com.criteo.cuttle.platforms.http.HttpPlatform.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package com.criteo.cuttle.platforms.http
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit
import scala.concurrent._
import cats.effect.IO
import io.circe._
import io.circe.syntax._
import lol.http._
import lol.json._
import com.criteo.cuttle._
import com.criteo.cuttle.platforms.{ExecutionPool, RateLimiter}
/** Allow to make HTTP calls in a managed way with rate limiting. Globally the platform limits the number
* of concurrent requests on the platform. Additionnaly a rate limiter must be defined for each host allowed
* to be called by this platform.
* Example:
* {{{
* platforms.http.HttpPlatform(
* maxConcurrentRequests = 10,
* rateLimits = Seq(
* .*[.]criteo[.](pre)?prod([:][0-9]+)?" -> platforms.http.HttpPlatform.RateLimit(100, per = SECONDS),
* -> platforms.http.HttpPlatform.RateLimit(1, per = SECONDS)
* )
* ),
* }}}
* While being rate limited, the [[com.criteo.cuttle.Job Job]] [[com.criteo.cuttle.Execution Execution]] is
* seen as __WAITING__ in the UI.
case class HttpPlatform(maxConcurrentRequests: Int, rateLimits: Seq[(String, HttpPlatform.RateLimit)])
extends ExecutionPlatform {
private[HttpPlatform] val pool = new ExecutionPool(concurrencyLimit = maxConcurrentRequests)
private[HttpPlatform] val rateLimiters = {
case (pattern, HttpPlatform.RateLimit(tokens, per)) =>
(pattern -> new RateLimiter(
per match {
case TimeUnit.DAYS => (24 * 60 * 60 * 1000) / tokens
case TimeUnit.HOURS => (60 * 60 * 1000) / tokens
case TimeUnit.MINUTES => (60 * 1000) / tokens
case TimeUnit.SECONDS => (1000) / tokens
case x => sys.error(s"Non supported period, ${x}")
override def waiting: Set[Execution[_]] = ++ _.waiting)
override lazy val publicRoutes: PartialService =
pool.routes("/api/platforms/http/pool").orElse {
val index: PartialService = {
case GET at url"/api/platforms/http/rate-limiters" =>
Json.obj( {
case ((pattern, rateLimiter), i) =>
i.toString -> Json.obj(
"pattern" -> pattern.asJson,
"running" -> rateLimiter.running.size.asJson,
"waiting" -> rateLimiter.waiting.size.asJson
}: _*
rateLimiters.zipWithIndex.foldLeft(index) {
case (routes, ((_, rateLimiter), i)) =>
/** Access to the [[HttpPlatform]]. */
object HttpPlatform {
/** A rate limiter for a given HTTP host. It uses a token bucket implementation.
* @param maxRequests Maximum number of requests allowed in the specified time slot.
* @param per time slot.
case class RateLimit(maxRequests: Int, per: TimeUnit)
/** Make an HTTP request via the platorm.
* @param request The [[lol.http.Request Request]] to run.
* @param thunk The function handling the HTTP resposne once received.
def request[A, S <: Scheduling](request: Request)(thunk: Response => Future[A])(
implicit execution: Execution[S]): Future[A] = {
val streams = execution.streams
streams.debug(s"HTTP request: ${request}")
val httpPlatform =
ExecutionPlatform.lookup[HttpPlatform].getOrElse(sys.error("No http execution platform configured")), debug = request.toString) { () =>
try {
val host =
request.headers.getOrElse(h"Host", sys.error("`Host' header must be present in the request")).toString
val rateLimiter = httpPlatform.rateLimiters
.collectFirst {
case (pattern, rateLimiter) if host.matches(pattern) =>
.getOrElse(sys.error(s"A rate limiter should be defined for `${host}'")), debug = request.toString) { () =>
.run(request) { response =>
streams.debug(s"Got response: $response")
} catch {
case e: Throwable =>