Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright (c) 2018 Couchbase, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import com.couchbase.client.core.Core;
import com.couchbase.client.core.annotation.Stability;
import com.couchbase.client.core.api.CoreCouchbaseOps;
import com.couchbase.client.core.api.query.CoreQueryOps;
import com.couchbase.client.core.cnc.RequestSpan;
import com.couchbase.client.core.cnc.TracingIdentifiers;
import com.couchbase.client.core.diagnostics.ClusterState;
import com.couchbase.client.core.diagnostics.DiagnosticsResult;
import com.couchbase.client.core.diagnostics.EndpointDiagnostics;
import com.couchbase.client.core.diagnostics.HealthPinger;
import com.couchbase.client.core.diagnostics.PingResult;
import com.couchbase.client.core.env.Authenticator;
import com.couchbase.client.core.env.ConnectionStringPropertyLoader;
import com.couchbase.client.core.env.CoreEnvironment;
import com.couchbase.client.core.env.OwnedOrExternal;
import com.couchbase.client.core.env.PasswordAuthenticator;
import com.couchbase.client.core.env.SeedNode;
import com.couchbase.client.core.error.CouchbaseException;
import com.couchbase.client.core.error.TimeoutException;
import com.couchbase.client.core.error.context.ReducedAnalyticsErrorContext;
import com.couchbase.client.core.error.context.ReducedQueryErrorContext;
import com.couchbase.client.core.error.context.ReducedSearchErrorContext;
import com.couchbase.client.core.retry.RetryStrategy;
import com.couchbase.client.core.util.ClusterCleanupTask;
import com.couchbase.client.core.util.ConnectionString;
import com.couchbase.client.core.util.Jdk8Cleaner;
import reactor.core.publisher.Mono;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.time.Duration;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.UUID;
import java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;
import static com.couchbase.client.core.env.OwnedOrExternal.external;
import static com.couchbase.client.core.env.OwnedOrExternal.owned;
import static com.couchbase.client.core.util.ConnectionStringUtil.asConnectionString;
import static com.couchbase.client.core.util.ConnectionStringUtil.checkConnectionString;
import static com.couchbase.client.core.util.Golang.encodeDurationToMs;
import static com.couchbase.client.core.util.Validators.notNull;
import static com.couchbase.client.core.util.Validators.notNullOrEmpty;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static;
* The {@link AsyncCluster} is the main entry point when connecting to a Couchbase cluster using the async API.
* Note that most of the time you want to use the blocking {@link Cluster} or the powerful
* reactive {@link ReactiveCluster} API instead. Use this API if you know what you are doing and
* you want to build low-level, even faster APIs on top.
* Most likely you want to start out by using the {@link #connect(String, String, String)} entry point. For more
* advanced options you want to use the {@link #connect(String, ClusterOptions)} method. The entry point that allows
* overriding the seed nodes ({@link #connect(Set, ClusterOptions)} is only needed if you run a couchbase cluster
* at non-standard ports.
* When the application shuts down (or the SDK is not needed anymore), you are required to call {@link #disconnect()}.
* If you omit this step, the application will terminate (all spawned threads are daemon threads) but any operations
* or work in-flight will not be able to complete and lead to undesired side-effects. Note that disconnect will also
* shutdown all associated {@link Bucket buckets}.
* Cluster-level operations like {@link #query(String)} will not work unless at leas one bucket is opened against a
* pre 6.5 cluster. If you are using 6.5 or later, you can run cluster-level queries without opening a bucket. All
* of these operations are lazy, so the SDK will bootstrap in the background and service queries as quickly as possible.
* This also means that the first operations might be a bit slower until all sockets are opened in the background and
* the configuration is loaded. If you want to wait explicitly, you can utilize the {@link #waitUntilReady(Duration)}
* method before performing your first query.
* The SDK will only work against Couchbase Server 5.0 and later, because RBAC (role-based access control) is a first
* class concept since 3.0 and therefore required.
public class AsyncCluster {
* Holds the environment that gets used throughout the lifetime.
private final OwnedOrExternal environment;
private final CoreCouchbaseOps couchbaseOps;
private final Authenticator authenticator;
* Stores already opened buckets for reuse.
private final Map bucketCache = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
* Strategy for performing query operations.
final CoreQueryOps queryOps;
* Strategy for performing search operations.
final CoreSearchOps searchOps;
* Connect to a Couchbase cluster with a username and a password as authentication credentials.
