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com.credibledoc.log.labelizer.hint.IpGenerator Maven / Gradle / Ivy

package com.credibledoc.log.labelizer.hint;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.concurrent.ThreadLocalRandom;

import org.apache.commons.collections4.ListUtils;

 * IP Generator create random IP address. It create both forms. IPv4 and IPv6
 * In this class is 3 outputs for different purposes.
 * @author Olga Semenko

public class IpGenerator {
	private static final int MAX_IP = 256;
	private static final int MAX_PORT = 65536;
	private static final List SEPARATORS = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(":", ".", " P ", " p ", " port ", " PORT ", " "));
	private static final List NUMBER_CHARACTERS = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList("0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9"));
	private static final List CAPITAL_CHARACTERS = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList("A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F"));
	private static final List LOWERCASE_CHARACTERS = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList("a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f"));
	private static final List> LIST_OF_FORMATS = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(DIGITS_AND_CAPITAL_CHARS, DIGITS_AND_LOWER_CHARS));
	private static Random random = ThreadLocalRandom.current();
	private IpGenerator() {
		throw new IllegalStateException("Utility class");
	public static String randomIp() {
	    String result;
	    if (!random.nextBoolean()) {
	        result = randomIp4();
	    } else {
	        result = randomIp6();
        return result;

	 * @return This method generate random IPv4 addresses and random ports.
	 * For example:
	 * P 11239 PORT 41373 port 2101
*/ public static String randomIp4() { return random.nextInt(MAX_IP) + "." + random.nextInt(MAX_IP) + "." + random.nextInt(MAX_IP) + "." + random.nextInt(MAX_IP) + generatePort(); } /** * @return This method generate random port with random designation from string list. * Port is random number from 0 to 65535. Designation of port is string list with * this types of designations: *
     * ":", ".", " P ", " p ", " port ", " PORT ", " "
*/ private static String generatePort() { if (!random.nextBoolean()) { return ""; } String randomSeparator = SEPARATORS.get(random.nextInt(SEPARATORS.size())); return randomSeparator + random.nextInt(MAX_PORT); } /** * @return This method create random IPv6 address and random port. There is a lot of options of structure of IPv6 address. * This method create all of this options. It works on 9 methods, which are modified on every single possibility of IPv6. * Every methods are described in java.doc. * For example: *
	 * ::424:b6:30404
	 * ::1DE:DD:4A6D:76:E11:E2
	 * ::7:9:aa52 p 23509
	 * 5:760:ce:8:6::8.6792
	 * 41:1AA:55:AF53:4C0::E25:35C
	 * 8:5e1c:2876:3:aa14::
	 * 3f:04:4b::4fb p 4914
	 * 9:5:5:CC1:4F:9:90:B9 port 4981
	 * 258:8d86:f3:47d::711 P 63278
	 * 2D1:8:B28:7E:DA93::2A8
*/ public static String randomIp6() { final List randomCaseMethod = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(firstCaseOfAddress(), secondCaseOfAddress(), thirdCaseOfAddress(), fourthCaseOfAddress(), fifthCaseOfAddress(), sixthCaseOfAddress(), seventhCaseOfAddress(), eighthCaseOfAddress(), ninethCaseOfAddress())); String randomMethod = randomCaseMethod.get(random.nextInt(randomCaseMethod.size())); return randomMethod + generatePort(); } /** * @return This method is one of cases of IPv6 report. * This is random addresses with shortening of octots of address where is zeros with using two colons (::). * It is make random IPv6 address in form (1-7)xxxx:: * For example: *
	 * b::
	 * c:a7c1:ece9:6:e7e:7c::
	 * C732:F:7590::
	 * 0143:215e:4e05::
	 * 74:c9:d::
	 * 7:21::
