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io.vrap.codegen.languages.javalang.client.builder.requests.JavaHttpRequestRenderer.kt Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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package io.vrap.codegen.languages.javalang.client.builder.requests

import io.vrap.codegen.languages.extensions.*
import io.vrap.rmf.codegen.firstUpperCase
import io.vrap.rmf.codegen.firstLowerCase
import io.vrap.rmf.codegen.rendering.MethodRenderer
import io.vrap.rmf.codegen.rendering.utils.escapeAll
import io.vrap.rmf.codegen.rendering.utils.keepIndentation
import io.vrap.rmf.codegen.types.VrapObjectType
import io.vrap.rmf.codegen.types.VrapScalarType
import io.vrap.rmf.codegen.types.VrapTypeProvider
import io.vrap.rmf.raml.model.resources.Method
import io.vrap.rmf.raml.model.resources.Resource
import io.vrap.rmf.raml.model.resources.Trait
import io.vrap.rmf.raml.model.types.*
import io.vrap.rmf.raml.model.types.Annotation
import io.vrap.rmf.raml.model.util.StringCaseFormat
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject

 * Query parameters with this annotation should be ignored by JVM sdk.
const val PLACEHOLDER_PARAM_ANNOTATION = "placeholderParam"

class JavaHttpRequestRenderer constructor(override val vrapTypeProvider: VrapTypeProvider) : MethodRenderer, JavaObjectTypeExtensions, JavaEObjectTypeExtensions {

    override fun render(type: Method): TemplateFile {
        val vrapType = vrapTypeProvider.doSwitch(type as EObject) as VrapObjectType

        val implements = Lists.newArrayList()
                        when (val ex = type.getAnnotation("java-implements") ) {
                            is Annotation -> {
                                (ex.value as StringInstance).value.escapeAll()
                            else -> null
                        type.`is`.distinctBy { }.map { "${it.trait.className()}<${type.toRequestName()}>".escapeAll() }
        val bodyType = if (type.bodies != null && type.bodies.isNotEmpty() && type.bodies[0].type.toVrapType() is VrapObjectType) {
            type.bodies[0].type.toVrapType() as VrapObjectType
        } else {
        val apiMethodClass = if(bodyType != null) "TypeBodyApiMethod" else "TypeApiMethod"
        val bodyTypeClass = if(bodyType != null) ", ${bodyType.`package`.toJavaPackage()}.${bodyType.simpleName()}" else ""

        val content = """
            |package ${vrapType.`package`.toJavaPackage()};
            |import io.vrap.rmf.base.client.utils.Utils;
            |import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
            |import java.nio.file.Files;
            |import java.time.Duration;
            |import java.util.ArrayList;
            |import java.util.Collection;
            |import java.util.List;
            |import java.util.Map;
            |import java.util.HashMap;
            |import java.util.Optional;
            |import java.util.function.Function;
            |import java.util.function.Supplier;
            |import java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture;
            |import io.vrap.rmf.base.client.utils.Generated;
            |import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.type.TypeReference;
            |import javax.annotation.Nullable;
            |import io.vrap.rmf.base.client.*;
            |import org.apache.commons.lang3.builder.EqualsBuilder;
            |import org.apache.commons.lang3.builder.HashCodeBuilder;
            |import static io.vrap.rmf.base.client.utils.ClientUtils.blockingWait;
            |${type.toComment(" *").escapeAll()}
            | *
            | * \
            | <${type.builderComment().escapeAll()}>
            | */
            |<${JavaSubTemplates.generatedAnnotation}>${if (type.markDeprecated() ) """
            |@Deprecated""" else ""}
            |public class ${type.toRequestName()} extends $apiMethodClass\<${type.toRequestName()}, ${type.javaReturnType(vrapTypeProvider)}$bodyTypeClass\>${if (implements.isNotEmpty()) " implements ${implements.joinToString(", ")}" else ""} {
