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com.crobox.clickhouse.dsl.column.AggregationFunctions.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package com.crobox.clickhouse.dsl.column
import com.crobox.clickhouse.dsl._
import com.crobox.clickhouse.time.MultiInterval
trait AggregationFunctions {
self: Magnets
with SumFunctions
with AnyResultFunctions
with UniqFunctions
with Leveled
with AggregationFunctionsCombiners =>
//TODO: Magnetize?
// Aggregate functions are a whole different beast, they are intercompatible and type passing in a different way then
// what most other functions work like
abstract class AggregateFunction[+V](targetColumn: Column) extends ExpressionColumn[V](targetColumn)
case class Count(column: Option[Column] = None) extends AggregateFunction[Long](column.getOrElse(EmptyColumn))
case class Avg[V](tableColumn: TableColumn[V]) extends AggregateFunction[Double](tableColumn)
case class GroupUniqArray[V](tableColumn: TableColumn[V]) extends AggregateFunction[Seq[V]](tableColumn)
case class GroupArray[V](tableColumn: TableColumn[V], maxValues: Option[Long])
extends AggregateFunction[Seq[V]](tableColumn)
case class Min[V](tableColumn: TableColumn[V]) extends AggregateFunction[V](tableColumn)
case class Max[V](tableColumn: TableColumn[V]) extends AggregateFunction[V](tableColumn)
case class FirstValue[V](tableColumn: TableColumn[V]) extends AggregateFunction[V](tableColumn)
case class LastValue[V](tableColumn: TableColumn[V]) extends AggregateFunction[V](tableColumn)
case class TimeSeries(tableColumn: TableColumn[Long], interval: MultiInterval)
extends AggregateFunction[Long](tableColumn)
def count(): Count = Count()
def count(column: TableColumn[_]): Count = Count(Option(column))
def average[T](tableColumn: TableColumn[T]): Avg[T] = Avg(tableColumn)
def min[V](tableColumn: TableColumn[V]): Min[V] = Min(tableColumn)
def max[V](tableColumn: TableColumn[V]): Max[V] = Max(tableColumn)
def firstValue[V](tableColumn: TableColumn[V]): FirstValue[V] = FirstValue(tableColumn)
def lastValue[V](tableColumn: TableColumn[V]): LastValue[V] = LastValue(tableColumn)
* This function will push back the timestamp represented by tableColumn to the start of this interval,
* this happens deterministically.
* Meaning that as long as the duration is the same, your groups will be in the same from/to timestamps
* This is useful for aggregating results by periods of time (group by month, 2 months, days, etc.)
def timeSeries(tableColumn: TableColumn[Long], interval: MultiInterval): TimeSeries =
TimeSeries(tableColumn, interval)
def groupUniqArray[V](tableColumn: TableColumn[V]): GroupUniqArray[V] =
def groupArray[V](tableColumn: TableColumn[V], maxValues: Option[Long] = None): GroupArray[V] =
GroupArray(tableColumn, maxValues)
trait AggregationFunctionsCombiners { self: Magnets with AggregationFunctions =>
case class CombinedAggregatedFunction[T <: TableColumn[_], Res](combinator: Combinator[T, Res],
target: AggregateFunction[_])
extends AggregateFunction[Res](EmptyColumn)
sealed trait StateResult[V]
sealed trait Combinator[+T <: Column, Result]
object Combinator {
case class If[T <: Column, Res](condition: TableColumn[Boolean]) extends Combinator[T, Res]
case class CombinatorArray[T <: TableColumn[Seq[V]], V]() extends Combinator[T, V]
case class ArrayForEach[T <: TableColumn[Seq[_]], Res]() extends Combinator[T, Seq[Res]]
case class State[T <: Column, Res]() extends Combinator[T, StateResult[Res]]
case class Merge[T <: TableColumn[_], Res]() extends Combinator[T, Res]
def aggIf[T <: TableColumn[Res], Res](
condition: TableColumn[Boolean]
)(aggregated: AggregateFunction[Res]): CombinedAggregatedFunction[T, Res] =
CombinedAggregatedFunction(Combinator.If(condition), aggregated)
def array[T <: TableColumn[Seq[Res]], Res](aggregated: AggregateFunction[Res]): CombinedAggregatedFunction[T, Res] =
CombinedAggregatedFunction(Combinator.CombinatorArray[T, Res](), aggregated)
* Having a column with type array, it aggregates all the results for that column by running the provided aggregation functions for each vertical slice of the array elements.
