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com.commercetools.sync.states.StateSync Maven / Gradle / Ivy

package com.commercetools.sync.states;

import static com.commercetools.sync.commons.utils.SyncUtils.batchElements;
import static java.lang.String.format;
import static java.util.Optional.ofNullable;
import static java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture.allOf;
import static java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture.completedFuture;
import static java.util.function.Function.identity;
import static;

import com.commercetools.api.models.state.State;
import com.commercetools.api.models.state.StateDraft;
import com.commercetools.api.models.state.StateResourceIdentifier;
import com.commercetools.api.models.state.StateUpdateAction;
import com.commercetools.sync.commons.BaseSync;
import com.commercetools.sync.commons.models.WaitingToBeResolvedTransitions;
import com.commercetools.sync.states.helpers.StateBatchValidator;
import com.commercetools.sync.states.helpers.StateReferenceResolver;
import com.commercetools.sync.states.helpers.StateSyncStatistics;
import com.commercetools.sync.states.utils.StateSyncUtils;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture;
import java.util.concurrent.CompletionStage;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import javax.annotation.Nonnull;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.ImmutablePair;

public class StateSync
    extends BaseSync {

  private static final String CTP_STATE_FETCH_FAILED =
      "Failed to fetch existing states with keys: '%s'.";
  private static final String CTP_STATE_UPDATE_FAILED =
      "Failed to update state with key: '%s'. Reason: %s";

  private static final String FAILED_TO_PROCESS =
      "Failed to process the StateDraft with key: '%s'. Reason: %s";
      "Failed to fetch StateDrafts waiting to " + "be resolved with keys '%s'.";

  private final StateService stateService;
  private final StateReferenceResolver stateReferenceResolver;
  private final UnresolvedReferencesService
  private final StateBatchValidator batchValidator;

  private ConcurrentHashMap.KeySetView readyToResolve;

  public StateSync(@Nonnull final StateSyncOptions stateSyncOptions) {
    this(stateSyncOptions, new StateServiceImpl(stateSyncOptions));

   * Takes a {@link StateSyncOptions} and a {@link StateSync} instances to instantiate a new {@link
   * StateSync} instance that could be used to sync state drafts in the CTP project specified in the
   * injected {@link StateSyncOptions} instance.

