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* Copyright (C) 2009-2014 Typesafe Inc.
import{ SocketException, InetSocketAddress }
import java.nio.channels.SelectionKey._
import{ FileInputStream, IOException }
import java.nio.channels.{ FileChannel, SocketChannel }
import java.nio.ByteBuffer
import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.collection.immutable
import scala.util.control.NonFatal
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import akka.util.ByteString
import akka.dispatch.{ UnboundedMessageQueueSemantics, RequiresMessageQueue }
* Base class for TcpIncomingConnection and TcpOutgoingConnection.
private[io] abstract class TcpConnection(val tcp: TcpExt, val channel: SocketChannel, val pullMode: Boolean)
extends Actor with ActorLogging with RequiresMessageQueue[UnboundedMessageQueueSemantics] {
import tcp.Settings._
import tcp.bufferPool
import TcpConnection._
private[this] var pendingWrite: PendingWrite = EmptyPendingWrite
private[this] var peerClosed = false
private[this] var writingSuspended = false
private[this] var readingSuspended = pullMode
private[this] var interestedInResume: Option[ActorRef] = None
var closedMessage: CloseInformation = _ // for ConnectionClosed message in postStop
private var watchedActor: ActorRef = context.system.deadLetters
def signDeathPact(actor: ActorRef): Unit = {
watchedActor = actor
def unsignDeathPact(): Unit =
if (watchedActor ne context.system.deadLetters) context.unwatch(watchedActor)
def writePending = pendingWrite ne EmptyPendingWrite
/** connection established, waiting for registration from user handler */
def waitingForRegistration(registration: ChannelRegistration, commander: ActorRef): Receive = {
case Register(handler, keepOpenOnPeerClosed, useResumeWriting) ⇒
// up to this point we've been watching the commander,
// but since registration is now complete we only need to watch the handler from here on
if (handler != commander) {
if (TraceLogging) log.debug("[{}] registered as connection handler", handler)
val info = ConnectionInfo(registration, handler, keepOpenOnPeerClosed, useResumeWriting)
// if we have resumed reading from pullMode while waiting for Register then register OP_READ interest
if (pullMode && !readingSuspended) resumeReading(info)
doRead(info, None) // immediately try reading, pullMode is handled by readingSuspended
case ResumeReading ⇒
readingSuspended = false
case SuspendReading ⇒
readingSuspended = true
case cmd: CloseCommand ⇒
val info = ConnectionInfo(registration, commander, keepOpenOnPeerClosed = false, useResumeWriting = false)
handleClose(info, Some(sender()), cmd.event)
case ReceiveTimeout ⇒
// after sending `Register` user should watch this actor to make sure
// it didn't die because of the timeout
log.debug("Configured registration timeout of [{}] expired, stopping", RegisterTimeout)
/** normal connected state */
def connected(info: ConnectionInfo): Receive =
handleWriteMessages(info) orElse {
case SuspendReading ⇒ suspendReading(info)
case ResumeReading ⇒ resumeReading(info)
case ChannelReadable ⇒ doRead(info, None)
case cmd: CloseCommand ⇒ handleClose(info, Some(sender()), cmd.event)
/** the peer sent EOF first, but we may still want to send */
def peerSentEOF(info: ConnectionInfo): Receive =
handleWriteMessages(info) orElse {
case cmd: CloseCommand ⇒ handleClose(info, Some(sender()), cmd.event)
/** connection is closing but a write has to be finished first */
def closingWithPendingWrite(info: ConnectionInfo, closeCommander: Option[ActorRef],
closedEvent: ConnectionClosed): Receive = {
case SuspendReading ⇒ suspendReading(info)
case ResumeReading ⇒ resumeReading(info)
case ChannelReadable ⇒ doRead(info, closeCommander)
case ChannelWritable ⇒
if (!writePending) // writing is now finished
handleClose(info, closeCommander, closedEvent)
case UpdatePendingWriteAndThen(remaining, work) ⇒
pendingWrite = remaining
if (writePending) info.registration.enableInterest(OP_WRITE)
else handleClose(info, closeCommander, closedEvent)
case WriteFileFailed(e) ⇒ handleError(info.handler, e) // rethrow exception from dispatcher task
case Abort ⇒ handleClose(info, Some(sender()), Aborted)
/** connection is closed on our side and we're waiting from confirmation from the other side */
def closing(info: ConnectionInfo, closeCommander: Option[ActorRef]): Receive = {
case SuspendReading ⇒ suspendReading(info)
case ResumeReading ⇒ resumeReading(info)