*/ private static String ninethCaseOfAddress() { StringBuilder ninethCaseBuilder = new StringBuilder(); String ninethCase; String suffix; List charList = randomFormat(); suffix = octetMaker(charList) + "::"; for (int i = 0; i < random.nextInt(6 + 1); i++) { ninethCase = octetMaker(charList) + ":"; ninethCaseBuilder.append(ninethCase); } ninethCaseBuilder.append(suffix); return ninethCaseBuilder.toString(); } /** * @return This method is one of cases of IPv6 report. * This is random addresses with shortening of octots of address where is zeros with using two colons (::). * It is make random IPv6 address in form xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx::xxxx * For example: *
	 * F49:1369:016B:15E:4EA6:0A::3D17
	 * 951E:467:50DF:4AB:A7F:E47::DE3
	 * 12b:fa30:66a9:59d:e:5::0
	 * 6:90:d2a9:5:b78:d92::28
	 * 2252:9f3f:25:a68:4:95::27
*/ private static String eighthCaseOfAddress() { StringBuilder eighthCaseBuilder = new StringBuilder(); String eighthCase; String prefix; List charList = randomFormat(); for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { eighthCase = octetMaker(charList) + ":"; eighthCaseBuilder.append(eighthCase); } prefix = octetMaker(charList) + "::"; eighthCaseBuilder.append(prefix); eighthCaseBuilder.append(octetMaker(charList)); return eighthCaseBuilder.toString(); } /** * @return This method is one of cases of IPv6 report. * This is random addresses with shortening of octots of address where is zeros with using two colons (::). * It is make random IPv6 address in form xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:: + (1-2)xxxx * For example: *
	 * 0e9e:e8a:84:82e3:047f::e:84
	 * f:a8a:93a:27f:56::77d:2
	 * 2:30E:9:EE:79C4::E46
	 * 7c7:80c:6:9b5:62::85
	 * 78:0:576:44:D::4:954
*/ private static String seventhCaseOfAddress() { StringBuilder seventhCaseBuilder = new StringBuilder(); String seventhCase; String prefix; List charList = randomFormat(); for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { seventhCase = octetMaker(charList) + ":"; seventhCaseBuilder.append(seventhCase); } prefix = octetMaker(charList) + "::"; seventhCaseBuilder.append(prefix); for (int i = 0; i < random.nextInt(1 + 1); i++) { seventhCase = octetMaker(charList) + ":"; seventhCaseBuilder.append(seventhCase); } seventhCaseBuilder.append(octetMaker(charList)); return seventhCaseBuilder.toString(); } /** * @return This method is one of cases of IPv6 report. * This is random addresses with shortening of octots of address where is zeros with using two colons (::). * It is make random IPv6 address in form xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:: + (1-3)xxxx * For example: *
	 * 4ab:3:0b:70::c6fb:f5:043
	 * 98:b4a:f:7c::eb6:56
	 * 584:EABC:A1:61D::37
	 * F:A49:4:9064::7:6
	 * 4b18:5:8b:5::127:6c
*/ private static String sixthCaseOfAddress() { StringBuilder sixthCaseBuilder = new StringBuilder(); String sixthCase; String prefix; List charList = randomFormat(); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { sixthCase = octetMaker(charList) + ":"; sixthCaseBuilder.append(sixthCase); } prefix = octetMaker(charList) + "::"; sixthCaseBuilder.append(prefix); for (int i = 0; i < random.nextInt(2 + 1); i++) { sixthCase = octetMaker(charList) + ":"; sixthCaseBuilder.append(sixthCase); } sixthCaseBuilder.append(octetMaker(charList)); return sixthCaseBuilder.toString(); } /** * @return This method is one of cases of IPv6 report. * This is random addresses with shortening of octots of address where is zeros with using two colons (::). * It is make random IPv6 address in form xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:: + (1-4)xxxx * For example: *
	 * 11D6:0FF:E::EFDD:C687
	 * 9B:7:9E2::3552:02D8
	 * 43cc:96:ac::a:1a:1e
	 * 8aa:d0:7f3::370:2:9a6b
	 * 18a:c2ab:e::4:2
*/ private static String fifthCaseOfAddress() { StringBuilder fifthCaseBuilder = new StringBuilder(); String fifthCase; String prefix; List charList = randomFormat(); for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { fifthCase = octetMaker(charList) + ":"; fifthCaseBuilder.append(fifthCase); } prefix = octetMaker(charList) + "::"; fifthCaseBuilder.append(prefix); for (int i = 0; i < random.nextInt(3 + 1); i++) { fifthCase = octetMaker(charList) + ":"; fifthCaseBuilder.append(fifthCase); } fifthCaseBuilder.append(octetMaker(charList)); return fifthCaseBuilder.toString(); } /** * @return This method is one of cases of IPv6 report. * This is random addresses with shortening of octots of address where is zeros with using two colons (::). * It is make random IPv6 address in form xxxx:xxxx:: + (1-5)xxxx * For example: *
