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* Copyright 2018 Control-J Pty Ltd
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.controlj.komodo
import com.controlj.komodo.exceptions.DuplicateValueException
import com.controlj.komodo.exceptions.UnknownIndexException
import io.reactivex.Flowable
import org.h2.mvstore.MVMap
import org.h2.mvstore.rtree.MVRTreeMap
import org.h2.mvstore.rtree.SpatialKey
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap
* A map containing a specific kind of object. It requires a CODEC object to encode and decode
* objects into the underlying store
* Create instances of this class by calling Komodo#koMap()
* Multiple named indices may be provided by the codec. The codec will calculate an index key for a given index name and object.
* At least one index must be provided, and the first index in the list will be used as the primary key, so it must be unique
class KoMap internal constructor(private val store: Komodo, val name: String, val codec: KoCodec) {
internal val mvMap: MVMap
private val primaryIndex: KoCodec.Index
// lookup table for indices as provided by the codec
private val indices = { to it }.toMap()
private val spatialIndices = { to it }.toMap()
// the maps for each index, lazily populated
private val indexMaps: ConcurrentHashMap> = ConcurrentHashMap()
private val spatialMaps: ConcurrentHashMap> = ConcurrentHashMap()
// a copy of the index list for our benefit
private val indexList: List>
private val spatialList: List>
init {
if (name.contains('.'))
throw IllegalArgumentException("Map name may not contain '.'")
if (codec.indices.isEmpty())
throw IllegalArgumentException("At least one index is required")
if (!codec.indices.first().unique)
throw IllegalArgumentException("The primary index must be unique")
val indexNames = { }.plus( { })
if (indexNames != indexNames.distinct())
throw java.lang.IllegalArgumentException("Index names must be distinct")
primaryIndex = codec.indices.first()
indexList = codec.indices.subList(1, codec.indices.size)
spatialList = codec.spatialIndices.toList()
mvMap = getIndex(
* Get the index map for the given name
private fun getIndex(indexName: String): MVMap {
return indexMaps.getOrPut(indexName, { })
* Get the spatial index map for the given name
private fun getSpatialIndex(indexName: String): MVRTreeMap {
return spatialMaps.getOrPut(indexName,
{, MVRTreeMap.Builder()) })
* Insert an object into the map
* @param data The object to be inserted
* @return the primary key of the resulting entry
* @throws [DuplicateValueException] if there is a clash in a unique index
fun insert(data: Value): KeyWrapper {
val primaryKey = primaryIndex.keyGen(data)
if (mvMap.containsKey(primaryKey.byteArray))
throw DuplicateValueException(
val keyList = { index ->
val secKey = index.keyGen(data)
if (index.unique) {
val indexMap = getIndex(
if (indexMap.containsKey(secKey.byteArray))
throw DuplicateValueException(
mvMap[primaryKey.byteArray] = codec.encode(data, primaryKey)
indexList.forEachIndexed { i, index ->
val indexMap = getIndex(
indexMap[keyList[i]] = primaryKey.byteArray
spatialList.forEach {
val spatialMap = getSpatialIndex(
spatialMap.add(it.keyGen(data), primaryKey.byteArray)
return primaryKey
* Retrieve an object by primary key
fun read(primaryKey: KeyWrapper): Value? {
return mvMap[primaryKey.byteArray]?.let {
codec.decode(it, primaryKey)
* Retrieve an object. IF not in the map, create a default value and insert it. It is assumed
* but not checked that the default value will have the given key
fun readOrCreate(key: KeyWrapper, default: () -> Value): Value {
val result = read(key)
if (result != null)
return result
val data = default()
return data
* Update an object. Store it if not already there
* @param value The object to be stored
* @return The primary key of the object after update/insert
fun update(value: Value): KeyWrapper {
val primaryKey = primaryIndex.keyGen(value)
val oldData = mvMap[primaryKey.byteArray] ?: return insert(value)
mvMap[primaryKey.byteArray] = codec.encode(value, primaryKey)
if (indexList.isNotEmpty() || spatialList.isNotEmpty()) {
val oldValue = codec.decode(oldData)
indexList.forEach { index ->
val indexMap = getIndex(
val oldKey = getKey(index, oldValue, primaryKey)
val newKey = getKey(index, value, primaryKey)
if (newKey.compareTo(oldKey) != 0) {
indexMap[newKey.byteArray] = primaryKey.byteArray
spatialList.forEach { index ->
val spatialMap = getSpatialIndex(
val newKey = index.keyGen(value)
val oldKey = index.keyGen(oldValue)
if (newKey != oldKey) {
spatialMap.add(newKey, primaryKey.byteArray)
return primaryKey
* Delete an object
* @param primaryKey The primary key for the data
fun delete(primaryKey: KeyWrapper) {
mvMap[primaryKey.byteArray]?.let { obj ->
//val transaction = store.transactionStore.begin()
if (indexList.isNotEmpty() || spatialList.isNotEmpty()) {
val data = codec.decode(obj)
indexList.forEach { index ->
val indexMap =
indexMap.remove(getKey(index, data, primaryKey).byteArray)
spatialList.forEach { index ->
val spatialMap = getSpatialIndex(
val key = index.keyGen(data)
//val valueMap = transaction.openMap(
* Get the full name of the index map. This is the name of the primary map joined to the
* index name with a dot. Hence dots are not allowed in primary map names
private fun fullIndexName(indexName: String): String {
return "$name.$indexName"
* Get the key for a given index and data item. Append the primary key if the index
* allows multiple entries
private fun getKey(index: KoCodec.Index, data: Value, primaryKey: KeyWrapper): KeyWrapper {
val partial = index.keyGen(data)
if (index.unique)
return partial
return addPrimaryKey(partial, primaryKey)
private fun addPrimaryKey(keyValue: KeyWrapper, primaryKey: KeyWrapper): KeyWrapper {
val key = ByteArray(keyValue.byteArray.size + primaryKey.byteArray.size)
System.arraycopy(keyValue.byteArray, 0, key, 0, keyValue.byteArray.size)
System.arraycopy(primaryKey.byteArray, 0, key, keyValue.byteArray.size, primaryKey.byteArray.size)
return KeyWrapper(key)
* Create a query on this map using a specified index. The returned value is an Iterator which can be subscribed to
* to access the returned objects. Objects will be delivered in keyvalue order for the specified index. If both
* key bounds and start/count values are provided, the start value is taken from the lower bound, i.e. the start and
* count values limit results *within* the key bounds.