case ChannelReadable ⇒ doRead(info, closeCommander)
case Abort ⇒ handleClose(info, Some(sender()), Aborted)
def handleWriteMessages(info: ConnectionInfo): Receive = {
case ChannelWritable ⇒
if (writePending) {
if (!writePending && interestedInResume.nonEmpty) {
interestedInResume.get ! WritingResumed
interestedInResume = None
case write: WriteCommand ⇒
if (writingSuspended) {
if (TraceLogging) log.debug("Dropping write because writing is suspended")
sender() ! write.failureMessage
} else if (writePending) {
if (TraceLogging) log.debug("Dropping write because queue is full")
sender() ! write.failureMessage
if (info.useResumeWriting) writingSuspended = true
} else {
pendingWrite = PendingWrite(sender(), write)
if (writePending) doWrite(info)
case ResumeWriting ⇒
* If more than one actor sends Writes then the first to send this
* message might resume too early for the second, leading to a Write of
* the second to go through although it has not been resumed yet; there
* is nothing we can do about this apart from all actors needing to
* register themselves and us keeping track of them, which sounds bad.
* Thus it is documented that useResumeWriting is incompatible with
* multiple writers. But we fail as gracefully as we can.
writingSuspended = false
if (writePending) {
if (interestedInResume.isEmpty) interestedInResume = Some(sender())
else sender() ! CommandFailed(ResumeWriting)
} else sender() ! WritingResumed
case UpdatePendingWriteAndThen(remaining, work) ⇒
pendingWrite = remaining
if (writePending) info.registration.enableInterest(OP_WRITE)
case WriteFileFailed(e) ⇒ handleError(info.handler, e) // rethrow exception from dispatcher task
/** used in subclasses to start the common machinery above once a channel is connected */
def completeConnect(registration: ChannelRegistration, commander: ActorRef,
options: immutable.Traversable[SocketOption]): Unit = {
// Turn off Nagle's algorithm by default
try channel.socket.setTcpNoDelay(true) catch {
case e: SocketException ⇒
// as reported in #16653 some versions of netcat (`nc -z`) doesn't allow setTcpNoDelay
// continue anyway
log.debug("Could not enable TcpNoDelay: {}", e.getMessage)
commander ! Connected(
// !!WARNING!! The line below is needed to make Windows notify us about aborted connections, see #15766
if (WindowsConnectionAbortWorkaroundEnabled) registration.enableInterest(OP_CONNECT)
context.become(waitingForRegistration(registration, commander))
def suspendReading(info: ConnectionInfo): Unit = {
readingSuspended = true
def resumeReading(info: ConnectionInfo): Unit = {
readingSuspended = false
def doRead(info: ConnectionInfo, closeCommander: Option[ActorRef]): Unit =
if (!readingSuspended) {
@tailrec def innerRead(buffer: ByteBuffer, remainingLimit: Int): ReadResult =
if (remainingLimit > 0) {
// never read more than the configured limit
val maxBufferSpace = math.min(DirectBufferSize, remainingLimit)
val readBytes =
if (TraceLogging) log.debug("Read [{}] bytes.", readBytes)
if (readBytes > 0) info.handler ! Received(ByteString(buffer))
readBytes match {
case `maxBufferSpace` ⇒ if (pullMode) MoreDataWaiting else innerRead(buffer, remainingLimit - maxBufferSpace)
case x if x >= 0 ⇒ AllRead
case -1 ⇒ EndOfStream
case _ ⇒
throw new IllegalStateException("Unexpected value returned from read: " + readBytes)
} else MoreDataWaiting
val buffer = bufferPool.acquire()
try innerRead(buffer, ReceivedMessageSizeLimit) match {
case AllRead ⇒
if (!pullMode) info.registration.enableInterest(OP_READ)
case MoreDataWaiting ⇒
if (!pullMode) self ! ChannelReadable
case EndOfStream if channel.socket.isOutputShutdown ⇒
if (TraceLogging) log.debug("Read returned end-of-stream, our side already closed")
doCloseConnection(info.handler, closeCommander, ConfirmedClosed)
case EndOfStream ⇒
if (TraceLogging) log.debug("Read returned end-of-stream, our side not yet closed")
handleClose(info, closeCommander, PeerClosed)
} catch {
case e: IOException ⇒ handleError(info.handler, e)
} finally bufferPool.release(buffer)
def doWrite(info: ConnectionInfo): Unit = pendingWrite = pendingWrite.doWrite(info)
def closeReason =
if (channel.socket.isOutputShutdown) ConfirmedClosed
else PeerClosed
def handleClose(info: ConnectionInfo, closeCommander: Option[ActorRef],
closedEvent: ConnectionClosed): Unit = closedEvent match {
case Aborted ⇒
if (TraceLogging) log.debug("Got Abort command. RESETing connection.")