* @param connectionString connection string used to locate the Couchbase cluster.
* @param username the name of the user with appropriate permissions on the cluster.
* @param password the password of the user with appropriate permissions on the cluster.
* @return the instantiated {@link AsyncCluster}.
public static AsyncCluster connect(final String connectionString, final String username, final String password) {
return connect(connectionString, clusterOptions(PasswordAuthenticator.create(username, password)));
* Connect to a Couchbase cluster with a connection string and custom options.
* @param connectionString connection string used to locate the Couchbase cluster.
* @param options custom options when creating the cluster.
* @return the instantiated {@link AsyncCluster}.
public static AsyncCluster connect(final String connectionString, final ClusterOptions options) {
notNullOrEmpty(connectionString, "ConnectionString");
notNull(options, "ClusterOptions");
final ClusterOptions.Built opts =;
final ConnectionString connStr = ConnectionString.create(connectionString);
final OwnedOrExternal environment = extractClusterEnvironment(connStr, opts);
return new AsyncCluster(
* Connect to a Couchbase cluster with a list of seed nodes and custom options.
* Please note that you likely only want to use this method if you need to pass in custom ports for specific
* seed nodes during bootstrap. Otherwise we recommend relying ont he simpler {@link #connect(String, ClusterOptions)}
* method instead.
* @param seedNodes the seed nodes used to connect to the cluster.
* @param options custom options when creating the cluster.
* @return the instantiated {@link AsyncCluster}.
public static AsyncCluster connect(final Set seedNodes, final ClusterOptions options) {
return connect(asConnectionString(seedNodes).original(), options);
* Helper method to extract the cluster environment from the connection string and options.
* @param connectionString the connection string which is used to populate settings into it.
* @param opts the cluster options.
* @return the cluster environment, created if not passed in or the one supplied from the user.
static OwnedOrExternal extractClusterEnvironment(final ConnectionString connectionString, final ClusterOptions.Built opts) {
OwnedOrExternal env;
if (opts.environment() == null) {
ClusterEnvironment.Builder builder = ClusterEnvironment.builder();
if (opts.environmentCustomizer() != null) {
builder.load(new ConnectionStringPropertyLoader(connectionString));
env = owned(;
} else {
env = external(opts.environment());
checkConnectionString(env.get(), env.isOwned(), connectionString);
return env;
* Creates a new cluster from a {@link ClusterEnvironment}.
* @param environment the environment to use for this cluster.
final OwnedOrExternal environment,
final Authenticator authenticator,
final ConnectionString connectionString
) {
this.environment = environment;
this.couchbaseOps = CoreCouchbaseOps.create(environment.get(), authenticator, connectionString);
this.authenticator = authenticator;
this.queryOps = couchbaseOps.queryOps();
this.searchOps = couchbaseOps.searchOps(null);
if (couchbaseOps instanceof Core) {
((Core) couchbaseOps).initGlobalConfig();
Duration autoDisconnectTimeout = environment().timeoutConfig().disconnectTimeout()
.plus(Duration.ofSeconds(15)); // Give it more time than a user-initiated timeout, since we *really* want it to succeed.
Jdk8Cleaner.registerWithOneShotCleaner(this, new ClusterCleanupTask(
* Provides access to the configured {@link ClusterEnvironment} for this cluster.
public ClusterEnvironment environment() {
return environment.get();
* Provides access to the underlying {@link Core}.
* This is advanced API, use with care!
public Core core() {
return couchbaseOps.asCore();
public CoreCouchbaseOps couchbaseOps() {
return couchbaseOps;
* Returns a specialized HTTP client for making requests to the Couchbase Server REST API.
public AsyncCouchbaseHttpClient httpClient() {
return new AsyncCouchbaseHttpClient(this);
* Provides access to the user management services.
public AsyncUserManager users() {
return new AsyncUserManager(core(), this);
* Provides access to the bucket management services.
public AsyncBucketManager buckets() {
return new AsyncBucketManager(couchbaseOps, this);
* Provides access to the Analytics index management services.
public AsyncAnalyticsIndexManager analyticsIndexes() {
return new AsyncAnalyticsIndexManager(this);
* Provides access to the N1QL index management services.
public AsyncQueryIndexManager queryIndexes() {
return new AsyncQueryIndexManager(couchbaseOps().queryOps(), couchbaseOps().coreResources().requestTracer(), this);
* Provides access to the Full Text Search index management services.
public AsyncSearchIndexManager searchIndexes() {
return new AsyncSearchIndexManager(couchbaseOps, this);
* Provides access to the eventing function management services for functions in the admin scope.
public AsyncEventingFunctionManager eventingFunctions() {
return new AsyncEventingFunctionManager(core(), this, null);
* Performs a N1QL query with default {@link QueryOptions}.
