com.criteo.slab.core.Board.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package com.criteo.slab.core
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory
import shapeless.ops.hlist.ToTraversable
import shapeless.{HList, UnaryTCConstraint}
/** Top level component
* @param title The board title
* @param boxes The children boxes
* @param aggregate Aggregates its children boxes views
* @param layout The layout of the board
* @param links Defines links between boxes, will draw lines in the UI
case class Board[B <: HList](
title: String,
boxes: B,
aggregate: (Map[Box[_], View], Context) => View,
layout: Layout,
links: Seq[(Box[_], Box[_])] = Seq.empty
constraint: UnaryTCConstraint[B, Box],
boxSet: ToTraversable.Aux[B, Set, Box[_]]
) {
private val logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass)
val boxesInBoard =
val boxesInLayout = layout.columns.foldLeft(Set.empty[Box[_]]) { (set, col) =>
set ++ col.rows.foldLeft(Set.empty[Box[_]]) { (set, row) => set ++ row.boxes.toSet }
val notInLayout = boxesInBoard.diff(boxesInLayout).map(_.title)
if (notInLayout.size > 0)
logger.error(s"Boxes not present in the layout but in the 'boxes' field: ${notInLayout.mkString(", ")}")
val notInBoard = boxesInLayout.diff(boxesInBoard).map(_.title)
if (notInBoard.size > 0)
logger.error(s"Boxes not present in the 'boxes' field but in the layout: ${notInBoard.mkString(", ")}")
notInLayout.size == 0 && notInBoard.size == 0
}, "Board definition error, please make sure all boxes are present both in board and layout")