Maven / Gradle / Ivy
{:UpdateThesaurus {:documentation "Updates a thesaurus file associated with an index.
", :request {:Id string, :Name string, :IndexId string, :Description string, :RoleArn string, :SourceS3Path {:Bucket string, :Key string}}, :required [:Id :IndexId], :response nil}, :ListTagsForResource {:documentation "Gets a list of tags associated with a specified resource. Indexes, FAQs, and data sources can have tags associated with them.
", :request {:ResourceARN string}, :required [:ResourceARN], :response {:Tags [:seq-of {:Key string, :Value string}]}}, :BatchPutDocument {:documentation "Adds one or more documents to an index.
The BatchPutDocument
operation enables you to ingest inline documents or a set of documents stored in an Amazon S3 bucket. Use this operation to ingest your text and unstructured text into an index, add custom attributes to the documents, and to attach an access control list to the documents added to the index.
The documents are indexed asynchronously. You can see the progress of the batch using AWS CloudWatch. Any error messages related to processing the batch are sent to your AWS CloudWatch log.
", :request {:IndexId string, :RoleArn string, :Documents [:seq-of {:Id string, :Title string, :Blob blob, :S3Path {:Bucket string, :Key string}, :Attributes [:seq-of {:Key string, :Value {:StringValue string, :StringListValue [:seq-of string], :LongValue long, :DateValue timestamp}}], :AccessControlList [:seq-of {:Name string, :Type [:one-of ["USER" "GROUP"]], :Access [:one-of ["ALLOW" "DENY"]]}], :ContentType [:one-of ["PDF" "HTML" "MS_WORD" "PLAIN_TEXT" "PPT"]]}]}, :required [:IndexId :Documents], :response {:FailedDocuments [:seq-of {:Id string, :ErrorCode [:one-of ["InternalError" "InvalidRequest"]], :ErrorMessage string}]}}, :ListThesauri {:documentation "Lists the Amazon Kendra thesauri associated with an index.
", :request {:IndexId string, :NextToken string, :MaxResults integer}, :required [:IndexId], :response {:NextToken string, :ThesaurusSummaryItems [:seq-of {:Id string, :Name string, :Status [:one-of ["CREATING" "ACTIVE" "DELETING" "UPDATING" "ACTIVE_BUT_UPDATE_FAILED" "FAILED"]], :CreatedAt timestamp, :UpdatedAt timestamp}]}}, :UpdateQuerySuggestionsBlockList {:documentation "Updates a block list used for query suggestions for an index.
Updates to a block list might not take effect right away. Amazon Kendra needs to refresh the entire suggestions list to apply any updates to the block list. Other changes not related to the block list apply immediately.
If a block list is updating, then you need to wait for the first update to finish before submitting another update.
Amazon Kendra supports partial updates, so you only need to provide the fields you want to update.
", :request {:IndexId string, :Id string, :Name string, :Description string, :SourceS3Path {:Bucket string, :Key string}, :RoleArn string}, :required [:IndexId :Id], :response nil}, :TagResource {:documentation "Adds the specified tag to the specified index, FAQ, or data source resource. If the tag already exists, the existing value is replaced with the new value.
", :request {:ResourceARN string, :Tags [:seq-of {:Key string, :Value string}]}, :required [:ResourceARN :Tags], :response {}}, :UntagResource {:documentation "Removes a tag from an index, FAQ, or a data source.
", :request {:ResourceARN string, :TagKeys [:seq-of string]}, :required [:ResourceARN :TagKeys], :response {}}, :DescribeQuerySuggestionsConfig {:documentation "Describes the settings of query suggestions for an index.
This is used to check the current settings applied to query suggestions.
", :request {:IndexId string}, :required [:IndexId], :response {:QueryLogLookBackWindowInDays integer, :Mode [:one-of ["ENABLED" "LEARN_ONLY"]], :TotalSuggestionsCount integer, :LastSuggestionsBuildTime timestamp, :MinimumNumberOfQueryingUsers integer, :IncludeQueriesWithoutUserInformation boolean, :LastClearTime timestamp, :MinimumQueryCount integer, :Status [:one-of ["ACTIVE" "UPDATING"]]}}, :DeleteFaq {:documentation "Removes an FAQ from an index.
", :request {:Id string, :IndexId string}, :required [:Id :IndexId], :response nil}, :DescribeFaq {:documentation "Gets information about an FAQ list.
", :request {:Id string, :IndexId string}, :required [:Id :IndexId], :response {:CreatedAt timestamp, :UpdatedAt timestamp, :FileFormat [:one-of ["CSV" "CSV_WITH_HEADER" "JSON"]], :S3Path {:Bucket string, :Key string}, :ErrorMessage string, :Id string, :RoleArn string, :IndexId string, :Name string, :Description string, :Status [:one-of ["CREATING" "UPDATING" "ACTIVE" "DELETING" "FAILED"]]}}, :ListQuerySuggestionsBlockLists {:documentation "Lists the block lists used for query suggestions for an index.
For information on the current quota limits for block lists, see Quotas for Amazon Kendra.
", :request {:IndexId string, :NextToken string, :MaxResults integer}, :required [:IndexId], :response {:BlockListSummaryItems [:seq-of {:Id string, :Name string, :Status [:one-of ["ACTIVE" "CREATING" "DELETING" "UPDATING" "ACTIVE_BUT_UPDATE_FAILED" "FAILED"]], :CreatedAt timestamp, :UpdatedAt timestamp, :ItemCount integer}], :NextToken string}}, :UpdateQuerySuggestionsConfig {:documentation "Updates the settings of query suggestions for an index.
Amazon Kendra supports partial updates, so you only need to provide the fields you want to update.
If an update is currently processing (i.e. 'happening'), you need to wait for the update to finish before making another update.
Updates to query suggestions settings might not take effect right away. The time for your updated settings to take effect depends on the updates made and the number of search queries in your index.
You can still enable/disable query suggestions at any time.
", :request {:IndexId string, :Mode [:one-of ["ENABLED" "LEARN_ONLY"]], :QueryLogLookBackWindowInDays integer, :IncludeQueriesWithoutUserInformation boolean, :MinimumNumberOfQueryingUsers integer, :MinimumQueryCount integer}, :required [:IndexId], :response nil}, :CreateThesaurus {:documentation "Creates a thesaurus for an index. The thesaurus contains a list of synonyms in Solr format.
", :request {:IndexId string, :Name string, :Description string, :RoleArn string, :Tags [:seq-of {:Key string, :Value string}], :SourceS3Path {:Bucket string, :Key string}, :ClientToken string}, :required [:IndexId :Name :RoleArn :SourceS3Path], :response {:Id string}}, :DeleteDataSource {:documentation "Deletes an Amazon Kendra data source. An exception is not thrown if the data source is already being deleted. While the data source is being deleted, the Status
field returned by a call to the DescribeDataSource
operation is set to DELETING
. For more information, see Deleting Data Sources.