	 * 3a:2::87c9:b2
	 * 8:02CE::4:D:3
	 * 80c:3834::e6:0:57:6898:19da
	 * 0:fbba::568:03
	 * 4F:03::A
*/ private static String fourthCaseOfAddress() { StringBuilder fourthCaseBuilder = new StringBuilder(); String fourthCase; String prefix; List charList = randomFormat(); for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) { fourthCase = octetMaker(charList) + ":"; fourthCaseBuilder.append(fourthCase); } prefix = octetMaker(charList) + "::"; fourthCaseBuilder.append(prefix); for (int i = 0; i < random.nextInt(4 + 1); i++) { fourthCase = octetMaker(charList) + ":"; fourthCaseBuilder.append(fourthCase); } fourthCaseBuilder.append(octetMaker(charList)); return fourthCaseBuilder.toString(); } /** * @return This method is one of cases of IPv6 report. * This is random addresses with shortening of octots of address where is zeros with using two colons (::). * It is make random IPv6 address in form xxxx:: + (1-6)xxxx * For example: *
	 * b698::0d:e3:7d
	 * 6::FA1:7D2
	 * e82::3c:0f
	 * 94a6::672:6d:76:9e1
	 * ae::f17f:913c:00:854f:a5d9
	 * C947::D:876:E:BD35
*/ private static String thirdCaseOfAddress() { StringBuilder thirdCaseBuilder = new StringBuilder(); String thirdCase; String prefix; List charList = randomFormat(); prefix = octetMaker(charList) + "::"; thirdCaseBuilder.append(prefix); for (int i = 0; i < random.nextInt(5 + 1); i++) { thirdCase = octetMaker(charList) + ":"; thirdCaseBuilder.append(thirdCase); } thirdCaseBuilder.append(octetMaker(charList)); return thirdCaseBuilder.toString(); } /** * @return This method is one of cases of IPv6 report. * This is random addresses with shortening of octots of address where is zeros with using two colons (::). * It is make random IPv6 address in form :: + (1-7)xxxx * For example: *
	 * ::2:ADF:FF
	 * ::35:4:C8A:F8F5:D0
	 * ::D56:09:B
	 * ::9AA:E:86:746
	 * ::405:F32A:6:A165
	 * ::FB0E
*/ private static String secondCaseOfAddress() { StringBuilder secondCaseBuilder = new StringBuilder(); String secondCase; String prefix = "::"; secondCaseBuilder.append(prefix); List charList = randomFormat(); for (int i = 0; i < random.nextInt(6 + 1); i++) { secondCase = octetMaker(charList) + ":"; secondCaseBuilder.append(secondCase); } secondCaseBuilder.append(octetMaker(charList)); return secondCaseBuilder.toString(); } /** * @return This method is one of cases of IPv6 report. * This is random addresses without shortening of address with using two colons (::). * It is make random IPv6 address in form xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx * For example: *
	 * F:A54B:6D81:7670:B0:F2:3:5EC
	 * 750:f5:90f0:5cfc:1:ab:bd1b:da
	 * 7403:CD:08:A3:6D0:5C77:9A:6B9
	 * 8db:0c:30:b747:fc9f:04a:bec:9d
	 * c91:e4:3:84b:9:a9:9:a
*/ private static String firstCaseOfAddress() { StringBuilder firstCaseBuilder = new StringBuilder(); String firstCase; List charList = randomFormat(); for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) { firstCase = octetMaker(charList) + ":"; firstCaseBuilder.append(firstCase); } firstCaseBuilder.append(octetMaker(charList)); return firstCaseBuilder.toString(); } /** * @param charList its chars will be used randomly * @return This method create (from 1 to 4) random hexadecimal characters for IPv6 address. * Numbers of octet can be from range of (1-4). * For example: *
	 * 2, F095, 5260, 8ca
*/ private static String octetMaker(List charList) { StringBuilder resultOfOctet = new StringBuilder(); String randomCharacters; int range = ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextInt(1, 5); for (int i = 0; i < range; i++) { randomCharacters = charList.get(random.nextInt(charList.size())); resultOfOctet.append(randomCharacters); } return resultOfOctet.toString(); } /** * @return This method choose one of formats of IPv6 address. * One is format with capital characters, second is with lowercase characters. */ private static List randomFormat() { int randomIndex = random.nextInt(LIST_OF_FORMATS.size()); return LIST_OF_FORMATS.get(randomIndex); } }

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