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import scalaz.{@@, Equal, Order, Tag}
import scalaz.syntax.order._
private[daml] object ScalazEqual {
def withNatural[A](isNatural: Boolean)(c: (A, A) => Boolean): Equal[A] =
if (isNatural) Equal.equalA else Equal.equal(c)
/** Curry the typical pattern of matching equals by pairs, preserving exhaustiveness
* checking while reducing the boilerplate in each case.
* For example, this is unsafe:
* {{{
* (l, r) match {
* case (Left(l1), Left(l2)) => l1 == l2
* case (Right(r1), Right(r2)) => r1 == r2
* case _ => false
* }
* }}}
* because the third case disables exhaustiveness checking. And the easier
* it is to make this mistake, the stronger impulse to create the situation
* where it can occur, because the cost of writing out the false cases is
* quadratic.
* With this function, the above would be written
* {{{
* match2(fallback = false) {
* case Left(l1) => {case Left(l2) => l1 == l2}
* case Right(r1) => {case Right(r2) => r1 == r2}
* }
* }}}
* which preserves exhaustiveness checking for the left argument, which is
* perfectly sufficient for writing equals functions.
def match2[A, B, C](fallback: => C)(f: A => (B PartialFunction C))(a: A, b: B): C =
f(a).applyOrElse(b, (_: B) => fallback)
/** The Equal and Order instances only use `iterator` directly, so
* this is perfectly sufficient. If you want a public version, you
* need something more along the lines of [[ImmArray.ImmArraySeq]],
* customized for the specific type.
private[data] def toIterableForScalazInstances[A](iter: => Iterator[A]): Iterable[A] =
new Iterable[A] {
override final def iterator = iter
implicit final class `Match2 syntax`[+A, +B](private val self: (A, B)) extends AnyVal {
def match2[C](f: A => (B PartialFunction C))(fallback: => C): C =
ScalazEqual.match2(fallback)(f)(self._1, self._2)
/** Like Order#contramap, but with support for equalIsNatural. */
private[data] def orderBy[A, I: Order](f: A => I, inductiveNaturalEqual: Boolean): Order[A] =
new OrderBy(f, inductiveNaturalEqual)
private[data] def equalBy[A, I: Equal](f: A => I, inductiveNaturalEqual: Boolean): Equal[A] = {
val eqn = inductiveNaturalEqual
new EqualBy[A, I] {
override val I = Equal[I]
override val k = f
override val inductiveNaturalEqual = eqn
private[this] final class OrderBy[A, I](
val k: A => I,
override val inductiveNaturalEqual: Boolean)(implicit val I: Order[I])
extends Order[A]
with EqualBy[A, I] {
override def order(a: A, b: A) =
k(a) ?|? k(b)
private[this] sealed trait EqualBy[A, I] extends Equal[A] {
def k: A => I
implicit def I: Equal[I]
def inductiveNaturalEqual: Boolean
override final def equalIsNatural = inductiveNaturalEqual && I.equalIsNatural
override final def equal(a: A, b: A) =
k(a) === k(b)
private[lf] sealed trait _2
private[lf] object _2 {
val T = Tag.of[_2]
implicit def `_2 Order`[L, R: Order]: Order[(L, R) @@ _2] =
Tag subst Order[R].contramap(_._2)