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com.conveyal.gtfs.validator.ServiceValidator Maven / Gradle / Ivy

package com.conveyal.gtfs.validator;

import com.conveyal.gtfs.error.NewGTFSError;
import com.conveyal.gtfs.error.NewGTFSErrorType;
import com.conveyal.gtfs.error.SQLErrorStorage;
import com.conveyal.gtfs.loader.BatchTracker;
import com.conveyal.gtfs.loader.DateField;
import com.conveyal.gtfs.loader.Feed;
import com.conveyal.gtfs.loader.Table;
import com.conveyal.gtfs.model.Calendar;
import com.conveyal.gtfs.model.CalendarDate;
import com.conveyal.gtfs.model.Entity;
import com.conveyal.gtfs.model.Route;
import com.conveyal.gtfs.model.Stop;
import com.conveyal.gtfs.model.StopTime;
import com.conveyal.gtfs.model.Trip;
import org.apache.commons.dbutils.DbUtils;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.Statement;
import java.time.DayOfWeek;
import java.time.LocalDate;
import java.time.temporal.ChronoUnit;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;

import static com.conveyal.gtfs.error.NewGTFSErrorType.SERVICE_WITHOUT_DAYS_OF_WEEK;
import static com.conveyal.gtfs.error.NewGTFSErrorType.TRIP_OVERLAP_IN_BLOCK;

 * This will validate that service date information is coherent, and attempt to deduce or validate the range of dates
 * covered by a GTFS feed.
 * It turns the GTFS system of repeating weekly calendars and exceptions (calendar dates) into a single large table
 * listing which services run on which days. This in turn allows us to build a histogram of service duration on each
 * day.
 * As an intermediate result it builds a table of service duration by service ID and mode of transport.
 * Makes one object representing each service ID.
 * That object will contain a calendar (for repeating service on specific days of the week)
 * and potentially multiple CalendarDates defining exceptions to the base calendar.
 * TODO build histogram of stop times, check against calendar and declared feed validity dates
public class ServiceValidator extends TripValidator {

    private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ServiceValidator.class);
    private HashMap> blockIntervals = new HashMap<>();
    private Map serviceInfoForServiceId = new HashMap<>();

    private Map dateInfoForDate = new HashMap<>();

    public ServiceValidator(Feed feed, SQLErrorStorage errorStorage) {
        super(feed, errorStorage);

    public void validateTrip(Trip trip, Route route, List stopTimes, List stops) {
        if (trip.block_id != null) {
            // If the trip has a block_id, add a new block interval to the map.
            BlockInterval blockInterval = new BlockInterval();
            blockInterval.trip = trip;
            StopTime firstStopTime = stopTimes.get(0);
            blockInterval.startTime = firstStopTime.departure_time;
            blockInterval.firstStop = firstStopTime;
            blockInterval.lastStop = stopTimes.get(stopTimes.size() - 1);
            // Construct new list of intervals if none exists for encountered block_id.
                .computeIfAbsent(trip.block_id, k -> new ArrayList<>())
        int firstStopDeparture = stopTimes.get(0).departure_time;
        int lastStopArrival = stopTimes.get(stopTimes.size() - 1).arrival_time;
        if (firstStopDeparture == Entity.INT_MISSING || lastStopArrival == Entity.INT_MISSING) {
            // ERR
        int tripDurationSeconds = lastStopArrival - firstStopDeparture;
        if (tripDurationSeconds <= 0) {
            // ERR
        // Get the map from modes to service durations in seconds for this trip's service ID.
        // Create a new empty map if it doesn't yet exist.
        ServiceInfo serviceInfo = serviceInfoForServiceId.computeIfAbsent(trip.service_id, ServiceInfo::new);
        if (route != null) {
            // Increment the service duration for this trip's transport mode and service ID.
            serviceInfo.durationByRouteType.adjustOrPutValue(route.route_type, tripDurationSeconds, tripDurationSeconds);
        // Record which trips occur on each service_id.
        // TODO validate mode codes

     * You'd think we'd want to do this during the loading phase. But during the loading phase we don't have a reading
     * connection to the entity tables in the database. Rather than make the Feed object read-write, we want to leave
     * it completely read-only.
     * @param validationResult can be written into
    public void complete(ValidationResult validationResult) {

    private void validateServiceInfo(ValidationResult validationResult) {"Merging calendars and calendar_dates...");

