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* Copyright (C) 2009-2014 Typesafe Inc.
import java.util.concurrent.ThreadFactory
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.{ AtomicLong, AtomicReference, AtomicReferenceArray }
import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.collection.immutable
import scala.concurrent.{ Await, ExecutionContext, Future, Promise }
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import scala.util.control.{ NoStackTrace, NonFatal }
import com.typesafe.config.Config
import akka.event.LoggingAdapter
import akka.util.Helpers
import akka.util.Unsafe.{ instance ⇒ unsafe }
import akka.dispatch.AbstractNodeQueue
* This exception is thrown by Scheduler.schedule* when scheduling is not
* possible, e.g. after shutting down the Scheduler.
private case class SchedulerException(msg: String) extends akka.AkkaException(msg) with NoStackTrace
// The Scheduler trait is included in the documentation. KEEP THE LINES SHORT!!!
* An Akka scheduler service. This one needs one special behavior: if
* Closeable, it MUST execute all outstanding tasks upon .close() in order
* to properly shutdown all dispatchers.
* Furthermore, this timer service MUST throw IllegalStateException if it
* cannot schedule a task. Once scheduled, the task MUST be executed. If
* executed upon close(), the task may execute before its timeout.
* Scheduler implementation are loaded reflectively at ActorSystem start-up
* with the following constructor arguments:
* 1) the system’s com.typesafe.config.Config (from system.settings.config)
* 2) a akka.event.LoggingAdapter
* 3) a java.util.concurrent.ThreadFactory
trait Scheduler {
* Schedules a message to be sent repeatedly with an initial delay and
* frequency. E.g. if you would like a message to be sent immediately and
* thereafter every 500ms you would set delay=Duration.Zero and
* interval=Duration(500, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
* Java & Scala API
final def schedule(
initialDelay: FiniteDuration,
interval: FiniteDuration,
receiver: ActorRef,
message: Any)(implicit executor: ExecutionContext,
sender: ActorRef = Actor.noSender): Cancellable =
schedule(initialDelay, interval, new Runnable {
def run = {
receiver ! message
if (receiver.isTerminated)
throw new SchedulerException("timer active for terminated actor")
* Schedules a function to be run repeatedly with an initial delay and a
* frequency. E.g. if you would like the function to be run after 2 seconds
* and thereafter every 100ms you would set delay = Duration(2, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
* and interval = Duration(100, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
* Scala API
final def schedule(
initialDelay: FiniteDuration,
interval: FiniteDuration)(f: ⇒ Unit)(
implicit executor: ExecutionContext): Cancellable =
schedule(initialDelay, interval, new Runnable { override def run = f })
* Schedules a function to be run repeatedly with an initial delay and
* a frequency. E.g. if you would like the function to be run after 2
* seconds and thereafter every 100ms you would set delay = Duration(2,
* TimeUnit.SECONDS) and interval = Duration(100, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
* Java API
def schedule(
initialDelay: FiniteDuration,
interval: FiniteDuration,
runnable: Runnable)(implicit executor: ExecutionContext): Cancellable
* Schedules a message to be sent once with a delay, i.e. a time period that has
* to pass before the message is sent.
* Java & Scala API
final def scheduleOnce(
delay: FiniteDuration,
receiver: ActorRef,
message: Any)(implicit executor: ExecutionContext,
sender: ActorRef = Actor.noSender): Cancellable =
scheduleOnce(delay, new Runnable {
override def run = receiver ! message
* Schedules a function to be run once with a delay, i.e. a time period that has
* to pass before the function is run.
* Scala API
final def scheduleOnce(delay: FiniteDuration)(f: ⇒ Unit)(
implicit executor: ExecutionContext): Cancellable =
scheduleOnce(delay, new Runnable { override def run = f })
* Schedules a Runnable to be run once with a delay, i.e. a time period that
* has to pass before the runnable is executed.
* Java & Scala API
def scheduleOnce(
delay: FiniteDuration,
runnable: Runnable)(implicit executor: ExecutionContext): Cancellable
* The maximum supported task frequency of this scheduler, i.e. the inverse
* of the minimum time interval between executions of a recurring task, in Hz.
def maxFrequency: Double
// this one is just here so we can present a nice AbstractScheduler for Java
abstract class AbstractSchedulerBase extends Scheduler
* Signifies something that can be cancelled
* There is no strict guarantee that the implementation is thread-safe,
* but it should be good practice to make it so.
trait Cancellable {
* Cancels this Cancellable and returns true if that was successful.
* If this cancellable was (concurrently) cancelled already, then this method
* will return false although isCancelled will return true.
* Java & Scala API
def cancel(): Boolean
* Returns true if and only if this Cancellable has been successfully cancelled
* Java & Scala API
def isCancelled: Boolean
* This scheduler implementation is based on a revolving wheel of buckets,
* like Netty’s HashedWheelTimer, which it advances at a fixed tick rate and
* dispatches tasks it finds in the current bucket to their respective
* ExecutionContexts. The tasks are held in TaskHolders, which upon
* cancellation null out their reference to the actual task, leaving only this
* shell to be cleaned up when the wheel reaches that bucket next time. This
* enables the use of a simple linked list to chain the TaskHolders off the
* wheel.