            |    @Override
            |    public TypeReference\<${type.javaReturnType(vrapTypeProvider)}\> resultType() {
            |        return new TypeReference\<${type.javaReturnType(vrapTypeProvider)}\>() {
            |        };
            |    }
            |    <${type.fields()}>
            |    <${type.constructor()}>
            |    <${type.copyConstructor()}>
            |    <${type.buildRequestMethod()}>
            |    <${type.executeBlockingMethod()}>
            |    <${type.executeMethod()}>
            |    <${type.pathArgumentsGetters()}>
            |    <${type.queryParamsGetters()}>
            |    <${type.pathArgumentsSetters()}>
            |    <${type.queryParamsSetters()}>
            |    <${type.queryParamsTemplateSetters()}>
            |    <${type.bodyMethods()}>
            |    <${type.formParamMethods()}>
            |    <${type.equalsMethod()}>
            |    @Override
            |    protected ${type.toRequestName()} copy() {
            |        return new ${type.toRequestName()}(this);
            |    }

        return TemplateFile(
                relativePath = "${vrapType.`package`}.${type.toRequestName()}".replace(".", "/") + ".java",
                content = content

    public fun Method.builderComment(): String {
        val resource = this.eContainer() as Resource
        return """
|\\{@code | CompletableFuture\\> result = apiRoot | <${builderComment(resource, this)}> |}\\ |\ """.trimMargin().keepIndentation().split("\n").joinToString("\n", transform = { "* $it"}) } private fun builderComment(resource: Resource, method: Method) : String { return resource.resourcePathList().map { r -> ".${r.getMethodName()}(${if (r.relativeUri.paramValues().isNotEmpty()) "\"${r.relativeUri.paramValues().joinToString("\", \"") { p -> "{$p}"} }\"" else ""})" } .plus(".${method.method}(${bodyContent(method)})") .plus(method.queryParameters.filter { it.required }.map { ".with${it.fieldName().firstUpperCase()}(${it.fieldName()})" }) .plus(".execute()") .joinToString("\n") } private fun bodyContent(method: Method): String { val bodyDef = method.firstBody() return if (bodyDef != null) { if (bodyDef.type.isFile()) { "file" } else { "null" } } else "" } private fun Method.equalsMethod() : String { val body: String = if (this.bodies != null && this.bodies.isNotEmpty()) { when { this.bodies[0].type.toVrapType() is VrapObjectType -> { val methodBodyVrapType = this.bodies[0].type.toVrapType() as VrapObjectType methodBodyVrapType.simpleClassName.firstLowerCase() } this.bodies[0].contentMediaType.`is`(MediaType.FORM_DATA) -> { "formParams" } else -> { "obj" } } } else { "" } val fields = this.pathArguments().plus(body).filterNot { s -> s.isEmpty() } return """ |@Override |public boolean equals(Object o) { | if (this == o) | return true; | | if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) | return false; | | ${this.toRequestName()} that = (${this.toRequestName()}) o; | | return new EqualsBuilder() | <${fields.joinToString("\n") { ".append(${it}, that.${it})" }}> | .isEquals(); |} | |@Override |public int hashCode() { | return new HashCodeBuilder(17, 37) | <${fields.joinToString("\n") { ".append(${it})" }}> | .toHashCode(); |} """.trimMargin().keepIndentation() } private fun Trait.className(): String { val vrapType = vrapTypeProvider.doSwitch(this as EObject) as VrapObjectType return "${vrapType.`package`.toJavaPackage()}.${vrapType.simpleClassName}" } private fun Method.constructor(): String? { val constructorArguments = mutableListOf("final ApiHttpClient apiHttpClient") val constructorAssignments = mutableListOf("super(apiHttpClient);") this.pathArguments().map { "String $it" }.forEach { constructorArguments.add(it) } this.pathArguments().map { "this.$it = $it;" }.forEach { constructorAssignments.add(it) } if(this.bodies != null && this.bodies.isNotEmpty()){ if(this.bodies[0].type.toVrapType() is VrapObjectType) { val methodBodyVrapType = this.bodies[0].type.toVrapType() as VrapObjectType val methodBodyArgument = "${methodBodyVrapType.`package`.toJavaPackage()}.