com.crobox.clickhouse.dsl.column.Magnets.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package com.crobox.clickhouse.dsl.column
import com.crobox.clickhouse.dsl.marshalling.QueryValueFormats._
import com.crobox.clickhouse.dsl.marshalling.{QueryValue, QueryValueFormats}
import com.crobox.clickhouse.dsl.schemabuilder.ColumnType.SimpleColumnType
import com.crobox.clickhouse.dsl.{Const, EmptyColumn, ExpressionColumn, OperationalQuery, Table, TableColumn}
import org.joda.time.{DateTime, LocalDate}
import java.util.UUID
import scala.language.implicitConversions
trait Magnets {
self: ArithmeticFunctions
with ComparisonFunctions
with LogicalFunctions
with TypeCastFunctions
with StringFunctions
with EmptyFunctions
with NullableFunctions
with StringSearchFunctions
with ScalaBooleanFunctions
with ScalaStringFunctions
with InFunctions =>
* Magnet pattern
* The pattern provides implicit conversion to wrapper classes,
* this allows the DSL to accept multiple compatible column types in a single function.
trait Magnet[+C] {
val column: TableColumn[C]
// ComparableWith trait and Cast case class were members of ComparisonFunctions and TypeCastFunctions trait
// respectively. But placing them in the mixin traits causes Scala 3 compiler to crash. Hence, placing these
// constructs here is a workaround allowing for the codebase to be compiled with Scala 3.
trait ComparableWith[M <: Magnet[_]] {
self: Magnet[_] =>
def <(other: M): ExpressionColumn[Boolean] = ComparisonColumn(self, "<", other)
def >(other: M): ExpressionColumn[Boolean] = ComparisonColumn(self, ">", other)
def <>(other: M): ExpressionColumn[Boolean] = ComparisonColumn(self, "!=", other)
def isEq(other: M): ExpressionColumn[Boolean] = ComparisonColumn(self, "=", other)
def notEq(other: M): ExpressionColumn[Boolean] = ComparisonColumn(self, "!=", other)
def ===(other: M): ExpressionColumn[Boolean] = ComparisonColumn(self, "=", other)
def !==(other: M): ExpressionColumn[Boolean] = ComparisonColumn(self, "!=", other)
def <=(other: M): ExpressionColumn[Boolean] = ComparisonColumn(self, "<=", other)
def >=(other: M): ExpressionColumn[Boolean] = ComparisonColumn(self, ">=", other)
case class Cast[T](tableColumn: ConstOrColMagnet[_], simpleColumnType: SimpleColumnType)
extends TypeCastColumn[T](tableColumn)
with ConstOrColMagnet[T] {
override val column: TableColumn[T] = this
* Any constant or column.
* Sidenote: The current implementation doesn't represent collections.
trait ConstOrColMagnet[+C] extends Magnet[C] with ScalaBooleanFunctionOps with InOps with NullableOps
implicit def constOrColMagnetFromCol[C](s: TableColumn[C]): ConstOrColMagnet[C] =
new ConstOrColMagnet[C] {
override val column: TableColumn[C] = s
implicit def constOrColMagnetFromConst[T: QueryValue](s: T): ConstOrColMagnet[T] =
new ConstOrColMagnet[T] {
override val column: TableColumn[T] = Const(s)
* Represents any accepted type for the right hand argument of the IN operators (tuple, table or Qry)
sealed trait InFuncRHMagnet extends Magnet[Nothing] {
val query: Option[OperationalQuery] = None
val tableRef: Option[Table] = None
val isEmptyCollection: Boolean = false
implicit def InFuncRHMagnetFromIterable[T: QueryValue](s: Iterable[T]): InFuncRHMagnet =
new InFuncRHMagnet {
val qvT = implicitly[QueryValue[T]]
val sConsts: Seq[ConstOrColMagnet[T]] = => constOrColMagnetFromConst(col)(qvT)).toSeq
override val column: Tuple = tuple(sConsts: _*)
override val isEmptyCollection: Boolean = column.coln.isEmpty
implicit def InFuncRHMagnetFromTuple(s: Tuple): InFuncRHMagnet =
new InFuncRHMagnet {
override val column: Tuple = s
override val isEmptyCollection: Boolean = column.coln.isEmpty
implicit def InFuncRHMagnetFromQuery(s: OperationalQuery): InFuncRHMagnet =
new InFuncRHMagnet {
override val column = EmptyColumn
override val query: Option[OperationalQuery] = Some(s)
