com.consol.citrus.generate.javadsl.WsdlJavaTestGenerator Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
* Copyright 2006-2018 the original author or authors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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package com.consol.citrus.generate.javadsl;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import com.consol.citrus.context.TestContext;
import com.consol.citrus.exceptions.CitrusRuntimeException;
import com.consol.citrus.generate.WsdlTestGenerator;
import com.consol.citrus.generate.dictionary.InboundXmlDataDictionary;
import com.consol.citrus.generate.dictionary.OutboundXmlDataDictionary;
import com.consol.citrus.message.Message;
import com.consol.citrus.util.XMLUtils;
import com.consol.citrus.ws.message.SoapMessage;
import com.consol.citrus.xml.XmlConfigurer;
import org.apache.xmlbeans.SchemaType;
import org.apache.xmlbeans.SchemaTypeSystem;
import org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlBeans;
import org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlError;
import org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlException;
import org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlObject;
import org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlOptions;
import org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.xsd2inst.SampleXmlUtil;
import org.springframework.core.io.support.PathMatchingResourcePatternResolver;
import org.springframework.util.StringUtils;
* Test generator creates one to many test cases based on operations defined in a XML schema XSD.
* @author Christoph Deppisch
* @since 2.7.4
public class WsdlJavaTestGenerator extends MessagingJavaTestGenerator implements WsdlTestGenerator {
private String wsdl;
private String operation;
private String namePrefix;
private String nameSuffix = "_IT";
private InboundXmlDataDictionary inboundDataDictionary = new InboundXmlDataDictionary();
private OutboundXmlDataDictionary outboundDataDictionary = new OutboundXmlDataDictionary();
public void create() {
String wsdlNsDelaration = "declare namespace wsdl='http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/' ";
String soapNsDelaration = "declare namespace soap='http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/soap/' ";
// compile wsdl and xsds right now, otherwise later input is useless:
XmlObject wsdlObject = compileWsdl(wsdl);
SchemaTypeSystem schemaTypeSystem = compileXsd(wsdlObject);
log.info("WSDL compilation successful");
String serviceName = evaluateAsString(wsdlObject, wsdlNsDelaration + ".//wsdl:portType/@name");
log.info("Found service: " + serviceName);
if (!StringUtils.hasText(namePrefix)) {
withNamePrefix(serviceName + "_");
log.info("Found service operations:");
XmlObject[] messages = wsdlObject.selectPath(wsdlNsDelaration + ".//wsdl:message");
XmlObject[] operations = wsdlObject.selectPath(wsdlNsDelaration + ".//wsdl:portType/wsdl:operation");
for (XmlObject operation : operations) {
log.info(evaluateAsString(operation, wsdlNsDelaration + "./@name"));
log.info("Generating test cases for service operations ...");
for (XmlObject operation : operations) {
SoapMessage request = new SoapMessage();
SoapMessage response = new SoapMessage();
String operationName = evaluateAsString(operation, wsdlNsDelaration + "./@name");
if (StringUtils.hasText(this.operation) && !operationName.equals(this.operation)) {
XmlObject[] bindingOperations = wsdlObject.selectPath(wsdlNsDelaration + ".//wsdl:binding/wsdl:operation");
for (XmlObject bindingOperation : bindingOperations) {
String bindingOperationName = evaluateAsString(bindingOperation, wsdlNsDelaration + "./@name");
if (bindingOperationName.equals(operationName)) {
String soapAction = removeNsPrefix(evaluateAsString(bindingOperation, soapNsDelaration + "./soap:operation/@soapAction"));
String inputMessage = removeNsPrefix(evaluateAsString(operation, wsdlNsDelaration + "./wsdl:input/@message"));
String outputMessage = removeNsPrefix(evaluateAsString(operation, wsdlNsDelaration + "./wsdl:output/@message"));
String inputElement = null;
String outputElement = null;
for (XmlObject message : messages) {
String messageName = evaluateAsString(message, wsdlNsDelaration + "./@name");
if (messageName.equals(inputMessage)) {