doCloseConnection(info.handler, closeCommander, closedEvent)
case PeerClosed if info.keepOpenOnPeerClosed ⇒
// report that peer closed the connection
info.handler ! PeerClosed
// used to check if peer already closed its side later
peerClosed = true
case _ if writePending ⇒ // finish writing first
// Our registered actor is now free to terminate cleanly
if (TraceLogging) log.debug("Got Close command but write is still pending.")
context.become(closingWithPendingWrite(info, closeCommander, closedEvent))
case ConfirmedClosed ⇒ // shutdown output and wait for confirmation
if (TraceLogging) log.debug("Got ConfirmedClose command, sending FIN.")
// If peer closed first, the socket is now fully closed.
// Also, if shutdownOutput threw an exception we expect this to be an indication
// that the peer closed first or concurrently with this code running.
// also see
if (peerClosed || !safeShutdownOutput())
doCloseConnection(info.handler, closeCommander, closedEvent)
else context.become(closing(info, closeCommander))
case _ ⇒ // close now
if (TraceLogging) log.debug("Got Close command, closing connection.")
doCloseConnection(info.handler, closeCommander, closedEvent)
def doCloseConnection(handler: ActorRef, closeCommander: Option[ActorRef], closedEvent: ConnectionClosed): Unit = {
if (closedEvent == Aborted) abort()
else channel.close()
stopWith(CloseInformation(Set(handler) ++ closeCommander, closedEvent))
def handleError(handler: ActorRef, exception: IOException): Unit = {
log.debug("Closing connection due to IO error {}", exception)
stopWith(CloseInformation(Set(handler), ErrorClosed(extractMsg(exception))))
def safeShutdownOutput(): Boolean =
try {
} catch {
case _: SocketException ⇒ false
@tailrec private[this] def extractMsg(t: Throwable): String =
if (t == null) "unknown"
else {
t.getMessage match {
case null | "" ⇒ extractMsg(t.getCause)
case msg ⇒ msg
def abort(): Unit = {
try channel.socket.setSoLinger(true, 0) // causes the following close() to send TCP RST
catch {
case NonFatal(e) ⇒
// setSoLinger can fail due to
// (also affected: OS/X Java 1.6.0_37)
if (TraceLogging) log.debug("setSoLinger(true, 0) failed with [{}]", e)
def stopWith(closeInfo: CloseInformation): Unit = {
closedMessage = closeInfo
override def postStop(): Unit = {
if (channel.isOpen)
if (writePending) pendingWrite.release()
if (closedMessage != null) {
val interestedInClose =
if (writePending) closedMessage.notificationsTo + pendingWrite.commander
else closedMessage.notificationsTo
interestedInClose.foreach(_ ! closedMessage.closedEvent)
override def postRestart(reason: Throwable): Unit =
throw new IllegalStateException("Restarting not supported for connection actors.")