${methodBodyVrapType.simpleClassName} ${methodBodyVrapType.simpleClassName.firstLowerCase()}" constructorArguments.add(methodBodyArgument) val methodBodyAssignment = "this.${methodBodyVrapType.simpleClassName.firstLowerCase()} = ${methodBodyVrapType.simpleClassName.firstLowerCase()};" constructorAssignments.add(methodBodyAssignment) } else if (this.bodies[0].contentMediaType.`is`(MediaType.FORM_DATA)){ constructorArguments.add("List> formParams".escapeAll()) constructorAssignments[0] = "super(apiHttpClient, new ApiHttpHeaders(new ApiHttpHeaders.StringHeaderEntry(ApiHttpHeaders.CONTENT_TYPE, \"application/x-www-form-urlencoded\")), new ArrayList<>());".escapeAll() constructorAssignments.add("this.formParams = formParams != null ? formParams : new ArrayList<>();".escapeAll()) } else { constructorArguments.add("Object obj") constructorAssignments.add("this.obj = obj;") } } return """ |public ${this.toRequestName()}(${constructorArguments.joinToString(separator = ", ")}) { | <${constructorAssignments.joinToString(separator = "\n")}> |} """.trimMargin().keepIndentation().escapeAll() } private fun Method.copyConstructor(): String? { val constructorAssignments = mutableListOf("super(t);") this.pathArguments().map { "this.$it = t.$it;" }.forEach { constructorAssignments.add(it) } if(this.bodies != null && this.bodies.isNotEmpty()){ if(this.bodies[0].type.toVrapType() is VrapObjectType) { val methodBodyVrapType = this.bodies[0].type.toVrapType() as VrapObjectType val methodBodyAssignment = "this.${methodBodyVrapType.simpleClassName.firstLowerCase()} = t.${methodBodyVrapType.simpleClassName.firstLowerCase()};" constructorAssignments.add(methodBodyAssignment) } else if (this.bodies[0].contentMediaType.`is`(MediaType.FORM_DATA)){ constructorAssignments.add("this.formParams = new ArrayList<>(t.formParams);".escapeAll()) } else { constructorAssignments.add("this.obj = t.obj;") } } return """ |public ${this.toRequestName()}(${this.toRequestName()} t) { | <${constructorAssignments.joinToString(separator = "\n")}> |} """.trimMargin().keepIndentation().escapeAll() } private fun Method.fields(): String? { val pathArgs = this.pathArguments().map { "private String $it;" }.joinToString(separator = "\n") val body: String = if(this.bodies != null && this.bodies.isNotEmpty()){ if(this.bodies[0].type.toVrapType() is VrapObjectType) { val methodBodyVrapType = this.bodies[0].type.toVrapType() as VrapObjectType "private ${methodBodyVrapType.`package`.toJavaPackage()}.${methodBodyVrapType.simpleClassName} ${methodBodyVrapType.simpleClassName.firstLowerCase()};" } else if (this.bodies[0].contentMediaType.`is`(MediaType.FORM_DATA)) { "private List> formParams;".escapeAll() } else { "private Object obj;" } }else{ "" } return """| |<$pathArgs> | |<$body> """.trimMargin() } private fun QueryParameter.fieldName(): String { return StringCaseFormat.LOWER_CAMEL_CASE.apply(".", "-")) } private fun Method.pathArguments() : List { return this.resource().fullUri.variables.toList() } private fun Method.buildRequestMethod() : String { val pathArguments = this.pathArguments().map { "{$it}" } var stringFormat = this.resource().fullUri.template pathArguments.forEach { stringFormat = stringFormat.replace(it, "%s") } val stringFormatArgs = pathArguments .map { it.replace("{", "").replace("}", "") } .map { "this.$it" } .joinToString(separator = ", ") stringFormat = stringFormat.trimStart('/') val bodyName : String? = if(this.bodies != null && this.bodies.isNotEmpty()){ if(this.bodies[0].type.toVrapType() is VrapObjectType) { val methodBodyVrapType = this.bodies[0].type.toVrapType() as VrapObjectType methodBodyVrapType.simpleClassName.firstLowerCase() } else { "obj" } } else { null } val requestPathGeneration : String = """ |List params = new ArrayList<>(getQueryParamUriStrings()); |String httpRequestPath = String.format("$stringFormat", $stringFormatArgs); |if (!params.isEmpty()) { | httpRequestPath += "?" + String.join("&", params); |} """.trimMargin().escapeAll() val bodySetter: String = if(bodyName != null){ if(this.bodies[0].type.isFile()) """ |ApiHttpHeaders headers = getHeaders(); |if (headers.getFirst(ApiHttpHeaders.CONTENT_TYPE) == null) { | final String mimeType = Optional.ofNullable(URLConnection.guessContentTypeFromName(file.getName())).orElse("application/octet-stream"); | headers = headers.withHeader(ApiHttpHeaders.CONTENT_TYPE, mimeType); |} |return new ApiHttpRequest(ApiHttpMethod.