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com.conveyal.gtfs.loader.EntityPopulator Maven / Gradle / Ivy

package com.conveyal.gtfs.loader;

import com.conveyal.gtfs.model.Agency;
import com.conveyal.gtfs.model.Calendar;
import com.conveyal.gtfs.model.CalendarDate;
import com.conveyal.gtfs.model.Entity;
import com.conveyal.gtfs.model.FareAttribute;
import com.conveyal.gtfs.model.Frequency;
import com.conveyal.gtfs.model.PatternStop;
import com.conveyal.gtfs.model.Route;
import com.conveyal.gtfs.model.ScheduleException;
import com.conveyal.gtfs.model.ShapePoint;
import com.conveyal.gtfs.model.Stop;
import com.conveyal.gtfs.model.StopTime;
import com.conveyal.gtfs.model.Trip;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import java.time.LocalDate;

import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.time.format.DateTimeParseException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;

import static com.conveyal.gtfs.model.ScheduleException.exemplarFromInt;

 * For now we will copy all available fields into Java model objects.
 * We could also have entity cursors with accessor functions that move along the results, and only look at
 * the fields we need. We could even select only the required fields from the backend database but that gets
 * messy. Anecdotal evidence suggests this would give about a 1/3 speedup. But other observations show no speedup at all.
 * The main benefit would be grabbing arbitrary extension columns.
 * TODO associate EntityPopulator more closely with Entity types and Table instances, so you can get one from the other.
 * e.g. getEntityPopulator() and getTableSpec() on Entity classes.
 * TODO maybe instantiate EntityCreators with a columnForName map to avoid passing them around and make them implement Iterable
 * Could even initialize with the resultSet and call it a Factory
 * // FIXME URLs?
 * This might also be useable with Commons DBUtils as a result row processor.
 * // FIXME add this interface to Entity itself. And add reader / writer functions to entity as well?
public interface EntityPopulator {
    Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(EntityPopulator.class);
    EntityPopulator PATTERN_STOP = (result, columnForName) -> {
        PatternStop patternStop = new PatternStop();
        patternStop.stop_id = getStringIfPresent(result, "stop_id", columnForName);
        patternStop.default_dwell_time = getIntIfPresent(result, "default_dwell_time", columnForName);
        patternStop.default_travel_time = getIntIfPresent(result, "default_travel_time", columnForName);
        patternStop.pattern_id = getStringIfPresent(result, "pattern_id", columnForName);
        patternStop.drop_off_type = getIntIfPresent(result, "drop_off_type", columnForName);
        patternStop.pickup_type = getIntIfPresent(result, "pickup_type", columnForName);
        patternStop.stop_sequence = getIntIfPresent(result, "stop_sequence", columnForName);
        patternStop.timepoint = getIntIfPresent(result, "timepoint", columnForName);
        patternStop.shape_dist_traveled = getDoubleIfPresent(result, "shape_dist_traveled", columnForName);
        return patternStop;

    T populate (ResultSet results, TObjectIntMap columnForName) throws SQLException;

    EntityPopulator AGENCY = (result, columnForName) -> {
        Agency agency              = new Agency();
        agency.agency_id           = getStringIfPresent(result, "agency_id", columnForName);
        agency.agency_name         = getStringIfPresent(result, "agency_name", columnForName);
        agency.agency_url          = getUrlIfPresent   (result, "agency_url", columnForName);
        agency.agency_timezone     = getStringIfPresent(result, "agency_timezone", columnForName);
        agency.agency_lang         = getStringIfPresent(result, "agency_lang", columnForName);
        agency.agency_phone        = getStringIfPresent(result, "agency_phone", columnForName);
        agency.agency_fare_url     = getUrlIfPresent   (result, "agency_fare_url", columnForName);
        agency.agency_email        = getStringIfPresent(result, "agency_email", columnForName);
        agency.agency_branding_url = getUrlIfPresent   (result, "agency_branding_url", columnForName);
        return agency;

