io.sphere.sdk.reviews.Review Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package io.sphere.sdk.reviews;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonProperty;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.type.TypeReference;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.annotation.JsonDeserialize;
import io.sphere.sdk.annotations.*;
import io.sphere.sdk.customers.Customer;
import io.sphere.sdk.models.Reference;
import io.sphere.sdk.models.Resource;
import io.sphere.sdk.models.WithKey;
import io.sphere.sdk.states.State;
import io.sphere.sdk.types.Custom;
import io.sphere.sdk.types.CustomFields;
import io.sphere.sdk.types.TypeDraft;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import java.util.Locale;
Reviews are used to evaluate products and channels.
Review Approval Process
If you do not need any approval process, skip this part.
If we have an approval process for a review to be used for a product or a channel, we model the approval process with a state machine.
First of all, once per Project, we create the approved state. Then we create the initial to-approve state, which has a possible transition to the approved state:
{@include.example io.sphere.sdk.reviews.approvaldemo.CreateReviewStates}
Only states with {@link io.sphere.sdk.states.StateRole#REVIEW_INCLUDED_IN_STATISTICS} makes review ratings count in statistics.
Creating reviews
Now we can create a review in the initial state to-approve:
{@include.example io.sphere.sdk.reviews.approvaldemo.CreateReviewToApprove}
Querying which reviews should be approved
{@include.example io.sphere.sdk.reviews.approvaldemo.QueryReviewsToApprove}
Approving a review
{@include.example io.sphere.sdk.reviews.approvaldemo.ApprovingAReview}
Displaying Products
Searching for Products with a Minimal Rating
We can display all products that:
- have at least 2 stars (average rating superior to 2)
- with facets about the number of products rated with an average in the different ranges 0 to 1 star, 1 to 2 stars, 2 to 3 stars, 3 to 4 stars and 4 to 5 stars.
- sorted by average ratings
{@include.example io.sphere.sdk.reviews.ReviewProductProjectionSearchIntegrationTest#searchForReviewsWithAverageRatingGreaterThan2()}
Getting reviews for one product (only approved)
{@include.example io.sphere.sdk.reviews.ReviewProductProjectionSearchIntegrationTest#getApprovedReviewsForOneProduct()}
Getting reviews for one product
{@include.example io.sphere.sdk.reviews.ReviewProductProjectionSearchIntegrationTest#getReviewsForOneProduct()}
@see io.sphere.sdk.reviews.commands.ReviewCreateCommand
@see io.sphere.sdk.reviews.commands.ReviewUpdateCommand
@see io.sphere.sdk.reviews.commands.ReviewDeleteCommand
@see io.sphere.sdk.reviews.queries.ReviewQuery
@see io.sphere.sdk.reviews.queries.ReviewByIdGet
@see io.sphere.sdk.reviews.queries.ReviewByKeyGet
@JsonDeserialize(as = ReviewImpl.class)
@ResourceInfo(pluralName = "reviews", pathElement = "reviews")
@HasByIdGetEndpoint(includeExamples = "io.sphere.sdk.reviews.queries.ReviewByIdGetIntegrationTest#execution()", javadocSummary = "Retrieves a review by a known ID.")
@HasCreateCommand(includeExamples = "io.sphere.sdk.reviews.commands.ReviewCreateCommandIntegrationTest#createByCode()")
@HasUpdateCommand(javadocSummary = "Updates a review.", updateWith = "key")
@HasDeleteCommand(deleteWith = {"key","id"}, canEraseUsersData = true)
public interface Review extends Resource, Custom, WithKey {
* The name of the author which created this review or null.
* @see io.sphere.sdk.reviews.commands.updateactions.SetAuthorName
* @return author name
String getAuthorName();
* Gets the custom fields of this review or null.
* @see io.sphere.sdk.reviews.commands.updateactions.SetCustomField
* @see io.sphere.sdk.reviews.commands.updateactions.SetCustomType
* @return custom fields
CustomFields getCustom();
* Gets the customer which created this review or null.
* @see io.sphere.sdk.reviews.commands.updateactions.SetCustomer
* @return customer
Reference getCustomer();
* Gets the key assigned to this review or null.
* @see io.sphere.sdk.reviews.commands.updateactions.SetKey
* @return key
String getKey();
* Gets the locale (language) in which the text and title are or null.
* @return locale
@QueryModelHint(type = "io.sphere.sdk.queries.LocaleQuerySortingModel", impl = "return localeQuerySortingModel(fieldName);")
Locale getLocale();
* Gets the rating or null.
* @see io.sphere.sdk.reviews.commands.updateactions.SetRating
* @return the rating
Integer getRating();
* Gets the state of this review or null.
* @see io.sphere.sdk.reviews.commands.updateactions.TransitionState
* @return state
Reference getState();
* Identifies the target of the review. Can be a Product or a Channel or nothing.
* @see io.sphere.sdk.reviews.commands.updateactions.SetTarget
* @return the target of this review or null
Reference> getTarget();
* Gets the text of this review or null.
* @see io.sphere.sdk.reviews.commands.updateactions.SetText
* @return text
String getText();
* Gets the title of this review or null.
* @see io.sphere.sdk.reviews.commands.updateactions.SetTitle
* @return title
String getTitle();
String getUniquenessValue();
* Indicates if this review is taken into account in the ratings statistics of the target.
A review is per default used in the statistics, unless the review is in a state that does not have the role ReviewIncludedInStatistics.
If the role of a State is modified after the calculation of this field, the calculation is not updated.
* @return is included in review rating of target
Boolean isIncludedInStatistics();
* A type hint for references which resource type is linked in a reference.
* @see Reference#getTypeId()
* @return type hint
static String referenceTypeId() {
return "review";
* An identifier for this resource which supports {@link CustomFields}.
* @see TypeDraft#getResourceTypeIds()
* @see io.sphere.sdk.types.Custom
* @return ID of this resource type
static String resourceTypeId() {
return "review";
* Creates a container which contains the full Java type information to deserialize this class from JSON.
* @see io.sphere.sdk.json.SphereJsonUtils#readObject(byte[], TypeReference)
* @see io.sphere.sdk.json.SphereJsonUtils#readObject(String, TypeReference)
* @see io.sphere.sdk.json.SphereJsonUtils#readObject(com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode, TypeReference)
* @see io.sphere.sdk.json.SphereJsonUtils#readObjectFromResource(String, TypeReference)
* @return type reference
static TypeReference typeReference() {
return new TypeReference() {
public String toString() {
return "TypeReference";
* Creates a reference for one item of this class by a known ID.
* An example for categories but this applies for other resources, too:
* {@include.example io.sphere.sdk.categories.CategoryTest#referenceOfId()}
* If you already have a resource object, then use {@link #toReference()} instead:
* {@include.example io.sphere.sdk.categories.CategoryTest#toReference()}
* @param id the ID of the resource which should be referenced.
* @return reference
static Reference referenceOfId(final String id) {
return Reference.of(referenceTypeId(), id);
default Reference toReference() {
return Reference.of(referenceTypeId(), getId(), this);
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