSData(String file);
native long createNSDataResource(String name, String type);
native int read(long nsData, int pointer);
native void read(long nsData, byte[] destination, int offset, int length, int pointer);
native boolean sqlDbExists(String name);
native long sqlDbCreateAndOpen(String name);
native void sqlDbDelete(String name);
native void sqlDbClose(long db);
native void sqlDbExec(long dbPeer, String sql, String[] args);
native long sqlDbExecQuery(long dbPeer, String sql, String[] args);
native boolean sqlCursorFirst(long statementPeer);
native boolean sqlCursorNext(long statementPeer);
native String sqlGetColName(long statementPeer, int index);
native void sqlCursorCloseStatement(long statement);
native byte[] sqlCursorValueAtColumnBlob(long statement, int col);
native double sqlCursorValueAtColumnDouble(long statement, int col);
native float sqlCursorValueAtColumnFloat(long statement, int col);
native int sqlCursorValueAtColumnInteger(long statement, int col);
native long sqlCursorValueAtColumnLong(long statement, int col);
native short sqlCursorValueAtColumnShort(long statement, int col);
native String sqlCursorValueAtColumnString(long statement, int col);
native boolean sqlCursorNullValueAtColumn(long statement, int col); //Warning. This function only works if no automatic type conversions have occurred for the value in question. So it must be called before any of the sqlCursorValueAtColumn* methods. After a type conversion, the result of calling this method is undefined, though harmless
native int sqlCursorGetColumnCount(long statementPeer);
native void fetchProducts(String[] skus, Product[] products);
native void purchase(String sku);
native boolean canMakePayments();
native void restorePurchases();
native void zoozPurchase(double amount, String currency, String appKey, boolean sandbox, String invoiceNumber);
native void setLocale(String localeStr);
native String formatInt(int i);
native String formatDouble(double d);
native String formatCurrency(double d);
native String formatDate(long date);
native String formatDateShort(long date);
native String formatDateTime(long date);
native double parseDouble(String localeFormattedDecimal);
native String formatDateTimeMedium(long date);
native String formatDateTimeShort(long date);
native String getLongMonthName(long time);
native String getShortMonthName(long time);
native String getCurrencySymbol();
native void scanQRCode();
native void scanBarCode();
native long createTruetypeFont(String name);
native long deriveTruetypeFont(long uiFont, boolean bold, boolean italic, float size);
native void log(String text);
native void addCookie(String key, String value, String domain, String path, boolean secure, boolean httpOnly, long expires);
native void getCookiesForURL(String url, Vector out);
native String getUserAgentString(String callbackId);
native void openDatePicker(int type, long time, int x, int y, int w, int h, int preferredWidth, int preferredHeight, int minuteStep);
native void openStringPicker(String[] stringArray, int selection, int x, int y, int w, int h, int preferredWidth, int preferredHeight);
native void socialShare(String text, long imagePeer, Rectangle sourceRect);
// facebook connect
public native void facebookLogin(Object callback);
public native boolean isFacebookLoggedIn();
public native String getFacebookToken();
public native void facebookLogout();
public native boolean askPublishPermissions(LoginCallback lc);
public native boolean hasPublishPermissions();
public native boolean isAsyncEditMode();
public native void setAsyncEditMode(boolean b);
public native void foldVKB();
public native void hideTextEditing();
public native int getVKBHeight();
public native int getVKBWidth();
public native long connectSocket(String host, int port, int connectTimeout);
public native String getHostOrIP();
public native void disconnectSocket(long socket);
public native boolean isSocketConnected(long socket);
public native String getSocketErrorMessage(long socket);
