com.conveyal.gtfs.GTFSFeed Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package com.conveyal.gtfs;
import com.conveyal.gtfs.error.GTFSError;
import com.conveyal.gtfs.loader.FeedLoadResult;
import com.conveyal.gtfs.loader.JdbcGTFSFeedConverter;
import com.conveyal.gtfs.model.*;
import com.conveyal.gtfs.model.Calendar;
import com.conveyal.gtfs.validator.Validator;
import com.conveyal.gtfs.util.Util;
import com.conveyal.gtfs.validator.service.GeoUtils;
import org.locationtech.jts.algorithm.ConvexHull;
import org.locationtech.jts.geom.*;
import org.locationtech.jts.index.strtree.STRtree;
import org.locationtech.jts.simplify.DouglasPeuckerSimplifier;
import org.mapdb.BTreeMap;
import org.mapdb.DB;
import org.mapdb.DBMaker;
import org.mapdb.Fun;
import org.mapdb.Fun.Tuple2;
import org.mapdb.Serializer;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import javax.sql.DataSource;
import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentNavigableMap;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
* All entities must be from a single feed namespace.
* Composed of several GTFSTables.
public class GTFSFeed implements Cloneable, Closeable {
private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(GTFSFeed.class);
private static final DateTimeFormatter dateFormatter = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyyMMdd");
private DB db;
public String feedId = null;
// TODO make all of these Maps MapDBs so the entire GTFSFeed is persistent and uses constant memory
/* Some of these should be multimaps since they don't have an obvious unique key. */
public final Map agency;
public final Map feedInfo;
// This is how you do a multimap in mapdb:
public final NavigableSet> frequencies;
public final Map routes;
public final Map stops;
public final Map transfers;
public final BTreeMap trips;
public final Set transitIds = new HashSet<>();
/** CRC32 of the GTFS file this was loaded from */
public long checksum;
/* Map from 2-tuples of (shape_id, shape_pt_sequence) to shape points */
public final ConcurrentNavigableMap, ShapePoint> shape_points;
/* Map from 2-tuples of (trip_id, stop_sequence) to stoptimes. */
public final BTreeMap stop_times;
/* A fare is a fare_attribute and all fare_rules that reference that fare_attribute. */
public final Map fares;
/* A service is a calendar entry and all calendar_dates that modify that calendar entry. */
public final BTreeMap services;
/* A place to accumulate errors while the feed is loaded. Tolerate as many errors as possible and keep on loading. */
public final NavigableSet errors;
/* Stops spatial index which gets built lazily by getSpatialIndex() */
private transient STRtree spatialIndex;
/* Convex hull of feed (based on stops) built lazily by getConvexHull() */
private transient Polygon convexHull;
/* Merged stop buffers polygon built lazily by getMergedBuffers() */
private transient Geometry mergedBuffers;
/* Create geometry factory to produce LineString geometries. */
GeometryFactory gf = new GeometryFactory();
/* Map routes to associated trip patterns. */
// TODO: Hash Multimapping in guava (might need dependency).
public final Map patterns;
// TODO bind this to map above so that it is kept up to date automatically
public final Map tripPatternMap;
private boolean loaded = false;
/* A place to store an event bus that is passed through constructor. */
public transient EventBus eventBus;
* The order in which we load the tables is important for two reasons.
* 1. We must load feed_info first so we know the feed ID before loading any other entities. This could be relaxed
* by having entities point to the feed object rather than its ID String.
* 2. Referenced entities must be loaded before any entities that reference them. This is because we check
* referential integrity while the files are being loaded. This is done on the fly during loading because it allows
* us to associate a line number with errors in objects that don't have any other clear identifier.
* Interestingly, all references are resolvable when tables are loaded in alphabetical order.
public void loadFromFile(ZipFile zip, String fid) throws Exception {
if (this.loaded) throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Attempt to load GTFS into existing database");
// NB we don't have a single CRC for the file, so we combine all the CRCs of the component files. NB we are not
// simply summing the CRCs because CRCs are (I assume) uniformly randomly distributed throughout the width of a
// long, so summing them is a convolution which moves towards a Gaussian with mean 0 (i.e. more concentrated
// probability in the center), degrading the quality of the hash. Instead we XOR. Assuming each bit is independent,
// this will yield a nice uniformly distributed result, because when combining two bits there is an equal
// probability of any input, which means an equal probability of any output. At least I think that's all correct.