* @param statement the N1QL query statement as a raw string.
* @return the {@link QueryResult} once the response arrives successfully.
public CompletableFuture query(final String statement) {
return query(statement, DEFAULT_QUERY_OPTIONS);
* Performs a N1QL query with custom {@link QueryOptions}.
* @param statement the N1QL query statement as a raw string.
* @param options the custom options for this query.
* @return the {@link QueryResult} once the response arrives successfully.
public CompletableFuture query(final String statement, final QueryOptions options) {
notNull(options, "QueryOptions", () -> new ReducedQueryErrorContext(statement));
final QueryOptions.Built opts =;
JsonSerializer serializer = opts.serializer() == null ? environment.get().jsonSerializer() : opts.serializer();
return queryOps.queryAsync(statement, opts, null, null, QueryAccessor::convertCoreQueryError)
.thenApply(r -> new QueryResult(r, serializer));
* Performs an Analytics query with default {@link AnalyticsOptions}.
* @param statement the Analytics query statement as a raw string.
* @return the {@link AnalyticsResult} once the response arrives successfully.
public CompletableFuture analyticsQuery(final String statement) {
return analyticsQuery(statement, DEFAULT_ANALYTICS_OPTIONS);
* Performs an Analytics query with custom {@link AnalyticsOptions}.
* @param statement the Analytics query statement as a raw string.
* @param options the custom options for this analytics query.
* @return the {@link AnalyticsResult} once the response arrives successfully.
public CompletableFuture analyticsQuery(final String statement, final AnalyticsOptions options) {
notNull(options, "AnalyticsOptions", () -> new ReducedAnalyticsErrorContext(statement));
AnalyticsOptions.Built opts =;
JsonSerializer serializer = opts.serializer() == null ? environment.get().jsonSerializer() : opts.serializer();
return AnalyticsAccessor.analyticsQueryAsync(core(), analyticsRequest(statement, opts), serializer);
* Helper method to craft an analytics request.
* @param statement the statement to use.
* @param opts the built analytics options.
* @return the created analytics request.
AnalyticsRequest analyticsRequest(final String statement, final AnalyticsOptions.Built opts) {
notNullOrEmpty(statement, "Statement", () -> new ReducedAnalyticsErrorContext(statement));
Duration timeout = opts.timeout().orElse(environment.get().timeoutConfig().analyticsTimeout());
RetryStrategy retryStrategy = opts.retryStrategy().orElse(environment.get().retryStrategy());
JsonObject query = JsonObject.create();
query.put("statement", statement);
query.put("timeout", encodeDurationToMs(timeout));
final byte[] queryBytes = query.toString().getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
final String clientContextId = query.getString("client_context_id");
final RequestSpan span = couchbaseOps()
.requestSpan(TracingIdentifiers.SPAN_REQUEST_ANALYTICS, opts.parentSpan().orElse(null));
AnalyticsRequest request = new AnalyticsRequest(timeout, core().context(), retryStrategy, authenticator,
queryBytes, opts.priority(), opts.readonly(), clientContextId, statement, span, null, null
return request;
* Performs a request against the Full Text Search (FTS) service, with default {@link SearchOptions}.
* This can be used to perform a traditional FTS query, and/or a vector search.
* This method is for global FTS indexes. For scoped indexes, use {@link AsyncScope} instead.
* @param searchRequest the request, in the form of a {@link SearchRequest}
* @return the {@link SearchResult} once the response arrives successfully, inside a {@link CompletableFuture}
* @throws TimeoutException if the operation times out before getting a result.
* @throws CouchbaseException for all other error reasons (acts as a base type and catch-all).
public CompletableFuture search(final String indexName, final SearchRequest searchRequest) {
return search(indexName, searchRequest, DEFAULT_SEARCH_OPTIONS);
* Performs a request against the Full Text Search (FTS) service, with custom {@link SearchOptions}.