${}, URI.create(httpRequestPath), headers, io.vrap.rmf.base.client.utils.FileUtils.executing(() -\> Files.readAllBytes(file.toPath()))); |""".trimMargin() else if (this.bodies[0].contentMediaType.`is`(MediaType.FORM_DATA)) """ |return new ApiHttpRequest(ApiHttpMethod.${}, URI.create(httpRequestPath), getHeaders(), getFormParamUriString().getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)); """.trimMargin() else """ |return new ApiHttpRequest(ApiHttpMethod.${}, URI.create(httpRequestPath), getHeaders(), | io.vrap.rmf.base.client.utils.json.JsonUtils | .executing(() -\> apiHttpClient().getSerializerService().toJsonByteArray($bodyName))); |""".trimMargin() } else """ |return new ApiHttpRequest(ApiHttpMethod.${}, URI.create(httpRequestPath), getHeaders(), null); """.trimMargin() return """ |@Override |protected ApiHttpRequest buildHttpRequest() { | <$requestPathGeneration> | <$bodySetter> |} """.trimMargin() } private fun Method.executeBlockingMethod() : String { return """ |@Override |public ApiHttpResponse\<${this.javaReturnType(vrapTypeProvider)}\> executeBlocking(final ApiHttpClient client, final Duration timeout) { | return executeBlocking(client, timeout, ${this.javaReturnType(vrapTypeProvider)}.class); |} """.trimMargin() } private fun Method.executeMethod() : String { return """ |@Override |public CompletableFuture\\> execute(final ApiHttpClient client) { | return execute(client, ${this.javaReturnType(vrapTypeProvider)}.class); |} """.trimMargin() } private fun Method.pathArgumentsGetters() : String = this.pathArguments() .map { """ |public String get${it.firstUpperCase()}() { | return this.$it; |}""".trimMargin() } .joinToString(separator = "\n") private fun Method.pathArgumentsSetters() : String = this.pathArguments() .map { """ |public void set${it.firstUpperCase()}(final String $it) { | this.$it = $it; |}""".trimMargin() } .joinToString(separator = "\n\n") private fun Method.queryParamsGetters() : String = this.queryParameters .filter { it.getAnnotation(PLACEHOLDER_PARAM_ANNOTATION, true) == null } .map { """ |public List get${it.fieldName().firstUpperCase()}() { | return this.getQueryParam("${}"); |} """.trimMargin().escapeAll() } .joinToString(separator = "\n\n") private fun QueryParameter.witherType() : String { val type = this.type return when (type) { is ArrayType -> type.items.toVrapType().simpleName().toScalarType() else -> type.toVrapType().simpleName().toScalarType() } } private fun QueryParameter.witherBoxedType() : String { val type = this.type return when (type) { is ArrayType -> type.items.toVrapType().simpleName() else -> type.toVrapType().simpleName() } } private fun Method.queryParamsTemplateSetters() : String = this.queryParameters .filter { it.getAnnotation(PLACEHOLDER_PARAM_ANNOTATION, true) != null } .map { val anno = it.getAnnotation("placeholderParam", true) val o = anno.value as ObjectInstance val paramName = { propertyValue -> == "paramName" }.findFirst().orElse(null).value as StringInstance val placeholder = { propertyValue -> == "placeholder" }.findFirst().orElse(null).value as StringInstance val template = { propertyValue -> == "template" }.findFirst().orElse(null).value as StringInstance val value = "String.format(\"" + template.value.replace("<" + placeholder.value + ">", "%s") + "\", " + placeholder.value + ")" val placeholderValue = StringCaseFormat.LOWER_CAMEL_CASE.apply(placeholder.value) val methodName = StringCaseFormat.UPPER_CAMEL_CASE.apply(paramName.value) val parameters = "final String $placeholderValue, final TValue ${paramName.value}" val listParameters = "final String $placeholderValue, final Collection ${paramName.value}" return """ |/** | * set ${paramName.value} with the specificied value | * @param value