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akka.dispatch.ThreadPoolBuilder.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright (C) 2009-2014 Typesafe Inc.
package akka.dispatch
import java.util.Collection
import scala.concurrent.{ Awaitable, BlockContext, CanAwait }
import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration
import scala.concurrent.forkjoin._
import java.util.concurrent.{
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.{ AtomicReference, AtomicLong }
object ThreadPoolConfig {
type QueueFactory = () ⇒ BlockingQueue[Runnable]
val defaultAllowCoreThreadTimeout: Boolean = false
val defaultCorePoolSize: Int = 16
val defaultMaxPoolSize: Int = 128
val defaultTimeout: Duration = Duration(60000L, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
val defaultRejectionPolicy: RejectedExecutionHandler = new SaneRejectedExecutionHandler()
def scaledPoolSize(floor: Int, multiplier: Double, ceiling: Int): Int =
math.min(math.max((Runtime.getRuntime.availableProcessors * multiplier).ceil.toInt, floor), ceiling)
def arrayBlockingQueue(capacity: Int, fair: Boolean): QueueFactory = () ⇒ new ArrayBlockingQueue[Runnable](capacity, fair)
def synchronousQueue(fair: Boolean): QueueFactory = () ⇒ new SynchronousQueue[Runnable](fair)
def linkedBlockingQueue(): QueueFactory = () ⇒ new LinkedBlockingQueue[Runnable]()
def linkedBlockingQueue(capacity: Int): QueueFactory = () ⇒ new LinkedBlockingQueue[Runnable](capacity)
def reusableQueue(queue: BlockingQueue[Runnable]): QueueFactory = () ⇒ queue
def reusableQueue(queueFactory: QueueFactory): QueueFactory = reusableQueue(queueFactory())
* Function0 without the fun stuff (mostly for the sake of the Java API side of things)
trait ExecutorServiceFactory {
def createExecutorService: ExecutorService
* Generic way to specify an ExecutorService to a Dispatcher, create it with the given name if desired
trait ExecutorServiceFactoryProvider {
def createExecutorServiceFactory(id: String, threadFactory: ThreadFactory): ExecutorServiceFactory
* A small configuration DSL to create ThreadPoolExecutors that can be provided as an ExecutorServiceFactoryProvider to Dispatcher
case class ThreadPoolConfig(allowCorePoolTimeout: Boolean = ThreadPoolConfig.defaultAllowCoreThreadTimeout,
corePoolSize: Int = ThreadPoolConfig.defaultCorePoolSize,
maxPoolSize: Int = ThreadPoolConfig.defaultMaxPoolSize,
threadTimeout: Duration = ThreadPoolConfig.defaultTimeout,
queueFactory: ThreadPoolConfig.QueueFactory = ThreadPoolConfig.linkedBlockingQueue(),
rejectionPolicy: RejectedExecutionHandler = ThreadPoolConfig.defaultRejectionPolicy)
extends ExecutorServiceFactoryProvider {
class ThreadPoolExecutorServiceFactory(val threadFactory: ThreadFactory) extends ExecutorServiceFactory {
def createExecutorService: ExecutorService = {
val service: ThreadPoolExecutor = new ThreadPoolExecutor(
rejectionPolicy) with LoadMetrics {
def atFullThrottle(): Boolean = this.getActiveCount >= this.getPoolSize
final def createExecutorServiceFactory(id: String, threadFactory: ThreadFactory): ExecutorServiceFactory = {
val tf = threadFactory match {
case m: MonitorableThreadFactory ⇒
// add the dispatcher id to the thread names
m.withName( + "-" + id)
case other ⇒ other
new ThreadPoolExecutorServiceFactory(tf)
* A DSL to configure and create a MessageDispatcher with a ThreadPoolExecutor
case class ThreadPoolConfigBuilder(config: ThreadPoolConfig) {
import ThreadPoolConfig._
def withNewThreadPoolWithCustomBlockingQueue(newQueueFactory: QueueFactory): ThreadPoolConfigBuilder =
this.copy(config = config.copy(queueFactory = newQueueFactory))
def withNewThreadPoolWithCustomBlockingQueue(queue: BlockingQueue[Runnable]): ThreadPoolConfigBuilder =
def withNewThreadPoolWithLinkedBlockingQueueWithUnboundedCapacity: ThreadPoolConfigBuilder =
this.copy(config = config.copy(queueFactory = linkedBlockingQueue()))
def withNewThreadPoolWithLinkedBlockingQueueWithCapacity(capacity: Int): ThreadPoolConfigBuilder =
this.copy(config = config.copy(queueFactory = linkedBlockingQueue(capacity)))
def withNewThreadPoolWithSynchronousQueueWithFairness(fair: Boolean): ThreadPoolConfigBuilder =
this.copy(config = config.copy(queueFactory = synchronousQueue(fair)))
def withNewThreadPoolWithArrayBlockingQueueWithCapacityAndFairness(capacity: Int, fair: Boolean): ThreadPoolConfigBuilder =
this.copy(config = config.copy(queueFactory = arrayBlockingQueue(capacity, fair)))
def setCorePoolSize(size: Int): ThreadPoolConfigBuilder =
