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;; Copyright (c) Cognitect, Inc.
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(ns ^:skip-wiki
  "Impl, don't call directly.

  Functions to leverage the shapes defined in the AWS API descriptions.


  shape             A value parsed from the JSON API description that specifies the shape of the
                    input or output of an AWS operation.
  composite shape   A shape made of other shapes.
  instance          An instance of a shape.

  AWS defines 8 primitive shapes: string, timestamp, boolean, blob, integer, long, double, and float
  and 3 composite shapes: structure, list, and map.
  (:refer-clojure :exclude [resolve])
  (:require [ :as json]
            [ :as util]))

(set! *warn-on-reflection* true)

;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;; Helpers to navigate shapes
;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

(defn resolve-shape
  "Resolve the shape reference, `shape-ref`. Return the shape if found, otherwise nil.

  A shape reference is a map with the name of another shape under the :shape key.

  If the shape reference contains other keys, they will be added to the shape."
  [shapes shape-ref]
  (when-let [shape (get shapes (keyword (:shape shape-ref)) nil)]
    (merge shape (dissoc shape-ref :shape))))

(defn with-resolver
  "Resolve the shape reference and augment it with a resolver so you can call `resolve` on it."
  [{:keys [shapes] :as meta} shape-ref]
  (when-let [shape (resolve-shape shapes shape-ref)]
    (with-meta shape meta)))

(defn resolve
  "Resolve the shape reference."
  [shape shape-ref]
  (assert (:shapes (meta shape)))
  (with-resolver (meta shape) shape-ref))

(defn key-shape
  "Resolve and return the maps' key shape."
  (resolve shape (:key shape)))

(defn value-shape
  "Resolve and return the map's value shape."
  (resolve shape (:value shape)))

(defn member-shape
  "Resolve and return the member shape."
  [shape k]
  (resolve shape (get-in shape [:members k])))

(defn list-member-shape
  "Resolve and return the list member shape."
  (resolve shape (:member shape)))

(defn format-date
  ([shape data]
   (format-date shape data util/format-timestamp))
  ([shape data default-format-fn]
   (condp = (:timestampFormat shape)
     "rfc822"        (util/format-date util/rfc822-date-format data)
     "iso8601"       (util/format-date util/iso8601-date-format data)
     "unixTimestamp" (util/format-timestamp data)
     (default-format-fn data))))

(defn parse-date
  [shape data]
  (condp = (:timestampFormat shape)
    "rfc822"  (util/parse-date util/rfc822-date-format data)
    "iso8601" (util/parse-date util/iso8601-date-format data)
    (cond (int? data)
          (java.util.Date. (* 1000 ^int data))
          (double? data)
          (java.util.Date. (* 1000 (long data)))
          (re-matches #"^\d+$" data)
          (java.util.Date. (* 1000 (long (read-string data))))
          (->> [util/iso8601-date-format
               (map #(try (util/parse-date % data) (catch java.text.ParseException _ nil)))
               (filter identity)

;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;; JSON Parser & Serializer
;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

;; shared data structure handlers

(defn handle-map [shape data f]
  (when data
    (let [key-shape   (key-shape shape)
          value-shape (value-shape shape)]
      (reduce-kv (fn [m k v] (assoc m (f key-shape k) (f value-shape v)))

(defn handle-list [shape data f]
  (when data
    (mapv #(f (list-member-shape shape) %)
          ;; sometimes the spec says list, but AWS sends a scalar
          (if (sequential? data) data [data]))))

;; parser

(defmulti json-parse*
  (fn [shape data] (:type shape)))

(defmethod json-parse* :default
  [_ data]

(defmethod json-parse* "blob"
  [_ data]
  (util/base64-decode data))

(defmethod json-parse* "structure"
  [shape data]
  (when data
    (reduce (fn [m k]
              (let [member-shape (member-shape shape k)
                    location-name (or (keyword (:locationName member-shape)) k)]
                (if (contains? data location-name)
                  (assoc m k (json-parse* member-shape (get data location-name)))
            (-> shape :members keys))))

(defmethod json-parse* "map"
  [shape data]
  (handle-map shape data json-parse*))

(defmethod json-parse* "list"
  [shape data]
  (handle-list shape data json-parse*))

(defmethod json-parse* "timestamp"
  [shape data]
  (parse-date shape data))

;; serializer

(defmulti json-serialize*
  (fn [shape instance] (:type shape)))

(defmethod json-serialize* :default
  [shape data]

(defmethod json-serialize* "blob"
  [_ data]
  (util/base64-encode data))

(defmethod json-serialize* "timestamp"
  [shape data]
  (format-date shape data (comp read-string util/format-timestamp)))

(defmethod json-serialize* "structure"
  [shape data]
  (when data
    (reduce-kv (fn [m k v]
                 (if-let [member-shape (member-shape shape k)]
                   (assoc m
                          (or (keyword (:locationName member-shape))
                          (json-serialize* member-shape v))

(defmethod json-serialize* "map"
  [shape data]
  (handle-map shape data json-serialize*))

(defmethod json-serialize* "list"
  [shape data]
  (handle-list shape data json-serialize*))

;; entry point fns

(defn json-parse
  "Parse the JSON string to return an instance of the shape."
  [shape s]
  (json-parse* shape (json/read-str s :key-fn keyword)))

(defn json-serialize
  "Serialize the shape's instance into a JSON string."
  [shape instance]
  (json/write-str (json-serialize* shape instance)))

;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;; XML Parser & Serializer
;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

(declare xml-parse* xml-serialize*)

;; TODO: ResponseMetadata in root
(defn xml-parse
  "Parse the XML string and return an instance of the shape."
  [shape s]
  (let [root (util/xml-read s)]
    (if (:resultWrapper shape)
      (xml-parse* shape (:content root))
      (xml-parse* shape [root]))))