        // First handle the calendar entries, which define repeating weekly schedules.
        for (Calendar calendar : feed.calendars) {
            // Validate that calendars apply to at least one day of the week.
            if (!isCalendarUsedDuringWeek(calendar)) {
                if (errorStorage != null) registerError(calendar, SERVICE_WITHOUT_DAYS_OF_WEEK);

            try {
                LocalDate endDate = calendar.end_date;
                // Loop over all days in this calendar entry, recording on which ones it is active.
                for (LocalDate date = calendar.start_date; date.isBefore(endDate) || date.isEqual(endDate); date = date.plusDays(1)) {
                    DayOfWeek dayOfWeek = date.getDayOfWeek();
                    if (    (dayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.MONDAY && calendar.monday > 0) ||
                        (dayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.TUESDAY && calendar.tuesday > 0) ||
                        (dayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.WEDNESDAY && calendar.wednesday > 0) ||
                        (dayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.THURSDAY && calendar.thursday > 0) ||
                        (dayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.FRIDAY && calendar.friday > 0) ||
                        (dayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.SATURDAY && calendar.saturday > 0) ||
                        (dayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.SUNDAY && calendar.sunday > 0)) {
                        // Service is active on this date.
                        serviceInfoForServiceId.computeIfAbsent(calendar.service_id, ServiceInfo::new).datesActive.add(date);
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                LOG.error("Error validating service entries (merging calendars and calendar_dates)", ex);
                // Continue on to next calendar entry.

        // Next handle the calendar_dates, which specify exceptions to the repeating weekly schedules.
        for (CalendarDate calendarDate : feed.calendarDates) {
            ServiceInfo serviceInfo = serviceInfoForServiceId.computeIfAbsent(calendarDate.service_id, ServiceInfo::new);
            if (calendarDate.exception_type == 1) {
                // Service added, add to set for this date.
            } else if (calendarDate.exception_type == 2) {
                // Service removed, remove from Set for this date.
            // Otherwise exception_type is out of range. This should already have been caught during the loading phase.

            A view that is similar to ServiceInfo class, but doesn't deal well with missing IDs in either subquery:
            select durations.service_id, duration_seconds, days_active from (
              (select service_id, sum(duration_seconds) as duration_seconds
                   from elwp_qhqsgzufnpvwnxtdbwcthn.service_durations group by service_id) as durations
              (select service_id, count(service_date) as days_active
                   from elwp_qhqsgzufnpvwnxtdbwcthn.service_dates group by service_id) as days
              on durations.service_id = days.service_id

        // Check for incoherent or erroneous services.
        for (ServiceInfo serviceInfo : serviceInfoForServiceId.values()) {
            if (serviceInfo.datesActive.isEmpty()) {
                // This service must have been referenced by trips but is never active on any day.
                registerError(NewGTFSError.forFeed(NewGTFSErrorType.SERVICE_NEVER_ACTIVE, serviceInfo.serviceId));
                for (String tripId : serviceInfo.tripIds) {
                        NewGTFSError.forTable(Table.TRIPS, NewGTFSErrorType.TRIP_NEVER_ACTIVE)
            if (serviceInfo.tripIds.isEmpty()) {
                registerError(NewGTFSError.forFeed(NewGTFSErrorType.SERVICE_UNUSED, serviceInfo.serviceId));

        // Accumulate info about services into each date that they are active.
        for (ServiceInfo serviceInfo : serviceInfoForServiceId.values()) {
            for (LocalDate date : serviceInfo.datesActive) {
                dateInfoForDate.computeIfAbsent(date, DateInfo::new).add(serviceInfo);

        // Check for dates that have no service within full range of dates with defined service.
        // Sum up service duration by mode for each day within that range.
        if (dateInfoForDate.isEmpty()) {
            registerError(NewGTFSError.forFeed(NewGTFSErrorType.NO_SERVICE, null));
        } else {
            LocalDate firstDate = LocalDate.MAX;
            LocalDate lastDate = LocalDate.MIN;
            for (LocalDate date : dateInfoForDate.keySet()) {
                // If the date is invalid, skip.
                if (date == null) {
                    LOG.error("Encountered null date. Did something go wrong with computeIfAbsent?");
                if (date.isBefore(firstDate)) firstDate = date;
                if (date.isAfter(lastDate)) lastDate = date;
            // Copy some useful information into the ValidationResult object to return to the caller.
            // These variables are actually not directly tied to data in the calendar_dates.txt file.  Instead, they
            // represent the first and last date respectively of any entry in the calendar.txt and calendar_dates.txt
            // files.
            validationResult.firstCalendarDate = firstDate;
            validationResult.lastCalendarDate = lastDate;
            // Is this any different? firstDate.until(lastDate, ChronoUnit.DAYS);
            // If no days were found in the dateInfoForDate, nDays is a very large negative number, so we default to 0.
            int nDays = Math.max(0, (int) ChronoUnit.DAYS.between(firstDate, lastDate) + 1);
            validationResult.dailyBusSeconds = new int[nDays];
            validationResult.dailyTramSeconds = new int[nDays];
            validationResult.dailyMetroSeconds = new int[nDays];
            validationResult.dailyRailSeconds = new int[nDays];
            validationResult.dailyTotalSeconds = new int[nDays];
            validationResult.dailyTripCounts = new int[nDays];
            for (int d = 0; d < nDays; d++) {
                LocalDate date = firstDate.plusDays(d); // current date being processed
                // Add one value per day. Trove map returns zero for missing keys.
                DateInfo dateInfo = dateInfoForDate.get(date);
                if (dateInfo == null) {
                    dateInfo = new DateInfo(date); // new empty object to get empty durations map.
                validationResult.dailyBusSeconds[d] = dateInfo.durationByRouteType.get(3);
                validationResult.dailyTramSeconds[d] = dateInfo.durationByRouteType.get(0);
                validationResult.dailyMetroSeconds[d] = dateInfo.durationByRouteType.get(1);
                validationResult.dailyRailSeconds[d] = dateInfo.durationByRouteType.get(2);
                validationResult.dailyTotalSeconds[d] = dateInfo.getTotalServiceDurationSeconds();
                validationResult.dailyTripCounts[d] = dateInfo.tripCount;
                if (dateInfo.getTotalServiceDurationSeconds() <= 0) {
                    // Check for low or zero service, which seems to happen even when services are defined.
                    // This will also catch cases where dateInfo was null and the new instance contains no service.

