com.criteo.cuttle.Scheduling.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package com.criteo.cuttle
import lol.http.PartialService
import io.circe.Json
import doobie.imports._
import java.util.Comparator
import Metrics.MetricProvider
import Auth._
/** A scheduler interpret a [[Workflow]] and instanciate [[Execution Executions]] for all
* defined [[Job Jobs]]. For example, a typical cuttle [[Scheduler]] is the [[timeseries.TimeSeries TimeSeries]]
* scheduler that executes the graph for each time partition.
* @tparam S The king of [[Scheduling]] managed by this [[Scheduler]].
trait Scheduler[S <: Scheduling] extends MetricProvider[S] {
/** Starts the scheduler for the given [[Workflow]]. Immediatly the scheduler will start interpreting
* the workflow and generate [[Execution Executions]] sent to the provided [[Executor]].
* @param workflow The workflow to run.
* @param executor The executor to use to run the generated [[Execution Executions]].
* @param xa The doobie transactor to use to persist the scheduler state if needed.
* @param logger The logger to use to log internal debug state if neeed.
def start(workflow: Workflow[S], executor: Executor[S], xa: XA, logger: Logger): Unit
private[cuttle] def publicRoutes(workflow: Workflow[S], executor: Executor[S], xa: XA): PartialService =
private[cuttle] def privateRoutes(workflow: Workflow[S], executor: Executor[S], xa: XA): AuthenticatedService =
/** Provide a doobie SQL `Fragment` used to retrieve all execution contexts from
* the execution logs.
val allContexts: Fragment
/** Returns a Json object containing the internal scheduler statistics informations.
* These data will be send to the UI and can be used by the scheduler UI if needed.
* @param jobs Fiter the statistics for the provided list of jobs.
def getStats(jobs: Set[String]): Json
/** A scheduling context is the input given to each [[Execution]] that will be created
* for a given [[Scheduling]]. For example, for a [[timeseries.TimeSeries TimeSeries]] scheduling the context
* contain the time partition for which the job is running. */
trait SchedulingContext {
/** Serialize the context information to JSON. Mainly used for the UI. */
def toJson: Json
/** The doobie effect needed to serialize the context to the database. */
def log: ConnectionIO[String]
/** Compare to another context. In the current design only context of the same types will be
* compared to each other because a workflow/project is defined for a single [[Scheduling]] type. */
def compareTo(other: SchedulingContext): Int
/** Utilities for [[SchedulingContext]] */
object SchedulingContext {
/** Provide an implicit `Ordering` for [[SchedulingContext]] based on the `compareTo` function. */
implicit val ordering: Ordering[SchedulingContext] =
Ordering.comparatorToOrdering(new Comparator[SchedulingContext] {
def compare(o1: SchedulingContext, o2: SchedulingContext) = o1.compareTo(o2)
/** Represent a type of scheduling. A typical cuttle scheduling is [[timeseries.TimeSeries TimeSeries]] for example, that
* is a scheduling based on a calendar. */
trait Scheduling {
/** The [[SchedulingContext]] type that will be passed to [[Execution]] created by
* the [[Scheduler]] managing this [[Scheduling]]. */
type Context <: SchedulingContext
/** The [[DependencyDescriptor]] used to annotate the edges of the [[Workflow]] graphs created
* for this [[Scheduling]]. For example a [[timeseries.TimeSeries TimeSeries]] scheduling provide a configurable time
* offset, allowing 2 jobs to depends of each other with a specified offset (like hourly job A depends on
* hourly job B with a 3 hours time offset). */
type DependencyDescriptor
/** Output the configuration details of this [[Scheduling]] as Json.
* Used for the UI. */
def toJson: Json