* @param indexName The name of the index to use. Must be one of the indices provided by the associated CODEC
* The default is the primary key index
* @param lowerBound (optional) A KeyWrapper the represents the lower key bound. The default is to start at the beginning of the index.
* @param upperBound (optional) A KeyWrapper representing the upper key bound. The default is the end of the index
* @param start (optional) The ordinal of the first result to deliver - the default is 0.
* @param count (optional) The maximum number of results to deliver - the default is all of them
* @param reverse IF true, the results will be delivered in reverse (descending) order. The default is false (ascending order)
* @param stride Return only every n'th element. Default is 1 - i.e. return every element
fun query(
indexName: String =,
lowerBound: KeyWrapper = KeyWrapper.START,
upperBound: KeyWrapper = KeyWrapper.END,
start: Int = 0,
count: Int = Integer.MAX_VALUE,
reverse: Boolean = false,
stride: Int = 1
): Iterable {
if (!indices.containsKey(indexName))
throw UnknownIndexException(indexName)
return Iterable {
Query(this, getIndex(indexName), lowerBound, upperBound, start, count, reverse, stride)
* A Flowable version of the query
fun queryAsFlowable(
indexName: String =,
lowerBound: KeyWrapper = KeyWrapper.START,
upperBound: KeyWrapper = KeyWrapper.END,
start: Int = 0,
count: Int = Integer.MAX_VALUE,
reverse: Boolean = false,
stride: Int = 1
): Flowable {
val q = query(indexName, lowerBound, upperBound, start, count, reverse, stride)
return Flowable.fromIterable(q)
* Create a delete operation on this map using a specified index. The Query is a Flowable which can be subscribed to
* to access the now deleted objects. Objects will be delivered in keyvalue order for the specified index. If both
* key bounds and start/count values are provided, the start value is taken from the lower bound, i.e. the start and
* count values limit results *within* the key bounds.
* @param indexName The name of the index to use. Must be one of the indices provided by the associated CODEC
* The default is the primary key index
* @param lowerBound A KeyWrapper the represents the lower key bound. No default
* @param upperBound A KeyWrapper representing the upper key bound. No default
* @param start (optional) The ordinal of the first result to deliver - the default is 0.
* @param count (optional) The maximum number of results to deliver - the default is all of them
* @param reverse IF true, the results will be delivered in reverse (descending) order. The default is false (ascending order)
fun delete(
indexName: String =,
lowerBound: KeyWrapper,
upperBound: KeyWrapper,
start: Int = 0,
count: Int = Integer.MAX_VALUE,
reverse: Boolean = false): Delete {
if (!indices.containsKey(indexName))
throw UnknownIndexException(indexName)
return Delete(this, getIndex(indexName), lowerBound, upperBound, start, count, reverse)
* Delete all from this map
fun deleteAll(): Delete {
return delete(lowerBound = KeyWrapper.START, upperBound = KeyWrapper.END)
* Count the number of entries in this map using a specified index, within given bounds.
* @param indexName The name of the index to use. Must be one of the indices provided by the associated CODEC
* The default is the primary key index
* @param lowerBound A KeyWrapper the represents the lower key bound. The default is the first key
* @param upperBound A KeyWrapper representing the upper key bound. The default is the last key
fun count(
indexName: String =,
lowerBound: KeyWrapper = KeyWrapper.START,
upperBound: KeyWrapper = KeyWrapper.END): Count {
if (!indices.containsKey(indexName))
throw UnknownIndexException(indexName)
return Count(this, getIndex(indexName), lowerBound, upperBound)
* Create a spatial query on this map using a specified index. The returned value is an Iterator which can be subscribed to
* to access the returned spatial keys
* @param indexName The name of the index to use. Must be one of the spatial indices provided by the associated CODEC
* @param minX minimum X bound
* @param maxX maximum X bound
* @param minY minimum Y bound
* @param maxY maximum Y bound
* @return an Iterator
fun containedBy(
indexName: String =,
minX: Float,
maxX: Float,
minY: Float,
maxY: Float
): Iterable {
return containedBy(indexName, SpatialKey(0, minX, maxX, minY, maxY))
fun containedBy(
indexName: String =,
key: SpatialKey
): Iterable {
if (!spatialIndices.containsKey(indexName))
throw UnknownIndexException(indexName)
val map = getSpatialIndex(indexName)
return Iterable {