", :request {:Id string, :IndexId string}, :required [:Id :IndexId], :response nil}, :DeleteQuerySuggestionsBlockList {:documentation "Deletes a block list used for query suggestions for an index.
A deleted block list might not take effect right away. Amazon Kendra needs to refresh the entire suggestions list to add back the queries that were previously blocked.
", :request {:IndexId string, :Id string}, :required [:IndexId :Id], :response nil}, :DescribeQuerySuggestionsBlockList {:documentation "Describes a block list used for query suggestions for an index.
This is used to check the current settings that are applied to a block list.
", :request {:IndexId string, :Id string}, :required [:IndexId :Id], :response {:CreatedAt timestamp, :UpdatedAt timestamp, :SourceS3Path {:Bucket string, :Key string}, :ErrorMessage string, :Id string, :ItemCount integer, :RoleArn string, :IndexId string, :Name string, :Description string, :FileSizeBytes long, :Status [:one-of ["ACTIVE" "CREATING" "DELETING" "UPDATING" "ACTIVE_BUT_UPDATE_FAILED" "FAILED"]]}}, :StartDataSourceSyncJob {:documentation "Starts a synchronization job for a data source. If a synchronization job is already in progress, Amazon Kendra returns a ResourceInUseException
", :request {:Id string, :IndexId string}, :required [:Id :IndexId], :response {:ExecutionId string}}, :DescribeDataSource {:documentation "Gets information about a Amazon Kendra data source.
", :request {:Id string, :IndexId string}, :required [:Id :IndexId], :response {:CreatedAt timestamp, :UpdatedAt timestamp, :ErrorMessage string, :Schedule string, :Id string, :RoleArn string, :IndexId string, :Name string, :Description string, :Type [:one-of ["S3" "SHAREPOINT" "DATABASE" "SALESFORCE" "ONEDRIVE" "SERVICENOW" "CUSTOM" "CONFLUENCE" "GOOGLEDRIVE" "WEBCRAWLER"]], :Configuration {:ConfluenceConfiguration {:ExclusionPatterns [:seq-of string], :VpcConfiguration {:SubnetIds [:seq-of string], :SecurityGroupIds [:seq-of string]}, :SpaceConfiguration {:CrawlPersonalSpaces boolean, :CrawlArchivedSpaces boolean, :IncludeSpaces [:seq-of string], :ExcludeSpaces [:seq-of string], :SpaceFieldMappings [:seq-of {:DataSourceFieldName [:one-of ["DISPLAY_URL" "ITEM_TYPE" "SPACE_KEY" "URL"]], :DateFieldFormat string, :IndexFieldName string}]}, :PageConfiguration {:PageFieldMappings [:seq-of {:DataSourceFieldName [:one-of ["AUTHOR" "CONTENT_STATUS" "CREATED_DATE" "DISPLAY_URL" "ITEM_TYPE" "LABELS" "MODIFIED_DATE" "PARENT_ID" "SPACE_KEY" "SPACE_NAME" "URL" "VERSION"]], :DateFieldFormat string, :IndexFieldName string}]}, :AttachmentConfiguration {:CrawlAttachments boolean, :AttachmentFieldMappings [:seq-of {:DataSourceFieldName [:one-of ["AUTHOR" "CONTENT_TYPE" "CREATED_DATE" "DISPLAY_URL" "FILE_SIZE" "ITEM_TYPE" "PARENT_ID" "SPACE_KEY" "SPACE_NAME" "URL" "VERSION"]], :DateFieldFormat string, :IndexFieldName string}]}, :InclusionPatterns [:seq-of string], :SecretArn string, :Version [:one-of ["CLOUD" "SERVER"]], :BlogConfiguration {:BlogFieldMappings [:seq-of {:DataSourceFieldName [:one-of ["AUTHOR" "DISPLAY_URL" "ITEM_TYPE" "LABELS" "PUBLISH_DATE" "SPACE_KEY" "SPACE_NAME" "URL" "VERSION"]], :DateFieldFormat string, :IndexFieldName string}]}, :ServerUrl string}, :WebCrawlerConfiguration {:MaxUrlsPerMinuteCrawlRate integer, :CrawlDepth integer, :AuthenticationConfiguration {:BasicAuthentication [:seq-of {:Host string, :Port integer, :Credentials string}]}, :UrlExclusionPatterns [:seq-of string], :UrlInclusionPatterns [:seq-of string], :MaxContentSizePerPageInMegaBytes "float", :MaxLinksPerPage integer, :Urls {:SeedUrlConfiguration {:SeedUrls [:seq-of string], :WebCrawlerMode [:one-of ["HOST_ONLY" "SUBDOMAINS" "EVERYTHING"]]}, :SiteMapsConfiguration {:SiteMaps [:seq-of string]}}, :ProxyConfiguration {:Host string, :Port integer, :Credentials string}}, :SharePointConfiguration {:ExclusionPatterns [:seq-of string], :VpcConfiguration {:SubnetIds [:seq-of string], :SecurityGroupIds [:seq-of string]}, :CrawlAttachments boolean, :SharePointVersion [:one-of ["SHAREPOINT_2013" "SHAREPOINT_2016" "SHAREPOINT_ONLINE"]], :FieldMappings [:seq-of {:DataSourceFieldName string, :DateFieldFormat string, :IndexFieldName string}], :DisableLocalGroups boolean, :SslCertificateS3Path {:Bucket string, :Key string}, :UseChangeLog boolean, :DocumentTitleFieldName string, :InclusionPatterns [:seq-of string], :SecretArn string, :Urls [:seq-of string]}, :ServiceNowConfiguration {:HostUrl string, :SecretArn string, :ServiceNowBuildVersion [:one-of ["LONDON" "OTHERS"]], :KnowledgeArticleConfiguration {:CrawlAttachments boolean, :IncludeAttachmentFilePatterns [:seq-of string], :ExcludeAttachmentFilePatterns [:seq-of string], :DocumentDataFieldName string, :DocumentTitleFieldName string, :FieldMappings [:seq-of {:DataSourceFieldName string, :DateFieldFormat string, :IndexFieldName string}], :FilterQuery string}, :ServiceCatalogConfiguration {:CrawlAttachments boolean, :IncludeAttachmentFilePatterns [:seq-of string], :ExcludeAttachmentFilePatterns [:seq-of string], :DocumentDataFieldName string, :DocumentTitleFieldName string, :FieldMappings [:seq-of {:DataSourceFieldName string, :DateFieldFormat string, :IndexFieldName string}]}, :AuthenticationType [:one-of ["HTTP_BASIC" "OAUTH2"]]}, :OneDriveConfiguration {:TenantDomain string, :SecretArn string, :OneDriveUsers {:OneDriveUserList [:seq-of string], :OneDriveUserS3Path {:Bucket string, :Key string}}, :InclusionPatterns [:seq-of string], :ExclusionPatterns [:seq-of string], :FieldMappings [:seq-of {:DataSourceFieldName string, :DateFieldFormat string, :IndexFieldName string}], :DisableLocalGroups boolean}, :S3Configuration {:BucketName string, :InclusionPrefixes [:seq-of string], :InclusionPatterns [:seq-of string], :ExclusionPatterns [:seq-of string], :DocumentsMetadataConfiguration {:S3Prefix string}, :AccessControlListConfiguration {:KeyPath string}}, :GoogleDriveConfiguration {:SecretArn string, :InclusionPatterns [:seq-of string], :ExclusionPatterns [:seq-of string], :FieldMappings [:seq-of {:DataSourceFieldName string, :DateFieldFormat string, :IndexFieldName string}], :ExcludeMimeTypes [:seq-of string], :ExcludeUserAccounts [:seq-of string], :ExcludeSharedDrives [:seq-of string]}, :SalesforceConfiguration {:ExcludeAttachmentFilePatterns [:seq-of string], :CrawlAttachments boolean, :ChatterFeedConfiguration {:DocumentDataFieldName string, :DocumentTitleFieldName string, :FieldMappings [:seq-of {:DataSourceFieldName string, :DateFieldFormat string, :IndexFieldName string}], :IncludeFilterTypes [:seq-of [:one-of ["ACTIVE_USER" "STANDARD_USER"]]]}, :KnowledgeArticleConfiguration {:IncludedStates [:seq-of [:one-of ["DRAFT" "PUBLISHED" "ARCHIVED"]]], :StandardKnowledgeArticleTypeConfiguration {:DocumentDataFieldName string, :DocumentTitleFieldName string, :FieldMappings [:seq-of {:DataSourceFieldName string, :DateFieldFormat string, :IndexFieldName string}]}, :CustomKnowledgeArticleTypeConfigurations [:seq-of {:Name string, :DocumentDataFieldName string, :DocumentTitleFieldName string, :FieldMappings [:seq-of {:DataSourceFieldName string, :DateFieldFormat string, :IndexFieldName string}]}]}, :StandardObjectAttachmentConfiguration {:DocumentTitleFieldName string, :FieldMappings [:seq-of {:DataSourceFieldName string, :DateFieldFormat string, :IndexFieldName string}]}, :SecretArn string, :IncludeAttachmentFilePatterns [:seq-of string], :StandardObjectConfigurations [:seq-of {:Name [:one-of ["ACCOUNT" "CAMPAIGN" "CASE" "CONTACT" "CONTRACT" "DOCUMENT" "GROUP" "IDEA" "LEAD" "OPPORTUNITY" "PARTNER" "PRICEBOOK" "PRODUCT" "PROFILE" "SOLUTION" "TASK" "USER"]], :DocumentDataFieldName string, :DocumentTitleFieldName string, :FieldMappings [:seq-of {:DataSourceFieldName string, :DateFieldFormat string, :IndexFieldName string}]}], :ServerUrl string}, :DatabaseConfiguration {:DatabaseEngineType [:one-of ["RDS_AURORA_MYSQL" "RDS_AURORA_POSTGRESQL" "RDS_MYSQL" "RDS_POSTGRESQL"]], :ConnectionConfiguration {:DatabaseHost string, :DatabasePort integer, :DatabaseName string, :TableName string, :SecretArn string}, :VpcConfiguration {:SubnetIds [:seq-of string], :SecurityGroupIds [:seq-of string]}, :ColumnConfiguration {:DocumentIdColumnName string, :DocumentDataColumnName string, :DocumentTitleColumnName string, :FieldMappings [:seq-of {:DataSourceFieldName string, :DateFieldFormat string, :IndexFieldName string}], :ChangeDetectingColumns [:seq-of string]}, :AclConfiguration {:AllowedGroupsColumnName string}, :SqlConfiguration {:QueryIdentifiersEnclosingOption [:one-of ["DOUBLE_QUOTES" "NONE"]]}}}, :Status [:one-of ["CREATING" "DELETING" "FAILED" "UPDATING" "ACTIVE"]]}}, :SubmitFeedback {:documentation "Enables you to provide feedback to Amazon Kendra to improve the performance of the service.
", :request {:IndexId string, :QueryId string, :ClickFeedbackItems [:seq-of {:ResultId string, :ClickTime timestamp}], :RelevanceFeedbackItems [:seq-of {:ResultId string, :RelevanceValue [:one-of ["RELEVANT" "NOT_RELEVANT"]]}]}, :required [:IndexId :QueryId], :response nil}, :CreateFaq {:documentation "Creates an new set of frequently asked question (FAQ) questions and answers.
", :request {:IndexId string, :Name string, :Description string, :S3Path {:Bucket string, :Key string}, :RoleArn string, :Tags [:seq-of {:Key string, :Value string}], :FileFormat [:one-of ["CSV" "CSV_WITH_HEADER" "JSON"]], :ClientToken string}, :required [:IndexId :Name :S3Path :RoleArn], :response {:Id string}}, :DescribeIndex {:documentation "Describes an existing Amazon Kendra index
", :request {:Id string}, :required [:Id], :response {:DocumentMetadataConfigurations [:seq-of {:Name string, :Type [:one-of ["STRING_VALUE" "STRING_LIST_VALUE" "LONG_VALUE" "DATE_VALUE"]], :Relevance {:Freshness boolean, :Importance integer, :Duration string, :RankOrder [:one-of ["ASCENDING" "DESCENDING"]], :ValueImportanceMap [:map-of string integer]}, :Search {:Facetable boolean, :Searchable boolean, :Displayable boolean, :Sortable boolean}}], :UserTokenConfigurations [:seq-of {:JwtTokenTypeConfiguration {:KeyLocation [:one-of ["URL" "SECRET_MANAGER"]], :URL string, :SecretManagerArn string, :UserNameAttributeField string, :GroupAttributeField string, :Issuer string, :ClaimRegex string}, :JsonTokenTypeConfiguration {:UserNameAttributeField string, :GroupAttributeField string}}], :CreatedAt timestamp, :UpdatedAt timestamp, :ErrorMessage string, :Id string, :UserContextPolicy [:one-of ["ATTRIBUTE_FILTER" "USER_TOKEN"]], :Edition [:one-of ["DEVELOPER_EDITION" "ENTERPRISE_EDITION"]], :RoleArn string, :CapacityUnits {:StorageCapacityUnits integer, :QueryCapacityUnits integer}, :Name string, :Description string, :IndexStatistics {:FaqStatistics {:IndexedQuestionAnswersCount integer}, :TextDocumentStatistics {:IndexedTextDocumentsCount integer, :IndexedTextBytes long}}, :ServerSideEncryptionConfiguration {:KmsKeyId string}, :Status [:one-of ["CREATING" "ACTIVE" "DELETING" "FAILED" "UPDATING" "SYSTEM_UPDATING"]]}}, :DescribeThesaurus {:documentation "Describes an existing Amazon Kendra thesaurus.