* This can be used to perform a traditional FTS query, and/or a vector search.
* This method is for global FTS indexes. For scoped indexes, use {@link AsyncScope} instead.
* @param searchRequest the request, in the form of a {@link SearchRequest}
* @return the {@link SearchResult} once the response arrives successfully, inside a {@link CompletableFuture}
* @throws TimeoutException if the operation times out before getting a result.
* @throws CouchbaseException for all other error reasons (acts as a base type and catch-all).
public CompletableFuture search(final String indexName, final SearchRequest searchRequest, final SearchOptions options) {
notNull(searchRequest, "SearchRequest", () -> new ReducedSearchErrorContext(indexName, null));
notNull(options, "SearchOptions", () -> new ReducedSearchErrorContext(indexName, null));
CoreSearchRequest coreRequest = searchRequest.toCore();
SearchOptions.Built opts =;
JsonSerializer serializer = opts.serializer() == null ? environment.get().jsonSerializer() : opts.serializer();
return searchOps.searchAsync(indexName, coreRequest, opts)
.thenApply(r -> new SearchResult(r, serializer));
* Performs a Full Text Search (FTS) query with default {@link SearchOptions}.
* This method is for global FTS indexes. For scoped indexes, use {@link AsyncScope} instead.
* New users should consider the newer {@link #search(String, SearchRequest)} interface instead, which can do both the traditional FTS {@link SearchQuery} that this method performs,
* and/or can also be used to perform a {@link VectorSearch}.
* @param query the query, in the form of a {@link SearchQuery}
* @return the {@link SearchResult} once the response arrives successfully, inside a {@link CompletableFuture}
public CompletableFuture searchQuery(final String indexName, final SearchQuery query) {
return searchQuery(indexName, query, DEFAULT_SEARCH_OPTIONS);
* Performs a Full Text Search (FTS) query with custom {@link SearchOptions}.
* New users should consider the newer {@link #search(String, SearchRequest)} interface instead, which can do both the traditional FTS {@link SearchQuery} that this method performs,
* and/or can also be used to perform a {@link VectorSearch}.
* @param query the query, in the form of a {@link SearchQuery}
* @param options the custom options for this query.
* @return the {@link SearchResult} once the response arrives successfully, inside a {@link CompletableFuture}
public CompletableFuture searchQuery(final String indexName, final SearchQuery query, final SearchOptions options) {
notNull(query, "SearchQuery", () -> new ReducedSearchErrorContext(indexName, null));
CoreSearchQuery coreQuery = query.toCore();
notNull(options, "SearchOptions", () -> new ReducedSearchErrorContext(indexName, coreQuery));
SearchOptions.Built opts =;
JsonSerializer serializer = opts.serializer() == null ? environment.get().jsonSerializer() : opts.serializer();
return searchOps.searchQueryAsync(indexName, coreQuery, opts)
.thenApply(r -> new SearchResult(r, serializer));
* Opens a {@link AsyncBucket} with the given name.
* @param bucketName the name of the bucket to open.
* @return a {@link AsyncBucket} once opened.
public AsyncBucket bucket(final String bucketName) {
notNullOrEmpty(bucketName, "Name");
return bucketCache.computeIfAbsent(bucketName, n -> {
if (couchbaseOps instanceof Core) {
((Core) couchbaseOps).openBucket(n);
return new AsyncBucket(n, couchbaseOps, environment.get(), this);
* Performs a non-reversible disconnect of this {@link AsyncCluster}.
* If this method is used, the default disconnect timeout on the environment is used. Please use the companion
* overload ({@link #disconnect(Duration)} if you want to provide a custom duration.
* If a custom {@link ClusterEnvironment} has been passed in during connect, it is VERY important to
* shut it down after calling this method. This will prevent any in-flight tasks to be stopped prematurely.
public CompletableFuture disconnect() {
return disconnect(environment.get().timeoutConfig().disconnectTimeout());
* Performs a non-reversible disconnect of this {@link AsyncCluster}.
* If a custom {@link ClusterEnvironment} has been passed in during connect, it is VERY important to
* shut it down after calling this method. This will prevent any in-flight tasks to be stopped prematurely.