    EntityPopulator CALENDAR = (result, columnForName) -> {
        Calendar calendar   = new Calendar();
        calendar.service_id = getStringIfPresent(result, "service_id", columnForName);
        calendar.start_date = getDateIfPresent  (result, "start_date", columnForName);
        calendar.end_date   = getDateIfPresent  (result, "end_date",   columnForName);
        calendar.monday     = getIntIfPresent   (result, "monday",     columnForName);
        calendar.tuesday    = getIntIfPresent   (result, "tuesday",    columnForName);
        calendar.wednesday  = getIntIfPresent   (result, "wednesday",  columnForName);
        calendar.thursday   = getIntIfPresent   (result, "thursday",   columnForName);
        calendar.friday     = getIntIfPresent   (result, "friday",     columnForName);
        calendar.saturday   = getIntIfPresent   (result, "saturday",   columnForName);
        calendar.sunday     = getIntIfPresent   (result, "sunday",     columnForName);
        return calendar;

    EntityPopulator CALENDAR_DATE = (result, columnForName) -> {
        CalendarDate calendarDate   = new CalendarDate();
        calendarDate.service_id     = getStringIfPresent(result, "service_id",     columnForName);           = getDateIfPresent  (result, "date",           columnForName);
        calendarDate.exception_type = getIntIfPresent   (result, "exception_type", columnForName);
        return calendarDate;

    EntityPopulator FARE_ATTRIBUTE = (result, columnForName) -> {
        FareAttribute fareAttribute     = new FareAttribute();
        fareAttribute.fare_id           = getStringIfPresent(result, "fare_id",     columnForName);
        fareAttribute.agency_id         = getStringIfPresent(result, "agency_id",     columnForName);
        fareAttribute.price             = getDoubleIfPresent(result, "price",           columnForName);
        fareAttribute.payment_method    = getIntIfPresent   (result, "payment_method", columnForName);
        fareAttribute.transfers         = getIntIfPresent   (result, "transfers", columnForName);
        fareAttribute.transfer_duration = getIntIfPresent   (result, "transfer_duration", columnForName);
        return fareAttribute;

    EntityPopulator FREQUENCY = (result, columnForName) -> {
        Frequency frequency    = new Frequency();
        frequency.trip_id      = getStringIfPresent(result, "trip_id",     columnForName);
        frequency.start_time   = getIntIfPresent   (result, "start_time", columnForName);
        frequency.end_time     = getIntIfPresent   (result, "end_time", columnForName);
        frequency.headway_secs = getIntIfPresent   (result, "headway_secs", columnForName);
        frequency.exact_times  = getIntIfPresent   (result, "exact_times", columnForName);
        return frequency;

    EntityPopulator SCHEDULE_EXCEPTION = (result, columnForName) -> {
        ScheduleException scheduleException = new ScheduleException();              = getStringIfPresent    (result, "name", columnForName);
        scheduleException.dates             = getDateListIfPresent  (result, "dates", columnForName);
        scheduleException.exemplar          = exemplarFromInt(getIntIfPresent(result, "exemplar", columnForName));
        scheduleException.customSchedule    = getStringListIfPresent(result, "custom_schedule", columnForName);
        scheduleException.addedService      = getStringListIfPresent(result, "added_service", columnForName);
        scheduleException.removedService    = getStringListIfPresent(result, "removed_service", columnForName);
        return scheduleException;

    EntityPopulator ROUTE = (result, columnForName) -> {
        Route route              = new Route();
        route.route_id           = getStringIfPresent(result, "route_id",           columnForName);
        route.agency_id          = getStringIfPresent(result, "agency_id",          columnForName);
        route.route_short_name   = getStringIfPresent(result, "route_short_name",   columnForName);
        route.route_long_name    = getStringIfPresent(result, "route_long_name",    columnForName);
        route.route_desc         = getStringIfPresent(result, "route_desc",         columnForName);
        route.route_type         = getIntIfPresent   (result, "route_type",         columnForName);
        route.route_color        = getStringIfPresent(result, "route_color",        columnForName);
        route.route_text_color   = getStringIfPresent(result, "route_text_color",   columnForName);
        route.route_url          = getUrlIfPresent   (result, "route_url",          columnForName);
        route.route_branding_url = getUrlIfPresent   (result, "route_branding_url", columnForName);
        return route;