", :request {:Id string, :IndexId string}, :required [:Id :IndexId], :response {:CreatedAt timestamp, :UpdatedAt timestamp, :SourceS3Path {:Bucket string, :Key string}, :ErrorMessage string, :Id string, :TermCount long, :RoleArn string, :IndexId string, :Name string, :Description string, :FileSizeBytes long, :Status [:one-of ["CREATING" "ACTIVE" "DELETING" "UPDATING" "ACTIVE_BUT_UPDATE_FAILED" "FAILED"]], :SynonymRuleCount long}}, :ListFaqs {:documentation "Gets a list of FAQ lists associated with an index.
", :request {:IndexId string, :NextToken string, :MaxResults integer}, :required [:IndexId], :response {:NextToken string, :FaqSummaryItems [:seq-of {:Id string, :Name string, :Status [:one-of ["CREATING" "UPDATING" "ACTIVE" "DELETING" "FAILED"]], :CreatedAt timestamp, :UpdatedAt timestamp, :FileFormat [:one-of ["CSV" "CSV_WITH_HEADER" "JSON"]]}]}}, :GetQuerySuggestions {:documentation "Fetches the queries that are suggested to your users.
", :request {:IndexId string, :QueryText string, :MaxSuggestionsCount integer}, :required [:IndexId :QueryText], :response {:QuerySuggestionsId string, :Suggestions [:seq-of {:Id string, :Value {:Text {:Text string, :Highlights [:seq-of {:BeginOffset integer, :EndOffset integer}]}}}]}}, :Query {:documentation "Searches an active index. Use this API to search your documents using query. The Query
operation enables to do faceted search and to filter results based on document attributes.
It also enables you to provide user context that Amazon Kendra uses to enforce document access control in the search results.
Amazon Kendra searches your index for text content and question and answer (FAQ) content. By default the response contains three types of results.
Relevant passages
Matching FAQs
Relevant documents
You can specify that the query return only one type of result using the QueryResultTypeConfig
Each query returns the 100 most relevant results.
", :request {:QueryResultTypeFilter [:one-of ["DOCUMENT" "QUESTION_ANSWER" "ANSWER"]], :Facets [:seq-of {:DocumentAttributeKey string}], :DocumentRelevanceOverrideConfigurations [:seq-of {:Name string, :Relevance {:Freshness boolean, :Importance integer, :Duration string, :RankOrder [:one-of ["ASCENDING" "DESCENDING"]], :ValueImportanceMap [:map-of string integer]}}], :SortingConfiguration {:DocumentAttributeKey string, :SortOrder [:one-of ["DESC" "ASC"]]}, :AttributeFilter shape/AttributeFilter, :QueryText string, :PageNumber integer, :UserContext {:Token string}, :RequestedDocumentAttributes [:seq-of string], :IndexId string, :PageSize integer, :VisitorId string}, :required [:IndexId :QueryText], :response {:QueryId string, :ResultItems [:seq-of {:DocumentURI string, :Id string, :FeedbackToken string, :ScoreAttributes {:ScoreConfidence [:one-of ["VERY_HIGH" "HIGH" "MEDIUM" "LOW"]]}, :DocumentExcerpt {:Text string, :Highlights [:seq-of {:BeginOffset integer, :EndOffset integer, :TopAnswer boolean, :Type [:one-of ["STANDARD" "THESAURUS_SYNONYM"]]}]}, :AdditionalAttributes [:seq-of {:Key string, :ValueType [:one-of ["TEXT_WITH_HIGHLIGHTS_VALUE"]], :Value {:TextWithHighlightsValue {:Text string, :Highlights [:seq-of {:BeginOffset integer, :EndOffset integer, :TopAnswer boolean, :Type [:one-of ["STANDARD" "THESAURUS_SYNONYM"]]}]}}}], :DocumentId string, :Type [:one-of ["DOCUMENT" "QUESTION_ANSWER" "ANSWER"]], :DocumentTitle {:Text string, :Highlights [:seq-of {:BeginOffset integer, :EndOffset integer, :TopAnswer boolean, :Type [:one-of ["STANDARD" "THESAURUS_SYNONYM"]]}]}, :DocumentAttributes [:seq-of {:Key string, :Value {:StringValue string, :StringListValue [:seq-of string], :LongValue long, :DateValue timestamp}}]}], :FacetResults [:seq-of {:DocumentAttributeKey string, :DocumentAttributeValueType [:one-of ["STRING_VALUE" "STRING_LIST_VALUE" "LONG_VALUE" "DATE_VALUE"]], :DocumentAttributeValueCountPairs [:seq-of {:DocumentAttributeValue {:StringValue string, :StringListValue [:seq-of string], :LongValue long, :DateValue timestamp}, :Count integer}]}], :TotalNumberOfResults integer}, :refs {shape/AttributeFilter {:OrAllFilters [:seq-of shape/AttributeFilter], :NotFilter shape/AttributeFilter, :EqualsTo {:Key string, :Value {:StringValue string, :StringListValue [:seq-of string], :LongValue long, :DateValue timestamp}}, :ContainsAny {:Key string, :Value {:StringValue string, :StringListValue [:seq-of string], :LongValue long, :DateValue timestamp}}, :LessThan {:Key string, :Value {:StringValue string, :StringListValue [:seq-of string], :LongValue long, :DateValue timestamp}}, :ContainsAll {:Key string, :Value {:StringValue string, :StringListValue [:seq-of string], :LongValue long, :DateValue timestamp}}, :AndAllFilters [:seq-of shape/AttributeFilter], :GreaterThanOrEquals {:Key string, :Value {:StringValue string, :StringListValue [:seq-of string], :LongValue long, :DateValue timestamp}}, :GreaterThan {:Key string, :Value {:StringValue string, :StringListValue [:seq-of string], :LongValue long, :DateValue timestamp}}, :LessThanOrEquals {:Key string, :Value {:StringValue string, :StringListValue [:seq-of string], :LongValue long, :DateValue timestamp}}}}}, :ClearQuerySuggestions {:documentation "Clears existing query suggestions from an index.
This deletes existing suggestions only, not the queries in the query log. After you clear suggestions, Amazon Kendra learns new suggestions based on new queries added to the query log from the time you cleared suggestions. If you do not see any new suggestions, then please allow Amazon Kendra to collect enough queries to learn new suggestions.