* @param timeout overriding the default disconnect timeout if needed.
public CompletableFuture disconnect(final Duration timeout) {
return disconnectInternal(timeout).toFuture();
* Remembers whether {@link #disconnectInternal} was called.
private final AtomicBoolean disconnected = new AtomicBoolean();
* Can be called from other cluster instances so that code is not duplicated.
* @param timeout the timeout for the environment to shut down if owned.
* @return a mono once complete.
Mono disconnectInternal(final Duration timeout) {
return disconnectInternal(
* Central place for cluster/core disconnect logic.
* This method is static and does not reference the cluster,
* so it can be called after the cluster becomes unreachable.
static Mono disconnectInternal(
final AtomicBoolean disconnected,
final Duration timeout,
final CoreCouchbaseOps couchbaseOps,
final CoreEnvironment environment,
final boolean ownsEnvironment
) {
return couchbaseOps.shutdown(timeout)
.then(ownsEnvironment ? environment.shutdownReactive(timeout) : Mono.empty())
.then(Mono.fromRunnable(() -> disconnected.set(true)));
* Runs a diagnostic report on the current state of the cluster from the SDKs point of view.
* Please note that it does not perform any I/O to do this, it will only use the current known state of the cluster
* to assemble the report (so, if for example no N1QL query has been run the socket pool might be empty and as
* result not show up in the report).
* @return the {@link DiagnosticsResult} once complete.
public CompletableFuture diagnostics() {
* Runs a diagnostic report with custom options on the current state of the cluster from the SDKs point of view.
* Please note that it does not perform any I/O to do this, it will only use the current known state of the cluster
* to assemble the report (so, if for example no N1QL query has been run the socket pool might be empty and as
* result not show up in the report).
* @param options options that allow to customize the report.
* @return the {@link DiagnosticsResult} once complete.
public CompletableFuture diagnostics(final DiagnosticsOptions options) {
notNull(options, "DiagnosticsOptions");
final DiagnosticsOptions.Built opts =;
return Mono.defer(() -> Mono.just(new DiagnosticsResult(
* Performs application-level ping requests against services in the couchbase cluster.
* Note that this operation performs active I/O against services and endpoints to assess their health. If you do
* not wish to perform I/O, consider using the {@link #diagnostics()} instead. You can also combine the functionality
* of both APIs as needed, which is {@link #waitUntilReady(Duration)} is doing in its implementation as well.
* @return the {@link PingResult} once complete.
public CompletableFuture ping() {
* Performs application-level ping requests with custom options against services in the couchbase cluster.
* Note that this operation performs active I/O against services and endpoints to assess their health. If you do
* not wish to perform I/O, consider using the {@link #diagnostics(DiagnosticsOptions)} instead. You can also combine
* the functionality of both APIs as needed, which is {@link #waitUntilReady(Duration)} is doing in its
* implementation as well.
* @return the {@link PingResult} once complete.
public CompletableFuture ping(final PingOptions options) {
notNull(options, "PingOptions");
final PingOptions.Built opts =;
* Waits until the desired {@link ClusterState} is reached.
* This method will wait until either the cluster state is "online", or the timeout is reached. Since the SDK is
* bootstrapping lazily, this method allows to eagerly check during bootstrap if all of the services are online
* and usable before moving on.
* @param timeout the maximum time to wait until readiness.
* @return a completable future that completes either once ready or timeout.
public CompletableFuture waitUntilReady(final Duration timeout) {
return waitUntilReady(timeout, DEFAULT_WAIT_UNTIL_READY_OPTIONS);
* Waits until the desired {@link ClusterState} is reached.
* This method will wait until either the cluster state is "online" by default, or the timeout is reached. Since the
* SDK is bootstrapping lazily, this method allows to eagerly check during bootstrap if all of the services are online
* and usable before moving on. You can tune the properties through {@link WaitUntilReadyOptions}.
* @param timeout the maximum time to wait until readiness.
* @param options the options to customize the readiness waiting.
* @return a completable future that completes either once ready or timeout.
public CompletableFuture waitUntilReady(final Duration timeout, final WaitUntilReadyOptions options) {
notNull(options, "WaitUntilReadyOptions");
final WaitUntilReadyOptions.Built opts =;
return couchbaseOps.waitUntilReady(opts.serviceTypes(), timeout, opts.desiredState(), null);