inputElement = removeNsPrefix(evaluateAsString(message, wsdlNsDelaration + "./wsdl:part/@element"));
if (messageName.equals(outputMessage)) {
outputElement = removeNsPrefix(evaluateAsString(message, wsdlNsDelaration + "./wsdl:part/@element"));
// Now generate it
withName(namePrefix + operationName + nameSuffix);
SchemaType requestElem = getSchemaType(schemaTypeSystem, operationName, inputElement);
SchemaType responseElem = getSchemaType(schemaTypeSystem, operationName, outputElement);
XmlConfigurer configurer = new XmlConfigurer();
configurer.setSerializeSettings(Collections.singletonMap(XmlConfigurer.XML_DECLARATION, false));
log.info("Successfully created new test case " + getTargetPackage() + "." + getName());
protected Message generateInboundMessage(Message message) {
inboundDataDictionary.process(message, new TestContext());
return super.generateInboundMessage(message);
protected Message generateOutboundMessage(Message message) {
outboundDataDictionary.process(message, new TestContext());
return super.generateOutboundMessage(message);
* Finds nested XML schema definition and compiles it to a schema type system instance
* @param wsdl
* @return
private XmlObject compileWsdl(String wsdl) {
File wsdlFile;
try {
wsdlFile = new PathMatchingResourcePatternResolver().getResource(wsdl).getFile();
} catch (IOException e) {
wsdlFile = new File(wsdl);
if (!wsdlFile.exists()) {
throw new CitrusRuntimeException("Unable to read WSDL - does not exist in " + wsdlFile.getAbsolutePath());
if (!wsdlFile.canRead()) {
throw new CitrusRuntimeException("Unable to read WSDL - could not open in read mode");
try {
return XmlObject.Factory.parse(wsdlFile, (new XmlOptions()).setLoadLineNumbers().setLoadMessageDigest().setCompileDownloadUrls());
} catch (XmlException e) {
for (Object error : e.getErrors()) {
log.error(((XmlError)error).getLine() + "" + error.toString());
throw new CitrusRuntimeException("WSDL could not be parsed", e);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new CitrusRuntimeException("WSDL could not be parsed", e);
* Finds nested XML schema definition and compiles it to a schema type system instance.
* @param wsdl
* @return
private SchemaTypeSystem compileXsd(XmlObject wsdl) {
// extract namespaces defined on wsdl-level:
String[] namespacesWsdl = extractNamespacesOnWsdlLevel(wsdl);
// calc the namespace-prefix of the schema-tag, default ""
String schemaNsPrefix = extractSchemaNamespacePrefix(wsdl);
// extract each schema-element and add missing namespaces defined on wsdl-level
String[] schemas = getNestedSchemas(wsdl, namespacesWsdl, schemaNsPrefix);
XmlObject[] xsd = new XmlObject[schemas.length];
try {
for (int i=0; i < schemas.length; i++) {
xsd[i] = XmlObject.Factory.parse(schemas[i], (new XmlOptions()).setLoadLineNumbers().setLoadMessageDigest().setCompileDownloadUrls());
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new CitrusRuntimeException("Failed to parse XSD schema", e);
SchemaTypeSystem schemaTypeSystem = null;
try {
schemaTypeSystem = XmlBeans.compileXsd(xsd, XmlBeans.getContextTypeLoader(), new XmlOptions());
} catch (XmlException e) {
for (Object error : e.getErrors()) {
log.error("Line " + ((XmlError)error).getLine() + ": " + error.toString());
throw new CitrusRuntimeException("Failed to compile XSD schema", e);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new CitrusRuntimeException("Failed to compile XSD schema", e);
return schemaTypeSystem;
* @param schemaTypeSystem
* @param operation
* @param elementName
* @return
private SchemaType getSchemaType(SchemaTypeSystem schemaTypeSystem, String operation, String elementName) {
for (SchemaType elem : schemaTypeSystem.documentTypes()) {
if (elem.getContentModel().getName().getLocalPart().equals(elementName)) {
return elem;
throw new CitrusRuntimeException("Unable to find schema type declaration '" + elementName + "'" +
" for WSDL operation '" + operation + "'");
* Removes namespace prefix if present.
* @param elementName
* @return
private String removeNsPrefix(String elementName) {
return elementName.indexOf(':') != -1 ? elementName.substring(elementName.indexOf(':') + 1) : elementName;
* Finds nested schema definitions and puts globally WSDL defined namespaces to schema level.