", :request {:IndexId string}, :required [:IndexId], :response nil}, :ListIndices {:documentation "Lists the Amazon Kendra indexes that you have created.
", :request {:NextToken string, :MaxResults integer}, :required nil, :response {:IndexConfigurationSummaryItems [:seq-of {:Name string, :Id string, :Edition [:one-of ["DEVELOPER_EDITION" "ENTERPRISE_EDITION"]], :CreatedAt timestamp, :UpdatedAt timestamp, :Status [:one-of ["CREATING" "ACTIVE" "DELETING" "FAILED" "UPDATING" "SYSTEM_UPDATING"]]}], :NextToken string}}, :CreateIndex {:documentation "Creates a new Amazon Kendra index. Index creation is an asynchronous operation. To determine if index creation has completed, check the Status
field returned from a call to DescribeIndex
. The Status
field is set to ACTIVE
when the index is ready to use.
Once the index is active you can index your documents using the BatchPutDocument
operation or using one of the supported data sources.
", :request {:UserTokenConfigurations [:seq-of {:JwtTokenTypeConfiguration {:KeyLocation [:one-of ["URL" "SECRET_MANAGER"]], :URL string, :SecretManagerArn string, :UserNameAttributeField string, :GroupAttributeField string, :Issuer string, :ClaimRegex string}, :JsonTokenTypeConfiguration {:UserNameAttributeField string, :GroupAttributeField string}}], :Tags [:seq-of {:Key string, :Value string}], :UserContextPolicy [:one-of ["ATTRIBUTE_FILTER" "USER_TOKEN"]], :Edition [:one-of ["DEVELOPER_EDITION" "ENTERPRISE_EDITION"]], :RoleArn string, :Name string, :Description string, :ClientToken string, :ServerSideEncryptionConfiguration {:KmsKeyId string}}, :required [:Name :RoleArn], :response {:Id string}}, :BatchGetDocumentStatus {:documentation "Returns the indexing status for one or more documents submitted with the BatchPutDocument operation.
When you use the BatchPutDocument
operation, documents are indexed asynchronously. You can use the BatchGetDocumentStatus
operation to get the current status of a list of documents so that you can determine if they have been successfully indexed.
You can also use the BatchGetDocumentStatus
operation to check the status of the BatchDeleteDocument operation. When a document is deleted from the index, Amazon Kendra returns NOT_FOUND
as the status.
", :request {:IndexId string, :DocumentInfoList [:seq-of {:DocumentId string, :Attributes [:seq-of {:Key string, :Value {:StringValue string, :StringListValue [:seq-of string], :LongValue long, :DateValue timestamp}}]}]}, :required [:IndexId :DocumentInfoList], :response {:Errors [:seq-of {:DocumentId string, :ErrorCode [:one-of ["InternalError" "InvalidRequest"]], :ErrorMessage string}], :DocumentStatusList [:seq-of {:DocumentId string, :DocumentStatus [:one-of ["NOT_FOUND" "PROCESSING" "INDEXED" "UPDATED" "FAILED" "UPDATE_FAILED"]], :FailureCode string, :FailureReason string}]}}, :CreateQuerySuggestionsBlockList {:documentation "Creates a block list to exlcude certain queries from suggestions.
Any query that contains words or phrases specified in the block list is blocked or filtered out from being shown as a suggestion.
You need to provide the file location of your block list text file in your S3 bucket. In your text file, enter each block word or phrase on a separate line.
For information on the current quota limits for block lists, see Quotas for Amazon Kendra.
", :request {:IndexId string, :Name string, :Description string, :SourceS3Path {:Bucket string, :Key string}, :ClientToken string, :RoleArn string, :Tags [:seq-of {:Key string, :Value string}]}, :required [:IndexId :Name :SourceS3Path :RoleArn], :response {:Id string}}, :StopDataSourceSyncJob {:documentation "Stops a running synchronization job. You can't stop a scheduled synchronization job.
", :request {:Id string, :IndexId string}, :required [:Id :IndexId], :response nil}, :DeleteIndex {:documentation "Deletes an existing Amazon Kendra index. An exception is not thrown if the index is already being deleted. While the index is being deleted, the Status
field returned by a call to the DescribeIndex
operation is set to DELETING
", :request {:Id string}, :required [:Id], :response nil}, :UpdateIndex {:documentation "Updates an existing Amazon Kendra index.
", :request {:Id string, :Name string, :RoleArn string, :Description string, :DocumentMetadataConfigurationUpdates [:seq-of {:Name string, :Type [:one-of ["STRING_VALUE" "STRING_LIST_VALUE" "LONG_VALUE" "DATE_VALUE"]], :Relevance {:Freshness boolean, :Importance integer, :Duration string, :RankOrder [:one-of ["ASCENDING" "DESCENDING"]], :ValueImportanceMap [:map-of string integer]}, :Search {:Facetable boolean, :Searchable boolean, :Displayable boolean, :Sortable boolean}}], :CapacityUnits {:StorageCapacityUnits integer, :QueryCapacityUnits integer}, :UserTokenConfigurations [:seq-of {:JwtTokenTypeConfiguration {:KeyLocation [:one-of ["URL" "SECRET_MANAGER"]], :URL string, :SecretManagerArn string, :UserNameAttributeField string, :GroupAttributeField string, :Issuer string, :ClaimRegex string}, :JsonTokenTypeConfiguration {:UserNameAttributeField string, :GroupAttributeField string}}], :UserContextPolicy [:one-of ["ATTRIBUTE_FILTER" "USER_TOKEN"]]}, :required [:Id], :response nil}, :CreateDataSource {:documentation "Creates a data source that you use to with an Amazon Kendra index.
You specify a name, data source connector type and description for your data source. You also specify configuration information such as document metadata (author, source URI, and so on) and user context information.
is a synchronous operation. The operation returns 200 if the data source was successfully created. Otherwise, an exception is raised.
