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package com.criteo.cuttle
import scala.concurrent.Future
import cats.Eq
* The workflow to be run by cuttle. A workflow is defined for a given [[Scheduling]],
* for example it can be a [[timeseries.TimeSeries TimeSeries]] workflow.
* @tparam S The kind of [[Scheduling]] used by this workflow.
trait Workflow[S <: Scheduling] {
private[criteo] type Dependency = (Job[S], Job[S], S#DependencyDescriptor)
private[criteo] def vertices: Set[Job[S]]
private[criteo] def edges: Set[Dependency]
private[cuttle] def roots: Set[Job[S]] = {
val childNodes = { case (child, _, _) => child }
private[cuttle] def leaves: Set[Job[S]] = {
val parentNodes = { case (_, parent, _) => parent }
// Returns a list of jobs in the workflow sorted topologically, using Kahn's algorithm. At the
// same time checks that there is no cycle.
private[cuttle] lazy val jobsInOrder: List[Job[S]] = graph.topologicalSort[Job[S]](
vertices, { case (child, parent, _) => parent -> child }
) match {
case Some(sortedNodes) => sortedNodes
case None => throw new IllegalArgumentException("Workflow has at least one cycle")
* Compose a [[Workflow]] with another [[Workflow]] but without any
* dependency. It won't add any edge to the graph.
* @param otherWorflow The workflow to compose this workflow with.
def and(otherWorflow: Workflow[S]): Workflow[S] = {
val leftWorkflow = this
new Workflow[S] {
val vertices = leftWorkflow.vertices ++ otherWorflow.vertices
val edges = leftWorkflow.edges ++ otherWorflow.edges
* Compose a [[Workflow]] with a second [[Workflow]] with a dependencies added between
* all this workflow roots and the other workflow leaves. The added dependencies will use the
* default dependency descriptors implicitly provided by the [[Scheduling]] used by this workflow.
* @param rightWorkflow The workflow to compose this workflow with.
* @param dependencyDescriptor If injected implicitly, default dependency descriptor for the current [[Scheduling]].
def dependsOn(rightWorkflow: Workflow[S])(implicit dependencyDescriptor: S#DependencyDescriptor): Workflow[S] =
dependsOn((rightWorkflow, dependencyDescriptor))
* Compose a [[Workflow]] with a second [[Workflow]] with a dependencies added between
* all this workflow roots and the other workflow leaves. The added dependencies will use the
* specified dependency descriptors.
* @param rightWorkflow The workflow to compose this workflow with.
* @param dependencyDescriptor The dependency descriptor to use for the newly created dependency edges.
def dependsOn(rightOperand: (Workflow[S], S#DependencyDescriptor)): Workflow[S] = {
val (rightWorkflow, depDescriptor) = rightOperand
val leftWorkflow = this
val newEdges: Set[Dependency] = for {
v1 <- leftWorkflow.roots
v2 <- rightWorkflow.leaves
} yield (v1, v2, depDescriptor)
new Workflow[S] {
val vertices = leftWorkflow.vertices ++ rightWorkflow.vertices
val edges = leftWorkflow.edges ++ rightWorkflow.edges ++ newEdges
/** Utilities for [[Workflow]]. */
object Workflow {
/** An empty [[Workflow]] (empty graph). */
def empty[S <: Scheduling]: Workflow[S] = new Workflow[S] {
def vertices = Set.empty
def edges = Set.empty
* Validation of:
* - absence of cycles in the workflow
* - absence of jobs with the same id
* @return the list of errors in the workflow, if any
def validate[S <: Scheduling](workflow: Workflow[S]): List[String] = {
val errors = collection.mutable.ListBuffer.empty[String]
if (graph
workflow.vertices, { case (child, parent, _) => parent -> child }
.isEmpty) {
errors += "Workflow has at least one cycle"
workflow.vertices.groupBy( {
case (id: String, jobs) if jobs.size > 1 => id
} foreach (id => errors += s"Id $id is used by more than 1 job")
/** Allow to tag a job. Tags can be used in the UI/API to filter jobs
* and more easily retrieve them.
* @param name Tag name as displayed in the UI.
* @param description Description as displayed in the UI.
case class Tag(name: String, description: String = "")
/** The job [[SideEffect]] is the most important part as it represents the real
* job logic to execute. A job is defined for a given [[Scheduling]],
* for example it can be a [[timeseries.TimeSeries TimeSeries]] job. Jobs are also [[Workflow]] with a
* single vertice.
* @tparam S The kind of [[Scheduling]] used by this job.
* @param id The internal job id. It will be sued to track the job state in the database, so it must not
* change over time otherwise the job will be seen as a new one by the scheduler.
* That id, being technical, should only use valid characters such as [a-zA-Z0-9_-.]
* @param scheduling The scheduling configuration for the job. For example a [[timeseries.TimeSeries TimeSeries]] job can
* be configured to be hourly or daily, etc.
* @param name The job name as displayed in the UI.
* @param description The job description as displayed in the UI.
* @param tags The job tags used to filter jobs in the UI.
* @param effect The job side effect, representing the real job execution.
case class Job[S <: Scheduling](id: String,
scheduling: S,
name: String = "",
description: String = "",
tags: Set[Tag] = Set.empty[Tag])(val effect: SideEffect[S])
extends Workflow[S] {
private[criteo] val vertices = Set(this)
private[criteo] val edges = Set.empty[Dependency]
/** Run this job for the given [[Execution]].
* @param execution The execution instance.
* @return A future indicating the execution result (Failed future means failed execution).
private[cuttle] def run(execution: Execution[S]): Future[Completed] = effect(execution)
case object Job {
implicit def eqInstance[S <: Scheduling] = Eq.fromUniversalEquals[Job[S]]