* @param wsdl
* @param namespacesWsdl
* @param schemaNsPrefix
private String[] getNestedSchemas(XmlObject wsdl, String[] namespacesWsdl, String schemaNsPrefix) {
List schemas = new ArrayList<>();
String openedStartTag = "<" + schemaNsPrefix + "schema";
String endTag = "" + schemaNsPrefix + "schema>";
int cursor = 0;
while (wsdl.xmlText().indexOf(openedStartTag, cursor) != -1) {
int begin = wsdl.xmlText().indexOf(openedStartTag, cursor);
int end = wsdl.xmlText().indexOf(endTag, begin) + endTag.length();
int insertPointNamespacesWsdl = wsdl.xmlText().indexOf(" ", begin);
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
builder.append(wsdl.xmlText().substring(begin, insertPointNamespacesWsdl)).append(" ");
for (String nsWsdl : namespacesWsdl) {
String nsPrefix = nsWsdl.substring(0, nsWsdl.indexOf("="));
if (!wsdl.xmlText().substring(begin, end).contains(nsPrefix)) {
builder.append(nsWsdl).append(" ");
builder.append(wsdl.xmlText().substring(insertPointNamespacesWsdl, end));
cursor = end;
return schemas.toArray(new String[] {});
* Finds schema tag and extracts the namespace prefix.
* @param wsdl
* @return
private String extractSchemaNamespacePrefix(XmlObject wsdl) {
String schemaNsPrefix = "";
if (wsdl.xmlText().contains(":schema")) {
int cursor = wsdl.xmlText().indexOf(":schema");
for (int i = cursor; i > cursor - 100; i--) {
schemaNsPrefix = wsdl.xmlText().substring(i, cursor);
if (schemaNsPrefix.startsWith("<")) {
return schemaNsPrefix.substring(1) + ":";
return schemaNsPrefix;
* Returns an array of all namespace declarations, found on wsdl-level.
* @param wsdl
* @return
private String[] extractNamespacesOnWsdlLevel(XmlObject wsdl) {
int cursor = wsdl.xmlText().indexOf(":") + ":definitions ".length();
String nsWsdlOrig = wsdl.xmlText().substring(cursor, wsdl.xmlText().indexOf(">", cursor));
int noNs = StringUtils.countOccurrencesOf(nsWsdlOrig, "xmlns:");
String[] namespacesWsdl = new String[noNs];
cursor = 0;
for (int i=0; i") + 1;
int end = xmlObject[0].xmlText().lastIndexOf("");
return xmlObject[0].xmlText().substring(begin, end);
* Set the wsdl schema resource to use.
* @param wsdlResource
* @return
public WsdlJavaTestGenerator withWsdl(String wsdlResource) {
this.wsdl = wsdlResource;
return this;
* Set the test name suffix to use.
* @param suffix
* @return
public WsdlJavaTestGenerator withNameSuffix(String suffix) {
this.nameSuffix = suffix;
return this;
* Set the test name prefix to use.
* @param prefix
* @return
public WsdlJavaTestGenerator withNamePrefix(String prefix) {
this.namePrefix = prefix;
return this;
* Set the wsdl operation to use.
* @param operation
* @return
public WsdlJavaTestGenerator withOperation(String operation) {
this.operation = operation;
return this;
* Add inbound XPath expression mappings to manipulate inbound message content.
* @param mappings
* @return
public WsdlJavaTestGenerator withInboundMappings(Map mappings) {
return this;
* Add outbound XPath expression mappings to manipulate outbound message content.
* @param mappings
* @return
public WsdlJavaTestGenerator withOutboundMappings(Map mappings) {
return this;
* Add inbound XPath expression mappings file to manipulate inbound message content.
* @param mappingFile
* @return
public WsdlJavaTestGenerator withInboundMappingFile(String mappingFile) {
this.inboundDataDictionary.setMappingFile(new PathMatchingResourcePatternResolver().getResource(mappingFile));
return this;
* Add outbound XPath expression mappings file to manipulate outbound message content.
* @param mappingFile
* @return
public WsdlJavaTestGenerator withOutboundMappingFile(String mappingFile) {
this.outboundDataDictionary.setMappingFile(new PathMatchingResourcePatternResolver().getResource(mappingFile));
return this;
* Sets the wsdl.
* @param wsdl
public void setWsdl(String wsdl) {
this.wsdl = wsdl;
* Gets the wsdl.
* @return
public String getWsdl() {
return wsdl;
* Sets the nameSuffix.
* @param nameSuffix
public void setNameSuffix(String nameSuffix) {
this.nameSuffix = nameSuffix;
* Gets the nameSuffix.
* @return
public String getNameSuffix() {
return nameSuffix;
* Sets the namePrefix.
* @param namePrefix
public void setNamePrefix(String namePrefix) {
this.namePrefix = namePrefix;
* Gets the namePrefix.
* @return
public String getNamePrefix() {
return namePrefix;
* Sets the operation.
* @param operation
public void setOperation(String operation) {
this.operation = operation;
* Gets the operation.
* @return
public String getOperation() {
return operation;
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