implicit def InFuncRHMagnetFromTable(s: Table): InFuncRHMagnet =
new InFuncRHMagnet {
override val column = EmptyColumn
override val tableRef: Option[Table] = Some(s)
* Represents any collection
sealed trait ArrayColMagnet[+C] extends Magnet[C]
implicit def arrayColMagnetFromIterableConst[T: QueryValue](s: scala.Iterable[T]): ArrayColMagnet[scala.Iterable[T]] =
new ArrayColMagnet[scala.Iterable[T]] {
val qvForIterable = QueryValueFormats.queryValueToSeq(implicitly[QueryValue[T]])
override val column = Const(s)(qvForIterable)
implicit def arrayColMagnetFromIterableCol[C](s: TableColumn[scala.Iterable[C]]): ArrayColMagnet[scala.Iterable[C]] =
new ArrayColMagnet[scala.Iterable[C]] {
override val column = s
* UUID-like columns
trait UUIDColMagnet[C]
extends Magnet[C]
with HexCompatible[C]
with ComparableWith[UUIDColMagnet[_]]
with EmptyOps[C]
with EmptyNonEmptyCol[C]
* String-like columns
trait StringColMagnet[C]
extends Magnet[C]
with HexCompatible[C]
with ComparableWith[StringColMagnet[_]]
with ScalaStringFunctionOps
with EmptyOps[C]
with StringOps
with StringSearchOps
with EmptyNonEmptyCol[C]
implicit def stringColMagnetFromString[T <: String: QueryValue](s: T): StringColMagnet[String] =
new StringColMagnet[String] {
override val column: TableColumn[String] = Const(s)
implicit def stringColMagnetFromStringCol[T <: TableColumn[String]](s: T): StringColMagnet[String] =
new StringColMagnet[String] {
override val column: TableColumn[String] = s
implicit def stringColMagnetFromUUID[T <: UUID: QueryValue](s: T): StringColMagnet[UUID] =
new StringColMagnet[UUID] {
override val column: TableColumn[UUID] = Const(s)
implicit def stringColMagnetFromUUIDCol[T <: TableColumn[UUID]](s: T): StringColMagnet[UUID] =
new StringColMagnet[UUID] {
override val column: TableColumn[UUID] = s
* Types that are compatible with HEX accepting functions
sealed trait HexCompatible[C] extends Magnet[C]
* Date or date time representations
sealed trait DateOrDateTime[C] extends Magnet[C] with AddSubtractable[C] with ComparableWith[DateOrDateTime[_]]
implicit def ddtFromDateCol[T <: TableColumn[LocalDate]](s: T): DateOrDateTime[LocalDate] =
new DateOrDateTime[LocalDate] {
override val column = s
implicit def ddtFromDateTimeCol[T <: TableColumn[DateTime]](s: T): DateOrDateTime[DateTime] =
new DateOrDateTime[DateTime] {
override val column = s
implicit def ddtFromDate[T <: LocalDate: QueryValue](s: T): DateOrDateTime[LocalDate] =
new DateOrDateTime[LocalDate] {
override val column = toDate(s)
implicit def ddtFromDateTime[T <: DateTime: QueryValue](s: T): DateOrDateTime[DateTime] =
new DateOrDateTime[DateTime] {
override val column = toDateTime(s)
sealed trait LogicalOpsMagnet extends LogicalOps {
val asOption: Option[TableColumn[Boolean]]
def isConstTrue: Boolean = asOption match {
case Some(Const(el: Boolean)) => el
case _ => false
def isConstFalse: Boolean = asOption match {
case Some(Const(false)) => true
case _ => false
implicit def logicalOpsMagnetFromOptionCol(s: Option[TableColumn[Boolean]]): LogicalOpsMagnet =
new LogicalOpsMagnet {
override val asOption: Option[TableColumn[Boolean]] = s
implicit def logicalOpsMagnetFromOptionConst(s: Option[Boolean]): LogicalOpsMagnet =
new LogicalOpsMagnet {
override val asOption: Option[TableColumn[Boolean]] =
implicit def logicalOpsMagnetFromNone(s: Option[Nothing]): LogicalOpsMagnet =
new LogicalOpsMagnet {
override val asOption: Option[TableColumn[Boolean]] = None
implicit def logicalOpsMagnetFromBoolean(s: Boolean): LogicalOpsMagnet =
new LogicalOpsMagnet {
override val asOption: Option[TableColumn[Boolean]] = Some(Const(s))
implicit def logicalOpsMagnetFromBooleanCol(s: TableColumn[Boolean]): LogicalOpsMagnet =
new LogicalOpsMagnet {
override val asOption: Option[TableColumn[Boolean]] = Some(s)
* Type that is expected by functions that shall then add or subtract from this value.