// Repeated XOR is not commutative but returns files in the order they are in the central directory
// of the zip file, so that's not a problem.
checksum =, l2) -> l1 ^ l2).getAsLong();
new FeedInfo.Loader(this).loadTable(zip);
// maybe we should just point to the feed object itself instead of its ID, and null out its stoptimes map after loading
if (fid != null) {
feedId = fid;"Feed ID is undefined, pester maintainers to include a feed ID. Using file name {}.", feedId); // TODO log an error, ideally feeds should include a feedID
else if (feedId == null || feedId.isEmpty()) {
feedId = new File(zip.getName()).getName().replaceAll("\\.zip$", "");"Feed ID is undefined, pester maintainers to include a feed ID. Using file name {}.", feedId); // TODO log an error, ideally feeds should include a feedID
else {"Feed ID is '{}'.", feedId);
new Agency.Loader(this).loadTable(zip);
// calendars and calendar dates are joined into services. This means a lot of manipulating service objects as
// they are loaded; since mapdb keys/values are immutable, load them in memory then copy them to MapDB once
// we're done loading them
Map serviceTable = new HashMap<>();
new Calendar.Loader(this, serviceTable).loadTable(zip);
new CalendarDate.Loader(this, serviceTable).loadTable(zip);;
serviceTable = null; // free memory
// Same deal
Map fares = new HashMap<>();
new FareAttribute.Loader(this, fares).loadTable(zip);
new FareRule.Loader(this, fares).loadTable(zip);
fares = null; // free memory
new Route.Loader(this).loadTable(zip);
new ShapePoint.Loader(this).loadTable(zip);
new Stop.Loader(this).loadTable(zip);
new Transfer.Loader(this).loadTable(zip);
new Trip.Loader(this).loadTable(zip);
new Frequency.Loader(this).loadTable(zip);
new StopTime.Loader(this).loadTable(zip); // comment out this line for quick testing using NL feed"{} errors", errors.size());
for (GTFSError error : errors) {"{}", error);
loaded = true;
public void loadFromFile(ZipFile zip) throws Exception {
loadFromFile(zip, null);
public FeedLoadResult toSQL (DataSource dataSource) {
JdbcGTFSFeedConverter converter = new JdbcGTFSFeedConverter(this, dataSource);
return converter.loadTables();
public void toFile (String file) {
try {
File out = new File(file);
OutputStream os = new FileOutputStream(out);
ZipOutputStream zip = new ZipOutputStream(os);
// write everything
// TODO: shapes
// don't write empty feed_info.txt
if (!this.feedInfo.isEmpty()) new FeedInfo.Writer(this).writeTable(zip);
new Agency.Writer(this).writeTable(zip);
new Calendar.Writer(this).writeTable(zip);
new CalendarDate.Writer(this).writeTable(zip);
new FareAttribute.Writer(this).writeTable(zip);
new FareRule.Writer(this).writeTable(zip);
new Frequency.Writer(this).writeTable(zip);
new Route.Writer(this).writeTable(zip);
new Stop.Writer(this).writeTable(zip);
new ShapePoint.Writer(this).writeTable(zip);
new Transfer.Writer(this).writeTable(zip);
new Trip.Writer(this).writeTable(zip);
new StopTime.Writer(this).writeTable(zip);
zip.close();"GTFS file written");
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.error("Error saving GTFS: {}", e.getMessage());
throw new RuntimeException(e);
public void validate (boolean repair, Validator... validators) {
long startValidation = System.currentTimeMillis();
for (Validator validator : validators) {
try {
long startValidator = System.currentTimeMillis();
// validator.validate(this, repair);
long endValidator = System.currentTimeMillis();
long diff = endValidator - startValidator;"{} finished in {} milliseconds.", validator.getClass().getSimpleName(), TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toMillis(diff));
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.error("Could not run {} validator.", validator.getClass().getSimpleName());
// LOG.error(e.toString());
long endValidation = System.nanoTime();
long total = endValidation - startValidation;"{} validators completed in {} milliseconds.", validators.length, TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toMillis(total));
// validate function call that should explicitly list each validator to run on GTFSFeed
public void validate () {
* Static factory method returning a new instance of GTFSFeed containing the contents of
* the GTFS file at the supplied filesystem path.
