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* Copyright (C) 2009-2014 Typesafe Inc.
import java.util.{ Iterator ⇒ JIterator }
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean
import java.nio.channels.{ SelectableChannel, SelectionKey, CancelledKeyException }
import java.nio.channels.SelectionKey._
import java.nio.channels.spi.SelectorProvider
import com.typesafe.config.Config
import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.util.control.NonFatal
import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext
import akka.event.LoggingAdapter
import akka.dispatch.{ UnboundedMessageQueueSemantics, RequiresMessageQueue }
import akka.util.Helpers.Requiring
import akka.util.SerializedSuspendableExecutionContext
import akka.routing.RandomRouter
import akka.event.Logging
abstract class SelectionHandlerSettings(config: Config) {
import config._
val MaxChannels: Int = getString("max-channels") match {
case "unlimited" ⇒ -1
case _ ⇒ getInt("max-channels") requiring (_ > 0, "max-channels must be > 0 or 'unlimited'")
val SelectorAssociationRetries: Int = getInt("selector-association-retries") requiring (
_ >= 0, "selector-association-retries must be >= 0")
val SelectorDispatcher: String = getString("selector-dispatcher")
val WorkerDispatcher: String = getString("worker-dispatcher")
val TraceLogging: Boolean = getBoolean("trace-logging")
def MaxChannelsPerSelector: Int
* Interface behind which we hide our selector management logic from the connection actors
private[io] trait ChannelRegistry {
* Registers the given channel with the selector, creates a ChannelRegistration instance for it
* and dispatches it back to the channelActor calling this `register`
def register(channel: SelectableChannel, initialOps: Int)(implicit channelActor: ActorRef)
* Implementations of this interface are sent as actor messages back to a channel actor as
* a result of it having called `register` on the `ChannelRegistry`.
* Enables a channel actor to directly schedule interest setting tasks to the selector mgmt. dispatcher.
private[io] trait ChannelRegistration extends NoSerializationVerificationNeeded {
def enableInterest(op: Int)
def disableInterest(op: Int)
private[io] object SelectionHandler {
trait HasFailureMessage {
def failureMessage: Any
case class WorkerForCommand(apiCommand: HasFailureMessage, commander: ActorRef, childProps: ChannelRegistry ⇒ Props)
extends NoSerializationVerificationNeeded
case class Retry(command: WorkerForCommand, retriesLeft: Int) extends NoSerializationVerificationNeeded { require(retriesLeft >= 0) }
case object ChannelConnectable
case object ChannelAcceptable
case object ChannelReadable
case object ChannelWritable
private[io] abstract class SelectorBasedManager(selectorSettings: SelectionHandlerSettings, nrOfSelectors: Int) extends Actor {
override def supervisorStrategy = connectionSupervisorStrategy
val selectorPool = context.actorOf(
props = RandomRouter(nrOfSelectors).props(Props(classOf[SelectionHandler], selectorSettings)).withDeploy(Deploy.local),
name = "selectors")
final def workerForCommandHandler(pf: PartialFunction[HasFailureMessage, ChannelRegistry ⇒ Props]): Receive = {
case cmd: HasFailureMessage if pf.isDefinedAt(cmd) ⇒ selectorPool ! WorkerForCommand(cmd, sender(), pf(cmd))
* Special supervisor strategy for parents of TCP connection and listener actors.
* Stops the child on all errors and logs DeathPactExceptions only at debug level.
private[io] final val connectionSupervisorStrategy: SupervisorStrategy =
new OneForOneStrategy()(SupervisorStrategy.stoppingStrategy.decider) {
override def logFailure(context: ActorContext, child: ActorRef, cause: Throwable,
decision: SupervisorStrategy.Directive): Unit =
if (cause.isInstanceOf[DeathPactException]) {
try context.system.eventStream.publish {
Logging.Debug(child.path.toString, getClass, "Closed after handler termination")
} catch { case NonFatal(_) ⇒ }
} else super.logFailure(context, child, cause, decision)
private class ChannelRegistryImpl(executionContext: ExecutionContext, log: LoggingAdapter) extends ChannelRegistry {
private[this] val selector = SelectorProvider.provider.openSelector
private[this] val wakeUp = new AtomicBoolean(false)
final val OP_READ_AND_WRITE = OP_READ | OP_WRITE // compile-time constant
private[this] val select = new Task {
def tryRun(): Unit = {
if ( > 0) { // This assumes select return value == selectedKeys.size
val keys = selector.selectedKeys
val iterator = keys.iterator()
while (iterator.hasNext) {
val key =
if (key.isValid) {
try {
// Cache because the performance implications of calling this on different platforms are not clear
val readyOps = key.readyOps()
key.interestOps(key.interestOps & ~readyOps) // prevent immediate reselection by always clearing
val connection = key.attachment.asInstanceOf[ActorRef]
readyOps match {
case OP_READ ⇒ connection ! ChannelReadable
case OP_WRITE ⇒ connection ! ChannelWritable
case OP_READ_AND_WRITE ⇒ { connection ! ChannelWritable; connection ! ChannelReadable }
case x if (x & OP_ACCEPT) > 0 ⇒ connection ! ChannelAcceptable