", :request {:Schedule string, :Tags [:seq-of {:Key string, :Value string}], :RoleArn string, :IndexId string, :Name string, :Description string, :Type [:one-of ["S3" "SHAREPOINT" "DATABASE" "SALESFORCE" "ONEDRIVE" "SERVICENOW" "CUSTOM" "CONFLUENCE" "GOOGLEDRIVE" "WEBCRAWLER"]], :ClientToken string, :Configuration {:ConfluenceConfiguration {:ExclusionPatterns [:seq-of string], :VpcConfiguration {:SubnetIds [:seq-of string], :SecurityGroupIds [:seq-of string]}, :SpaceConfiguration {:CrawlPersonalSpaces boolean, :CrawlArchivedSpaces boolean, :IncludeSpaces [:seq-of string], :ExcludeSpaces [:seq-of string], :SpaceFieldMappings [:seq-of {:DataSourceFieldName [:one-of ["DISPLAY_URL" "ITEM_TYPE" "SPACE_KEY" "URL"]], :DateFieldFormat string, :IndexFieldName string}]}, :PageConfiguration {:PageFieldMappings [:seq-of {:DataSourceFieldName [:one-of ["AUTHOR" "CONTENT_STATUS" "CREATED_DATE" "DISPLAY_URL" "ITEM_TYPE" "LABELS" "MODIFIED_DATE" "PARENT_ID" "SPACE_KEY" "SPACE_NAME" "URL" "VERSION"]], :DateFieldFormat string, :IndexFieldName string}]}, :AttachmentConfiguration {:CrawlAttachments boolean, :AttachmentFieldMappings [:seq-of {:DataSourceFieldName [:one-of ["AUTHOR" "CONTENT_TYPE" "CREATED_DATE" "DISPLAY_URL" "FILE_SIZE" "ITEM_TYPE" "PARENT_ID" "SPACE_KEY" "SPACE_NAME" "URL" "VERSION"]], :DateFieldFormat string, :IndexFieldName string}]}, :InclusionPatterns [:seq-of string], :SecretArn string, :Version [:one-of ["CLOUD" "SERVER"]], :BlogConfiguration {:BlogFieldMappings [:seq-of {:DataSourceFieldName [:one-of ["AUTHOR" "DISPLAY_URL" "ITEM_TYPE" "LABELS" "PUBLISH_DATE" "SPACE_KEY" "SPACE_NAME" "URL" "VERSION"]], :DateFieldFormat string, :IndexFieldName string}]}, :ServerUrl string}, :WebCrawlerConfiguration {:MaxUrlsPerMinuteCrawlRate integer, :CrawlDepth integer, :AuthenticationConfiguration {:BasicAuthentication [:seq-of {:Host string, :Port integer, :Credentials string}]}, :UrlExclusionPatterns [:seq-of string], :UrlInclusionPatterns [:seq-of string], :MaxContentSizePerPageInMegaBytes "float", :MaxLinksPerPage integer, :Urls {:SeedUrlConfiguration {:SeedUrls [:seq-of string], :WebCrawlerMode [:one-of ["HOST_ONLY" "SUBDOMAINS" "EVERYTHING"]]}, :SiteMapsConfiguration {:SiteMaps [:seq-of string]}}, :ProxyConfiguration {:Host string, :Port integer, :Credentials string}}, :SharePointConfiguration {:ExclusionPatterns [:seq-of string], :VpcConfiguration {:SubnetIds [:seq-of string], :SecurityGroupIds [:seq-of string]}, :CrawlAttachments boolean, :SharePointVersion [:one-of ["SHAREPOINT_2013" "SHAREPOINT_2016" "SHAREPOINT_ONLINE"]], :FieldMappings [:seq-of {:DataSourceFieldName string, :DateFieldFormat string, :IndexFieldName string}], :DisableLocalGroups boolean, :SslCertificateS3Path {:Bucket string, :Key string}, :UseChangeLog boolean, :DocumentTitleFieldName string, :InclusionPatterns [:seq-of string], :SecretArn string, :Urls [:seq-of string]}, :ServiceNowConfiguration {:HostUrl string, :SecretArn string, :ServiceNowBuildVersion [:one-of ["LONDON" "OTHERS"]], :KnowledgeArticleConfiguration {:CrawlAttachments boolean, :IncludeAttachmentFilePatterns [:seq-of string], :ExcludeAttachmentFilePatterns [:seq-of string], :DocumentDataFieldName string, :DocumentTitleFieldName string, :FieldMappings [:seq-of {:DataSourceFieldName string, :DateFieldFormat string, :IndexFieldName string}], :FilterQuery string}, :ServiceCatalogConfiguration {:CrawlAttachments boolean, :IncludeAttachmentFilePatterns [:seq-of string], :ExcludeAttachmentFilePatterns [:seq-of string], :DocumentDataFieldName string, :DocumentTitleFieldName string, :FieldMappings [:seq-of {:DataSourceFieldName string, :DateFieldFormat string, :IndexFieldName string}]}, :AuthenticationType [:one-of ["HTTP_BASIC" "OAUTH2"]]}, :OneDriveConfiguration {:TenantDomain string, :SecretArn string, :OneDriveUsers {:OneDriveUserList [:seq-of string], :OneDriveUserS3Path {:Bucket string, :Key string}}, :InclusionPatterns [:seq-of string], :ExclusionPatterns [:seq-of string], :FieldMappings [:seq-of {:DataSourceFieldName string, :DateFieldFormat string, :IndexFieldName string}], :DisableLocalGroups boolean}, :S3Configuration {:BucketName string, :InclusionPrefixes [:seq-of string], :InclusionPatterns [:seq-of string], :ExclusionPatterns [:seq-of string], :DocumentsMetadataConfiguration {:S3Prefix string}, :AccessControlListConfiguration {:KeyPath string}}, :GoogleDriveConfiguration {:SecretArn string, :InclusionPatterns [:seq-of string], :ExclusionPatterns [:seq-of string], :FieldMappings [:seq-of {:DataSourceFieldName string, :DateFieldFormat string, :IndexFieldName string}], :ExcludeMimeTypes [:seq-of string], :ExcludeUserAccounts [:seq-of string], :ExcludeSharedDrives [:seq-of string]}, :SalesforceConfiguration {:ExcludeAttachmentFilePatterns [:seq-of string], :CrawlAttachments boolean, :ChatterFeedConfiguration {:DocumentDataFieldName string, :DocumentTitleFieldName string, :FieldMappings [:seq-of {:DataSourceFieldName string, :DateFieldFormat string, :IndexFieldName string}], :IncludeFilterTypes [:seq-of [:one-of ["ACTIVE_USER" "STANDARD_USER"]]]}, :KnowledgeArticleConfiguration {:IncludedStates [:seq-of [:one-of ["DRAFT" "PUBLISHED" "ARCHIVED"]]], :StandardKnowledgeArticleTypeConfiguration {:DocumentDataFieldName string, :DocumentTitleFieldName string, :FieldMappings [:seq-of {:DataSourceFieldName string, :DateFieldFormat string, :IndexFieldName string}]}, :CustomKnowledgeArticleTypeConfigurations [:seq-of {:Name string, :DocumentDataFieldName string, :DocumentTitleFieldName string, :FieldMappings [:seq-of {:DataSourceFieldName string, :DateFieldFormat string, :IndexFieldName string}]}]}, :StandardObjectAttachmentConfiguration {:DocumentTitleFieldName string, :FieldMappings [:seq-of {:DataSourceFieldName string, :DateFieldFormat string, :IndexFieldName string}]}, :SecretArn string, :IncludeAttachmentFilePatterns [:seq-of string], :StandardObjectConfigurations [:seq-of {:Name [:one-of ["ACCOUNT" "CAMPAIGN" "CASE" "CONTACT" "CONTRACT" "DOCUMENT" "GROUP" "IDEA" "LEAD" "OPPORTUNITY" "PARTNER" "PRICEBOOK" "PRODUCT" "PROFILE" "SOLUTION" "TASK" "USER"]], :DocumentDataFieldName string, :DocumentTitleFieldName string, :FieldMappings [:seq-of {:DataSourceFieldName string, :DateFieldFormat string, :IndexFieldName string}]}], :ServerUrl string}, :DatabaseConfiguration {:DatabaseEngineType [:one-of ["RDS_AURORA_MYSQL" "RDS_AURORA_POSTGRESQL" "RDS_MYSQL" "RDS_POSTGRESQL"]], :ConnectionConfiguration {:DatabaseHost string, :DatabasePort integer, :DatabaseName string, :TableName string, :SecretArn string}, :VpcConfiguration {:SubnetIds [:seq-of string], :SecurityGroupIds [:seq-of string]}, :ColumnConfiguration {:DocumentIdColumnName string, :DocumentDataColumnName string, :DocumentTitleColumnName string, :FieldMappings [:seq-of {:DataSourceFieldName string, :DateFieldFormat string, :IndexFieldName string}], :ChangeDetectingColumns [:seq-of string]}, :AclConfiguration {:AllowedGroupsColumnName string}, :SqlConfiguration {:QueryIdentifiersEnclosingOption [:one-of ["DOUBLE_QUOTES" "NONE"]]}}}}, :required [:Name :IndexId :Type], :response {:Id string}}, :DeleteThesaurus {:documentation "Deletes an existing Amazon Kendra thesaurus.