* These are not just numerics, but f.i. also dates / times.
sealed trait AddSubtractable[C] extends Magnet[C] with AddSubtractOps[C]
trait NumericCol[C]
extends Magnet[C]
with AddSubtractable[C]
with HexCompatible[C]
with ComparableWith[NumericCol[_]]
with ArithmeticOps[C]
implicit def numericFromLong[T <: Long: QueryValue](s: T): NumericCol[Long] =
new NumericCol[Long] {
override val column = Const(s)
implicit def numericFromInt[T <: Int: QueryValue](s: T): NumericCol[Int] =
new NumericCol[Int] {
override val column = Const(s)
implicit def numericFromDouble[T <: Double: QueryValue](s: T): NumericCol[Double] =
new NumericCol[Double] {
override val column = Const(s)
implicit def numericFromFloat[T <: Float: QueryValue](s: T): NumericCol[Float] =
new NumericCol[Float] {
override val column = Const(s)
implicit def numericFromBigInt[T <: BigInt: QueryValue](s: T): NumericCol[BigInt] =
new NumericCol[BigInt] {
override val column = Const(s)
implicit def numericFromBigDecimal[T <: BigDecimal: QueryValue](s: T): NumericCol[BigDecimal] =
new NumericCol[BigDecimal] {
override val column = Const(s)
implicit def numericFromBoolean[T <: Boolean: QueryValue](s: T): NumericCol[Boolean] =
new NumericCol[Boolean] {
override val column = Const(s)
implicit def numericFromLongCol[T <: TableColumn[Long]](s: T): NumericCol[Long] =
new NumericCol[Long] {
override val column = s
implicit def numericFromIntCol[T <: TableColumn[Int]](s: T): NumericCol[Int] =
new NumericCol[Int] {
override val column = s
implicit def numericFromDoubleCol[T <: TableColumn[Double]](s: T): NumericCol[Double] =
new NumericCol[Double] {
override val column = s
implicit def numericFromFloatCol[T <: TableColumn[Float]](s: T): NumericCol[Float] =
new NumericCol[Float] {
override val column = s
implicit def numericFromBigIntCol[T <: TableColumn[BigInt]](s: T): NumericCol[BigInt] =
new NumericCol[BigInt] {
override val column = s
implicit def numericFromBigDecimalCol[T <: TableColumn[BigDecimal]](s: T): NumericCol[BigDecimal] =
new NumericCol[BigDecimal] {
override val column = s
implicit def numericFromBooleanCol[T <: TableColumn[Boolean]](s: T): NumericCol[Boolean] =
new NumericCol[Boolean] {
override val column = s
* Marks types that can be checked on empty/nonempty and length (at least collections and strings)
sealed trait EmptyNonEmptyCol[C] extends Magnet[C]
implicit def emptyNonEmptyFromIterableCol[Elem, Collection[B] <: Iterable[B], ColType[A] <: TableColumn[A]](
s: ColType[Collection[Elem]]
): EmptyNonEmptyCol[Collection[Elem]] =
new EmptyNonEmptyCol[Collection[Elem]] {
override val column: TableColumn[Collection[Elem]] = s
implicit def emptyNonEmptyFromIterable[T <: Iterable[_]: QueryValue](s: T): EmptyNonEmptyCol[T] =
new EmptyNonEmptyCol[T] {
override val column = Const(s)