public static GTFSFeed fromFile(String file) {
return fromFile(file, null);
* Static factory method returning a new instance of GTFSFeed containing the contents of
* the GTFS file at the supplied filesystem path. Forces the feedId to the
* supplied value if the parameter is non-null.
public static GTFSFeed fromFile(String file, String feedId) {
GTFSFeed feed = new GTFSFeed();
ZipFile zip;
try {
zip = new ZipFile(file);
if (feedId == null) {
else {
feed.loadFromFile(zip, feedId);
return feed;
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.error("Error loading GTFS: {}", e.getMessage());
throw new RuntimeException(e);
public boolean hasFeedInfo () {
return !this.feedInfo.isEmpty();
public FeedInfo getFeedInfo () {
return this.hasFeedInfo() ? this.feedInfo.values().iterator().next() : null;
* For the given trip ID, fetch all the stop times in order of increasing stop_sequence.
* This is an efficient iteration over a tree map.
public Iterable getOrderedStopTimesForTrip (String trip_id) {
Map tripStopTimes =
Fun.t2(trip_id, null),
Fun.t2(trip_id, Fun.HI)
return tripStopTimes.values();
* TODO rename getStopSpatialIndex to make it clear what the index contains.
public STRtree getSpatialIndex () {
if (this.spatialIndex == null) {
synchronized (this) {
if (this.spatialIndex == null) {
// build spatial index
STRtree stopIndex = new STRtree();
for(Stop stop : this.stops.values()) {
try {
if (Double.isNaN(stop.stop_lat) || Double.isNaN(stop.stop_lon)) {
Coordinate stopCoord = new Coordinate(stop.stop_lat, stop.stop_lon);
stopIndex.insert(new Envelope(stopCoord), stop);
} catch (Exception e) {
try {;
this.spatialIndex = stopIndex;
} catch (Exception e) {
return this.spatialIndex;
/** Get the shape for the given shape ID */
public Shape getShape (String shape_id) {
Shape shape = new Shape(this, shape_id);
return shape.shape_dist_traveled.length > 0 ? shape : null;
* MapDB-based implementation to find patterns.
* FIXME: Remove and make pattern finding happen during validation? We want to share the pattern finder between the
* two implementations (MapDB and RDBMS), apply the same validation process to both kinds of storage, and produce
* Patterns in the same way in both cases, during validation. This prevents us from iterating over every stopTime
* twice, since we're already iterating over all of them in validation. However, in this case it might not be costly
* to simply retrieve the stop times from the stop_times map.
public void findPatterns () {
PatternFinder patternFinder = new PatternFinder();
// Iterate over trips and process each trip and its stop times.
for (Trip trip : this.trips.values()) {
Iterable orderedStopTimesForTrip = this.getOrderedStopTimesForTrip(trip.trip_id);
patternFinder.processTrip(trip, orderedStopTimesForTrip);
Map patternObjects = patternFinder.createPatternObjects(this.stops, null);
.collect(Collectors.toMap(Pattern::getId, pattern -> pattern)));
* For the given trip ID, fetch all the stop times in order, and interpolate stop-to-stop travel times.
public Iterable getInterpolatedStopTimesForTrip (String trip_id) throws FirstAndLastStopsDoNotHaveTimes {
// clone stop times so as not to modify base GTFS structures
StopTime[] stopTimes =, false)
.map(st -> st.clone())
.toArray(i -> new StopTime[i]);
// avoid having to make sure that the array has length below.
if (stopTimes.length == 0) return Collections.emptyList();
// first pass: set all partially filled stop times
for (StopTime st : stopTimes) {
if (st.arrival_time != Entity.INT_MISSING && st.departure_time == Entity.INT_MISSING) {
st.departure_time = st.arrival_time;
if (st.arrival_time == Entity.INT_MISSING && st.departure_time != Entity.INT_MISSING) {
st.arrival_time = st.departure_time;
// quick check: ensure that first and last stops have times.
// technically GTFS requires that both arrival_time and departure_time be filled at both the first and last stop,
// but we are slightly more lenient and only insist that one of them be filled at both the first and last stop.
// The meaning of the first stop's arrival time is unclear, and same for the last stop's departure time (except
// in the case of interlining).
