com.crobox.clickhouse.dsl.parallel.package.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package com.crobox.clickhouse.dsl
import com.crobox.clickhouse.dsl.JoinQuery.AllLeftJoin
package object parallel {
implicit class ParallelizableQuery(operationalQuery: OperationalQuery) {
* Merging 2 queries will retaining all grouping and selection of both queries and join them using the grouped columns
def merge(query: OperationalQuery): MergingQueries =
MergingQueries(operationalQuery, query, AllLeftJoin)
* Smart joins with automated grouping, sorting and then joining on the matching columns
case class MergingQueries(rightTableQry: OperationalQuery,
leftTableQry: OperationalQuery,
joinType: JoinQuery.JoinType = AllLeftJoin)
extends QueryFactory {
override def on(columns: Column*): OperationalQuery = {
val rightTableQryGrouped = rightTableQry.groupBy(columns: _*).orderBy(columns: _*)
val leftTableQryGrouped = leftTableQry.groupBy(columns: _*).orderBy(columns: _*)
this._on(rightTableQryGrouped, leftTableQryGrouped, columns)
def onUngrouped(columns: Column*): OperationalQuery =
this._on(rightTableQry, leftTableQry, columns)
def joinWith(joinType: JoinQuery.JoinType): MergingQueries =
this.copy(joinType = joinType)
private def _on(rightTableQry: OperationalQuery,
leftTableQry: OperationalQuery,
joinKeys: Seq[Column]): OperationalQuery = {
def recursiveCollectCols(qry: InternalQuery, cols: Seq[Column] = Seq.empty): Seq[Column] = {
val uQry = qry
val selectAll =
val maybeFromCols = uQry.from match {
case Some(value: InnerFromQuery) if selectAll =>
case Some(value: TableFromQuery[_]) if selectAll =>
case _ =>
val newCols = (cols ++ maybeFromCols ++
uQry.join match {
case Some(JoinQuery(_, q, _, _, _)) if selectAll => recursiveCollectCols(q.internalQuery, newCols)
case _ => newCols
//Forcefully add the columns of the right table(s), because 'select *' on a join only returns the values of the left table in clickhouse
val joinCols = recursiveCollectCols(rightTableQry.internalQuery)
//filter out cols that are already available trough grouping
.filterNot(thisCol => joinKeys.exists( ==
//Map to a simple column so that we just add the select to top level
.map(origCol => RefColumn(
.filterNot( ==
select(joinCols: _*)
.join(joinType, rightTableQry)
.using(joinKeys.head, joinKeys.tail: _*)