    EntityPopulator STOP = (result, columnForName) -> {
        Stop stop           = new Stop();
        stop.stop_id        = getStringIfPresent(result, "stop_id",        columnForName);
        stop.stop_code      = getStringIfPresent(result, "stop_code",      columnForName);
        stop.stop_name      = getStringIfPresent(result, "stop_name",      columnForName);
        stop.stop_desc      = getStringIfPresent(result, "stop_desc",      columnForName);
        stop.stop_lat       = getDoubleIfPresent(result, "stop_lat",       columnForName);
        stop.stop_lon       = getDoubleIfPresent(result, "stop_lon",       columnForName);
        stop.zone_id        = getStringIfPresent(result, "zone_id",        columnForName);
        stop.parent_station = getStringIfPresent(result, "parent_station", columnForName);
        stop.stop_timezone  = getStringIfPresent(result, "stop_timezone",  columnForName);
        stop.stop_url       = getUrlIfPresent   (result, "stop_url",       columnForName);
        stop.location_type  = getIntIfPresent   (result, "location_type",  columnForName);
        stop.wheelchair_boarding = Integer.toString(getIntIfPresent(result, "wheelchair_boarding", columnForName));
        return stop;

    EntityPopulator TRIP = (result, columnForName) -> {
        Trip trip            = new Trip();
        trip.trip_id         = getStringIfPresent(result, "trip_id", columnForName);
        trip.route_id        = getStringIfPresent(result, "route_id", columnForName);
        trip.service_id      = getStringIfPresent(result, "service_id", columnForName);
        trip.trip_headsign   = getStringIfPresent(result, "trip_headsign", columnForName);
        trip.trip_short_name = getStringIfPresent(result, "trip_short_name", columnForName);
        trip.block_id        = getStringIfPresent(result, "block_id", columnForName);
        trip.shape_id        = getStringIfPresent(result, "shape_id", columnForName);
        trip.direction_id    = getIntIfPresent   (result, "direction_id", columnForName);
        trip.bikes_allowed   = getIntIfPresent   (result, "bikes_allowed", columnForName);
        trip.wheelchair_accessible = getIntIfPresent(result, "wheelchair_accessible", columnForName);
        return trip;

    EntityPopulator SHAPE_POINT = (result, columnForName) -> {
        ShapePoint shapePoint          = new ShapePoint();
        shapePoint.shape_id            = getStringIfPresent(result, "shape_id", columnForName);
        shapePoint.shape_pt_lat        = getDoubleIfPresent(result, "shape_pt_lat", columnForName);
        shapePoint.shape_pt_lon        = getDoubleIfPresent(result, "shape_pt_lon", columnForName);
        shapePoint.shape_pt_sequence   = getIntIfPresent   (result, "shape_pt_sequence", columnForName);
        shapePoint.shape_dist_traveled = getDoubleIfPresent(result, "shape_dist_traveled", columnForName);
        return shapePoint;

    EntityPopulator STOP_TIME = (result, columnForName) -> {
        StopTime stopTime            = new StopTime();
        stopTime.trip_id             = getStringIfPresent(result, "trip_id", columnForName);
        stopTime.arrival_time        = getIntIfPresent   (result, "arrival_time", columnForName);
        stopTime.departure_time      = getIntIfPresent   (result, "departure_time", columnForName);
        stopTime.stop_id             = getStringIfPresent(result, "stop_id", columnForName);
        stopTime.stop_sequence       = getIntIfPresent   (result, "stop_sequence", columnForName);
        stopTime.stop_headsign       = getStringIfPresent(result, "stop_headsign", columnForName);
        stopTime.pickup_type         = getIntIfPresent   (result, "pickup_type", columnForName);
        stopTime.drop_off_type       = getIntIfPresent   (result, "drop_off_type", columnForName);
        stopTime.timepoint           = getIntIfPresent   (result, "timepoint", columnForName);
        stopTime.shape_dist_traveled = getDoubleIfPresent(result, "shape_dist_traveled", columnForName);
        return stopTime;