// it's fine to just check departure time, as the above pass ensures that all stop times have either both
// arrival and departure times, or neither
if (stopTimes[0].departure_time == Entity.INT_MISSING || stopTimes[stopTimes.length - 1].departure_time == Entity.INT_MISSING) {
throw new FirstAndLastStopsDoNotHaveTimes();
// second pass: fill complete stop times
int startOfInterpolatedBlock = -1;
for (int stopTime = 0; stopTime < stopTimes.length; stopTime++) {
if (stopTimes[stopTime].departure_time == Entity.INT_MISSING && startOfInterpolatedBlock == -1) {
startOfInterpolatedBlock = stopTime;
else if (stopTimes[stopTime].departure_time != Entity.INT_MISSING && startOfInterpolatedBlock != -1) {
// we have found the end of the interpolated section
int nInterpolatedStops = stopTime - startOfInterpolatedBlock;
double totalLengthOfInterpolatedSection = 0;
double[] lengthOfInterpolatedSections = new double[nInterpolatedStops];
for (int stopTimeToInterpolate = startOfInterpolatedBlock, i = 0; stopTimeToInterpolate < stopTime; stopTimeToInterpolate++, i++) {
Stop start = stops.get(stopTimes[stopTimeToInterpolate - 1].stop_id);
Stop end = stops.get(stopTimes[stopTimeToInterpolate].stop_id);
double segLen = Util.fastDistance(start.stop_lat, start.stop_lon, end.stop_lat, end.stop_lon);
totalLengthOfInterpolatedSection += segLen;
lengthOfInterpolatedSections[i] = segLen;
// add the segment post-last-interpolated-stop
Stop start = stops.get(stopTimes[stopTime - 1].stop_id);
Stop end = stops.get(stopTimes[stopTime].stop_id);
totalLengthOfInterpolatedSection += Util.fastDistance(start.stop_lat, start.stop_lon, end.stop_lat, end.stop_lon);
int departureBeforeInterpolation = stopTimes[startOfInterpolatedBlock - 1].departure_time;
int arrivalAfterInterpolation = stopTimes[stopTime].arrival_time;
int totalTime = arrivalAfterInterpolation - departureBeforeInterpolation;
double lengthSoFar = 0;
for (int stopTimeToInterpolate = startOfInterpolatedBlock, i = 0; stopTimeToInterpolate < stopTime; stopTimeToInterpolate++, i++) {
lengthSoFar += lengthOfInterpolatedSections[i];
int time = (int) (departureBeforeInterpolation + totalTime * (lengthSoFar / totalLengthOfInterpolatedSection));
stopTimes[stopTimeToInterpolate].arrival_time = stopTimes[stopTimeToInterpolate].departure_time = time;
// we're done with this block
startOfInterpolatedBlock = -1;
return Arrays.asList(stopTimes);
public Collection getFrequencies (String trip_id) {
// IntelliJ tells me all these casts are unnecessary, and that's also my feeling, but the code won't compile
// without them
return (List) frequencies.subSet(new Fun.Tuple2(trip_id, null), new Fun.Tuple2(trip_id, Fun.HI)).stream()
.map(t2 -> ((Tuple2) t2).b)
public List getOrderedStopListForTrip (String trip_id) {
Iterable orderedStopTimes = getOrderedStopTimesForTrip(trip_id);
List stops = Lists.newArrayList();
// In-order traversal of StopTimes within this trip. The 2-tuple keys determine ordering.
for (StopTime stopTime : orderedStopTimes) {
return stops;
public LineString getStraightLineForStops(String trip_id) {
CoordinateList coordinates = new CoordinateList();
LineString ls = null;
Trip trip = trips.get(trip_id);
Iterable stopTimes;
stopTimes = getOrderedStopTimesForTrip(trip.trip_id);
if (Iterables.size(stopTimes) > 1) {
for (StopTime stopTime : stopTimes) {
Stop stop = stops.get(stopTime.stop_id);
Double lat = stop.stop_lat;
Double lon = stop.stop_lon;
coordinates.add(new Coordinate(lon, lat));
ls = gf.createLineString(coordinates.toCoordinateArray());
// set ls equal to null if there is only one stopTime to avoid an exception when creating linestring
ls = null;
return ls;
* Returns a trip geometry object (LineString) for a given trip id.
* If the trip has a shape reference, this will be used for the geometry.
* Otherwise, the ordered stoptimes will be used.
* @param trip_id trip id of desired trip geometry
* @return the LineString representing the trip geometry.