NOTE: This constructor is mainly to be used for tests where the services can be mocked and * passed to. * * @param stateSyncOptions the container of all the options of the sync process including the CTP * project client and/or configuration and other sync-specific options. * @param stateService the type service which is responsible for fetching/caching the Types from * the CTP project. */ StateSync( @Nonnull final StateSyncOptions stateSyncOptions, @Nonnull final StateService stateService) { super(new StateSyncStatistics(), stateSyncOptions); this.stateService = stateService; this.stateReferenceResolver = new StateReferenceResolver(getSyncOptions(), stateService); this.unresolvedReferencesService = new UnresolvedReferencesServiceImpl<>(getSyncOptions()); this.batchValidator = new StateBatchValidator(getSyncOptions(), getStatistics()); } @Override protected CompletionStage process( @Nonnull final List resourceDrafts) { List> batches = batchElements(resourceDrafts, syncOptions.getBatchSize()); return syncBatches(batches, completedFuture(statistics)); } @Override protected CompletionStage processBatch( @Nonnull final List batch) { readyToResolve = ConcurrentHashMap.newKeySet(); final ImmutablePair, Set> result = batchValidator.validateAndCollectReferencedKeys(batch); final Set validDrafts = result.getLeft(); if (validDrafts.isEmpty()) { statistics.incrementProcessed(batch.size()); return CompletableFuture.completedFuture(statistics); } final Set stateTransitionKeys = result.getRight(); return stateService .cacheKeysToIds(stateTransitionKeys) .handle(ImmutablePair::new) .thenCompose( cachingResponse -> { final Throwable cachingException = cachingResponse.getValue(); if (cachingException != null) { handleError( "Failed to build a cache of keys to ids.", cachingException, null, null, null, validDrafts.size()); return CompletableFuture.completedFuture(null); } final Map keyToIdCache = cachingResponse.getKey(); return syncBatch(validDrafts, keyToIdCache); }) .thenApply( ignored -> { statistics.incrementProcessed(batch.size()); return statistics; }); } @Nonnull private CompletionStage syncBatch( @Nonnull final Set stateDrafts, @Nonnull final Map keyToIdCache) { if (stateDrafts.isEmpty()) { return CompletableFuture.completedFuture(null); } final Set stateDraftKeys =; return stateService .fetchMatchingStatesByKeysWithTransitions(stateDraftKeys) .handle(ImmutablePair::new) .thenCompose( fetchResponse -> { final Throwable fetchException = fetchResponse.getValue(); if (fetchException != null) { final String errorMessage = format(CTP_STATE_FETCH_FAILED, stateDraftKeys); handleError(errorMessage, fetchException, null, null, null, stateDraftKeys.size()); return CompletableFuture.completedFuture(null); } else { final Set matchingStates = fetchResponse.getKey(); return syncOrKeepTrack(stateDrafts, matchingStates, keyToIdCache) .thenCompose(aVoid -> resolveNowReadyReferences(keyToIdCache)); } }); } /** * Given a set of state drafts, for each new draft: if it doesn't have any state references which * are missing, it syncs the new draft. However, if it does have missing references, it keeps * track of it by persisting it. * * @param newStates drafts that need to be synced. * @param oldStates old states. * @param keyToIdCache the cache containing the mapping of all existing state keys to ids. * @return a {@link java.util.concurrent.CompletionStage} which contains an empty result after * execution of the update */ @Nonnull private CompletionStage syncOrKeepTrack( @Nonnull final Set newStates, @Nonnull final Set oldStates, @Nonnull final Map keyToIdCache) { return allOf( .map( newDraft -> { final Set missingTransitionStateKeys = getMissingTransitionStateKeys(newDraft, keyToIdCache); if (!missingTransitionStateKeys.isEmpty()) { return keepTrackOfMissingTransitionStates(newDraft, missingTransitionStateKeys); } else { return syncDraft(oldStates, newDraft); } }) .map(CompletionStage::toCompletableFuture) .toArray(CompletableFuture[]::new)); } private Set getMissingTransitionStateKeys( @Nonnull final StateDraft newState, @Nonnull final Map keyToIdCache) { if (newState.getTransitions() == null || newState.getTransitions().isEmpty()) { return Collections.emptySet(); } return newState.getTransitions().stream() .map(StateResourceIdentifier::getKey) .filter(key -> !keyToIdCache.containsKey(key)) .collect(Collectors.toSet()); } private CompletionStage> keepTrackOfMissingTransitionStates( @Nonnull final StateDraft newState, @Nonnull final Set missingTransitionParentStateKeys) { missingTransitionParentStateKeys.forEach( missingParentKey -> statistics.addMissingDependency(missingParentKey, newState.getKey())); return new WaitingToBeResolvedTransitions(newState, missingTransitionParentStateKeys), UnresolvedReferencesServiceImpl.CUSTOM_OBJECT_TRANSITION_CONTAINER_KEY, WaitingToBeResolvedTransitions.class); } @Nonnull private CompletionStage syncDraft( @Nonnull final Set oldStates, @Nonnull final StateDraft newStateDraft) { final Map oldStateMap =, identity())); return stateReferenceResolver .resolveReferences(newStateDraft) .thenCompose( resolvedDraft -> { final State oldState = oldStateMap.get(newStateDraft.getKey()); return ofNullable(oldState) .map(state -> buildActionsAndUpdate(oldState, resolvedDraft)) .orElseGet(() -> applyCallbackAndCreate(resolvedDraft)); }) .exceptionally( completionException -> { final String errorMessage = format( FAILED_TO_PROCESS, newStateDraft.getKey(), completionException.getMessage()); handleError(errorMessage, completionException, null, newStateDraft, null, 1); return null; }); } /** * Given a state draft, this method applies the beforeCreateCallback and then issues a create * request to the CTP project to create the corresponding State. * * @param stateDraft the state draft to create the state from. * @return a {@link java.util.concurrent.CompletionStage} which contains an empty result after * execution of the create. */ @Nonnull private CompletionStage applyCallbackAndCreate(@Nonnull final StateDraft stateDraft) { return syncOptions .applyBeforeCreateCallback(stateDraft) .map( draft -> stateService .createState(draft) .thenAccept( stateOptional -> { if (stateOptional.isPresent()) { readyToResolve.add(stateDraft.getKey()); statistics.incrementCreated(); } else { statistics.incrementFailed(); } })) .orElse(completedFuture(null)); } /** * Given an existing {@link State} and a new {@link StateDraft}, the method calculates all the * update actions required to synchronize the existing state to be the same as the new one. If * there are update actions found, a request is made to CTP to update the existing state, * otherwise it doesn't issue a request. * *