", :request {:Id string, :IndexId string}, :required [:Id :IndexId], :response nil}, :ListDataSources {:documentation "Lists the data sources that you have created.
", :request {:IndexId string, :NextToken string, :MaxResults integer}, :required [:IndexId], :response {:SummaryItems [:seq-of {:Name string, :Id string, :Type [:one-of ["S3" "SHAREPOINT" "DATABASE" "SALESFORCE" "ONEDRIVE" "SERVICENOW" "CUSTOM" "CONFLUENCE" "GOOGLEDRIVE" "WEBCRAWLER"]], :CreatedAt timestamp, :UpdatedAt timestamp, :Status [:one-of ["CREATING" "DELETING" "FAILED" "UPDATING" "ACTIVE"]]}], :NextToken string}}, :BatchDeleteDocument {:documentation "Removes one or more documents from an index. The documents must have been added with the BatchPutDocument
The documents are deleted asynchronously. You can see the progress of the deletion by using AWS CloudWatch. Any error messages related to the processing of the batch are sent to you CloudWatch log.
", :request {:IndexId string, :DocumentIdList [:seq-of string], :DataSourceSyncJobMetricTarget {:DataSourceId string, :DataSourceSyncJobId string}}, :required [:IndexId :DocumentIdList], :response {:FailedDocuments [:seq-of {:Id string, :ErrorCode [:one-of ["InternalError" "InvalidRequest"]], :ErrorMessage string}]}}, :UpdateDataSource {:documentation "Updates an existing Amazon Kendra data source.
", :request {:Id string, :Name string, :IndexId string, :Configuration {:ConfluenceConfiguration {:ExclusionPatterns [:seq-of string], :VpcConfiguration {:SubnetIds [:seq-of string], :SecurityGroupIds [:seq-of string]}, :SpaceConfiguration {:CrawlPersonalSpaces boolean, :CrawlArchivedSpaces boolean, :IncludeSpaces [:seq-of string], :ExcludeSpaces [:seq-of string], :SpaceFieldMappings [:seq-of {:DataSourceFieldName [:one-of ["DISPLAY_URL" "ITEM_TYPE" "SPACE_KEY" "URL"]], :DateFieldFormat string, :IndexFieldName string}]}, :PageConfiguration {:PageFieldMappings [:seq-of {:DataSourceFieldName [:one-of ["AUTHOR" "CONTENT_STATUS" "CREATED_DATE" "DISPLAY_URL" "ITEM_TYPE" "LABELS" "MODIFIED_DATE" "PARENT_ID" "SPACE_KEY" "SPACE_NAME" "URL" "VERSION"]], :DateFieldFormat string, :IndexFieldName string}]}, :AttachmentConfiguration {:CrawlAttachments boolean, :AttachmentFieldMappings [:seq-of {:DataSourceFieldName [:one-of ["AUTHOR" "CONTENT_TYPE" "CREATED_DATE" "DISPLAY_URL" "FILE_SIZE" "ITEM_TYPE" "PARENT_ID" "SPACE_KEY" "SPACE_NAME" "URL" "VERSION"]], :DateFieldFormat string, :IndexFieldName string}]}, :InclusionPatterns [:seq-of string], :SecretArn string, :Version [:one-of ["CLOUD" "SERVER"]], :BlogConfiguration {:BlogFieldMappings [:seq-of {:DataSourceFieldName [:one-of ["AUTHOR" "DISPLAY_URL" "ITEM_TYPE" "LABELS" "PUBLISH_DATE" "SPACE_KEY" "SPACE_NAME" "URL" "VERSION"]], :DateFieldFormat string, :IndexFieldName string}]}, :ServerUrl string}, :WebCrawlerConfiguration {:MaxUrlsPerMinuteCrawlRate integer, :CrawlDepth integer, :AuthenticationConfiguration {:BasicAuthentication [:seq-of {:Host string, :Port integer, :Credentials string}]}, :UrlExclusionPatterns [:seq-of string], :UrlInclusionPatterns [:seq-of string], :MaxContentSizePerPageInMegaBytes "float", :MaxLinksPerPage integer, :Urls {:SeedUrlConfiguration {:SeedUrls [:seq-of string], :WebCrawlerMode [:one-of ["HOST_ONLY" "SUBDOMAINS" "EVERYTHING"]]}, :SiteMapsConfiguration {:SiteMaps [:seq-of string]}}, :ProxyConfiguration {:Host string, :Port integer, :Credentials string}}, :SharePointConfiguration {:ExclusionPatterns [:seq-of string], :VpcConfiguration {:SubnetIds [:seq-of string], :SecurityGroupIds [:seq-of string]}, :CrawlAttachments boolean, :SharePointVersion [:one-of ["SHAREPOINT_2013" "SHAREPOINT_2016" "SHAREPOINT_ONLINE"]], :FieldMappings [:seq-of {:DataSourceFieldName string, :DateFieldFormat string, :IndexFieldName string}], :DisableLocalGroups boolean, :SslCertificateS3Path {:Bucket string, :Key string}, :UseChangeLog boolean, :DocumentTitleFieldName string, :InclusionPatterns [:seq-of string], :SecretArn string, :Urls [:seq-of string]}, :ServiceNowConfiguration {:HostUrl string, :SecretArn string, :ServiceNowBuildVersion [:one-of ["LONDON" "OTHERS"]], :KnowledgeArticleConfiguration {:CrawlAttachments boolean, :IncludeAttachmentFilePatterns [:seq-of string], :ExcludeAttachmentFilePatterns [:seq-of string], :DocumentDataFieldName string, :DocumentTitleFieldName string, :FieldMappings [:seq-of {:DataSourceFieldName string, :DateFieldFormat string, :IndexFieldName string}], :FilterQuery string}, :ServiceCatalogConfiguration {:CrawlAttachments boolean, :IncludeAttachmentFilePatterns [:seq-of