* @see LineString
public LineString getTripGeometry(String trip_id){
CoordinateList coordinates = new CoordinateList();
LineString ls = null;
Trip trip = trips.get(trip_id);
// If trip has shape_id, use it to generate geometry.
if (trip.shape_id != null) {
Shape shape = getShape(trip.shape_id);
if (shape != null) ls = shape.geometry;
// Use the ordered stoptimes.
if (ls == null) {
ls = getStraightLineForStops(trip_id);
return ls;
/** Get the length of a trip in meters. */
public double getTripDistance (String trip_id, boolean straightLine) {
return straightLine
? GeoUtils.getDistance(this.getStraightLineForStops(trip_id))
: GeoUtils.getDistance(this.getTripGeometry(trip_id));
/** Get trip speed (using trip shape if available) in meters per second. */
public double getTripSpeed (String trip_id) {
return getTripSpeed(trip_id, false);
/** Get trip speed in meters per second. */
public double getTripSpeed (String trip_id, boolean straightLine) {
StopTime firstStopTime = this.stop_times.ceilingEntry(Fun.t2(trip_id, null)).getValue();
StopTime lastStopTime = this.stop_times.floorEntry(Fun.t2(trip_id, Fun.HI)).getValue();
// ensure that stopTime returned matches trip id (i.e., that the trip has stoptimes)
if (!firstStopTime.trip_id.equals(trip_id) || !lastStopTime.trip_id.equals(trip_id)) {
return Double.NaN;
double distance = getTripDistance(trip_id, straightLine);
// trip time (in seconds)
int time = lastStopTime.arrival_time - firstStopTime.departure_time;
return distance / time; // meters per second
public Polygon getConvexHull() {
if (this.convexHull == null) {
synchronized (this) {
List coordinates = this.stops.values().stream().map(
stop -> new Coordinate(stop.stop_lon, stop.stop_lat)
Coordinate[] coords = coordinates.toArray(new Coordinate[coordinates.size()]);
ConvexHull convexHull = new ConvexHull(coords, gf);
this.convexHull = (Polygon) convexHull.getConvexHull();
return this.convexHull;
* Cloning can be useful when you want to make only a few modifications to an existing feed.
* Keep in mind that this is a shallow copy, so you'll have to create new maps in the clone for tables you want
* to modify.
public GTFSFeed clone() {
try {
return (GTFSFeed) super.clone();
} catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
protected void finalize() throws IOException {
public void close () {
/** Thrown when we cannot interpolate stop times because the first or last stops do not have times */
public class FirstAndLastStopsDoNotHaveTimes extends Exception {
/** do nothing */
/** Create a GTFS feed in a temp file */
public GTFSFeed () {
// calls to this must be first operation in constructor - why, Java?
// .cacheSize(1024 * 1024) this bloats memory consumption
.make()); // TODO db.close();
/** Create a GTFS feed connected to a particular DB, which will be created if it does not exist. */
public GTFSFeed (String dbFile) throws IOException, ExecutionException {
this(constructDB(dbFile)); // TODO db.close();
private static DB constructDB(String dbFile) {
DB db;
DBMaker dbMaker = DBMaker.newFileDB(new File(dbFile));
db = dbMaker
// .cacheSize(1024 * 1024) this bloats memory consumption
return db;
} catch (ExecutionError | IOError | Exception e) {
LOG.error("Could not construct db from file.", e);
return null;
private GTFSFeed (DB db) {
this.db = db;
agency = db.getTreeMap("agency");
feedInfo = db.getTreeMap("feed_info");
routes = db.getTreeMap("routes");
trips = db.getTreeMap("trips");
stop_times = db.getTreeMap("stop_times");
frequencies = db.getTreeSet("frequencies");
transfers = db.getTreeMap("transfers");
stops = db.getTreeMap("stops");
fares = db.getTreeMap("fares");
services = db.getTreeMap("services");
shape_points = db.getTreeMap("shape_points");
feedId = db.getAtomicString("feed_id").get();
checksum = db.getAtomicLong("checksum").get();
// use Java serialization because MapDB serialization is very slow with JTS as they have a lot of references.
// nothing else contains JTS objects
patterns = db.createTreeMap("patterns")
tripPatternMap = db.getTreeMap("patternForTrip");
errors = db.getTreeSet("errors");
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