type | * @param $placeholderValue parameter name | * @param ${paramName.value} parameter value | * @return ${this.toRequestName()} | */ |public ${this.toRequestName()} with$methodName($parameters) { | return copy().withQueryParam($value, ${paramName.value}); |} | |/** | * add additional ${paramName.value} query parameter | * @param value type | * @param $placeholderValue parameter name | * @param ${paramName.value} parameter value | * @return ${this.toRequestName()} | */ |public ${this.toRequestName()} add$methodName($parameters) { | return copy().addQueryParam($value, ${paramName.value}); |} | |/** | * set ${paramName.value} with the specificied values | * @param value type | * @param $placeholderValue parameter name | * @param ${paramName.value} parameter values | * @return ${this.toRequestName()} | */ |public ${this.toRequestName()} with$methodName($listParameters) { | final String placeholderName = String.format("var.%s", ${StringCaseFormat.LOWER_CAMEL_CASE.apply(placeholder.value)}); | return copy().withoutQueryParam(placeholderName).addQueryParams(${paramName.value}.stream().map(s -> new ParamEntry<>(placeholderName, s.toString())).collect(Collectors.toList())); |} | |/** | * add additional ${paramName.value} query parameters | * @param value type | * @param $placeholderValue parameter name | * @param ${paramName.value} parameter values | * @return ${this.toRequestName()} | */ |public ${this.toRequestName()} add$methodName($listParameters) { | final String placeholderName = String.format("var.%s", ${StringCaseFormat.LOWER_CAMEL_CASE.apply(placeholder.value)}); | return copy().addQueryParams(${paramName.value}.stream().map(s -> new ParamEntry<>(placeholderName, s.toString())).collect(Collectors.toList())); |} """.trimMargin().escapeAll() } .joinToString(separator = "\n\n") private fun Method.queryParamsSetters() : String = this.queryParameters .filter { it.getAnnotation(PLACEHOLDER_PARAM_ANNOTATION, true) == null } .map { """ |/** | * set ${it.fieldName()} with the specified value | * @param ${it.fieldName()} value to be set | * @param value type | * @return ${this.toRequestName()} | */ |public ${this.toRequestName()} with${it.fieldName().firstUpperCase()}(final TValue ${it.fieldName()}) { | return copy().withQueryParam("${}", ${it.fieldName()}); |} | |/** | * add additional ${it.fieldName()} query parameter | * @param ${it.fieldName()} value to be added | * @param value type | * @return ${this.toRequestName()} | */ |public ${this.toRequestName()} add${it.fieldName().firstUpperCase()}(final TValue ${it.fieldName()}) { | return copy().addQueryParam("${}", ${it.fieldName()}); |} | |/** | * set ${it.fieldName()} with the specified value | * @param supplier supplier for the value to be set | * @return ${this.toRequestName()} | */ |public ${this.toRequestName()} with${it.fieldName().firstUpperCase()}(final Supplier<${it.witherBoxedType()}> supplier) { | return copy().withQueryParam("${}", supplier.get()); |} | |/** | * add additional ${it.fieldName()} query parameter | * @param supplier supplier for the value to be added | * @return ${this.toRequestName()} | */ |public ${this.toRequestName()} add${it.fieldName().firstUpperCase()}(final Supplier<${it.witherBoxedType()}> supplier) { | return copy().addQueryParam("${}", supplier.get()); |} | |/** | * set ${it.fieldName()} with the specified value | * @param op builder for the value to be set | * @return ${this.toRequestName()} | */ |public ${this.toRequestName()} with${it.fieldName().firstUpperCase()}(final Function op) { | return copy().withQueryParam("${}", op.apply(new StringBuilder())); |} | |/** | * add additional ${it.fieldName()} query parameter | * @param op builder for the value to be added | * @return ${this.toRequestName()} | */ |public ${this.toRequestName()} add${it.fieldName().firstUpperCase()}(final Function op) { | return copy().addQueryParam("${}", op.apply(new StringBuilder())); |} | |/** | * set ${it.fieldName()} with the specified values | * @param ${it.fieldName()} values to be set | * @param value type | * @return ${this.toRequestName()} | */ |public ${this.toRequestName()} with${it.fieldName().firstUpperCase()}(final Collection ${it.fieldName()}) { | return copy().withoutQueryParam("${}") | .addQueryParams( | ${it.fieldName()}.stream().map(s -> new ParamEntry<>("${}", s.toString())).collect(Collectors.toList())); |} | |/** | * add additional ${it.fieldName()} query parameters | * @param ${it.fieldName()} values to be added | * @param value type | * @return ${this.toRequestName()} | */ |public ${this.toRequestName()} add${it.fieldName().firstUpperCase()}(final Collection ${it.fieldName()}) { | return copy().addQueryParams( | ${it.fieldName()}.stream().map(s -> new ParamEntry<>("${}", s.toString())).collect(Collectors.toList())); |} """.trimMargin().escapeAll() } .joinToString(separator = "\n\n") private fun Method.bodyMethods() : String = if(this.bodies != null && this.bodies.isNotEmpty() && this.bodies[0].type.toVrapType() is VrapObjectType) { val methodBodyVrapType = this.bodies[0].type.toVrapType() as VrapObjectType """ |public ${methodBodyVrapType.`package`.toJavaPackage()}.${methodBodyVrapType.simpleClassName} getBody() { | return ${methodBodyVrapType.simpleClassName.firstLowerCase()}; |} | |public ${this.toRequestName()} withBody(${methodBodyVrapType.`package`.toJavaPackage()}.${methodBodyVrapType.simpleClassName} ${methodBodyVrapType.simpleClassName.firstLowerCase()}) { | ${this.toRequestName()} t = copy(); | t.${methodBodyVrapType.simpleClassName.firstLowerCase()} = ${methodBodyVrapType.simpleClassName.firstLowerCase()}; | return t; |} """.trimMargin() } else "" private fun Method.formParamMethods() : String = if (this.bodies != null && !this.bodies.isEmpty() && this.bodies[0].contentMediaType.`is`(MediaType.FORM_DATA)) { """ /** * add an additional form parameter * @param key form parameter name * @param value form parameter value * @param value type * @return ${this.toRequestName()} */ public ${this.toRequestName()} addFormParam(final String key, final V value) { ${this.toRequestName()} c = copy(); c.formParams.add(new ParamEntry<>(key, value.toString())); return c; } /** * set the form parameter with the specified value * @param key form parameter name * @param value form parameter value * @param value type * @return ${this.toRequestName()} */ public ${this.toRequestName()} withFormParam(final String key, final V value) { return withoutFormParam(key).addFormParam(key, value); } /** * removes the specified form parameter * @param key form parameter name * @return ${this.toRequestName()} */ public ${this.toRequestName()} withoutFormParam(final String key) { ${this.toRequestName()} c = copy(); c.formParams = .filter(e -> !e.getKey().equalsIgnoreCase(key)) .collect(Collectors.toList()); return c; } /** * set the form parameters * @param formParams list of form parameters * @return ${this.toRequestName()} */ public ${this.toRequestName()} withFormParams(final List> formParams) { ${this.toRequestName()} c = copy(); c.formParams = formParams; return c; } /** * add the form parameters * @param formParams list of form parameters * @return ${this.toRequestName()} */ public ${this.toRequestName()} addFormParams(final List> formParams) { final ${this.toRequestName()} c = copy(); c.formParams.addAll(formParams); return c; } public List> getFormParams() { return new ArrayList<>(this.formParams); } public List getFormParam(final String key) { return -> e.getKey().equals(key)).map(ParamEntry::getValue).collect(Collectors.toList()); } public List getFormParamUriStrings() { return; } public String getFormParamUriString() { return"&")); } @Nullable public String getFirstFormParam(final String key) { return .filter(e -> e.getKey().equals(key)) .map(Map.Entry::getValue) .findFirst() .orElse(null); } """.trimIndent().escapeAll() } else "" private fun Method.imports(): String { return this.queryParameters .map { it.type.toVrapType() } .filter { it !is VrapScalarType } .map { getImportsForType(it) } .filter { !it.isNullOrBlank() } .map { "import ${it};" } .joinToString(separator = "\n") } }

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