public native int getSocketErrorCode(long socket);
public native int getSocketAvailableInput(long socket);
public native byte[] readFromSocketStream(long socket);
public native void writeToSocketStream(long socket, byte[] data);
// Paths
native long nativePathStrokerCreate(long consumerOutPtr, float lineWidth, int capStyle, int joinStyle, float miterLimit);
native void nativePathStrokerCleanup(long ptr);
native void nativePathStrokerReset(long ptr, float lineWidth, int capStyle, int joinStyle, float miterLimit);
native long nativePathStrokerGetConsumer(long ptr);
native long nativePathRendererCreate(int pix_boundsX, int pix_boundsY,
int pix_boundsWidth, int pix_boundsHeight,
int windingRule);
native void nativePathRendererSetup(int subpixelLgPositionsX, int subpixelLgPositionsY);
native void nativePathRendererCleanup(long ptr);
native void nativePathRendererReset(long ptr, int pix_boundsX, int pix_boundsY,
int pix_boundsWidth, int pix_boundsHeight,
int windingRule);
native void nativePathRendererGetOutputBounds(long ptr, int[] bounds);
native long nativePathRendererGetConsumer(long ptr);
native long nativePathRendererCreateTexture(long ptr);
native int[] nativePathRendererToARGB(long ptr, int color);
native void nativeDeleteTexture(long textureID);
native void nativePathConsumerMoveTo(long ptr, float x, float y);
native void nativePathConsumerLineTo(long ptr, float x, float y);
native void nativePathConsumerQuadTo(long ptr, float xc, float yc, float x1, float y1);
native void nativePathConsumerCurveTo(long ptr, float xc1, float yc1, float xc2, float yc2, float x1, float y1);
native void nativePathConsumerClose(long ptr);
native void nativePathConsumerDone(long ptr);
native void nativeDrawPath(int color, int alpha, long ptr);
native void nativeSetTransform(
float a0, float a1, float a2, float a3,
float b0, float b1, float b2, float b3,
float c0, float c1, float c2, float c3,
float d0, float d1, float d2, float d3,
int originX, int originY
native void nativeSetTransformMutable(
float a0, float a1, float a2, float a3,
float b0, float b1, float b2, float b3,
float c0, float c1, float c2, float c3,
float d0, float d1, float d2, float d3,
int originX, int originY
native boolean nativeIsTransformSupportedGlobal();
native boolean nativeIsShapeSupportedGlobal();
native boolean nativeIsPerspectiveTransformSupportedGlobal();
native boolean nativeIsAlphaMaskSupportedGlobal();
native void drawTextureAlphaMask(long textureId, int color, int alpha, int x, int y, int w, int h);
native void nativeFillShapeMutable(int color, int alpha, int commandsLen, byte[] commandsArr, int pointsLen, float[] pointsArr);
native void nativeDrawShadowMutable(long image, int x, int y, int offsetX, int offsetY, int blurRadius, int spreadRadius, int color, float opacity);
native void nativeDrawShapeMutable(int color, int alpha, int commandsLen, byte[] commandsArr, int pointsLen, float[] pointsArr, float lineWidth, int capStyle, int joinStyle, float miterLimit);
// End paths
native void setNativeClippingMaskGlobal(long textureName, int x, int y, int width, int height);
public native void printStackTraceToStream(Throwable t, Writer o);
//public native String stackTraceToString(Throwable t);
native void fillConvexPolygonGlobal(float[] points, int color, int alpha);
native void drawConvexPolygonGlobal(float[] points, int color, int alpha, float lineWidth, int joinStyle, int capStyle, float miterLimit);
native void setNativeClippingPolygonGlobal(float[] points);
native void clearNativeCookies();
native void splitString(String source, char separator, ArrayList out) ;
native void readFile(long nsFileHandle, byte[] b, int off, int len);
native int getNSFileOffset(long nsFileHandle);
native int getNSFileAvailable(long nsFileHandle);
native int getNSFileSize(long nsFileHandle);
native long createNSFileHandle(String name, String type);
native long createNSFileHandle(String file);
native void setNSFileOffset(long nsFileHandle, int off);
* Reads a single byte from filehandle.
