com.criteo.cuttle.Authentication.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package com.criteo.cuttle
import java.util.Base64
import cats.effect.IO
import lol.http._
import scala.util.Try
* The cuttle API is private for any write operation while it is publicly
* open for any read only operation. It allows to make it easy to build tooling
* that monitor any running cuttle scheduler while restricting access to potentially
* dangerous operations.
* The UI access itself requires authentication.
object Auth {
* An [[Authenticator]] takes care of extracting the User from an HTTP request.
trait Authenticator {
private[cuttle] def apply(s: AuthenticatedService): PartialService =
new PartialFunction[Request, IO[Response]] {
override def isDefinedAt(request: Request): Boolean =
override def apply(request: Request): IO[Response] =
.fold(IO.pure, user => {
// pass through when authenticated
* Authenticate an HTTP request.
* @param request the HTTP request to be authenticated.
* @return either an authenticated user or an error response.
def authenticate(request: Request): Either[Response, User]
* A connected [[User]].
case class User(userId: String)
* Default implementation of Authenticator that authenticate any request
* as Guest. It basically disables the authentication.
case object GuestAuth extends Authenticator {
override def authenticate(r: Request): Either[Response, User] = Right(User("Guest"))
* Implementation of [[Authenticator]] that rely on HTTP Basic auth.
* @param credentialsValidator validate the (user,password) credentials.
* @param userVisibleRealm The user visible realm.
case class BasicAuth(
credentialsValidator: ((String, String)) => Boolean,
userVisibleRealm: String = "cuttle_users"
) extends Authenticator {
val scheme = "Basic"
val unauthorizedResponse =
Response(401).addHeaders(h"WWW-Authenticate" -> HttpString(s"""Basic realm="${userVisibleRealm}""""))
* HTTP Basic auth implementation.
* @param r request to be authenticated
* @return either an authenticated user or an unauthorized response
override def authenticate(r: Request): Either[Response, User] =
case s if s.toString().startsWith(scheme) => {
val base64credentials = s.toString().drop(scheme.size).trim()
case _ => None
case (l, p) if credentialsValidator((l, p)) => User(l)
private[cuttle] object BasicAuth {
def decodeBase64Credentials(credentials: String): Option[(String, String)] =
.flatMap((decoded: Array[Byte]) => {
val splitted = new String(decoded, "utf-8").trim().split(":", 2)
if (splitted.size == 1) {
} else {
Some((splitted(0) -> splitted(1)))
/** A [[lol.http.PartialService PartialService]] that requires an authenticated
* user in request handler's scope. */
type AuthenticatedService = PartialFunction[Request, (User => IO[Response])]
private[cuttle] def defaultWith(response: IO[Response]): PartialService = {
case _ => response