* Also noteworthy is that this scheduler does not obtain a current time stamp
* when scheduling single-shot tasks, instead it always rounds up the task
* delay to a full multiple of the TickDuration. This means that tasks are
* scheduled possibly one tick later than they could be (if checking that
* “now() + delay <= nextTick” were done).
class LightArrayRevolverScheduler(config: Config,
log: LoggingAdapter,
threadFactory: ThreadFactory)
extends Scheduler with Closeable {
import Helpers.Requiring
import Helpers.ConfigOps
val WheelSize =
.requiring(ticks ⇒ (ticks & (ticks - 1)) == 0, "ticks-per-wheel must be a power of 2")
val TickDuration =
.requiring(_ >= 10.millis || !Helpers.isWindows, "minimum supported akka.scheduler.tick-duration on Windows is 10ms")
.requiring(_ >= 1.millis, "minimum supported akka.scheduler.tick-duration is 1ms")
val ShutdownTimeout = config.getMillisDuration("akka.scheduler.shutdown-timeout")
import LightArrayRevolverScheduler._
private val oneNs = Duration.fromNanos(1l)
private def roundUp(d: FiniteDuration): FiniteDuration =
try {
((d + TickDuration - oneNs) / TickDuration).toLong * TickDuration
} catch {
case _: IllegalArgumentException ⇒ d // rouding up Long.MaxValue.nanos overflows
* Clock implementation is replaceable (for testing); the implementation must
* return a monotonically increasing series of Long nanoseconds.
protected def clock(): Long = System.nanoTime
* Replaceable for testing.
protected def startTick: Int = 0
* Overridable for tests
protected def getShutdownTimeout: FiniteDuration = ShutdownTimeout
* Overridable for tests
protected def waitNanos(nanos: Long): Unit = {
// see
val sleepMs = if (Helpers.isWindows) (nanos + 4999999) / 10000000 * 10 else (nanos + 999999) / 1000000
try Thread.sleep(sleepMs) catch {
case _: InterruptedException ⇒ Thread.currentThread.interrupt() // we got woken up
override def schedule(initialDelay: FiniteDuration,
delay: FiniteDuration,
runnable: Runnable)(implicit executor: ExecutionContext): Cancellable = {
val preparedEC = executor.prepare()
try new AtomicReference[Cancellable](InitialRepeatMarker) with Cancellable { self ⇒
compareAndSet(InitialRepeatMarker, schedule(
new AtomicLong(clock() + initialDelay.toNanos) with Runnable {
override def run(): Unit = {
try {
val driftNanos = clock() - getAndAdd(delay.toNanos)
if (self.get != null)
swap(schedule(preparedEC, this, Duration.fromNanos(Math.max(delay.toNanos - driftNanos, 1))))
} catch {
case _: SchedulerException ⇒ // ignore failure to enqueue or terminated target actor
}, roundUp(initialDelay)))
@tailrec private def swap(c: Cancellable): Unit = {
get match {
case null ⇒ if (c != null) c.cancel()
case old ⇒ if (!compareAndSet(old, c)) swap(c)
@tailrec final def cancel(): Boolean = {
get match {
case null ⇒ false
case c ⇒
if (c.cancel()) compareAndSet(c, null)
else compareAndSet(c, null) || cancel()
override def isCancelled: Boolean = get == null
} catch {
case SchedulerException(msg) ⇒ throw new IllegalStateException(msg)
override def scheduleOnce(delay: FiniteDuration, runnable: Runnable)(implicit executor: ExecutionContext): Cancellable =
try schedule(executor.prepare(), runnable, roundUp(delay))
catch {
case SchedulerException(msg) ⇒ throw new IllegalStateException(msg)
override def close(): Unit = Await.result(stop(), getShutdownTimeout) foreach {
task ⇒
try catch {
case e: InterruptedException ⇒ throw e
case _: SchedulerException ⇒ // ignore terminated actors
case NonFatal(e) ⇒ log.error(e, "exception while executing timer task")
override val maxFrequency: Double = 1.second / TickDuration
private val start = clock()
private val tickNanos = TickDuration.toNanos
private val wheelMask = WheelSize - 1
private val queue = new TaskQueue
private def schedule(ec: ExecutionContext, r: Runnable, delay: FiniteDuration): TimerTask =
if (delay <= Duration.Zero) {
if (stopped.get != null) throw new SchedulerException("cannot enqueue after timer shutdown")
} else if (stopped.get != null) {
throw new SchedulerException("cannot enqueue after timer shutdown")
} else {
val delayNanos = delay.toNanos
val ticks = (delayNanos / tickNanos).toInt
val task = new TaskHolder(r, ticks, ec)
if (stopped.get != null && task.cancel())
throw new SchedulerException("cannot enqueue after timer shutdown")
private def checkMaxDelay(delayNanos: Long): Unit =
if (delayNanos / tickNanos > Int.MaxValue)
// 1 second margin in the error message due to rounding
throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Task scheduled with [${delayNanos.nanos.toSeconds}] seconds delay, " +
s"which is too far in future, maximum delay is [${(tickNanos * Int.MaxValue).nanos.toSeconds - 1}] seconds")
private val stopped = new AtomicReference[Promise[immutable.Seq[TimerTask]]]
private def stop(): Future[immutable.Seq[TimerTask]] = {
val p = Promise[immutable.Seq[TimerTask]]()
if (stopped.compareAndSet(null, p)) {
// Interrupting the timer thread to make it shut down faster is not good since
// it could be in the middle of executing the scheduled tasks, which might not
// respond well to being interrupted.