def PendingWrite(commander: ActorRef, write: WriteCommand): PendingWrite = {
@tailrec def create(head: WriteCommand, tail: WriteCommand = Write.empty): PendingWrite =
head match {
case Write.empty ⇒ if (tail eq Write.empty) EmptyPendingWrite else create(tail)
case Write(data, ack) if data.nonEmpty ⇒ PendingBufferWrite(commander, data, ack, tail)
case WriteFile(path, offset, count, ack) ⇒ PendingWriteFile(commander, path, offset, count, ack, tail)
case CompoundWrite(h, t) ⇒ create(h, t)
case x @ Write(_, ack) ⇒ // empty write with either an ACK or a non-standard NoACK
if (x.wantsAck) commander ! ack
def PendingBufferWrite(commander: ActorRef, data: ByteString, ack: Event, tail: WriteCommand): PendingBufferWrite = {
val buffer = bufferPool.acquire()
try {
val copied = data.copyToBuffer(buffer)
new PendingBufferWrite(commander, data.drop(copied), ack, buffer, tail)
} catch {
case NonFatal(e) ⇒
throw e
class PendingBufferWrite(
val commander: ActorRef,
remainingData: ByteString,
ack: Any,
buffer: ByteBuffer,
tail: WriteCommand) extends PendingWrite {
def doWrite(info: ConnectionInfo): PendingWrite = {
@tailrec def writeToChannel(data: ByteString): PendingWrite = {
val writtenBytes = channel.write(buffer) // at first we try to drain the remaining bytes from the buffer
if (TraceLogging) log.debug("Wrote [{}] bytes to channel", writtenBytes)
if (buffer.hasRemaining) {
// we weren't able to write all bytes from the buffer, so we need to try again later
if (data eq remainingData) this
else new PendingBufferWrite(commander, data, ack, buffer, tail) // copy with updated remainingData
} else if (data.nonEmpty) {
val copied = data.copyToBuffer(buffer)
writeToChannel(data drop copied)
} else {
if (!ack.isInstanceOf[NoAck]) commander ! ack
PendingWrite(commander, tail)
try {
val next = writeToChannel(remainingData)
if (next ne EmptyPendingWrite) info.registration.enableInterest(OP_WRITE)
} catch { case e: IOException ⇒ handleError(info.handler, e); this }
def release(): Unit = bufferPool.release(buffer)
def PendingWriteFile(commander: ActorRef, filePath: String, offset: Long, count: Long, ack: Event,
tail: WriteCommand): PendingWriteFile =
new PendingWriteFile(commander, new FileInputStream(filePath).getChannel, offset, count, ack, tail)
class PendingWriteFile(
val commander: ActorRef,
fileChannel: FileChannel,
offset: Long,
remaining: Long,
ack: Event,
tail: WriteCommand) extends PendingWrite with Runnable {
def doWrite(info: ConnectionInfo): PendingWrite = {
def release(): Unit = fileChannel.close()
def run(): Unit =
try {
val toWrite = math.min(remaining, tcp.Settings.TransferToLimit)
val written = fileChannel.transferTo(offset, toWrite, channel)
if (written < remaining) {
val updated = new PendingWriteFile(commander, fileChannel, offset + written, remaining - written, ack, tail)
self ! UpdatePendingWriteAndThen(updated, TcpConnection.doNothing)
} else {
val andThen = if (!ack.isInstanceOf[NoAck]) () ⇒ commander ! ack else doNothing
self ! UpdatePendingWriteAndThen(PendingWrite(commander, tail), andThen)
} catch {
case e: IOException ⇒ self ! WriteFileFailed(e)
private[io] object TcpConnection {
sealed trait ReadResult
object EndOfStream extends ReadResult
object AllRead extends ReadResult
object MoreDataWaiting extends ReadResult
* Used to transport information to the postStop method to notify
* interested party about a connection close.
case class CloseInformation(notificationsTo: Set[ActorRef], closedEvent: Event)
* Groups required connection-related data that are only available once the connection has been fully established.
case class ConnectionInfo(registration: ChannelRegistration,
handler: ActorRef,
keepOpenOnPeerClosed: Boolean,
useResumeWriting: Boolean)
case class UpdatePendingWriteAndThen(remainingWrite: PendingWrite, work: () ⇒ Unit) extends NoSerializationVerificationNeeded
case class WriteFileFailed(e: IOException)
sealed abstract class PendingWrite {
def commander: ActorRef
def doWrite(info: ConnectionInfo): PendingWrite
def release(): Unit // free any occupied resources
object EmptyPendingWrite extends PendingWrite {
def commander: ActorRef = throw new IllegalStateException
def doWrite(info: ConnectionInfo): PendingWrite = throw new IllegalStateException
def release(): Unit = throw new IllegalStateException
val doNothing: () ⇒ Unit = () ⇒ ()