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com.digitalasset.daml.lf.language.Util.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
// Copyright (c) 2020 Digital Asset (Switzerland) GmbH and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
package com.daml.lf.language
import{Decimal, ImmArray, Ref}
import com.daml.lf.language.Ast._
import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.collection.immutable.HashMap
object Util {
object TTyConApp {
def apply(con: Ref.TypeConName, args: ImmArray[Type]): Type =
args.foldLeft[Type](TTyCon(con))((typ, arg) => TApp(typ, arg))
def unapply(typ: Type): Option[(Ref.TypeConName, ImmArray[Type])] = {
def go(typ: Type, targs: List[Type]): Option[(Ref.TypeConName, ImmArray[Type])] =
typ match {
case TApp(tfun, targ) => go(tfun, targ :: targs)
case TTyCon(con) => Some((con, ImmArray(targs)))
case _ => None
go(typ, Nil)
object TFun extends ((Type, Type) => Type) {
def apply(targ: Type, tres: Type) =
TApp(TApp(TBuiltin(BTArrow), targ), tres)
class ParametricType1(bType: BuiltinType) {
val cons = TBuiltin(bType)
def apply(typ: Type): Type =
TApp(cons, typ)
def unapply(typ: TApp): Option[Type] = typ match {
case TApp(`cons`, elemType) => Some(elemType)
case _ => None
class ParametricType2(bType: BuiltinType) {
val cons = TBuiltin(bType)
def apply(typ1: Type, typ2: Type): Type =
TApp(TApp(cons, typ1), typ2)
def unapply(typ: TApp): Option[(Type, Type)] = typ match {
case TApp(TApp(`cons`, type1), type2) => Some(type1 -> type2)
case _ => None
val TUnit = TBuiltin(BTUnit)
val TBool = TBuiltin(BTBool)
val TInt64 = TBuiltin(BTInt64)
val TText = TBuiltin(BTText)
val TTimestamp = TBuiltin(BTTimestamp)
val TDate = TBuiltin(BTDate)
val TParty = TBuiltin(BTParty)
val TAny = TBuiltin(BTAny)
val TTypeRep = TBuiltin(BTTypeRep)
val TNumeric = new ParametricType1(BTNumeric)
val TList = new ParametricType1(BTList)
val TOptional = new ParametricType1(BTOptional)
val TTextMap = new ParametricType1(BTTextMap)
val TGenMap = new ParametricType2(BTGenMap)
val TUpdate = new ParametricType1(BTUpdate)
val TScenario = new ParametricType1(BTScenario)
val TContractId = new ParametricType1(BTContractId)
val TParties = TList(TParty)
val TDecimalScale = TNat(Decimal.scale)
val TDecimal = TNumeric(TDecimalScale)
val EUnit = EPrimCon(PCUnit)
val ETrue = EPrimCon(PCTrue)
val EFalse = EPrimCon(PCFalse)
def EBool(b: Boolean): EPrimCon = if (b) ETrue else EFalse
val CPUnit = CPPrimCon(PCUnit)
val CPTrue = CPPrimCon(PCTrue)
val CPFalse = CPPrimCon(PCFalse)
// Returns the `pkgIds` and all its dependencies in topological order.
// A package undefined w.r.t. the function `packages` is treated as a sink.
def dependenciesInTopologicalOrder(
pkgIds: List[Ref.PackageId],
packages: Ref.PackageId PartialFunction Package,
): List[Ref.PackageId] = {
def buildGraph(
toProcess0: List[Ref.PackageId],
seen0: Set[Ref.PackageId],
graph0: Graphs.Graph[Ref.PackageId],
): Graphs.Graph[Ref.PackageId] =
toProcess0 match {
case pkgId :: toProcess1 =>
val deps = packages.lift(pkgId).fold(Set.empty[Ref.PackageId])(_.directDeps)
val newDeps = deps.filterNot(seen0)
seen0 ++ newDeps,
graph0.updated(pkgId, deps)
case Nil => graph0
.topoSort(buildGraph(pkgIds, pkgIds.toSet, HashMap.empty))
// If we get a cycle in package dependencies, there is something very wrong
// (i.e. we find a collision in SHA256), so we crash.
cycle =>
throw new Error(s"cycle in package definitions ${cycle.vertices.mkString(" -> ")}"),
private[this] def toSignature(choice: TemplateChoice): TemplateChoiceSignature =
choice match {
case TemplateChoice(
_) =>
(), => ()),
private[this] def toSignature(key: TemplateKey): TemplateKeySignature =
key match {
case TemplateKey(typ, _, _) =>
TemplateKeySignature(typ, (), ())
private[this] def toSignature(template: Template): TemplateSignature =
template match {
case Template(param, _, _, _, choices, _, key) =>
choices.transform((_, v) => toSignature(v)),
private[this] def toSignature(module: Module): ModuleSignature =
module match {
case Module(name, definitions, templates, featureFlags) =>
name = name,
definitions = definitions.transform {
case (_, dvalue: GenDValue[_]) => dvalue.copy(body = ())
case (_, dataType: DDataType) => dataType
case (_, typeSyn: DTypeSyn) => typeSyn
templates = templates.transform((_, template) => toSignature(template)),
featureFlags = featureFlags,
def toSignature(p: Package): PackageSignature =
p.copy(modules = p.modules.transform((_, mod) => toSignature(mod)))
def toSignatures(pkgs: Map[Ref.PackageId, Package]): Map[Ref.PackageId, PackageSignature] =
pkgs.transform((_, v) => toSignature(v))