com.crealytics.spark.excel.InferSchema.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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package com.crealytics.spark.excel
import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD
import org.apache.spark.sql.types._
private[excel] object InferSchema {
type CellType = Int
/** Similar to the JSON schema inference.
* [[org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.json.InferSchema]]
* 1. Infer type of each row
* 2. Merge row types to find common type
* 3. Replace any null types with string type
def apply(rowsRDD: RDD[Seq[DataType]]): Array[DataType] = {
val startType: Array[DataType] = Array.empty
val rootTypes: Array[DataType] = rowsRDD.aggregate(startType)(inferRowType, mergeRowTypes) {
case _: NullType => StringType
case other => other
private def inferRowType(rowSoFar: Array[DataType], next: Seq[DataType]): Array[DataType] = {
val maxLength = math.max(rowSoFar.length, next.size)
val defaultDataType: Int => DataType = (_ => NullType)
val filledRowSoFar = Array.tabulate(maxLength)(n => rowSoFar.applyOrElse[Int, DataType](n, defaultDataType))
val filledNext = Array.tabulate(maxLength)(n => next.applyOrElse[Int, DataType](n, defaultDataType)) { case (r, n) => inferField(r, n) }
private[excel] def mergeRowTypes(first: Array[DataType], second: Array[DataType]): Array[DataType] = {
first.zipAll(second, NullType, NullType).map { case ((a, b)) =>
findTightestCommonType(a, b).getOrElse(NullType)
/** Infer type of string field. Given known type Double, and a string "1", there is no
* point checking if it is an Int, as the final type must be Double or higher.
private[excel] def inferField(typeSoFar: DataType, field: DataType): DataType = {
// Defining a function to return the StringType constant is necessary in order to work around
// a Scala compiler issue which leads to runtime incompatibilities with certain Spark versions;
// see issue #128 for more details.
def stringType(): DataType = {
if (field == NullType) {
} else {
(typeSoFar, field) match {
case (NullType, ct) => ct
case (DoubleType, DoubleType) => DoubleType
case (BooleanType, BooleanType) => BooleanType
case (TimestampType, TimestampType) => TimestampType
case (StringType, _) => stringType()
case (_, _) => stringType()
/** Copied from internal Spark api
* [[org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis.HiveTypeCoercion]]
private val numericPrecedence: IndexedSeq[DataType] =
IndexedSeq[DataType](ByteType, ShortType, IntegerType, LongType, FloatType, DoubleType, TimestampType)
/** Copied from internal Spark api
* [[org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis.HiveTypeCoercion]]
val findTightestCommonType: (DataType, DataType) => Option[DataType] = {
case (t1, t2) if t1 == t2 => Some(t1)
case (NullType, t1) => Some(t1)
case (t1, NullType) => Some(t1)
case (StringType, _) => Some(StringType)
case (_, StringType) => Some(StringType)
// Promote numeric types to the highest of the two and all numeric types to unlimited decimal
case (t1, t2) if Seq(t1, t2).forall(numericPrecedence.contains) =>
val index = numericPrecedence.lastIndexWhere(t => t == t1 || t == t2)
case _ => None
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