(defn xml-serialize
  "Serialize the shape's instance into a XML string.
  el-name is the name of the root element."
  [shape instance el-name]
    (util/xml-write (xml-serialize* shape instance el-name))))

(defmulti xml-serialize*
  (fn [shape args el-name] (:type shape)))

(defmethod xml-serialize* :default
  [shape args el-name]
  {:tag el-name
   :content [(str args)]})

(defmethod xml-serialize* "boolean"
  [_ args el-name]
  {:tag el-name
   :content [(if args "true" "false")]})

(defmethod xml-serialize* "blob"
  [_ args el-name]
  {:tag el-name
   :content [(util/base64-encode args)]})

(defmethod xml-serialize* "timestamp"
  [shape args el-name]
  {:tag el-name
   :content [(format-date shape args (partial util/format-date util/iso8601-date-format))]})

(defmethod xml-serialize* "structure"
  [shape args el-name]
  (reduce-kv (fn [node k v]
               (if (and (not (nil? v)) (contains? (:members shape) k))
                 (let [member-shape (member-shape shape k)
                       member-name (get member-shape :locationName (name k))]
                   (if (:xmlAttribute member-shape)
                     (assoc-in node [:attrs member-name] v)
                     (let [member (xml-serialize* member-shape v member-name)]
                       (update node :content
                               (if (vector? member) concat conj) ; to support flattened list
             {:tag el-name
              :attrs (if-let [{:keys [prefix uri]} (:xmlNamespace shape)]
                       {(str "xmlns" (when prefix (str ":" prefix))) uri}
              :content []}

(defmethod xml-serialize* "list"
  [shape args el-name]
  (let [member-shape (list-member-shape shape)]
    (if (:flattened shape)
      (mapv #(xml-serialize* member-shape % el-name) args)
      (let [member-name (get member-shape :locationName"member")]
        {:tag el-name
         :content (mapv #(xml-serialize* member-shape % member-name) args)}))))

(defmethod xml-serialize* "map"
  [shape args el-name]
  (let [key-shape (key-shape shape)
        key-name (get key-shape :locationName "key")
        value-shape (value-shape shape)
        value-name (get value-shape :locationName "value")]
    {:tag el-name
     :content (reduce-kv (fn [serialized k v]
                           (conj serialized {:tag "entry"
                                             :content [(xml-serialize* key-shape (name k) key-name)
                                                       (xml-serialize* value-shape v value-name)]}))

(defmulti xml-parse*
  (fn [shape nodes] (:type shape)))

(defmethod xml-parse* "structure"
  [shape nodes]
  (let [data          (first nodes)
        tag->children (group-by :tag (:content data))]
    (reduce-kv (fn [parsed member-key _]
                 (let [member-shape (member-shape shape member-key)]
                   (if (contains? member-shape :location)
                     ;; Skip non-payload attributes
                     (let [member-name (keyword (or (when (:flattened member-shape)
                                                      (get (list-member-shape member-shape) :locationName))
                                                    (get member-shape :locationName (name member-key))))]
                         ;; The member's value is in the attributes of the current XML element.
                         (:xmlAttribute member-shape)
                         (assoc parsed member-key (get (:attrs data) member-name))

                         ;; The member's value is a child node(s).
                         (contains? tag->children member-name)
                         (assoc parsed member-key (xml-parse* member-shape (tag->children member-name)))

                         ;; Content is a single text node
                         (and (= 1 (count (:members shape)))
                              (= "string" (:type member-shape)))
                         (assoc parsed member-key (xml-parse* member-shape nodes))

               (:members shape))))

;;   Normal map:
;;        foo
;;        bar
;;        bar
;;        baz
;;  Flattened map:
;;      foo
;;      bar
;;      bar
;;      baz

(defmethod xml-parse* "map"
  [shape nodes]
  (let [key-shape (key-shape shape)
        key-name (get key-shape :locationName "key")
        value-shape (value-shape shape)
        value-name (get value-shape :locationName "value")
        entries (if (:flattened shape)
                  (:content (first nodes)))]
    (reduce (fn [parsed entry]
              (let [tag->children (group-by :tag (:content entry))]
                (assoc parsed
                       (xml-parse* key-shape (tag->children (keyword key-name)))
                       (xml-parse* value-shape (tag->children (keyword value-name))))))

;;  Normal list:
;;      foo
;;      bar
;;  Flattened list:
;;    foo
;;    bar

(defmethod xml-parse* "list"
  [shape nodes]
  (let [member-shape (list-member-shape shape)
        member-name (get member-shape :locationName "member")
        members (if (:flattened shape)
                  (:content (first nodes)))]
    (mapv #(xml-parse* member-shape [%])

(defn data
  (-> nodes first :content first))

(defmethod xml-parse* "string"    [_ nodes] (or (data nodes) ""))
(defmethod xml-parse* "character" [_ nodes] (or (data nodes) ""))
(defmethod xml-parse* "boolean"   [_ nodes] (= (data nodes) "true"))
(defmethod xml-parse* "double"    [_ nodes] (Double/parseDouble ^String (data nodes)))
(defmethod xml-parse* "float"     [_ nodes] (Double/parseDouble ^String (data nodes)))
(defmethod xml-parse* "long"      [_ nodes] (Long/parseLong ^String (data nodes)))
(defmethod xml-parse* "integer"   [_ nodes] (Long/parseLong ^String (data nodes)))
(defmethod xml-parse* "blob"      [_ nodes] (util/base64-decode (data nodes)))
(defmethod xml-parse* "timestamp"
  [shape nodes]
  (let [ts (data nodes)]
    (parse-date shape (data nodes))))

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