case x if (x & OP_CONNECT) > 0 ⇒ connection ! ChannelConnectable
case x ⇒ log.warning("Invalid readyOps: [{}]", x)
} catch {
case _: CancelledKeyException ⇒
// can be ignored because this exception is triggered when the key becomes invalid
// because `channel.close()` in `TcpConnection.postStop` is called from another thread
keys.clear() // we need to remove the selected keys from the set, otherwise they remain selected
override def run(): Unit =
if (selector.isOpen)
finally executionContext.execute(this) // re-schedule select behind all currently queued tasks
executionContext.execute(select) // start selection "loop"
def register(channel: SelectableChannel, initialOps: Int)(implicit channelActor: ActorRef): Unit =
execute {
new Task {
def tryRun(): Unit = {
val key = channel.register(selector, initialOps, channelActor)
channelActor ! new ChannelRegistration {
def enableInterest(ops: Int): Unit = enableInterestOps(key, ops)
def disableInterest(ops: Int): Unit = disableInterestOps(key, ops)
def shutdown(): Unit =
execute {
new Task {
def tryRun(): Unit = {
// thorough 'close' of the Selector
@tailrec def closeNextChannel(it: JIterator[SelectionKey]): Unit = if (it.hasNext) {
try catch { case NonFatal(e) ⇒ log.debug("Error closing channel: {}", e) }
try closeNextChannel(selector.keys.iterator)
finally selector.close()
// always set the interest keys on the selector thread,
// benchmarks show that not doing so results in lock contention
private def enableInterestOps(key: SelectionKey, ops: Int): Unit =
execute {
new Task {
def tryRun(): Unit = {
val currentOps = key.interestOps
val newOps = currentOps | ops
if (newOps != currentOps) key.interestOps(newOps)
private def disableInterestOps(key: SelectionKey, ops: Int): Unit =
execute {
new Task {
def tryRun(): Unit = {
val currentOps = key.interestOps
val newOps = currentOps & ~ops
if (newOps != currentOps) key.interestOps(newOps)
private def execute(task: Task): Unit = {
if (wakeUp.compareAndSet(false, true)) // if possible avoid syscall and trade off with LOCK CMPXCHG
// FIXME: Add possibility to signal failure of task to someone
private abstract class Task extends Runnable {
def tryRun()
def run() {
try tryRun()
catch {
case _: CancelledKeyException ⇒ // ok, can be triggered while setting interest ops
case NonFatal(e) ⇒ log.error(e, "Error during selector management task: [{}]", e)
private[io] class SelectionHandler(settings: SelectionHandlerSettings) extends Actor with ActorLogging
with RequiresMessageQueue[UnboundedMessageQueueSemantics] {
import SelectionHandler._
import settings._
private[this] var sequenceNumber = 0
private[this] var childCount = 0
private[this] val registry = {
val dispatcher = context.system.dispatchers.lookup(SelectorDispatcher)
new ChannelRegistryImpl(SerializedSuspendableExecutionContext(dispatcher.throughput)(dispatcher), log)
def receive: Receive = {
case cmd: WorkerForCommand ⇒ spawnChildWithCapacityProtection(cmd, SelectorAssociationRetries)
case Retry(cmd, retriesLeft) ⇒ spawnChildWithCapacityProtection(cmd, retriesLeft)
// since our ActorRef is never exposed to the user and we are only assigning watches to our
// children all incoming `Terminated` events must be for a child of ours
case _: Terminated ⇒ childCount -= 1
override def postStop(): Unit = registry.shutdown()
// we can never recover from failures of a connection or listener child
// and log the failure at debug level
override def supervisorStrategy = {
def stoppingDecider: SupervisorStrategy.Decider = {
case _: Exception ⇒ SupervisorStrategy.Stop
new OneForOneStrategy()(stoppingDecider) {
override def logFailure(context: ActorContext, child: ActorRef, cause: Throwable,
decision: SupervisorStrategy.Directive): Unit =
try {
val logMessage = cause match {
case e: ActorInitializationException if (e.getCause ne null) && (e.getCause.getMessage ne null) ⇒ e.getCause.getMessage
case e: ActorInitializationException if e.getCause ne null ⇒
e.getCause match {
case ie: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException ⇒ ie.getTargetException.toString
case t: Throwable ⇒ Logging.simpleName(t)
case e ⇒ e.getMessage
Logging.Debug(child.path.toString, classOf[SelectionHandler], logMessage))
} catch { case NonFatal(_) ⇒ }
def spawnChildWithCapacityProtection(cmd: WorkerForCommand, retriesLeft: Int): Unit = {
if (TraceLogging) log.debug("Executing [{}]", cmd)
if (MaxChannelsPerSelector == -1 || childCount < MaxChannelsPerSelector) {
val newName = sequenceNumber.toString
sequenceNumber += 1
val child = context.actorOf(props = cmd.childProps(registry).withDispatcher(WorkerDispatcher).withDeploy(Deploy.local), name = newName)
childCount += 1
if (MaxChannelsPerSelector > 0) // we don't need to watch if we aren't limited
} else {
if (retriesLeft >= 1) {
log.debug("Rejecting [{}] with [{}] retries left, retrying...", cmd, retriesLeft)
context.parent forward Retry(cmd, retriesLeft - 1)
} else {
log.warning("Rejecting [{}] with no retries left, aborting...", cmd)
cmd.commander ! cmd.apiCommand.failureMessage // I can't do it, Captain!