* @param nsFileHandle
* @return
native int readNSFile(long nsFileHandle);
public native boolean isGoogleLoggedIn();
public native void googleLogin(Object callback);
public native String getGoogleToken();
public native void googleLogout();
public native void inviteFriends(String appLinkUrl, String previewImageUrl);
native void sendLocalNotification(String id, String alertTitle, String alertBody, String alertSound, int badgeNumber, long fireDate, int repeatType, boolean foreground);
native void cancelLocalNotification(String id);
native long gausianBlurImage(long peer, float radius);
* Removes an observer from NSNotificationCenter
* @param nsObserverPeer The opaque Objective-C class that is being used as the observer.
native void removeNotificationCenterObserver(long nsObserverPeer);
* This one simply hides the native editing component, but doesn't fold the
* keyboard or remove the component. It is used to bridge the gap in async
* edit mode between when the user clicks "next" and when the next
* editing component is ready.
* @param b
native void setNativeEditingComponentVisible(boolean b) ;
native void setNativeClippingMutable(int commandsLen, byte[] commandsArr, int pointsLen, float[] pointsArr);
native void refreshContacts();
native void translatePoints(int pointSize, float tX, float tY, float tX0, float[] in, int srcPos, float[] out, int destPos, int numPoints);
native void scalePoints(int pointSize, float sX, float sY, float sZ, float[] in, int srcPos, float[] out, int destPos, int numPoints);
native void updateNativeEditorText(String text);
native void fireUIBackgroundFetchResultNoData();
native void fireUIBackgroundFetchResultNewData();
native void fireUIBackgroundFetchResultFailed();
native void setPreferredBackgroundFetchInterval(int seconds);
native boolean isBackgroundFetchSupported();
native int countLinkedContacts(int recId);
native void getLinkedContactIds(int num, int recId, int[] out);
native void fillRadialGradientMutable(int startColor, int endColor, int x, int y, int width, int height, int startAngle, int arcAngle);
native void applyRadialGradientPaintMutable(int startColor, int endColor, int x, int y, int width, int height);
native void clearRadialGradientPaintMutable();
native void applyRadialGradientPaintGlobal(int startColor, int endColor, int x, int y, int width, int height);
native void clearRadialGradientPaintGlobal();
native void clearRectMutable(int x, int y, int width, int height);
native void nativeClearRectGlobal(int x, int y, int width, int height);
native void blockCopyPaste(boolean blockCopyPaste);
native boolean checkContactsUsage();
native boolean checkCalendarsUsage();
native boolean checkCameraUsage();
native boolean checkFaceIDUsage();
native boolean checkLocationUsage();
native boolean checkMicrophoneUsage();
native boolean checkMotionUsage();
native boolean checkPhotoLibraryAddUsage();
native boolean checkPhotoLibraryUsage();
native boolean checkRemindersUsage();
native boolean checkSiriUsage();
native boolean checkSpeechRecognitionUsage();
native boolean checkNFCReaderUsage();
// Checks avaiable bytes for NetworkConnection
native int available(long peer);
// Read pending data from NetworkConnection
native int readData(long peer, byte[] bytes, int off, int len);
// Reads next byte from NetworkConnection
native int shiftByte(long peer);
// Appends pending data to NetworkConnection
// data is a NSData* object
// We go through java in order to use locking concurrency
native void appendData(long peer, long data);
native void fillPolygonGlobal(int color, int alpha, int[] xPoints, int[] yPoints, int nPoints);
native void registerPushAction(String id, String title, String textInputPlaceholder, String replyButtonText);
native void startPushActionCategory(String id);
native void addPushActionToCategory(String id);
native void endPushActionCategory();
native void registerPushCategories();
native void firePushCompletionHandler();
native boolean isMultiGallerySelectSupported();
native void setConnectionId(long peer, int id);
native void setInsecure(long peer, boolean insecure);
native int getDisplaySafeInsetLeft();
native int getDisplaySafeInsetTop();
native int getDisplaySafeInsetRight();
native int getDisplaySafeInsetBottom();
native boolean isRTLString(String javaString);
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