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* Copyright (c) 2019 - Convergence Labs, Inc.
* This file is part of the Convergence Server, which is released under
* the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 (GPLv3). A copy
* of the GPLv3 should have been provided along with this file, typically
* located in the "LICENSE" file, which is part of this source code package.
* Alternatively, see for the
* full text of the GPLv3 license, if it was not provided.
package com.convergencelabs.convergence.server.api.realtime
import{ActorRef, ActorSystem, Scheduler}
import{BinaryMessage, Message}
import akka.http.scaladsl.model.{RemoteAddress, StatusCodes}
import akka.http.scaladsl.server.Directive._
import akka.http.scaladsl.server.{Directives, Route}
import{Flow, Sink, Source}
import{CompletionStrategy, Materializer, OverflowStrategy, SystemMaterializer}
import akka.util.{ByteString, ByteStringBuilder, Timeout}
import com.convergencelabs.convergence.server.api.realtime.ClientActorCreator.CreateClientResponse
import{ErrorResponseEntity, JsonSupport, OkResponse}
import com.convergencelabs.convergence.server.model.DomainId
import grizzled.slf4j.Logging
import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration
import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContextExecutor, Future}
import scala.language.postfixOps
import scala.util.{Failure, Success}
* The [[WebSocketService]] class handles incoming web socket connections and
* creates the server side representation of the client connection. It creates
* Akka Actors to represent the client, the connection, and the web socket.
* @param system The actor system this service is running in.
private[realtime] final class WebSocketService(system: ActorSystem[_],
clientCreator: ActorRef[ClientActorCreator.CreateClientRequest])
extends Directives with Logging with JsonSupport {
private[this] val config = system.settings.config
private[this] val maxFrames = config.getInt("convergence.realtime.websocket.max-frames")
private[this] val maxStreamDuration = Duration.fromNanos(
private[this] implicit val clientCreationTimeout: Timeout = Timeout(Duration.fromNanos(
private[this] implicit val ec: ExecutionContextExecutor = system.executionContext
private[this] implicit val scheduler: Scheduler = system.scheduler
private[this] implicit val materializer: Materializer = SystemMaterializer.get(system).materializer
val route: Route = {
path("") {
} ~ path("health") {
} ~
path(Segment / Segment) { (namespace, domain) =>
extractClientIP { remoteAddress =>
optionalHeaderValueByName("User-Agent") { ua =>
handleWebSocketConnection(namespace, domain, remoteAddress, ua)
* Provides a route that will handle incoming web socket connections.
* @param namespace The namespace of the domain the connection is for.
* @param domain The domain id of the domain the connection is for.
* @param remoteAddress The address of the remote host that is connecting
* @param ua The user agent of the connecting client.
* @return A route which will handle the incoming web socket connection.
private[this] def handleWebSocketConnection(namespace: String,
domain: String,
remoteAddress: RemoteAddress,
ua: Option[String]): Route = {
extractWebSocketUpgrade { upgrade =>
logger.debug(s"A web socket connection request received for domain: $namespace/$domain")
onComplete(createClientActor(namespace, domain, remoteAddress, ua)) {
case Failure(cause) =>
logger.error("Could not create client actor for incoming web socket connection.", cause)
complete((StatusCodes.InternalServerError, ErrorResponseEntity("internal_server_error")))
case Success(client) =>
complete(upgrade.handleMessages(createBinaryMessageFlow(client), None))
* A helper method that will request a client actor be crated for this
* incoming connection.
* @param namespace The namespace of the domain the connection is for.
* @param domain The domain id of the domain the connection is for.
* @param remoteAddress The address of the remote host that is connecting
* @param ua The user agent of the connecting client.
* @return An ActorRef that the web socket can use to send incoming messages
* to.
private[this] def createClientActor(namespace: String,
domain: String,
remoteAddress: RemoteAddress,
ua: Option[String]): Future[ActorRef[ClientActor.WebSocketMessage]] = {
val domainId = DomainId(namespace, domain)
val userAgent = ua.getOrElse("")
.ask[CreateClientResponse](ClientActorCreator.CreateClientRequest(domainId, remoteAddress, userAgent, _))
* Creates a flow to handle binary web socket connections.
* @param clientActor The client actor that messages should be sent to.
* @return A flow to handle incoming and outgoing message flow.
private[this] def createBinaryMessageFlow(clientActor: ActorRef[ClientActor.WebSocketMessage]): Flow[Message, Message, Any] = {
.collect {
case BinaryMessage.Strict(msg) =>
case BinaryMessage.Streamed(stream) =>
.runFold(new ByteStringBuilder())((b, e) => b.append(e))
.map(b => b.result())
.flatMap(msg => Future.successful(ClientActor.IncomingBinaryMessage(msg.toArray)))
.mapAsync(parallelism = 3)(scala.Predef.identity)
.map {
case WebSocketService.OutgoingBinaryMessage(msg) => BinaryMessage.Strict(ByteString.fromArray(msg))
* A helper method to create the actor based message exchange for the
* we socket messages. This method will establish bi-directional wiring
* for the sink and source of the flow using the client actor.
* @param clientActor The actor to send / recieve messages from.
* @return The portion of the flow that wires up the client actor.
private[this] def createClientActorFlow(clientActor: ActorRef[ClientActor.WebSocketMessage]):
Flow[ClientActor.IncomingBinaryMessage, WebSocketService.OutgoingBinaryMessage, Any] = {
// This is how we route messages that are coming in. Basically we route them
// to the ClientActor and, when the flow is completed (e.g. the web socket is
// closed) we send a WebSocketClosed message so the client knows the socket
// was closed. Similarly, we send a WebSocketError when there is an error.
val in = Flow[ClientActor.IncomingBinaryMessage].to(Sink.actorRef[ClientActor.IncomingBinaryMessage](
clientActor.toClassic, // note Akka HTTP is still using the classic actors
ClientActor.WebSocketClosed, // The message sent when the stream closes nicely
t => ClientActor.WebSocketError(t))) // The message sent on an error
// This is where outgoing messages will go. We create an actor-based source
// for messages. This creates an ActorRef that you can send messages to get
// access to source as an ActorRef you must materialize the source. Once we
// get this reference we can send it to the ClientActor to give it the
// ActorRef to send outgoing messages to.
val out = Source.actorRef[WebSocketService.OutgoingBinaryMessage](
case WebSocketService.CloseSocket =>
// Receiving this message will signal the stream to close after
// all existing messages have been delivered. Messages not
// matching this partial function will be delivered to the
// output of the flow.
}: PartialFunction[Any, CompletionStrategy], {
case => cause
}: PartialFunction[Any, Throwable],
.mapMaterializedValue(ref => clientActor ! ClientActor.WebSocketOpened(ref))
Flow.fromSinkAndSourceCoupled(in, out)
private[realtime] object WebSocketService {
* The messages that can be sent to the Source actor ref that is materialized
* and sent to the ClientActor.
sealed trait WebSocketMessage
* Indicates that this connection should be closed. This message does not
* come from the web socket, but rather from within Convergence.
private[realtime] case object CloseSocket extends WebSocketMessage
* Represents an outgoing binary message from the client.
* @param data The outgoing binary web socket message data.
private[realtime] case class OutgoingBinaryMessage(data: Array[Byte]) extends WebSocketMessage