        // Now write all these calendar-date relations out to the database.
        Connection connection = null;
        try {
            connection = feed.getConnection();
            Statement statement = connection.createStatement();

            // Create a table summarizing all known service IDs.
            // This is almost just a view joining two sub-selects:
            // select * from
            //     (select service_id, count(service_date) from x.service_dates group by service_id) as days
            //   join
            //     (select service_id, sum(duration_seconds) from x.service_durations group by service_id) as durations
            //   on days.service_id = durations.service_id;
            // Except that some service IDs may have no trips on them, or may not be referenced in any calendar or
            // calendar exception, which would keep them from appearing in either of those tables. So we just create
            // this somewhat redundant materialized view to serve as a master list of all services.
            String servicesTableName = feed.tablePrefix + "services";
            String sql = String.format("create table %s (service_id varchar, n_days_active integer, duration_seconds integer, n_trips integer)", servicesTableName);
            sql = String.format("insert into %s values (?, ?, ?, ?)", servicesTableName);
            PreparedStatement serviceStatement = connection.prepareStatement(sql);
            final BatchTracker serviceTracker = new BatchTracker("services", serviceStatement);
            for (ServiceInfo serviceInfo : serviceInfoForServiceId.values()) {
                serviceStatement.setString(1, serviceInfo.serviceId);
                serviceStatement.setInt(2, serviceInfo.datesActive.size());
                serviceStatement.setInt(3, serviceInfo.getTotalServiceDurationSeconds());
                serviceStatement.setInt(4, serviceInfo.tripIds.size());

            // Create a table that shows on which dates each service is active.
            String serviceDatesTableName = feed.tablePrefix + "service_dates";
            sql = String.format("create table %s (service_date varchar, service_id varchar)", serviceDatesTableName);
            sql = String.format("insert into %s values (?, ?)", serviceDatesTableName);
            PreparedStatement serviceDateStatement = connection.prepareStatement(sql);
            final BatchTracker serviceDateTracker = new BatchTracker("service_dates", serviceDateStatement);
            for (ServiceInfo serviceInfo : serviceInfoForServiceId.values()) {
                for (LocalDate date : serviceInfo.datesActive) {
                    if (date == null) continue; // TODO ERR? Can happen with bad data (unparseable dates).
                    try {
                        serviceDateStatement.setString(1, date.format(DateField.GTFS_DATE_FORMATTER));
                        serviceDateStatement.setString(2, serviceInfo.serviceId);
                    } catch (SQLException ex) {
                        throw new StorageException(ex);


            statement.execute(String.format("create index service_dates_service_date on %s (service_date)", serviceDatesTableName));
            statement.execute(String.format("create index service_dates_service_id on %s (service_id)", serviceDatesTableName));

            // Create a table containing the total trip durations per service_id and per transit mode.
            // Using this table you can get total service duration by mode (route_type) per day, joining tables:
            // select service_date, route_type, sum(duration_seconds)
            // from x.service_dates as dates, x.service_durations as durations
            // where dates.service_id = durations.service_id
            // group by service_date, route_type order by service_date, route_type;

            String serviceDurationsTableName = feed.tablePrefix + "service_durations";
            sql = String.format("create table %s (service_id varchar, route_type integer, " +
                                    "duration_seconds integer, primary key (service_id, route_type))", serviceDurationsTableName);
            sql = String.format("insert into %s values (?, ?, ?)", serviceDurationsTableName);
            PreparedStatement serviceDurationStatement = connection.prepareStatement(sql);
            final BatchTracker serviceDurationTracker = new BatchTracker(
            for (ServiceInfo serviceInfo : serviceInfoForServiceId.values()) {
                serviceInfo.durationByRouteType.forEachEntry((routeType, serviceDurationSeconds) -> {
                    try {
                        serviceDurationStatement.setString(1, serviceInfo.serviceId);
                        serviceDurationStatement.setInt(2, routeType);
                        serviceDurationStatement.setInt(3, serviceDurationSeconds);
                    } catch (SQLException ex) {
                        throw new StorageException(ex);
                    return true; // Iteration continues
            // No need to build indexes because (service_id, route_type) is already the primary key of this table.

