com.comcast.ip4s.Arbitraries.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2018 Comcast Cable Communications Management, LLC
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.comcast.ip4s
import org.scalacheck.{Arbitrary, Gen}
object Arbitraries {
val ipv4Generator: Gen[Ipv4Address] = for {
bytes <- Gen.listOfN(4, Arbitrary.arbitrary[Byte])
} yield Ipv4Address.fromBytes(bytes.toArray).get
implicit val ipv4Arbitrary: Arbitrary[Ipv4Address] = Arbitrary(ipv4Generator)
val ipv6Generator: Gen[Ipv6Address] = for {
bytes <- Gen.listOfN(16, Arbitrary.arbitrary[Byte])
} yield Ipv6Address.fromBytes(bytes.toArray).get
implicit val ipv6Arbitrary: Arbitrary[Ipv6Address] = Arbitrary(ipv6Generator)
val ipGenerator: Gen[IpAddress] = Gen.oneOf(ipv4Generator, ipv6Generator)
implicit val ipArbitrary: Arbitrary[IpAddress] = Arbitrary(ipGenerator)
def cidrGenerator[A <: IpAddress](genIp: Gen[A]): Gen[Cidr[A]] =
for {
ip <- genIp
bitLength = ip.fold(_ => 32, _ => 128)
prefix <- Gen.chooseNum(0, bitLength)
} yield ip / prefix
implicit def cidrArbitrary[A <: IpAddress](implicit arbIp: Arbitrary[A]): Arbitrary[Cidr[A]] =
val portGenerator: Gen[Port] = Gen.chooseNum(0, 65535).map(Port(_).get)
implicit val portArbitrary: Arbitrary[Port] = Arbitrary(portGenerator)
def socketAddressGenerator[A <: IpAddress](genIp: Gen[A], genPort: Gen[Port]): Gen[SocketAddress[A]] =
for {
ip <- genIp
port <- genPort
} yield SocketAddress(ip, port)
implicit def socketAddressArbitrary[A <: IpAddress](implicit
arbIp: Arbitrary[A],
arbPort: Arbitrary[Port]
): Arbitrary[SocketAddress[A]] =
Arbitrary(socketAddressGenerator(arbIp.arbitrary, arbPort.arbitrary))
val multicastGenerator4: Gen[Multicast[Ipv4Address]] = for {
ip <- ipv4Generator
} yield Ipv4Address.fromLong(ip.toLong & ~(15 << 28) | (14 << 28)).asMulticast.get
implicit val multicastArbitrary4: Arbitrary[Multicast[Ipv4Address]] = Arbitrary(multicastGenerator4)
val multicastGenerator6: Gen[Multicast[Ipv6Address]] = for {
ip <- ipv6Generator
} yield Ipv6Address.fromBigInt(ip.toBigInt & ~(BigInt(255) << 120) | (BigInt(255) << 120)).asMulticast.get
implicit val multicastArbitrary6: Arbitrary[Multicast[Ipv6Address]] = Arbitrary(multicastGenerator6)
val multicastGenerator: Gen[Multicast[IpAddress]] = Gen.oneOf(multicastGenerator4, multicastGenerator6)
implicit val multicastArbitrary: Arbitrary[Multicast[IpAddress]] = Arbitrary(multicastGenerator)
def multicastJoinGenerator[A <: IpAddress](genSource: Gen[A], genGroup: Gen[Multicast[A]]): Gen[MulticastJoin[A]] =
genGroup.flatMap { group =>
group.address.asSourceSpecificMulticast match {
case Some(grp) => genSource.filter(_.getClass == grp.getClass).flatMap(src => MulticastJoin.ssm(src, grp))
case None => MulticastJoin.asm(group)
implicit def multicastJoinArbitrary[A <: IpAddress](implicit
arbSource: Arbitrary[A],
arbGroup: Arbitrary[Multicast[A]]
): Arbitrary[MulticastJoin[A]] =
Arbitrary(multicastJoinGenerator(arbSource.arbitrary, arbGroup.arbitrary))
def multicastSocketAddressGenerator[A <: IpAddress](
genJoin: Gen[MulticastJoin[A]],
genPort: Gen[Port]
): Gen[MulticastSocketAddress[MulticastJoin, A]] =
for {
join <- genJoin
port <- genPort
} yield MulticastSocketAddress(join, port)
implicit def multicastSocketAddressArbitrary[A <: IpAddress](implicit
arbJoin: Arbitrary[MulticastJoin[A]],
arbPort: Arbitrary[Port]
): Arbitrary[MulticastSocketAddress[MulticastJoin, A]] =
Arbitrary(multicastSocketAddressGenerator(arbJoin.arbitrary, arbPort.arbitrary))
val hostnameGenerator: Gen[Hostname] = {
val genLabel: Gen[String] = for {
first <- Gen.alphaNumChar
middleLen <- Gen.chooseNum(0, 61)
middle <- Gen.listOfN(middleLen, Gen.oneOf(Gen.alphaNumChar, Gen.const('-'))).map(_.mkString)
last <- if (middleLen > 0) Gen.alphaNumChar.map(Some(_)) else Gen.option(Gen.alphaNumChar)
} yield first.toString + middle + last.fold("")(_.toString)
for {
numLabels <- Gen.chooseNum(1, 5)
labels <- Gen.listOfN(numLabels, genLabel)
if labels.foldLeft(0)(_ + _.size) < (253 - (numLabels - 1))
} yield Hostname(labels.mkString(".")).get
implicit val hostnameArbitrary: Arbitrary[Hostname] = Arbitrary(hostnameGenerator)
val idnGenerator: Gen[IDN] = {
val genChar: Gen[Char] = Gen.oneOf(Gen.alphaNumChar, Gen.const('δ'), Gen.const('π'), Gen.const('θ'))
val genLabel: Gen[String] = for {
first <- genChar
middleLen <- Gen.chooseNum(0, 61)
middle <- Gen.listOfN(middleLen, Gen.oneOf(genChar, Gen.const('-'))).map(_.mkString)
last <- if (middleLen > 0) genChar.map(Some(_)) else Gen.option(genChar)
str = first.toString + middle + last.fold("")(_.toString)
if IDN.toAscii(str).size < 64
} yield str
for {
numLabels <- Gen.chooseNum(1, 5)
labels <- Gen.listOfN(numLabels, genLabel)
dot <- Gen.oneOf('.', '\u002e', '\u3002', '\uff0e', '\uff61')
idn = IDN(labels.mkString(dot.toString)) if idn.isDefined
} yield idn.get
implicit val idnArbitrary: Arbitrary[IDN] = Arbitrary(idnGenerator)
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