// Instead we just wait one more tick for it to finish.
} else Future.successful(Nil)
@volatile private var timerThread: Thread = threadFactory.newThread(new Runnable {
var tick = startTick
var totalTick: Long = tick // tick count that doesn't wrap around, used for calculating sleep time
val wheel = Array.fill(WheelSize)(new TaskQueue)
private def clearAll(): immutable.Seq[TimerTask] = {
@tailrec def collect(q: TaskQueue, acc: Vector[TimerTask]): Vector[TimerTask] = {
q.poll() match {
case null ⇒ acc
case x ⇒ collect(q, acc :+ x)
((0 until WheelSize) flatMap (i ⇒ collect(wheel(i), Vector.empty))) ++ collect(queue, Vector.empty)
private def checkQueue(time: Long): Unit = queue.pollNode() match {
case null ⇒ ()
case node ⇒
node.value.ticks match {
case 0 ⇒ node.value.executeTask()
case ticks ⇒
val futureTick = ((
time - start + // calculate the nanos since timer start
(ticks * tickNanos) + // adding the desired delay
tickNanos - 1 // rounding up
) / tickNanos).toInt // and converting to slot number
// tick is an Int that will wrap around, but toInt of futureTick gives us modulo operations
// and the difference (offset) will be correct in any case
val offset = futureTick - tick
val bucket = futureTick & wheelMask
node.value.ticks = offset
override final def run =
try nextTick()
catch {
case t: Throwable ⇒
log.error(t, "exception on LARS’ timer thread")
stopped.get match {
case null ⇒
val thread = threadFactory.newThread(this)"starting new LARS thread")
try thread.start()
catch {
case e: Throwable ⇒
log.error(e, "LARS cannot start new thread, ship’s going down!")
stopped.set(Promise successful Nil)
timerThread = thread
case p ⇒
assert(stopped.compareAndSet(p, Promise successful Nil), "Stop signal violated in LARS")
p success clearAll()
throw t
@tailrec final def nextTick(): Unit = {
val time = clock()
val sleepTime = start + (totalTick * tickNanos) - time
if (sleepTime > 0) {
// check the queue before taking a nap
} else {
val bucket = tick & wheelMask
val tasks = wheel(bucket)
val putBack = new TaskQueue
@tailrec def executeBucket(): Unit = tasks.pollNode() match {
case null ⇒ ()
case node ⇒
val task = node.value
if (!task.isCancelled) {
if (task.ticks >= WheelSize) {
task.ticks -= WheelSize
} else task.executeTask()
wheel(bucket) = putBack
tick += 1
totalTick += 1
stopped.get match {
case null ⇒ nextTick()
case p ⇒
assert(stopped.compareAndSet(p, Promise successful Nil), "Stop signal violated in LARS")
p success clearAll()
object LightArrayRevolverScheduler {
private[this] val taskOffset = unsafe.objectFieldOffset(classOf[TaskHolder].getDeclaredField("task"))
private class TaskQueue extends AbstractNodeQueue[TaskHolder]
protected[actor] trait TimerTask extends Runnable with Cancellable
protected[actor] class TaskHolder(@volatile var task: Runnable, var ticks: Int, executionContext: ExecutionContext)
extends TimerTask {
private final def extractTask(replaceWith: Runnable): Runnable =
task match {
case t @ (ExecutedTask | CancelledTask) ⇒ t
case x ⇒ if (unsafe.compareAndSwapObject(this, taskOffset, x, replaceWith)) x else extractTask(replaceWith)
private[akka] final def executeTask(): Boolean = extractTask(ExecutedTask) match {
case ExecutedTask | CancelledTask ⇒ false
case other ⇒
try {
executionContext execute other
} catch {
case _: InterruptedException ⇒ { Thread.currentThread.interrupt(); false }
case NonFatal(e) ⇒ { executionContext.reportFailure(e); false }
// This should only be called in execDirectly
override def run(): Unit = extractTask(ExecutedTask).run()
override def cancel(): Boolean = extractTask(CancelledTask) match {
case ExecutedTask | CancelledTask ⇒ false
case _ ⇒ true
override def isCancelled: Boolean = task eq CancelledTask
private[this] val CancelledTask = new Runnable { def run = () }
private[this] val ExecutedTask = new Runnable { def run = () }
private val NotCancellable: TimerTask = new TimerTask {
def cancel(): Boolean = false
def isCancelled: Boolean = false
def run(): Unit = ()
private val InitialRepeatMarker: Cancellable = new Cancellable {
def cancel(): Boolean = false
def isCancelled: Boolean = false