string], :ExcludeAttachmentFilePatterns [:seq-of string], :DocumentDataFieldName string, :DocumentTitleFieldName string, :FieldMappings [:seq-of {:DataSourceFieldName string, :DateFieldFormat string, :IndexFieldName string}]}, :AuthenticationType [:one-of ["HTTP_BASIC" "OAUTH2"]]}, :OneDriveConfiguration {:TenantDomain string, :SecretArn string, :OneDriveUsers {:OneDriveUserList [:seq-of string], :OneDriveUserS3Path {:Bucket string, :Key string}}, :InclusionPatterns [:seq-of string], :ExclusionPatterns [:seq-of string], :FieldMappings [:seq-of {:DataSourceFieldName string, :DateFieldFormat string, :IndexFieldName string}], :DisableLocalGroups boolean}, :S3Configuration {:BucketName string, :InclusionPrefixes [:seq-of string], :InclusionPatterns [:seq-of string], :ExclusionPatterns [:seq-of string], :DocumentsMetadataConfiguration {:S3Prefix string}, :AccessControlListConfiguration {:KeyPath string}}, :GoogleDriveConfiguration {:SecretArn string, :InclusionPatterns [:seq-of string], :ExclusionPatterns [:seq-of string], :FieldMappings [:seq-of {:DataSourceFieldName string, :DateFieldFormat string, :IndexFieldName string}], :ExcludeMimeTypes [:seq-of string], :ExcludeUserAccounts [:seq-of string], :ExcludeSharedDrives [:seq-of string]}, :SalesforceConfiguration {:ExcludeAttachmentFilePatterns [:seq-of string], :CrawlAttachments boolean, :ChatterFeedConfiguration {:DocumentDataFieldName string, :DocumentTitleFieldName string, :FieldMappings [:seq-of {:DataSourceFieldName string, :DateFieldFormat string, :IndexFieldName string}], :IncludeFilterTypes [:seq-of [:one-of ["ACTIVE_USER" "STANDARD_USER"]]]}, :KnowledgeArticleConfiguration {:IncludedStates [:seq-of [:one-of ["DRAFT" "PUBLISHED" "ARCHIVED"]]], :StandardKnowledgeArticleTypeConfiguration {:DocumentDataFieldName string, :DocumentTitleFieldName string, :FieldMappings [:seq-of {:DataSourceFieldName string, :DateFieldFormat string, :IndexFieldName string}]}, :CustomKnowledgeArticleTypeConfigurations [:seq-of {:Name string, :DocumentDataFieldName string, :DocumentTitleFieldName string, :FieldMappings [:seq-of {:DataSourceFieldName string, :DateFieldFormat string, :IndexFieldName string}]}]}, :StandardObjectAttachmentConfiguration {:DocumentTitleFieldName string, :FieldMappings [:seq-of {:DataSourceFieldName string, :DateFieldFormat string, :IndexFieldName string}]}, :SecretArn string, :IncludeAttachmentFilePatterns [:seq-of string], :StandardObjectConfigurations [:seq-of {:Name [:one-of ["ACCOUNT" "CAMPAIGN" "CASE" "CONTACT" "CONTRACT" "DOCUMENT" "GROUP" "IDEA" "LEAD" "OPPORTUNITY" "PARTNER" "PRICEBOOK" "PRODUCT" "PROFILE" "SOLUTION" "TASK" "USER"]], :DocumentDataFieldName string, :DocumentTitleFieldName string, :FieldMappings [:seq-of {:DataSourceFieldName string, :DateFieldFormat string, :IndexFieldName string}]}], :ServerUrl string}, :DatabaseConfiguration {:DatabaseEngineType [:one-of ["RDS_AURORA_MYSQL" "RDS_AURORA_POSTGRESQL" "RDS_MYSQL" "RDS_POSTGRESQL"]], :ConnectionConfiguration {:DatabaseHost string, :DatabasePort integer, :DatabaseName string, :TableName string, :SecretArn string}, :VpcConfiguration {:SubnetIds [:seq-of string], :SecurityGroupIds [:seq-of string]}, :ColumnConfiguration {:DocumentIdColumnName string, :DocumentDataColumnName string, :DocumentTitleColumnName string, :FieldMappings [:seq-of {:DataSourceFieldName string, :DateFieldFormat string, :IndexFieldName string}], :ChangeDetectingColumns [:seq-of string]}, :AclConfiguration {:AllowedGroupsColumnName string}, :SqlConfiguration {:QueryIdentifiersEnclosingOption [:one-of ["DOUBLE_QUOTES" "NONE"]]}}}, :Description string, :Schedule string, :RoleArn string}, :required [:Id :IndexId], :response nil}, :ListDataSourceSyncJobs {:documentation "Gets statistics about synchronizing Amazon Kendra with a data source.
", :request {:Id string, :IndexId string, :NextToken string, :MaxResults integer, :StartTimeFilter {:StartTime timestamp, :EndTime timestamp}, :StatusFilter [:one-of ["FAILED" "SUCCEEDED" "SYNCING" "INCOMPLETE" "STOPPING" "ABORTED" "SYNCING_INDEXING"]]}, :required [:Id :IndexId], :response {:History [:seq-of {:ExecutionId string, :StartTime timestamp, :EndTime timestamp, :Status [:one-of ["FAILED" "SUCCEEDED" "SYNCING" "INCOMPLETE" "STOPPING" "ABORTED" "SYNCING_INDEXING"]], :ErrorMessage string, :ErrorCode [:one-of ["InternalError" "InvalidRequest"]], :DataSourceErrorCode string, :Metrics {:DocumentsAdded string, :DocumentsModified string, :DocumentsDeleted string, :DocumentsFailed string, :DocumentsScanned string}}], :NextToken string}}}