The {@code statistics} instance is updated accordingly to whether the CTP request was * carried out successfully or not. If an exception was thrown on executing the request to CTP, * the error handling method is called. * * @param oldState existing state that could be updated. * @param newState draft containing data that could differ from data in {@code oldState}. * @return a {@link java.util.concurrent.CompletionStage} which contains an empty result after * execution of the update. */ @Nonnull private CompletionStage buildActionsAndUpdate( @Nonnull final State oldState, @Nonnull final StateDraft newState) { final List updateActions = StateSyncUtils.buildActions(oldState, newState); List updateActionsAfterCallback = syncOptions.applyBeforeUpdateCallback(updateActions, newState, oldState); if (!updateActionsAfterCallback.isEmpty()) { return updateState(oldState, newState, updateActionsAfterCallback); } return completedFuture(null); } @Nonnull private CompletionStage updateState( @Nonnull final State oldState, @Nonnull final StateDraft newState, @Nonnull final List updateActions) { return stateService .updateState(oldState, updateActions) .handle(ImmutablePair::new) .thenCompose( updateResponse -> { final Throwable ctpException = updateResponse.getValue(); if (ctpException != null) { return executeSupplierIfConcurrentModificationException( ctpException, () -> fetchAndUpdate(oldState, newState), () -> { final String errorMessage = format( CTP_STATE_UPDATE_FAILED, newState.getKey(), ctpException.getMessage()); handleError(errorMessage, ctpException, oldState, newState, updateActions, 1); return completedFuture(null); }); } else { statistics.incrementUpdated(); return completedFuture(null); } }); } @Nonnull private CompletionStage fetchAndUpdate( @Nonnull final State oldState, @Nonnull final StateDraft newState) { String key = oldState.getKey(); return stateService .fetchState(key) .handle(ImmutablePair::new) .thenCompose( fetchResponse -> { Optional fetchedStateOptional = fetchResponse.getKey(); final Throwable exception = fetchResponse.getValue(); if (exception != null) { final String errorMessage = format( CTP_STATE_UPDATE_FAILED, key, "Failed to fetch from CTP while retrying after concurrency modification."); handleError(errorMessage, exception, oldState, newState, null, 1); return completedFuture(null); } return fetchedStateOptional .map(fetchedState -> buildActionsAndUpdate(fetchedState, newState)) .orElseGet( () -> { final String errorMessage = format( CTP_STATE_UPDATE_FAILED, key, "Not found when attempting to fetch while retrying " + "after concurrency modification."); handleError(errorMessage, null, oldState, newState, null, 1); return completedFuture(null); }); }); } @Nonnull private CompletionStage resolveNowReadyReferences( @Nonnull final Map keyToIdCache) { // We delete anyways the keys from the statistics before we attempt resolution, because even if // resolution fails // the states that failed to be synced would be counted as failed. final Set referencingDraftKeys = .map(statistics::removeAndGetReferencingKeys) .filter(Objects::nonNull) .flatMap(Set::stream) .collect(Collectors.toSet()); if (referencingDraftKeys.isEmpty()) { return CompletableFuture.completedFuture(null); } final Set readyToSync = new HashSet<>(); final Set waitingDraftsToBeUpdated = new HashSet<>(); return unresolvedReferencesService .fetch( referencingDraftKeys, UnresolvedReferencesServiceImpl.CUSTOM_OBJECT_TRANSITION_CONTAINER_KEY, WaitingToBeResolvedTransitions.class) .handle(ImmutablePair::new) .thenCompose( fetchResponse -> { final Set waitingDrafts = fetchResponse.getKey(); final Throwable fetchException = fetchResponse.getValue(); if (fetchException != null) { final String errorMessage = format(UNRESOLVED_TRANSITIONS_STORE_FETCH_FAILED, referencingDraftKeys); handleError( errorMessage, fetchException, null, null, null, referencingDraftKeys.size()); return CompletableFuture.completedFuture(null); } waitingDrafts.forEach( waitingDraft -> { final Set missingTransitionStateKeys = waitingDraft.getMissingTransitionStateKeys(); missingTransitionStateKeys.removeAll(readyToResolve); if (missingTransitionStateKeys.isEmpty()) { readyToSync.add(waitingDraft.getStateDraft()); } else { waitingDraftsToBeUpdated.add(waitingDraft); } }); return updateWaitingDrafts(waitingDraftsToBeUpdated) .thenCompose(aVoid -> syncBatch(readyToSync, keyToIdCache)) .thenCompose(aVoid -> removeFromWaiting(readyToSync)); }); } @Nonnull private CompletableFuture updateWaitingDrafts( @Nonnull final Set waitingDraftsToBeUpdated) { return allOf( .map( draft -> draft, UnresolvedReferencesServiceImpl.CUSTOM_OBJECT_TRANSITION_CONTAINER_KEY, WaitingToBeResolvedTransitions.class)) .map(CompletionStage::toCompletableFuture) .toArray(CompletableFuture[]::new)); } @Nonnull private CompletableFuture removeFromWaiting(@Nonnull final Set drafts) { return allOf( .map(StateDraft::getKey) .map( key -> unresolvedReferencesService.delete( key, UnresolvedReferencesServiceImpl.CUSTOM_OBJECT_TRANSITION_CONTAINER_KEY, WaitingToBeResolvedTransitions.class)) .map(CompletionStage::toCompletableFuture) .toArray(CompletableFuture[]::new)); } }

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