        } catch (SQLException e) {
            throw new RuntimeException(e);
        } finally {

    static class ServiceInfo {

        final String serviceId;
        TIntIntHashMap durationByRouteType = new TIntIntHashMap();
        Set datesActive = new HashSet<>();
        Set tripIds = new HashSet<>();

        public ServiceInfo(String serviceId) {
            this.serviceId = serviceId;

        public int getTotalServiceDurationSeconds() {


    static class DateInfo {

        final LocalDate date;
        TIntIntHashMap durationByRouteType = new TIntIntHashMap();
        int tripCount = 0; // Trip count could also in theory be broken down by route type.
        Set servicesActive = new HashSet<>();

        public DateInfo(LocalDate date) {
   = date;

        public int getTotalServiceDurationSeconds() {

        public void add (ServiceInfo serviceInfo) {
            serviceInfo.durationByRouteType.forEachEntry((routeType, serviceDurationSeconds) -> {
                durationByRouteType.adjustOrPutValue(routeType, serviceDurationSeconds, serviceDurationSeconds);
                return true; // Continue iteration.
            tripCount += serviceInfo.tripIds.size();

     * Checks that trips which run on the same block (i.e., share a block_id) do not overlap. The block_id
     * represents a vehicle in service, so there must not be any trips on the same block interval that start while another
     * block trip is running.
     * NOTE: This validation check happens in the {@link ServiceValidator} because it depends on information derived
     * about which service calendars operate on which feed dates ({@link #serviceInfoForServiceId}).
    private void validateBlocks () {
        // Iterate over each block and determine if there are any trips that overlap one another.
        for (String blockId : blockIntervals.keySet()) {
            List intervals = blockIntervals.get(blockId);
            intervals.sort(Comparator.comparingInt(i -> i.startTime));
            // Iterate over each interval (except for the last) comparing it to every other interval (so the last interval
            // is handled through the course of iteration).
            // FIXME this has complexity of n^2, there has to be a better way.
            for (int n = 0; n < intervals.size() - 1; n++) {
                BlockInterval interval1 = intervals.get(n);
                // Compare the interval at position N with all other intervals at position N+1 to the end of the list.
                for (BlockInterval interval2 : intervals.subList(n + 1, intervals.size())) {
                    if (interval1.lastStop.departure_time <= interval2.firstStop.arrival_time || interval2.lastStop.departure_time <= interval1.firstStop.arrival_time) {
                    // If either trip's last departure occurs after the other's first arrival, they overlap. We still
                    // need to determine if they operate on the same day though.
                    if (interval1.trip.service_id.equals(interval2.trip.service_id)) {
                        // If the overlapping trips share a service_id, record an error.
                        registerError(interval1.trip, TRIP_OVERLAP_IN_BLOCK, interval2.trip.trip_id);
                    } else {
                        // Trips overlap but don't have the same service_id.
                        // Check to see if service days fall on the same days of the week.
                        ServiceValidator.ServiceInfo info1 = serviceInfoForServiceId.get(interval1.trip.service_id);
                        ServiceValidator.ServiceInfo info2 = serviceInfoForServiceId.get(interval2.trip.service_id);
                        Set overlappingDates = new HashSet<>(info1.datesActive); // use the copy constructor
                        if (overlappingDates.size() > 0) {
                            registerError(interval1.trip, TRIP_OVERLAP_IN_BLOCK, interval2.trip.trip_id);

     * A simple class used during validation to store details the run interval for a block trip.
    private class BlockInterval {
        Trip trip;
        Integer startTime;
        StopTime firstStop;
        StopTime lastStop;

     * Checks that a {@link Calendar} entity is applicable for at least one day of the week
     * (i.e. at least one of the fields for Monday-Sunday is set to '1').
     * @param calendar The {@link Calendar} entity to check.
     * @return true if at least one field for Monday-Sunday is set to 1, false otherwise.
    public static boolean isCalendarUsedDuringWeek(Calendar calendar) {
        return calendar.monday == 1 ||
            calendar.tuesday == 1 ||
            calendar.wednesday == 1 ||
            calendar.thursday == 1 ||
            calendar.friday == 1 ||
            calendar.saturday == 1 ||
            calendar.sunday == 1;

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