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// Copyright (c) 2020 Digital Asset (Switzerland) GmbH and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
import{StringReader, StringWriter}
import{BaseEncoding, ByteStreams}
import scalaz.{Equal, Order}
sealed trait StringModule[T] {
def fromString(s: String): Either[String, T]
def assertFromString(s: String): T
implicit def equalInstance: Equal[T]
implicit def ordering: Ordering[T]
// We provide the following array factory instead of a ClassTag
// because the latter lets people easily reinterpret any string as a T.
// See
// *
// *
val Array: ArrayFactory[T]
def toStringMap[V](map: Map[T, V]): Map[String, V]
sealed trait HexStringModule[T <: String] extends StringModule[T] {
def encode(a: Bytes): T
def decode(a: T): Bytes
/** ConcatenableMatchingString are non empty US-ASCII strings built with letters, digits,
* and some other (parameterizable) extra characters.
* We use them to represent identifiers. In this way, we avoid
* empty identifiers, escaping problems, and other similar pitfalls.
* ConcatenableMatchingString has the advantage over MatchingStringModule of being
* concatenable and can be generated from numbers without extra checks.
* Those properties are heavily use to generate some ids by combining other existing
* ids.
sealed trait ConcatenableStringModule[T <: String, HS <: String] extends StringModule[T] {
def fromLong(i: Long): T
def fromInt(i: Int): T
def concat(s: T, ss: T*): Either[String, T]
def assertConcat(s: T, ss: T*): T
def fromHexString(s: HS): T
sealed abstract class IdString {
// We are very restrictive with regards to identifiers, taking inspiration
// from the lexical structure of Java:
// .
// In a language like C# you'll need to use some other unicode char for `$`.
type Name <: String
type HexString <: LedgerString
// Human-readable package names and versions.
type PackageName <: String
type PackageVersion <: String
/** Party identifiers are non-empty US-ASCII strings built from letters, digits, space, colon, minus and,
underscore. We use them to represent [Party] literals. In this way, we avoid
empty identifiers, escaping problems, and other similar pitfalls.
type Party <: String
/** Reference to a package via a package identifier. The identifier is the ascii7
* lowercase hex-encoded hash of the package contents found in the DAML LF Archive. */
type PackageId <: String
type ParticipantId <: String
* Used to reference to leger objects like legacy contractIds, ledgerIds,
* transactionId, ... We use the same type for those ids, because we
* construct some by concatenating the others.
type LedgerString <: String
/** Identifiers for contracts */
type ContractIdString <: String
val HexString: HexStringModule[HexString]
val Name: StringModule[Name]
val PackageName: ConcatenableStringModule[PackageName, HexString]
val PackageVersion: StringModule[PackageVersion]
val Party: ConcatenableStringModule[Party, HexString]
val PackageId: ConcatenableStringModule[PackageId, HexString]
val ParticipantId: StringModule[ParticipantId]
val LedgerString: ConcatenableStringModule[LedgerString, HexString]
val ContractIdString: StringModule[ContractIdString]
object IdString {
import Ref.{Name, Party}
implicit def `Name order instance`: Order[Name] = Order fromScalaOrdering Name.ordering
implicit def `Party order instance`: Order[Party] = Order fromScalaOrdering Party.ordering
private sealed abstract class StringModuleImpl extends StringModule[String] {
type T = String
final implicit def equalInstance: Equal[T] = scalaz.std.string.stringInstance
final val Array: ArrayFactory[T] = new ArrayFactory[T]
def fromString(str: String): Either[String, String]
final def assertFromString(s: String): String =
final implicit val ordering: Ordering[String] =
_ compareTo _
final def toStringMap[V](map: Map[String, V]): Map[String, V] =
private object HexStringModuleImpl extends StringModuleImpl with HexStringModule[String] {
private val baseEncode = BaseEncoding.base16().lowerCase()
override def fromString(str: String): Either[String, String] =
s"cannot parse HexString $str"
override def encode(a: Bytes): T = {
val writer = new StringWriter()
val os = baseEncode.encodingStream(writer)
ByteStreams.copy(a.toInputStream, os)
override def decode(a: T): Bytes =
Bytes.fromInputStream(baseEncode.decodingStream(new StringReader(a)))
private final class MatchingStringModule(description: String, string_regex: String)
extends StringModuleImpl {
private val regex = string_regex.r
private val pattern = regex.pattern
override def fromString(s: String): Either[String, T] =
s"""$description "$s" does not match regex "$regex"""")
/** ConcatenableMatchingString are non empty US-ASCII strings built with letters, digits,
* and some other (parameterizable) extra characters.