if (config.maxPoolSize < size)
this.copy(config = config.copy(corePoolSize = size, maxPoolSize = size))
this.copy(config = config.copy(corePoolSize = size))
def setMaxPoolSize(size: Int): ThreadPoolConfigBuilder =
if (config.corePoolSize > size)
this.copy(config = config.copy(corePoolSize = size, maxPoolSize = size))
this.copy(config = config.copy(maxPoolSize = size))
def setCorePoolSizeFromFactor(min: Int, multiplier: Double, max: Int): ThreadPoolConfigBuilder =
setCorePoolSize(scaledPoolSize(min, multiplier, max))
def setMaxPoolSizeFromFactor(min: Int, multiplier: Double, max: Int): ThreadPoolConfigBuilder =
setMaxPoolSize(scaledPoolSize(min, multiplier, max))
def setKeepAliveTimeInMillis(time: Long): ThreadPoolConfigBuilder =
setKeepAliveTime(Duration(time, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS))
def setKeepAliveTime(time: Duration): ThreadPoolConfigBuilder =
this.copy(config = config.copy(threadTimeout = time))
def setAllowCoreThreadTimeout(allow: Boolean): ThreadPoolConfigBuilder =
this.copy(config = config.copy(allowCorePoolTimeout = allow))
def setQueueFactory(newQueueFactory: QueueFactory): ThreadPoolConfigBuilder =
this.copy(config = config.copy(queueFactory = newQueueFactory))
def configure(fs: Option[Function[ThreadPoolConfigBuilder, ThreadPoolConfigBuilder]]*): ThreadPoolConfigBuilder =
fs.foldLeft(this)((c, f) ⇒
object MonitorableThreadFactory {
val doNothing: Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler =
new Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler() { def uncaughtException(thread: Thread, cause: Throwable) = () }
private[akka] class AkkaForkJoinWorkerThread(_pool: ForkJoinPool) extends ForkJoinWorkerThread(_pool) with BlockContext {
override def blockOn[T](thunk: ⇒ T)(implicit permission: CanAwait): T = {
val result = new AtomicReference[Option[T]](None)
ForkJoinPool.managedBlock(new ForkJoinPool.ManagedBlocker {
def block(): Boolean = {
def isReleasable = result.get.isDefined
result.get.get // Exception intended if None
case class MonitorableThreadFactory(name: String,
daemonic: Boolean,
contextClassLoader: Option[ClassLoader],
exceptionHandler: Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler = MonitorableThreadFactory.doNothing,
protected val counter: AtomicLong = new AtomicLong)
extends ThreadFactory with ForkJoinPool.ForkJoinWorkerThreadFactory {
def newThread(pool: ForkJoinPool): ForkJoinWorkerThread = {
val t = wire(new MonitorableThreadFactory.AkkaForkJoinWorkerThread(pool))
// Name of the threads for the ForkJoinPool are not customizable. Change it here.
t.setName(name + "-" + counter.incrementAndGet())
def newThread(runnable: Runnable): Thread = wire(new Thread(runnable, name + "-" + counter.incrementAndGet()))
def withName(newName: String): MonitorableThreadFactory = copy(newName)
protected def wire[T <: Thread](t: T): T = {
contextClassLoader foreach t.setContextClassLoader
* As the name says
trait ExecutorServiceDelegate extends ExecutorService {
def executor: ExecutorService
def execute(command: Runnable) = executor.execute(command)
def shutdown() { executor.shutdown() }
def shutdownNow() = executor.shutdownNow()
def isShutdown = executor.isShutdown
def isTerminated = executor.isTerminated
def awaitTermination(l: Long, timeUnit: TimeUnit) = executor.awaitTermination(l, timeUnit)
def submit[T](callable: Callable[T]) = executor.submit(callable)
def submit[T](runnable: Runnable, t: T) = executor.submit(runnable, t)
def submit(runnable: Runnable) = executor.submit(runnable)
def invokeAll[T](callables: Collection[_ <: Callable[T]]) = executor.invokeAll(callables)
def invokeAll[T](callables: Collection[_ <: Callable[T]], l: Long, timeUnit: TimeUnit) = executor.invokeAll(callables, l, timeUnit)
def invokeAny[T](callables: Collection[_ <: Callable[T]]) = executor.invokeAny(callables)
def invokeAny[T](callables: Collection[_ <: Callable[T]], l: Long, timeUnit: TimeUnit) = executor.invokeAny(callables, l, timeUnit)
* The RejectedExecutionHandler used by Akka, it improves on CallerRunsPolicy
* by throwing a RejectedExecutionException if the executor isShutdown.
* (CallerRunsPolicy silently discards the runnable in this case, which is arguably broken)
class SaneRejectedExecutionHandler extends RejectedExecutionHandler {
def rejectedExecution(runnable: Runnable, threadPoolExecutor: ThreadPoolExecutor): Unit = {
if (threadPoolExecutor.isShutdown) throw new RejectedExecutionException("Shutdown")