* Therefore, for the query result:
* \array_col|
* |[x1, y1, z1, u1]
* |[x2, y2, z2]
* |[x3, y3, z3]
* if you run sumForEach(array_col) you will get an array result with the following entries: [sum(x1,x3,x3), sum(y1,y2,y3), sum(z1, z2, z3), sum(u1)]
def forEach[V, T <: TableColumn[Seq[V]], Res](
column: T
)(forEachFunc: TableColumn[V] => AggregateFunction[Res]): AggregateFunction[Seq[Res]] =
CombinedAggregatedFunction(Combinator.ArrayForEach(), forEachFunc(ref[V](
def state[T <: TableColumn[Res], Res](
aggregated: AggregateFunction[Res]
): CombinedAggregatedFunction[T, StateResult[Res]] =
Combinator.State[T, Res](),
def merge[T <: TableColumn[StateResult[Res]], Res](
aggregated: AggregateFunction[Res]
): CombinedAggregatedFunction[T, Res] =
CombinedAggregatedFunction(Combinator.Merge[T, Res](), aggregated)
trait UniqFunctions { self: Magnets with AggregationFunctions =>
sealed trait UniqModifier
case class Uniq(tableColumns: Seq[Column], modifier: UniqModifier = UniqModifier.Simple)
extends AggregateFunction[Long](tableColumns.head)
object UniqModifier {
case object Simple extends UniqModifier
case object Combined extends UniqModifier
case object HLL12 extends UniqModifier
case object Exact extends UniqModifier
def uniq(tableColumns: Column*): Uniq = {
require(tableColumns.nonEmpty, "At least one column should be provided for Uniq")
def uniqCombined(tableColumns: Column*): Uniq = {
require(tableColumns.nonEmpty, "At least one column should be provided for Uniq")
Uniq(tableColumns, UniqModifier.Combined)
def uniqExact(tableColumns: Column*): Uniq = {
require(tableColumns.nonEmpty, "At least one column should be provided for Uniq")
Uniq(tableColumns, UniqModifier.Exact)
def uniqHLL12(tableColumns: Column*): Uniq = {
require(tableColumns.nonEmpty, "At least one column should be provided for Uniq")
Uniq(tableColumns, UniqModifier.HLL12)
trait AnyResultFunctions { self: Magnets with AggregationFunctions =>
case class AnyResult[T](tableColumn: TableColumn[T], modifier: AnyModifier = AnyModifier.Simple)
extends AggregateFunction[T](tableColumn)
sealed trait AnyModifier
object AnyModifier {
case object Simple extends AnyModifier
case object Heavy extends AnyModifier
case object Last extends AnyModifier
def any[T](tableColumn: TableColumn[T]): AnyResult[T] =
def anyHeavy[T](tableColumn: TableColumn[T]): AnyResult[T] =
AnyResult(tableColumn, AnyModifier.Heavy)
def anyLast[T](tableColumn: TableColumn[T]): AnyResult[T] =
AnyResult(tableColumn, AnyModifier.Last)
trait SumFunctions { self: Magnets with AggregationFunctions =>
case class Sum[T](tableColumn: TableColumn[T], modifier: SumModifier = SumModifier.Simple)
extends AggregateFunction[Double](tableColumn)
case class SumMap[T, V](key: TableColumn[Seq[T]], value: TableColumn[Seq[V]])
extends AggregateFunction[(Seq[T], Seq[V])](key)
sealed trait SumModifier
object SumModifier {
case object Simple extends SumModifier
case object WithOverflow extends SumModifier
case object Map extends SumModifier
def sum[T](tableColumn: TableColumn[T]): Sum[T] = Sum(tableColumn)
def sumOverflown[T](tableColumn: TableColumn[T]): Sum[T] = Sum(tableColumn, SumModifier.WithOverflow)
def sumMap[T, V](key: TableColumn[Seq[T]], value: TableColumn[Seq[V]]): SumMap[T, V] = SumMap(key, value)
trait Leveled { self: Magnets with AggregationFunctions =>
sealed abstract class LeveledAggregatedFunction[T](target: Column) extends AggregateFunction[T](target)
sealed trait LevelModifier
object LevelModifier {
case object Simple extends LevelModifier
case object Exact extends LevelModifier
case object TDigest extends LevelModifier
case class Deterministic[T](determinator: TableColumn[T]) extends LevelModifier
/*Works for numbers. Intended for calculating quantiles of page loading time in milliseconds.*/
case object Timing extends LevelModifier
/*The result is calculated as if the x value were passed weight number of times to the quantileTiming function.*/
case class TimingWeighted(weight: TableColumn[Int]) extends LevelModifier