    // The reason we're passing in the columnForName map is that resultSet.getX(columnName) throws an exception
    // when the column is not present.
    // Exceptions should only be used in exceptional circumstances (ones that should be logged as errors).
    // Conceivably we could iterate over the fields present using ResultSetMetaData and set the object fields only
    // for those fields present. Or we could create cursor objects that allow accessing the fields of the ResultSet
    // in a typed way. Those cursor objects would make their own columnForName map when constructed.

    static String getStringIfPresent (ResultSet resultSet, String columnName,
                                             TObjectIntMap columnForName) throws SQLException {
        int columnIndex = columnForName.get(columnName);
        if (columnIndex == 0) return null;
        else return resultSet.getString(columnIndex);

    static LocalDate getDateIfPresent (ResultSet resultSet, String columnName,
                                             TObjectIntMap columnForName) throws SQLException {
        int columnIndex = columnForName.get(columnName);
        if (columnIndex == 0) return null;
        else {
            try {
                String dateString = resultSet.getString(columnIndex);
                return dateString != null ? LocalDate.parse(dateString, DateField.GTFS_DATE_FORMATTER) : null;
            } catch (DateTimeParseException ex) {
                // We're reading out of the database here, not loading from GFTS CSV, so just return null for bad values.
                return null;

    static List getStringListIfPresent(ResultSet resultSet, String columnName,
                                       TObjectIntMap columnForName) throws SQLException {
        int columnIndex = columnForName.get(columnName);
        if (columnIndex == 0) return new ArrayList<>();
        try {
            List strings = Arrays.asList((String[]) resultSet.getArray(columnIndex).getArray());
            return strings;

        } catch (Exception e) {
            return new ArrayList<>();

    static List getDateListIfPresent(ResultSet resultSet, String columnName,
                                        TObjectIntMap columnForName) throws SQLException {
        int columnIndex = columnForName.get(columnName);
        if (columnIndex == 0) return new ArrayList<>();
        try {
            String[] dateStrings = (String[]) resultSet.getArray(columnIndex).getArray();
                    .map(date -> date != null ? LocalDate.parse(date, DateField.GTFS_DATE_FORMATTER) : null)
        } catch (Exception e) {
            return new ArrayList<>();

    static URL getUrlIfPresent (ResultSet resultSet, String columnName,
                                       TObjectIntMap columnForName) throws SQLException {
        int columnIndex = columnForName.get(columnName);
        if (columnIndex == 0) return null;
        try {
            URL url = new URL(resultSet.getString(columnIndex));
            return url;
        } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
            return null;

    static double getDoubleIfPresent (ResultSet resultSet, String columnName,
                                             TObjectIntMap columnForName) throws SQLException {
        int columnIndex = columnForName.get(columnName);
        if (columnIndex == 0) return Entity.DOUBLE_MISSING;
        double doubleValue = resultSet.getDouble(columnIndex);
        // If SQL value for column was null, resultSet.getDouble will return 0.0. If this is the case, override value with
        // DOUBLE_MISSING.
        if (resultSet.wasNull()) return Entity.DOUBLE_MISSING;
        else return doubleValue;

    static int getIntIfPresent (ResultSet resultSet, String columnName,
                                       TObjectIntMap columnForName) throws SQLException {
        int columnIndex = columnForName.get(columnName);
        if (columnIndex == 0) return Entity.INT_MISSING;
        int intValue = resultSet.getInt(columnIndex);
        // If SQL value for column was null, resultSet.getInt will return 0. If this is the case, override value with
        // INT_MISSING.
        if (resultSet.wasNull()) return Entity.INT_MISSING;
        else return intValue;

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