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package com.crobox.clickhouse.dsl.language
import com.crobox.clickhouse.dsl._
trait LogicalFunctionTokenizer {
self: ClickhouseTokenizerModule =>
def tokenizeLogicalFunction(col: LogicalFunction)(implicit ctx: TokenizeContext): String =
(col.left.asOption, col.right.asOption) match {
case (None, None) => "1"
case (Some(left), None) => tokenizeColumn(left)
case (None, Some(right)) => tokenizeColumn(right)
case (Some(left), Some(right)) =>
col.operator match {
case And =>
(surroundWithBrackets(left, col.operator), surroundWithBrackets(right, col.operator)) match {
case ("1", "1") => "1" // LEFT & RIGHT are true, AND succeeds
case ("1", rightClause) => rightClause // LEFT is true, only tokenize RIGHT
case ("0", _) => "0" // LEFT is false, AND fails
case (leftClause, "1") => leftClause // RIGHT is true, only tokenize LEFT
case (_, "0") => "0" // RIGHT is false, AND fails
case (leftClause, rightClause) => s"$leftClause AND $rightClause"
case Or =>
(surroundWithBrackets(left, col.operator), surroundWithBrackets(right, col.operator)) match {
case ("0", "0") => "0" // LEFT & RIGHT are false, OR fails
case ("0", rightClause) => rightClause // LEFT is false, only tokenize RIGHT
case ("1", _) => "1" // LEFT is true, OR succeeds
case (leftClause, "0") => leftClause // RIGHT is false, only tokenize LEFT
case (_, "1") => "1" // RIGHT is true, OR succeeds
case (leftClause, rightClause) => s"$leftClause OR $rightClause"
case Xor =>
(surroundWithBrackets(left, col.operator), surroundWithBrackets(right, col.operator)) match {
case ("0", "0") => "0" // LEFT & RIGHT are false, XOR fails
case ("1", "1") => "0" // LEFT & RIGHT are true, XOR fails
case ("0", rightClause) => rightClause // LEFT is false, only tokenize RIGHT
case (leftClause, "0") => leftClause // RIGHT is false, only tokenize LEFT
case ("1", rightClause) => s"not($rightClause)" // LEFT is true, RIGHT MUST BE FALSE
case (leftClause, "1") => s"not($leftClause)" // RIGHT is true, LEFT MUST BE FALSE
case (leftClause, rightClause) => s"xor($leftClause, $rightClause)"
case Not => s"not(${tokenizeColumn(left)})"
private def surroundWithBrackets(col: TableColumn[Boolean], operator: LogicalOperator)(
implicit ctx: TokenizeContext
): String =
col match {
case c: LogicalFunction if c.operator == And && operator == Or => surroundWithBrackets(tokenizeColumn(col))
case c: LogicalFunction if c.operator == Or && operator == And => surroundWithBrackets(tokenizeColumn(col))
case _ => tokenizeColumn(col)
private def surroundWithBrackets(evaluated: String): String =
// the underlying column c might be a complex logical function that first needs to be evaluated.
// e.g. or(1 or true or not(a)) ==> not(a)
// We need to detect if this is a single clause OR a multiple clauses
if (evaluated.indexOf(" AND ") == -1 && evaluated.indexOf(" OR ") == -1) {
// we have a single clause
} else {
// we have multiple clauses, surround with brackets