* We use them to represent identifiers. In this way, we avoid
* empty identifiers, escaping problems, and other similar pitfalls.
* ConcatenableMatchingString has the advantage over MatchingStringModule of being
* concatenable and can be generated from numbers without extra checks.
* Those properties are heavily use to generate some ids by combining other existing
* ids.
private final class ConcatenableMatchingStringModule(
description: String,
extraAllowedChars: Char => Boolean,
maxLength: Int = Int.MaxValue,
) extends StringModuleImpl
with ConcatenableStringModule[String, String] {
override def fromString(s: String): Either[String, T] =
if (s.isEmpty)
Left(s"""$description is empty""")
else if (s.length > maxLength)
Left(s"""$description is too long""")
s.find(c => c > 0x7f || !(c.isLetterOrDigit || extraAllowedChars(c)))
.fold[Either[String, T]](Right(s))(c =>
Left(s"""non expected character 0x${c.toInt.toHexString} in $description "$s""""))
override def fromLong(i: Long): T = i.toString
override def fromInt(i: Int): T = fromLong(i.toLong)
override def concat(s: T, ss: T*): Either[String, T] = {
val b = StringBuilder.newBuilder
b ++= s
ss.foreach(b ++= _)
if (b.length <= maxLength) Right(b.result()) else Left(s"id ${b.result()} too Long")
override def assertConcat(s: T, ss: T*): T =
assertRight(concat(s, ss: _*))
override def fromHexString(s: String): String = s
private[data] final class IdStringImpl extends IdString {
override type HexString = String
override val HexString: HexStringModule[HexString] = HexStringModuleImpl
// We are very restrictive with regards to identifiers, taking inspiration
// from the lexical structure of Java:
// .
// In a language like C# you'll need to use some other unicode char for `$`.
override type Name = String
override val Name: StringModule[Name] =
new MatchingStringModule("DAML LF Name", """[A-Za-z\$_][A-Za-z0-9\$_]*""")
/** Package names are non-empty US-ASCII strings built from letters, digits, minus and underscore.
override type PackageName = String
override val PackageName: ConcatenableStringModule[PackageName, HexString] =
new ConcatenableMatchingStringModule("DAML LF Package Name", "-_".contains(_))
/** Package versions are non-empty strings consisting of segments of digits (without leading zeros)
separated by dots.
override type PackageVersion = String
override val PackageVersion: StringModule[PackageVersion] =
new MatchingStringModule("DAML LF Package Version", """(0|[1-9][0-9]*)(\.(0|[1-9][0-9]*))*""")
/** Party identifiers are non-empty US-ASCII strings built from letters, digits, space, colon, minus and,
* underscore limited to 255 chars. We use them to represent [Party] literals. In this way, we avoid
* empty identifiers, escaping problems, and other similar pitfalls.
override type Party = String
override val Party: ConcatenableStringModule[Party, HexString] =
new ConcatenableMatchingStringModule("DAML LF Party", ":-_ ".contains(_), 255)
/** Reference to a package via a package identifier. The identifier is the ascii7
* lowercase hex-encoded hash of the package contents found in the DAML LF Archive. */
override type PackageId = String
override val PackageId: ConcatenableStringModule[PackageId, HexString] =
new ConcatenableMatchingStringModule("DAML LF Package ID", "-_ ".contains(_))
* Used to reference to leger objects like contractIds, ledgerIds,
* transactionId, ... We use the same type for those ids, because we
* construct some by concatenating the others.
// We allow space because the navigator's applicationId used it.
override type LedgerString = String
override val LedgerString: ConcatenableStringModule[LedgerString, HexString] =
new ConcatenableMatchingStringModule("DAML LF Ledger String", "._:-#/ ".contains(_), 255)
override type ParticipantId = String
override val ParticipantId = LedgerString
* Legacy contractIds.
override type ContractIdString = String
override val ContractIdString: StringModule[ContractIdString] =
new MatchingStringModule("DAML LF Contract ID", """#[\w._:\-#/ ]{0,254}""")