case class ExactWeighted(weight: TableColumn[Int]) extends LevelModifier
/*Works for numbers, dates, and dates with times. Returns: for numbers – Float64; for dates – a date; for dates with times – a date with time.Works for numbers, dates, and dates with times. Returns: for numbers – Float64; for dates – a date; for dates with times – a date with time.*/
case class Quantile[T](tableColumn: TableColumn[T],
level: Float = 0.5F,
modifier: LevelModifier = LevelModifier.Simple)
extends LeveledAggregatedFunction[T](tableColumn) {
require(level >= 0 && level <= 1)
case class Quantiles[T](tableColumn: TableColumn[T],
levels: Seq[Float],
modifier: LevelModifier = LevelModifier.Simple)
extends LeveledAggregatedFunction[Seq[T]](tableColumn) {
levels.foreach(level => require(level >= 0 && level <= 1))
case class Median[T](tableColumn: TableColumn[T], level: Float, modifier: LevelModifier = LevelModifier.Simple)
extends LeveledAggregatedFunction[T](tableColumn) {
require(level > 0 && level < 1)
def median[V](target: TableColumn[V], level: Float = 0.5F): Median[V] = Median(target, level = level)
def quantile[V](target: TableColumn[V], level: Float = 0.5F): Quantile[V] = Quantile(target, level = level)
def quantiles[V](target: TableColumn[V], levels: Float*): Quantiles[V] = Quantiles(target, levels)
def medianExact[V](target: TableColumn[V], level: Float = 0.5F): Median[V] =
Median(target, level, LevelModifier.Exact)
def quantileExact[V](target: TableColumn[V], level: Float = 0.5F): Quantile[V] =
Quantile(target, level, LevelModifier.Exact)
def quantilesExact[V](target: TableColumn[V], levels: Float*): Quantiles[V] =
Quantiles(target, levels, LevelModifier.Exact)
def medianExactWeighted[V](target: TableColumn[V], weight: TableColumn[Int], level: Float = 0.5F): Median[V] =
Median(target, level, LevelModifier.ExactWeighted(weight))
def quantileExactWeighted[V](target: TableColumn[V], weight: TableColumn[Int], level: Float = 0.5F): Quantile[V] =
Quantile(target, level, LevelModifier.ExactWeighted(weight))
def quantilesExactWeighted[V](target: TableColumn[V], weight: TableColumn[Int], levels: Float*): Quantiles[V] =
Quantiles(target, levels, LevelModifier.ExactWeighted(weight))
def medianTDigest[V](target: TableColumn[V], level: Float = 0.5F): Median[V] =
Median(target, level, LevelModifier.TDigest)
def quantileTDigest[V](target: TableColumn[V], level: Float = 0.5F): Quantile[V] =
Quantile(target, level, LevelModifier.TDigest)
def quantilesTDigest[V](target: TableColumn[V], levels: Float*): Quantiles[V] =
Quantiles(target, levels, LevelModifier.TDigest)
def medianTiming[V](target: TableColumn[V], level: Float = 0.5F): Median[V] =
Median(target, level, LevelModifier.Timing)
def quantileTiming[V](target: TableColumn[V], level: Float = 0.5F): Quantile[V] =
Quantile(target, level, LevelModifier.Timing)
def quantilesTiming[V](target: TableColumn[V], levels: Float*): Quantiles[V] =
Quantiles(target, levels, LevelModifier.Timing)
def medianTimingWeighted[V](target: TableColumn[V], weight: TableColumn[Int], level: Float = 0.5F): Median[V] =
Median(target, level, LevelModifier.TimingWeighted(weight))
def quantileTimingWeighted[V](target: TableColumn[V], weight: TableColumn[Int], level: Float = 0.5F): Quantile[V] =
Quantile(target, level, LevelModifier.TimingWeighted(weight))
def quantilesTimingWeighted[V](target: TableColumn[V], weight: TableColumn[Int], levels: Float*): Quantiles[V] =
Quantiles(target, levels, LevelModifier.TimingWeighted(weight))
def medianDeterministic[V, T](target: TableColumn[V], determinator: TableColumn[T], level: Float = 0.5F): Median[V] =
Median(target, level, LevelModifier.Deterministic(determinator))
def quantileDeterministic[V, T](target: TableColumn[V],
determinator: TableColumn[T],
level: Float = 0.5F): Quantile[V] =
Quantile(target, level, LevelModifier.Deterministic(determinator))
def quantilesDeterministic[V, T](target: TableColumn[V], determinator: TableColumn[T], levels: Float*): Quantiles[V] =
Quantiles(target, levels, LevelModifier.Deterministic(determinator))